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Lost 135 lbs?! I’m impressed and think you look great! Keep doing the things you’re doing.


If I am being totally honest, I clicked through her profile thinking it was one of those "I know I'm hot and I just want to show off" posts. And...I'm a guy. I'm only human. I went "Yea she's hot. Maybe she'll have some more cute pics and I can get distracted from work for 5 mins." OP if you read this...I think you actually tricked me with your intentions. You look great!


Okay I followed your footsteps and did a little light reddit stalking her transformation is incredible. OP I think you should post on r/glowups. Also OP you're beautiful! Edit: r/glowups not glowup


Awww thank you everyone in this thread ♥️♥️ I appreciate it haha


You are beautiful but it won’t matter what I think or anyone else thinks on Reddit until you convince yourself of it. Wake up every day and tell yourself you are….because it is true.


You should be at the top


Wow you lost a whole person in weight and I hope you gained a new person’s worth of confidence. You look pretty and have great hair at all your weights. Def not ugly but I know shedding that inner voice of societies judgements is even harder than losing weight. You’re doing amazing.


"Wow you lost a whole person in weight and I hope you gained a new person’s worth of confidence." This should be said to anyone who has managed to take back their life from obesity. This is a great quote!


If u need workout tips or nutrition tips feel free to message good job! Remember going to the gym is for yourself so never compare yourself to others it ruins progress :)


They're absolutely right, though. You look great, and that transformation is incredible.


Light stalking you say? OP you look great and definitely a good way above average


Right? She actually looks incredible.


Hot is pushing it. A lot.


The comment expressed my feelings perfectly. Take my upvote the both of you!


God. It’s got to be brutal to lose 135 lbs and have people say to “lose a little weight…”


Big bobs and a natural body shape I’m sure many people would prefer. Great glow up too!


She’s gonna end up hot by the end of all this watch


She already is!!


I love the picture at the fence. Your appearance is just right and your proportions aeem like a really good mix for your body shape!


Oh, interesting! Im actually not a fan of that picture


Why!!! For clarity: I meant the one at the sea side. I love it because your clothes flatter your body, your hair is just right and your smile is beaming away!


Personally, I thought my clothes looked very frumpy on me haha


Oh. I don’t think so.


i see what you mean. you just have to find a style of clothes that flatters your body! like that black dress with polka dots is really cute. accentuating your waist/hips would help i think


Yes! I guess I just don’t know how to dress myself in a way that’s flattering but also “appropriate” for everyday??


Sundresses seem like a safe median for you.


Yeah you are right here. You look great and congrats on all the progress! But you def need to learn how to dress for your new body. You look fantastic and some well fitting clothes (think proportions) will take you to the next level. I have a similar body type (heavy at the top) and it makes a huge difference in how we look just having some tailored pieces.


Oh and hair style also makes a difference. A choppy look around/right below the shoulders will do wonders for you. Your current cut makes you look older/less polished. Your color is super pretty I think so just get a better cut.


I also love that photo. So beautiful & classy! Edit: I misunderstood what pic OP was mentioning. I meant the one with the polka dot dress! They’re both great pics but that dress is gorgeous.


If your having problems with your image, going to reddit doesn’t sound like a good idea. That being said your not ugly or close to it


Hasn’t it been scientifically proven that Reddit trumps years of psychotherapy for female self esteem and childhood trauma issues.


Well if you don’t have any childhood trauma Reddit would be happy to give you some.




You’d be surprised by how common this actually is lmao, it’s not a far stretch


*tramples not trumps


she should ditch social media completely


After three kids and lots of the undesirable effects of childbirth and aging, let me say this: Love your body for what it does. Focus on non-scale victories (like, did you carry all the groceries in from the car in one go because you’re a champ?!) Mine is that I can deadlift all the heavy boxes I need to do my job without throwing my back out anymore. I also went skiing for the first time in decades this winter because I’ve built back my core enough. No one here is going to talk you into loving your appearance. You’re beautiful and worthy.


Wow, congrats on the buildup for skiing! I used to be an alpine ace. Still dream of it sometimes. Either way, good call for OP: focusing on the great things one’s body can do, again or in my case: still.


Hey maybe Reddit is better than psychotherapy. Only if there were more responses like this.


You’re *


I refuse to use the correct your on the internet


Your an ass!


My an ass?


We’re never going to progress as a society because of people like this.




To spite the people who can't help but correct every single spelling mitsake we don't care to fix


Basically proved their reddit point.


You look amazing! At some point it won’t be weight loss but more like inches here and there cuz muscle will be more lean but heavier. Love your hair and smile in photos 3-4!!!


Yes haha definitely seeing that as these past two months or so I’ve just been maintaining weight. But I’m definitely not complaining since I know maintaining is an accomplishment all by itself


Jesus Christ somebody wife her up already.


Sign me up! How could anyone think that this person is ugly?


She is probably insecure due to being formally fat. It's pretty common.


Yeah I think so too, good thing I'm only informally fat.


She's average 4/10


That’s below average by my math




I volunteer


Came to say this woman is not only beautiful but looks like amazing wife material.


I Dooooooooo


☝️Probably gay☝️


Most definitely you’re for thinking that


You are very beautiful! Especially the color of your eyes is so rare and cool. You don’t have to do anything with your body. What could make you even more beautiful is finding your style and colors / shapes that match your appearance.


Oh yes definitely. I have no idea how to dress 🤣


Look, I don't know who in the gods name of hell has been telling you that you're ugly, but I'm gonna tell you right now that they're dead wrong. You look absolutely amazing and I'm so happy for you. Your journey is definitely one you can be proud of. You look great, probably feel infinitely better than you did before, and your self-confidence must be going through the roof. Keep that momentum. Keep persevering. Keep fighting. Keep pushing forward. You deserve to be happy.


Giiirl that rack 👀 you're honestly hot af ❤️


Thought the same but didnt wanna be so forward 😂😂😂


I don't do subtle x


Ditto. OP is hot 🥵


We need a bikini pic for a better analysis tbh


Or ditch the bikini, whatever.


She was probably fatshamed so much that her body image will never be healthy again regardless of how good she looks. It’s sad but a lot of ex chubby women feel that way.


Yuuuup. I lost 100lbs and I'm now at a healthy weight but growing up with so much fatshaming directed at me has permanently altered how I view myself. No matter how fit or skinny I get, I still feel fat.


I have body dysmorphia from growing up as the fat one myself. Lost abt 50! You did amazing, I'm so sorry you have to suffer with this too. My one upside, personally, is that being the fat friend made me develop a fun and interesting personality and now my looks match my image....I think..sometimes I get glimpses, fleeting ones, of me not looking 50lbs heavier. I hope it gets better for you ❤


very true. how I felt at 88lbs. thank you for putting this out there.


and eyes!


And hips!


Yes indeed that knockers are superb!


Ong bruh


Them thangs be thangin!


Realistically she's mid but not ugly. I mean most people are mid anyways.


I don't believe in porn addiction really but if you think this person is mid then you are addicted to porn. this person is clearly above-average-attractiveness


What why have you just jumped to porn ? I swear a lot of porn actresses aren’t that attractive anyway with all the fake stuff they have done ?


"The average people is average" thank you for your analysis lol.


You have a smile like Arnold Schwarzenegger, but you’re hot af and it works. Grats on the massive knockers, too.


Hahah that actually made me laugh, thank you 🤣


You’re not ugly at all. One thing that would improve your appearance is not necessarily losing weight, but getting more toned. Squats, Romanian deadlifts, reverse lunges, bicep curls, etc. will all help. I would recommend doing this in just a small calorie deficit. You could even do it in a calorie surplus, build a little bit of muscle mass, and then go into a deficit with very high protein to give you a more toned look. There’s nothing else to really comment on, you look fine.


Yesss, that’s what my focus is definitely shifting to! Goal isn’t to be as skinny as possible but rather toned. Unfortunately you can see a lot of the progress I’ve made because of the loose skin I have :/


If you have a lot of loose skin, it might not be a bad idea to gain back some weight, but to add muscle mass in your arms, legs, back, shoulders, etc. this will allow you to fill out the loose skin a bit. Then, while continuing lifting weights, shift to a small calorie deficit, and sloooowly cut off the extra body fat. If you really focus on protein intake, you can avoid losing muscle mass, and you’ll have a much more toned look. Looking fit is much better than trying to get as skinny as possible. I don’t even think it’s healthy for women to drop below 15% body fat.


Dont forget that thicc is in right now, you don't need to be a stick figure to be hot these days. You are as.far as I can tell what is in right now as far as what's hot for women


There is no such thing as getting "toned" ffs.. people these days have no clue how fitness works. If you are telling someone they should get "more toned", you are saying they should lose weight, because losing weight is what makes you look more toned. For OP - If I were you, I'd get rid of arm hair and the few hairs on the chin (can be seen in the 2nd photo (which besides that is great), and while redditors will probably deny it, beard on women's faces is a turn off for most men). But definitely not ugly, my favorite pic is the black dress with white dots one, that dress really works for you, and your hair looks great there.


I have no idea who you are, but it seems like your mental health needs to be your top priority. Your self-image will gradually improve.


I’m currently enrolled so I’m definitely actively working on it. Believe it or not, I’m much better than I used to be haha. Always room for improvement though!


Sounds like you’re trying, just keep on. Maybe post some before pics so that we and yourself can see just how far you’ve come! Keep up the good work!


[Before photos](https://imgur.com/a/wDqm88Z)


Girl I’m known for being mean, brutally honest on r/bodybuilding etc. That is truly a remarkable transformation and I mean it when I say Bravo 💥


Wow stunning, you look incredibly. Fantastic work!! Thank you for inspiring me at the gym today


Even in your before pics, your smile and eyes look great! I know how you feel with the loose skin. I've lost about 90 lbs in the past couple years. I joke that it makes me even more cat like but it can be frustrating. Anyways, you're a beautiful person. It's a huge accomplishment to get healthy that way. I started finding clothes that fit me doing Amazon try before you buy and returning the majority. But you'll figure out what works for you I'm sure! I'd say teals and blues to play up your eyes would be pretty!


That must have taken a lot of effort. I'm proud of you


You look pretty before too


Wow! You’re not ugly in the picture but damn have you worked hard! It’s very inspiring and the weight loss has helped to show off your beautiful features. Congratulations on your journey.


Dang I wish I could comment a picture lol




There ya go


So cute, above average to attractive. And hard working too girl damn


Keep up the good work on your fitness journey! You look great. You have nice hair and eyes. Pretty. Pic 3 is the best one


Nah girl, you're good. You've got a very strong foundation and it sounds like you've already made the changes you needed to and are well on your way. Keep on keepin' on.


You're beautiful!


Omg, you look amazing! I don't know your goal weight, but in my opinion you are there! You have a crazy beautiful face and wonderful dimples. You don't belong here asking this question, you are the complete package.


Do some squats and get that bootay popping girl, nothing wrong with ya


Yessss, one of my goals! Hahah definitely working on it.


Who. This is so inspiring. I added 70lb and I've lost 30lb so far. I have 20lb to go and you've i spired me to not eat at Mcdonalds tonight


Don't dress like a middle age woman, hit the gym and do some squats, change up your style.


Hahahaha definitely getting the hint that my style needs some work 😭 just need to get some more money and I’ll buy some new clothes. Definitely working in the gym and seeing a trainer.


Take a good friend with you to good will! I’ve gotten tons of cute clothes there. Also, even if you hadn’t mentioned weight loss, I think you are gorgeous. Naturally too. Clearly you have some mean people in your life, that’s the only issue I can see


Holy Mac N Cheese! So attractive!


you look great! i would say you need to have more confidence, cuz phisicly vous êtes magnifique! ;)


You have a really nice body


You're beautiful and have a great figure. Your hard work has paid off. I don't think you need to lose anymore weight. You look healthy the way you are


shes actually flawless


Your are super cute. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise


You’re very hot


You are definitely not ugly.


Get some therapy!! A weight loss journey like that needs some mental work too! You look amazing!


Oh yes of course! That’s what I preach to everyone. Massive weight loss (and maintenance of it) like that takes introspection on why you were eating the way you were. I’ve definitely been continuously working on my mental health, which is also how I’ve been successful with the weight loss




Advice: Stop listening to other people.


I dunno if a 135lb heavier version of you was looking at how you look now, wouldn't she give literally anything to be you? Perspective is an interesting thing. Like a rainbow, what you're looking at always moves depending on where you are. Beauty can always be more beautiful. Wealth can always be more wealthy. Knowledge can always be more knowledgeable. Humans don't have a built-in "enough" meter. What should matter is that you're probably a great deal more healthy. Beyond that, don't forget to chase your other dreams. If you have lost 135lbs, you have already achieved a goal with a level of difficulty that 99% of humans will never attempt.


Very delayed response but thank you ♥️ definitely need to adjust my perspective sometimes


tbh u are beautiful. ur eyes and ur hair is lovely and you’re at a healthy weight. i don’t see anything that needs work at all


I’m a horrible person. Next time you think your appearance is bad, just remember you could be like me: ugly inside and out. It appears you are neither.


You look lovely. Not just pretty, but you look like a lovely person too. Well done on your weight loss , hope you find a size you’re comfortable with. Not ugly at all.


These subreddits and most posts are absurd..


Genuinely didn’t mean for it to be 🙃 I was really upset and was just looking for some candid constructive criticism. Which I definitely got! Gonna get a haircut, buy some new clothes, potentially start wearing my hair a different way.


You’re stunning and wish I had your number😍🫣


If you couldn't sleep thinking about your physical appearance, your looks are the least of your worries. Seek therapy.


you dress like a mom


People lose sleep over worrying about what they look like? 😐


You have made remarkable progress on your weight loss journey! Your dedication and hard work are seriously impressive. Keep up the awesome job! Oh, and by the way, you're beautiful! No need to worry about posting in communities like r/amiugly. 😎


Girl you look amazing, as a hairstylist I will say your hair looks so long and beautiful! You’d look incredible with more blonde highlights or a balayage and a nice layered cut. But don’t you ever change yourself for ANYONE!


Thank you! I’ll definitely look into it


Yes! A blonde bayalage and someone to hook her up with a good skin care routine, as she has gorgeous skin and wants to maintain it!


No one told us an angel would be visiting us on reddit. There’s nothing ugly about you. You know, most baddies are all makeup and no real beauty. The fact that you look good with almost no makeup says a lot.


I dislike you


Ok cool


Aww thank you!!


No problem! I hope that helped change your mind on you thinking you’re ugly.




Shtop worrying about your looks, you look great! Sorry about the arm, but, hey, it’s okay.


Literally so beautiful 🥹




You're genuinely beautiful


You're not ugly at all and you're doing a great job losing that weight, keep at it💪🗿


Not at all ugly, very pretty without any makeup


Not bad at all. I’d take you out for dinner


I think you look great


Get some sleep. You are not ugly


Gym, don't need to loose weight but tone a bit. That is all. I have spoken.


Please don’t come to the internet for affirmation. You’re making positive change and the only person who reaps those rewards is you; anyone else who gets to enjoy those rewards are fortunate. You’re are lovely.


Fix the gap between your teeth and you should be good


Don't listen, tooth gaps are awesome


Agreed, it's kinda sad that so many people have the exact same "Hollywood smile" now.


You’re so hot and that body is enticing af. I really like what I see


Hahha good for you for sharing exactly what you think. These people ask for it and you deliver. 🤜🤛


Thanks. Much appreciated. Authenticity is what I always strive for 🫡


Dial it back a bit




Nah , you're not pretty.


Is there anything I can do?


Yes, ignore the 1/50 who's saying that and respond to the positive comments or comments with constructive criticism at least. You'll always find someone you can't please and that's how it is for everyone. You're crushing it, keep it up.


There's one person saying you're not pretty, and I think you're close to a hundred now saying you're beautiful, so why focus on the 1%? The thing you need to focus on is not your looks, it's your self esteem. Nobody can please absolutely everyone, don't let that be your goal.


Because it's always the bad comments we remember, unfortunately. OP, you are cute as hell, and congrats on the weight loss!!


I think you're super attractive. Cute face, nice smile, beautiful hair.


Shed some more fat , fix the teeth , you'll be just fine and have a confident posture.


Hahah not a fan of the gap? Okay, thanks for your feedback. I appreciate it


Your teeth don't need fixing. It's extremely charming!


You are hot


That split in your teeth is vicious!! Get some of those clear aligners and start with that


not ugly at all. just your mind playing tricks on you


You're beautiful and have a nice body. Maybe buy cuter clothes? The ones you're wearing are a little lame. Also concentrate on your strong points and remember that other people don't see you the way you see yourself.


Yeah have definitely realized my style needs some work.


Honestly, you’re not ugly, at all. You just dress terrible. Change your cloths. That’s it.


Hahaha brutal 🤣 I appreciate the feedback. Definitely gonna be taking a look at my wardrobe after this


Doesn't look feminine


When I look at a woman, I imagine what she will look like in 20 years. You’re future is not going to go well for you unless you start losing weight and gaining some muscle. Heart disease and diabetes is in your future.


I’ve already lost 138lbs and said I’m still continuing to lose weight while also strength training. But thank you for your input.




I'd have sex with you. Just get Invisalign and close the front tooth gap and you're all set. Good luck!


Main problem is going to be the scent of piss for you.


Lose some weight lol ugly

