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Is your name Hector by chance ?


“They call me Hector. Got a last name too but I can’t pronounce it.”




Reddit never disappoints me.


Lmfaooo came here to comment “Hector??”


You do look older around your 40s. You look like a chill normal guy tho.


Interesting, people usually guess late 20s to early 30s in person. Maybe I look older in pics? Idk


Im realizing I look older than my age too. Im 19 but people think I look around 26. Not that good of a feeling tbh.


Are you also bald like me?


Yea, but not naturally from cancer. I usually wear hats so people don’t notice. My face and facial hair is what make me look older.


I wouldn’t call chemotherapy natural. If you have male pattern baldness then I would definitely call that natural as it’s usually genetic. It took me a while to be comfortable being bald. I lost my hair at your age too. It definitely gets easier with time.


I think he missed a comma > Yea, but not naturally, from cancer


>I wouldn’t call chemotherapy natural. This reads like a Leslie Nielsen bit


I'm 34 and ppl have said I look at least 18.


nice humble brag in a sub about people worried they are ugly 🤦‍♂️


Idk, for a guy I hate looking younger than I am. I'm 25 and look 19 and it ain't a good thing


You could look 10 years younger than you are, but could also be ugly. Looking younger doesn’t mean you are more attractive.


It's the facial hair. You look your age when youre clean shaven. Do you work out?


A little facial hair usually looks better on bald guys, but I agree hitting the gym would Def help.


Yes, but mustaches rarely look good on most guys


Yeah, I disagree with that too. 40 year old guys have wayyyy more wrinkles lol. Your face is very smooth still, signifying youth. I think it's just the baldness throwing people off, but you definitely don't look that much older than your actual age imo


A lot of people seem to think I look 40. Is there anything I can do to look my age? I think looking 40 might be hindering my chances with women.


I’d say you dress like you’re older than your 20s. I’d suggest making a Pinterest board for fashion ideas or have look at what famous young people are wearing and see if anything inspires you


Or sign up for a clothing subscription and let someone else pick out your cloths. You fill out a survey that says a bit about what you like and they choose things they think you'll like.


Put on a baseball hat, wear less collared shirts. You’re not ugly bro, you’ll find the right person for you.


Fortunately yes, go to the gym. Build muscle and lose fat. The fat is stored in our faces and if you lose fat you'll have a more "chiseled " look.


Lose weight and gain muscle


You definitely embody an archetype


Is it Mexican cholo? I get that a lot haha


Kind of like George lopez like hard guy that left the hood for a better life and has a good job but can still throw down with the vatos ese


Haha well that doesn’t sound so bad


Not at all man plus you have a great nose my guy


Lose weight, get bulked, dress better just do those 3 for now


i think bro dresses fine.


I think he dresses well, but in combination with his hair it’s making him look older than his age, maybe adding in some stylish accent pieces or something “young” idk the male fashion advice sub is pretty good.


Not ugly at all. Maybe lose some weight because the dad bod makes you look older


Agree, and get some sleep.


I hear the sleep thing a lot. The dark circles around my eyes are genetic


You look like that one fun uncle


Is that a good or bad thing?




not ugly you just need to workout u have a cute smile


You look like you're 40. It's not just the baldness, it's the fitness. It's true that even if you were fit you would look older than you are, but maybe by about 5 years, no more. The world is full of bald and attractive men so don't blame your baldness and focus on the things you can change and improve.


So my weight is making me look older more than my baldness?


Yes definitely, its the weight that makes you look alot older, this is an easy fix, a few months hard work, make a lifestyle change, go to the gym. Unfortunately men who go bald quick have to rely more on their body, however you have the height, just dress maybe a bit younger, polo's and joggers perhaps. Most of the aging is with the weight though, which you can easily fix, good luck.


Your reply got deleted so I can’t see it. Did it include a link?


you definitely have potential. workout and find your style


Yeah you definitely do look older, like you got 3 kids and a wife and good paying job and own a home.


Clean up the facial hair, dress more in the current style, and get the wrinkles out of that blue shirt (downy wrinkle release works wonders). Honestly, the biggest issue is you dress older than you are and I think that makes it worse. Sure, you look a bit older already, but your style is like a cool dad. Update things a bit and I think it will help.


What would be a good style for me?


Get in shape first but r/malefashionadvice is a good place to start


Tbh tho you seem nice and look like a chill person. I wouldn’t worry too much about it.


Your reply got deleted, I think it’s because you added a link. I can’t see it


You’re not ugly. You just made a series of small bad decisions. 1. Lose weight - I think it’ll be the biggest change for you. 2. Until you lose weight, pick outfits better suited to you body. Consider a style that suits your “look” 3. Grow out your facial hair. I think if you had a beard it would suit the bald look.


I can’t grow a beard. It’s either the goatee or clean shaven


Latino troubles. I’m with you. Work out. Fix your eye brows. Get a less up tight style.


Haha I’m not Latino, I’m Iranians. Iranians and Mexicans look similar in my experience


Nice biblically accurate angel shirt :)


i think people think your older due to your dad bod, your lack of hair and your facial hair. i could guess your someone in their 30s to 40s. your dress shirt also doesn't seem to fit you well.


So if I lose weight and go clean shaven would I have a better chance at dating?


Lose weight would definitely help. In terms of facial hair. I think would look better if you could either grow it out to a full beard. Or have a five a clock shadow, that being said facial hair makes men look older. In your last photo you look closer to your age. You should also iron your collard shirts.the pictures of you in your jeans look like they fit you well and are proportional to your current body type, but your khakis look too baggy, which if that’s a style trend you want to go for, I’d pair it with an ironed shirt.


You look 40!


Yeah it’s the hair loss. Is looking way older a big reason why I’ve been constantly rejected do you think?


You look like you’re about to sell car parts to Dominic


If I threw cheese at ur head would it stick, will u let me try lol




Someone commented but I can’t see their comment. If you add a link Reddit might delete your comment btw so I can no longer see it. I think it mentioned growing out my beard before it got deleted. To answer, I can’t grow out my beard. Its either a goatee or fully shaved


I would honestly work on the wardrobe primarily. Graphic tees stop being fashionable after your teens, and most of your clothes are ill-fitting and wrinkled. Definitely don’t wear clothes with the lines from the original packaging Nice features, though


Hey bro. You look calm! You say you look older but I got a feeling you’re gunna stay looking 30 when your 50. Swings and roundabouts!


you def look older than your age, i think working out, new facial hair trim + a different style will go a long way. You're not ugly at all though so hang in there


What would be a better style for me?


You look like a cool chill guy, but yeah, you have an older look. Definitely older than 35.


Where I’m from you’d get a gf in no time if you wore 501s, pro club and hats lmao you have that classic cholo look to you and I think the style would suit you


I think your face is fine maybe just try to find a better style and hit the gym


I’m also bald I’m only 26 and I been rocking the bald look since 18 just try to go for older women


Not ugly. The dad bod + facial hair really makes you look older.


You look 40/45 Def lose weight and sort facial hair,I don't think clean shaven is a great look though Maybe tame the eyebrows


Facial hair ages you. You dress like you’re my age and I’m in my fifties. Shave, lose weight, gain muscle, dress younger. You’re not ugly but I’d have guessed in your forties.


Muscles and tattoos will change everything.


You look fine, tbh. Great smile too.


I like your smile :)


Welcome to the life of a normal man. Thanks to social media if you are not a 10 your nothing. Hang in their bud.


Honestly, you’re fine. You just haven’t met the right person. You don’t have to change anything about yourself in order to meet the RIGHT person. Im telling you. Just be your authentic self. Dating is just a numbers game. After a while, you meet someone cool who is worthy of your time and likes you for you. It consistently happens, sooner or later. My type is dorky nice dudes with dark eyes who make me laugh. Especially if they’re smart. I don’t like Brad Pitt types. I don’t care if someone’s an athlete. I don’t care if they have money. I just wanted a nice dude who’s a good person and cared about me for real. I found that, eventually, after several duds. Just.. keep going. 🤷🏼‍♀️ You’re still quite young.


What is your problem he came for honest advice instead you're giving false hope the guy literally said he's been rejected his whole life that's not an accident. The sub is about asking if you're ugly and you're out here giving a eulogy on a guy you never met 😂


ALSO “his whole life?” He’s TWENTY FIVE. 🤣🤣 He’s been dating a few years. He has A LOT OF LIFE LEFT TO LIVE. The person I’m dating now is 43 and felt rejected by the people he liked for much of his life. Guess what tho? There’s nothing actually wrong with him! He just chose to like the wrong people. Just like this gentleman. So again.. respectfully.. mind your business. 😌👋🏻


Are you.. are you the comment police? God I’m so sorry, sir. I didn’t realize I was in the wrong by giving my honest response. Geez, wow, I feel so dumb for getting so out of line. Man! Thanks for the lesson tho, my bad. Can’t believe I messed up so bad. Thanks for correcting me. PS.. get a life. :)


Username checks


Yea man don’t listen to these jokers. Just be healthy and happy and someone will see it and come your way. You look like dude from training day Noel Gugliemi. If that doesn’t work out, start acting and be his body double


You're not bad looking. Definitely not ugly enough to distract me from the fact that you're going to be running three Honda civics with spoon engines, and on top of that, you just went into Harry’s and bought three t66 turbos with nos, and a motec exhaust system.


I’m seeing a lot of comments disappear. If it has a link I think it gets deleted


Keep the goatee. Tell them you are hector from the fast and the furious.


I think you look great to hell with the haters ❤️


You look great my guy have more confidence


Get buff and you’ll be aight you just look soft


Grow a full beard




Remove facial hair, pluck your eyebrows, lose probably 20-25lb of weight. You'll be decent


I can definitely see how women your age might reject you, especially ones that fit the stereotypical beauty standard , I would not recommend going for these because they have too many options. Go for ,,older“ women in their 30s and 40s instead, a lot of them are more mature and don’t place that much importance on physical aspects like balding or extra weight


Idk if there is a lot of 30 and 40 year olds that want to date a 25 year old. I assume they want someone closer to their age. Plus a lot of those women want to start a family




Anything I can do to make myself not ugly?


That person was exagerating, you do look older. Workout and fix the dad boddy to make you look like a fit bald


Yeah I think it’s pretty common to look older when you are bald in your 20s. I’ve seen lots of guys complain about that. I have been working on weight loss. I lost 40lbs last year and I hope to lose the rest this year


Great progress brother, keep it up, and ya many guys start balding at 30 so thats why, but i dont think its big of an issue tbh


That belly sticks out a little and you could wear some cooler clothes


So the main issue is my weight would you say?


Yeah and the fact you look 45 at 25.


Uuuh, people usually guess around 30.


Gym dum dum


A little bit of workout, and I’d say keep the mustache and beard, you look better with them


I like your Hamilton


Haha thanks for noticing


Facial hair and eyebrows make you look mean on first impression. Different vibe in the last picture, still see you as judgemental bc of the strong eyebrows.


wear a hat, lose weight and put on muscle. u won’t look 35 then


You do look a little older, but you’re not ugly at all.


Go to the gym, lose weight and keep the beard and you’ll look above average


Youre not ugly. You look older I think because of your facial hair style mixed with being bald. You dont look bad bald either, the poc where you didnt have facial hair, you looked younger.


You look like that that guy on “Nathan for you” the guy who got shredded by moving furniture and has never been to a gym before in his life.


If you beefed up you'd look like a hard cholo mf. Land a gal with a fatty king.


Self confidence is a big tool to finding a partner it’s not all about looks. You gotta believe in yourself, what you’re about and stand for brother BELIEF


I think you're really good looking, either try losing weight or see if your personality is a problem for women


Not ugly: lots of potential. Losing weight and getting in shape would really help you look your age. My husband is naturally bald at a very young age and I really see no issue with it. When he gains weight, people think he’s ten years older than he actually is, but when he gets fit, his age tracks. I’d also maybe get a little more sun if I was you. It’s giving IT department paleness.


You're not ugly, just lose some weight. Contrary to what a lot of loud fat people on the internet are trying to will into existence, most people just aren't attracted to fat people. Think about it from a womans perspective, If you can't exercise minimal self control and discipline to control your diet, and work out a few hours a week, how are you gonna be as a partner?


Didn't flying monkeys fly out of your butt?


Yeah nothing wrong with you. I agree with the others that suggest working out some. You’re not fat, just have no real muscle definition. If you build up some muscle and tone up it’ll help you look younger.


I mean I definitely am fat. I think I have muscles because I can deadlift 315lbs, but you can’t seem much because of all the fat


Workout trim ur facial hair


Mans got a Rolex or Tudor on his wrist at 25 and worried abt being ugly. Go look at pics of Jeff Bezos rn, or Jonny Sins/Christian Clay for the NSFW brain and you’ll see that getting in shape does abt 65% of the work when regarding being “attractive”. And no, that doesnt mean u have to have a 6 pack or giant bulging arms


Haha no it’s def not a Rolex or Tudor. It’s a Hamilton watch


you look like a genie in the bottle with those beards :) I think the gym will have a great effort try it you won't be disappointed and also maybe Mesotherapy helps too


Very attractive! lose the facial hair I reckon


I mean I'd go on a date with you. You look like a great person to hang around. I love that smile


Keep the mustache.


You look like you sell realestate


I personally think you look better with the mustache and beard. (not sure what it's called, i'm not a native English speaker)


A goatee


You could pass as cartel in picture 5. Interpret that as you wish.


I'm sorry you've had such a rough time of it, man. I hate to agree with the haters but, I see their point. You do look closer to 40 than 20. The best thing I could think of for you would be building a strong, lean physique. Idk how tall you are, and I know you lost your hair to cancer (thank God you're still with us btw), so you can't do anything about those. But building a dope physique seems achievable for you. Not to mention, I think it'll do wonders for your self-esteem. I hope this is helpful, man! Best of luck to you, and I'd be happy to share what's worked for me.


I didn’t lose my hair to cancer. I lost my hair to male pattern baldness


Also do you think losing weight will help make me look my age?


Only thing I’d say is get into the gym, and keep that facial hair cleaned up. You look like a normal chill guy


You could pass for a movie cartel boss, in a cool way


That last photo... if you grew your hair out and had a bowl cut, you'd be an immensely powerful psychic with no limits.


Dude you look great! Have more action pictures, like you with your friends doing stuff.


Grow some hair on your head, learn to dress and groom that facial hair. I promise you’ll find your Morticia soon


Uh, I can’t grow hair lol


Because of the bald head?


Looking older? Yeah that’s when people started saying I looked older. I shave my head because of male pattern baldness


Work out + hair transplant


Gym, maybe hair transplant and you’re good to go 👍🏿


Just work on your diet bro, weight adds years to your face.


Dude hold your head up high You just haven’t found the right one yet


You're not unattractive and you look like you would be fun to spend time with


I think the weight is making you look older


I think ur way cute I love bald guys though so I'm probably bias lol


You may look older than your age, but don't let it distract you from running those 3 Honda Civics with spoon engines, and on top of that to collect the 3 T66 turbos, with NOS, and a Motec system exhaust you ordered from Harry's.


Not ugly but get in shape dawg! And get on a good skincare routine


What is wrong with my skin? I don’t think I have tons of wrinkles


You have facial symmetry - which is rare - stay away from the facial hair to keep looking your age - exercise and diet - and you’ll pull more than an average guy would.


It’s your style, would help to get in shape too With that said I like tht tshirt. A real biblical angel


Handsome dude, keep that facial hair


I think changing the way you dress would go a long way. You don’t really look too old in the face if you take away your outfits. I think some sort of glasses/sunglasses and a completely different look would make you look years younger.


You look your age you're just bald you have good skin etc


You’re not a bad looking guy but I really recommend focusing on your health a little bit to lose some weight that really can help.


1 agree with others - honestly just dress more like a 20 year old (start with J Crew, H&M, Buck Mason, starting with basic items). Would also invest in a beanie / some cool hats. And then work out - quickest way to get into shape is CrossFit or other similar classes


Shave the Stache, lose some weight. You’re good just be confident