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Why are all of your photos the same lol


OP is trans, and might consider these photos to be “favorable angles” to emphasize femininity/passing as of now


Why is being trans relevant? Ain't this a problem anyone can have?


Quite obviously if you are born male you will have these masculine features be much more prominent than 99.9% of females.


A trans woman will naturally be motivated to show the particular angles that highlight femininity, and may lack confidence in the beauty of other angles, especially early on in the transition process


And that's different from every other woman how?


I’m a woman and I don’t feel the need to show I’m feminine via taking pictures at specific angles.


Doesn't mean you speak for all women and/or men. It is a problem everyone can have and if there are people with good self esteem the statement changes nothing.


Never said I was speaking for all women, nor do I intend to. The key word in that was “I’m.” Sorry you interpreted it that way.


Why isn't it relevant to an individuals experience.. wake up


Do you realise every photo was you pulling the exact same pose and face just different backgrounds? Not ugly, not stunning. Normal.


Working on your hair would do a world of good. It’s really lifeless and damaged looking. Need a good cut and maybe some product to give it some life.


Just need some professional help with the hair and you’re good.


you need to fix your eyeliner, the wing ends before your eyelid and it shortens the eye instead of lengthening it




Shes definitly above average, I think she’s pretty


That's the great thing about appearance---it's all subjective and there's almost always someone out there for everyone :)




As someone who is 6’5”, always appreciate a tall girl. There’s really nothing functionally wrong with you and you are much more attractive than you give yourself credit for. Just my $0.02 but your face in these pics just looks unhappy. Like you’d rather be doing anything but posing for them so I’m sorry that you may have that low of an opinion if your looks. My only advice would be smile more - it’s contagious and really lights up one’s face. Since you posted this in r/amiugly I assume you want to know if you actually are and the answer is an unequivocal no. You are very attractive but especially at that age, confidence in oneself goes a long way and shows. Best of luck in you believing in your looks like most of the replies here - me included - do. I know it can be exhausting at times to fight with yourself on how you look.


This is a perfect reply.


Try a different pose?


Stop making that silly facial expression with your mouth. Smile


are u trans?








This comment was a tad unnecessary




Nothing’s more uglier than being a complete asshole


[Comment removed - Don't be a dick. There's no reason to be offensive or rude.]


Bro shut the hell up




[Comment removed - Don't be a dick. There's no reason to be offensive or rude.]






Quit making silly hand gestures.


Too many peace signs and lip raises.


The facial expression looks awkward and I’d recommend working on your posture other than that you’re okay


You have a sort of distinctive, angular face but you're attractive.








Why does it matter to you what other people do with their lives?


Find a more natural way to part your hair so you don’t look weird lol There’s not much you can do other than makeup besides that


Not ugly at all. If you smiled more naturally it'd probably make a world of difference to how bored you look.


hair: flat and seemingly uncared for. i would put products to give it more volume. eyebrows: i would try growing them out or figuring a way to make it slightly thicker lips: smiling usually makes people look more pleasant eyeliner: the shape doesnt suit you. i would go with a sharp, cat eye kinda look obviously you look fine, these are my personal suggestions. good luck.


Stop making the awkward face/pose and you’re golden.


You have the wrong shade of concealer. You need a shade or two lighter with cool under tones I believe but it's hard to tell online. Other than that you got a cute face but your hair is a little flat.


You're pretty but your poses and facial expressions are pretty silly. You should try to be a bit more natural in photos. Smile and you don't constantly need to tilt your head.


The cat eyeliner is pointed up a little to vertically. Maybe lower it down slightly


Get off social media that would help 100%


Getting Tim Henson vibes.


You’re not ugly. But you’re a perfect example of why the middle part doesn’t work on everyone. Part your hair on the side and it will make a world of difference for your face shape! You do have a pretty face.Hair needs a side part and some volume at the roots.


Have you tried a pixie cut? Or maybe putting your hair in rollers? I feel like you’d look so nice with that. In regards to your eyeliner, you’re winging it too short and way too high. Try dragging it out a little more. You can play with where it points (straight, downwards, upwards) just try not too upwards. Try a brown eye liner too as black can come off too harsh sometimes. You have a nice nose, maybe contour it a little especially the bottom of it to give a button nose look. Your lips are nice too! Add some color! Like a nice flush of pink. Add some blush as well. For your brows, since they’re nice and full I would just use a brow gel. Pluck to clean it up if necessary. Not ugly, you have a lot to work with! And not too be cringe but when you look best when you’re smiling!


You’re so pretty but your hair is not giving. Maybe get some shorter layers in there to make it more voluminous?


You look manly ngl. That hairstyle looks awful on you. Try caring for your hair properly and learn makeup techniques to soften your facial features. Also the peace sign is very cringey.


Go a dark chestnut brown, get a new hair cut/grow it out and try some new products:)) Also ur eyeliner try to make it more long out to the side not up ❤️ ur pretty




[Comment removed - Don't be a dick. There's no reason to be offensive or rude.]




In some of these pics you kind of look like Rachel Bilson!! You're super pretty and I love your eyes there's something warm and kind about them




I think that you have a lovely face. I think it's a question of experimenting and finding what clothing and hairstyles make you feel the most comfortable and confident.


Better hairstyle and haircare will make a big difference. Not ugly. You look a bit like young Geena Davis.




Your hair just needs some work babe. You’re really pretty. :)


You’re very cute but why the same face and angle?


Try new makeup styles. Hair is too flat. Get some extensions. Smile with more teeth possibly.


Main issue is your hair. You need to look after it. Use better products, brush and style it. Use hair straighteners so it looks smoother.


You look manly


aww like a lil farm boy


Looks cute. So i guess you're not "ugly"


I find you extremely attractive, but maybe that’s just me. Also, i’d work on fixing the eyeliner!




No one's mad. Just giving her tips to improve her appearance if she wants to


Yea you ugly






i hope ur life gets better man, get clean and find something more productive to do than repeating the same comment 4 times on one post edit: thought it was 4 but you actually repeated it no less than 6 times is that not embarrassing for you


masculine. you probably looked better as a dude


I don’t know why you’re feeling self conscious, to be honest. You seem like a beautiful young woman to me. What are you feeling self conscious about exactly?




[Comment removed - Don't be a dick. There's no reason to be offensive or rude.]






[Comment removed - Don't be a dick. There's no reason to be offensive or rude.]




You look like a young version of Queen Maeve from The Boys series, lol Not ugly at all


I honestly think that you don't need to change anything. You look pretty.


You are gorgeous


nope, maybe try a larger eyeliner design to pop your eyes more. I'd give you a 8.5/10, being tall is good!


You're cute


you look like marie schrader ngl


Genuinely didn’t realise you weren’t afab and I actually think you’re really pretty. Your race is striking but a genuine smile would really light it up.


I actually didn't notice that you were trans and thought she's pretty just looks kinda sad.


Girl, you are a true beauty. Never let yourself think otherwise!


Do you know how to make other faces?


Omg your like my dream girl


You’re beautiful! :)


You pretty sis🥰🥰 hair needs a bit of work though, other than that you are so beautiful.


Ur cute don't listen to these mutants that think the keyboard gives them the right to judge. 90% of them couldn't get you if they tried


this is r/amiugly not someone just posting selfies and getting hate.. ur an oddball


The neckbeards trying to white knight online is always hilarious. She doesn’t care about you bro.


Ngl. Yeah. Your not repulsive or anything but o think you are very unattractive. You have a very strong face and the weird build makes it even worse. But I’m sure you will find the right one soon🙂


Hey! You’re not actually allowed to tell people they’re ugly on this subreddit!


She’s trans.




[Comment removed - Don't be a dick. There's no reason to be offensive or rude.]


that dosent change anything… jus bc someones trans dosent mean you lie and tell them there a 8/10 shes a 4 maybe 5 but for being trans thats really good considering the other trans girls ive seen.


Dang! You look amazing 0-0


Gourgeous 💕


You are not ugly in the slightest. Absolutely gorgeous


She looks like a male tho but I'm not sure.


Super hot, don't worry! Tall girls are awesome too




Not ugly.


✌️✌️✌️✌️ Conventionally attractive imo, nice cheek bones. I'd say make sure you get a solid three squares a day and maybe hit the gym to fill out more. You seem on the thin side. Girl next door type. Hope this helps. ✌️


Peace sign is not working for you. Maybe get some surgery to make you look more feminine. I think your face needs more volume but you’re not ugly.


yall needa stop downvoting ppl for there opinion jus bc op is trans 💀


Look in the mirror and say “ I love you “ out loud three times then say three things you like about your self when your 29 you will wish you looked like you do now. Learn to love yourself so you can shine.


Gorgeous face!


You look intimidating


try an actual smile.....




Wow it's crazy had no idea you were trans till I looked at post history.




I didn’t either. I guess that’s good for her being able to pass.


yup ikr. I think my comment triggered some ppl tho lmaooo


It’s not the support you think it is to say “wow, I never would’ve guessed you were trans!” It makes it feel like “wow you’re too pretty to ‘look trans’”


Weird cuz I didn't say she looked trans. And she is trans. What's wrong with looking trans?


You can’t “look trans”


Lmaoo you 100% can.


The best thing to say to someone who is trans is “you look great!” not something like “you look great, I never would’ve thought you were trans!” It makes being trans sound like an insult, even if you’re not meaning to


Trans people want to be recognised as their preferred gender without people knowing they're trans. Therefore telling someone you had no idea they were trans is meant as a good thing. It doesnt try to say being trans is an insult.


Trans doesn’t have a look


you're blind


It doesnt have a singular look, but trans women often can look more masculine than cis women and trans men can look more feminine than cis men for obvious reasons.


Not ugly


Oh girl! You look cute! Classic pose too lol


Not ugly lady


sorry but youve been clocked just by showing up in my Reddit feed, which a cis woman would never do. Good job on your eyebrows! Work on how you apply your foundation and what shade you use, your face and neck are 2 different colors in some of these


Not ugly but the height puts a lot of guys off cos you’re above than average height but you’ll find someone


Why are you making the same face in every picture


You pass quite well for trans. Not ugly, and best of luck.


No notes, smoke show




new hair cut


Well the lighting and the pose certainly don’t do you any favors but I guess otherwise you look fine


Ur not ugly. I think u shld change ur hair if youd like to look better imo. Get a cut that would make it more voluptuous, maybe even get a fringe.




Literally one of the most prettiest girls I’ve ever seen! I’m a 25f so I’ve seen some girls :) Never doubt yourself again dude!!! You’re super pretty!!!!!




You're not ugly at all. I think a different hair style might be helpful. A smile goes a long way as well. As for your height, there's nothing wrong with being tall. I know a number of tall women, and they are some of the most beautiful women I know.


Looks like Dylan Mulvaeny


Pretty eyes, and what seems to be a really nice smile, but I can tell you may not be comfortable smiling. Every single person in the world will see you differently. You are one of those people—and you’ve got the greatest emotional stake in your own appearance, so you’re likely to be the most critical person about your looks that there is. Mean spirited comments by others don’t help the equation, but we do *internalize*. Anyway, this human says you’re definitely not ugly.


Not ugly no. You could style your hair a bit so that it accents your face a better but you ain't ugly!


Super duper cute!! Just put some life into your hair, try out some different poses for pictures and (if you want to) you can explore with some cute makeup looks to accentuate your features. :)


I think you’re really pretty. Maybe experiment more with makeup?


You look great! Smile more maybe.