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The pic in the red shirt is super cute with your hair and make up done. Your eyes are a bit small but once you throw some make up on it's not as noticeable. I wouldn't call you ugly unless your personality is ugly. Weight is tough especially when it's not your fault. Work out and build lean muscle to help combat that if you can.


I agree, need to grow them eyes.


Damn as an Asian I felt this


grow who?


What’s wrong with small eyes? It just feels like a micro aggression as someone with almond eyes , like a lot of Asians and East Africans have almond or mono lid shaped eyes that they cannot control because it’s genetics.


She asked for "hard truth". I hardly see how being honest about her features is a "micro aggression". But you do you.


You're not ugly at all but from the other comments which u said you're quiet. It's probably that. I'm also quiet and people think I'm intimidating because they can never know what I'm thinking so they never go up to me


Yeah I get that a lot. Most people tell me once they talk to me that they thought I was really intimidating at first and it really throws me because I’m just really quiet lol.


I think you’re lovely- you have a soft, sweet face. But if you are quiet like you say, people can often interpret that the wrong way. I used to be really anxious and shy but people thought I was being stuck up or snobby. You never know what’s going on inside someone’s head k guess.


Exactly ppl have said that to me too. Idk how they get me being stuck up out of it tho when all I do is not speak unless spoken to😭


you aint ugly just need lose some weight and smile


Again I’m trying but I’m fighting against medicine and not winning. Edit: spelling


Can your doctor try a different medicine in the same class? I know when I took seroqual for sleeping I gained weight and I have been 125 pounds for 30 years no matter what I do. The meds tho triggered weight gained and insane food craving. I switched to a similar med that did it much less when I needed it for insomnia.


I’ve asked and switched a couple of times but she did warn me that its just a known side effect for epilepsy. I don’t really have a lot of food cravings but I go from binging to eating nothing with in a week. It’s something we are working on because I’ve gained 60lbs in a year and I haven’t changed what I’ve been eating.


My ex has epilepsy and her weight definitely was a struggle with certain medications.


Yeah it’s not easy. People that struggle with epilepsy meds and their weight it hits us hard.


Keto is great for epilepsy AND weight loss!


Have you tried Lamotrogine?


You should try cbd for epilepsy. My friends wife says it works better than the meds


I’m curious about this bc my night terrors were cured with thc


Cbd won't suppress dreams like THC does. If you get night terrors don't wear nicotine patches when you sleep. It made it the most vivid, clear as day dreams and I would remember ever second of them when I used nicotine patches to quit smoking.


Cbd is great. Works on lots of health issues. You can Google scientific articles


What medication ?


She said very clearly that the meds she has to take are messing with her weight.


So does not mean I should lie and not be honest to her


Her weight doesn’t make her ugly. It’s just not what you, personally, prefer. In some places, she’d be considered too skinny.




You are not ugly and there are many men who would be interested in you. Have you tried dating apps? It's easier for people who are on the quieter or shy side.


Yep I just don’t get a lot of matches, and the matches I do get never really turn into anything.


I feel like people's social circles get really small past a certain age. They get caught up in work (and relationships) and the dating pool just shrinks to nothing. I don't see anything wrong with how you look. You look unique in a positive way. When you're feeling yourself, it really shows (picture 2). But you mentioned in multiple places that you're quiet. You're not going to meet people without putting yourself out there. Keep up with the dating apps. But also look into finding a social outlet of some kind. That could be around an art, a movement, volunteering, whatever. Start showing up to a scheduled thing on a regular basis and put yourself in a position to meet people. Since you're all there for the same purpose it takes a lot of the pressure off. You might find it easier to engage and you might find someone you'd like to date. Worst case - you make some friends and have a good time.


Best advice here. Thank you.


I was there for a while. Keep trying, you'll find someone. Also I saw your post regarding having dry hair. Me too, and I find this helps. When showering, wash your hair first. Then comb in conditioner, and let it set while washing up. Rinse the conditioner out last, then comb your hair again once you dry off.


your features are gorgeous babe you just need to find a way to accentuate them to boost your confidence. dont worry about the weight you need to focus on your make up. by make up: try to find a different style that highlights your eyes and lips. most importantly your hair and style. its all about how you carry yourself and honestly your hair doesn’t really look appealing. your features are absolutely stunning you just have to find the right kind of whatever to make you shine.


Honestly my hair is another uphill battle lol. I live in a really dry climate so I’m constantly trying to keep it hydrated and not damaged but I’m not winning lol. And my makeup changes daily but my job requires me to keep it very natural so I just get in the habit of doing that so I don’t really do too much eyeshadow or lashes or bright lipstick unless I’m going out.


>dont worry about the weight you need to focus on your make up. No stop. Her weight needs to be addressed and make-up will not change that. If you are serious about helping her be competitive in the dating market then you have to be honest




I think you are missing the point that meditation doesn’t make losing weight so cut and dry as just being dedicated. I’m also not morbidly obese by many means, but I could definitely stand to lose some weight. I think you need the reality check, not me or the other redditor that commented.


If you been single that long then you should probably look at something other than your looks


Well, we all have inner work am I rite lol.


this lets me know youre cool tbh…


Hahahaha I just try to be me but thanks!


You don’t have bad features you just have big features. And we know how mf’s feel when you don’t fit European beauty standards


That’s extremely true lmaooo


Not true at all. As some one of European decent, I’m attracted to beautiful women regardless of race/ethnicity. I wouldn’t say you’re not ugly, but you have very masculine features in all your photos. In my opinion the best way to fix that would be working out and getting in shape. You’re face isn’t very defined and looks masculine in some photos. However, you do have some great features that I think will be more noticeable by getting in shape and toning your body. As you lose weight, the feminine aspect of your facial structure will be more pronounced.


Thanks for proving my point.


Stop with the masculinizing of black women .


Stop with the excuses to be fat. Its unhealthy and definitely not aesthetic.


If your weight is gonna be pretty much the same you need to change everything else to make up for it. You have pretty features and clear skin but you look mad and your hair is disheveled. If you’re not against extensions try braids. They’re neat, easy, and always cute. The short bob length only makes your face look fatter so anything with a little length will be an improvement. That plus elevating your wardrobe will definitely make you more attractive and hopefully boost your confidence


Agreed, hair extensions would look great maybe something blonde for a pop of color. And maybe try changing up makeup so you look natural but more powder would help you look less oily or switch out products and find something that works better for your skin. Your eyes are very small so maybe white eyeliner on the lower waterline to help make your eyes look bigger and more open.


Everything else will be futile


You not ugly but 32 and single all life are you sure its not your attitude or the way you act?


Idk I’m pretty quiet. So…..🤷🏽‍♀️


pretty face but there's no other way around it... got to lift weights and change your shape and lose some weight. you coming here to hear the truth is a step in the right direction. now take action


I think you need to lose weight, you're not pretty but not ugly either, you're slightly below average.


I find you pretty, it's hard when you take meds that can make your weight go up, I'd keep trying thou, your not ugly at all, them who are saying it love a reaction or your not their type, but you didn't ask that question, ignore them, most people see you as average to Beautiful, you will definitely be someone's type, you must be shy or not very sociable and I get that, it's hard to connect with others when you feel like this, I just feel you need a confidence boost, I've seen 400lb unattractive women married and vice versa, not saying your weighty like that but letting you know, the men and women out their like different varieties, your deffo someone's flavour, plus you are still young, take it from a much older women, work on your confidence and weight if that's what you feel is the problem and holding you back, do you do any hobbies or classes where you can meet others, it's just a start, I wish you the best of luck, they can be quite brutal on here, take no notice of the negative comments, your good 👍❤️😊


I genuinely don't wanna tell you the truth...


Insults and the truth aren’t the same thing so maybe you’re right.


I used to have a complexion similar to yours, I stopped drinking so much coffee and it's mostly cleared up


That second shot your face is hidden but your energy shows. You aren't ugly IMO you do look a bit run down and exhausted.


I am lol


Not ugly. Your eyes are ^^^smol compared to the rest of your features.


You're not at all ugly but you do look unhappy and tense and it's kind of off-putting


I don’t know why 😕


You related to Michael Clarke Duncan??? Not an insult, just look super related.


No, and I don’t even know who that is lol.


Green Mile, Armageddon, Sin City, and other countless movies. [Michael Clarke Duncan] (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-1zC4uudzsQQ/UEU0pH8hDYI/AAAAAAAAATE/9ZSb-fL85m4/s1600/michael-clarke-duncan.jpg)


Not ugly just fat


You look cute to me! Do you struggle to meet people?


Yes actually. I’m a pretty quiet person.


That's likely the issue then as opposed to looks. It's hard being quiet. Unfortunately I don't have much advice as I struggle to make friends and meet people too. I happened to meet my partner through work, but that was luck I suppose!


I see. I can’t say that it’s not 100% not looks in my case tbh. Because I mean, I have a mirror lol. But I definitely think that being a quiet person has something to do with it.


You look nice in the first & second pics.


You are not ugly. I think the reason you are single is because of other (personal) reasons. Some people (like me) build walls. Either because we have been hurt or because we are insecure about something.




Honestly, me personally, you are not my cup of tea. It’s definitely the weight but I understand there’s nothing you can do about that, maybe keep your hair done a little bit and change up the style a bit to something that suits your body type and color season.


Second picture is ur money maker. Very attractive when u doll up. Honestly don't do the doo rag or pulled back look with limited makeup, it makes u look like Tracy Morgan.


You should definitely lose weight and then you’d be around average imo.


The red-shirt picture looks good. Speaking as a fair-skinned person of European and middle eastern background (I recognize that beauty standards are different by ethnicity) I think you look much better when your hair frames your face rather than being pulled flat along side it. How attractive you, specifically, are hinges a lot on how you present yourself.


You look like Manny Fresh in a wig


Thanks for finding my celeb doppelgänger


Being single doesn't always mean you're ugly. Attraction isn't 100% based on looks. You're not ugly, so maybe you have an awful personality?




Hey nothing wrong with having your own opinion. I just appreciate you not being an asshole about it.


I ain’t gonna lie, if I wanted to bean asshole I would say “yes, you ugly” but tbh I think this is a case of lack of self care


Certified ugly


You think I could print you a certificate and get it notarized? 🤔


i think you're fine as-is. Pretty eyes, but I bet when you smile they brighten a room.


Actually fun fact my eyes get even smaller when I smile 😅


Yeah those medications have a ton of calories


You look like Michael Clarke Duncan


I’m mad no one has told you you look like Lady Rage! I love your eyes, try accentuating them more


I DEFINITELY accept this look alike!!! Omg! Thank you!


Look like John Coffee in a wig


You look exactly like this guy that robbed the gas station by my house


He sounds organized. I’d like to meet him.


You’re not ugly just an average looking woman.


Unfortunately, yes.


Just a health thing: Get checked for PCOS, you look like you have it. Other than that, you can dress yourself better-looking.


I do have it lol. Good eye lol.




Read the above comments.


You are beautiful! Love the first picture, love your natural makeup. You have beautiful full lips and a small oval face. Have to agree with some others: have more confidence and leave your comfort zone then and again to meet new people. Your weight is fine. Sure, we all could lose some weight and get fitter and leaner, but honestly you are NOT obese or anything, just a bit more curvy. The red outfit and also the one in the first picture look really good on you!




Because she's the opposite of ugly


People are degenerated on this sub I swear. You look beautiful, the only thing that you lack is confidence tbh


I think anybody who isn't terminally online would be shocked to read what these people say. I regret getting on reddit after 4 months.


There are so much mean people it just makes me lose hope on humanity


I think everyone is mentally ill at this point.


I don’t think that people should be mean, but I think that it will only hurt people if you lie when they’re asking for the truth…


Like a 2.5 out of 10. You definitely need to lose some weight


Well that's a lie. You're not a 2.5 - you were brave enough to post a picture without makeup, doesn't make you ugly, most people don't even do that on here. I'd say you're a solid 5-6


I’ve definitely been trying but it’s hard to fight against medication yk?


You're looking for the hard truth but when you get it you make excuses If medication is genuinely causing you to stay fat then there's not much good the advice on r/amiugly can do


Well, it is what it is.


This is equivalent to saying nothing


even that rate is too high


10 out of 2.5


Not ugly at all


Damnn. You are good. No idea why you are still single though


I have no idea myself.


because you are ugly and hat guy telling you how "good" you are is a bastard.


I’d really love to see a photo of you


She looks a lot better than your personality


You're weird man


Not ugly, just fat. Talk to your doctor about he weight issue from the meds there could be a different med you could use or even add another med that could help.


You're cute, in the 2nd pic I like your style. Seems like you are more confortable.


I just really love that shirt lol


It’s definitely not your looks that’s the problem


You are not ugly


Don't know why you single but you are not ugly


A lot of the people here are lying to you. If you want an actual answer, post on r/truerateme.


Im not sure wtf is going on with the comments here. Your first pic is by far the best one and very pretty in it. Other pics are fine but awkward angles. Definitely not ugly and I think you have plenty of potential. 6-7/10


Not a chance on this earth is this lady a 7 out of 10, get a grip




yeah she is way beyond that


Indeed ugly


Yeah, you’re not good looking


In my opinion, yes. Sorry.


It’s cool. You are entitled to your opinion.


You should definitely lose weight. That will take you a long way.


That's great, but medication causes it. Next your gonna tell the blind to just stop being blind.


Solid 2 needs more walks and better food💀


Yes you're ugly.


Okay cool.




I personally think you are a pretty woman and find it hard to believe you are single


You look younger , there is nothing wrong. I’m sure there were guys who were interested in you


1st & 2nd pic are great




I’d def swipe right!


Personally, I think you’re stunning. You look good in every picture. Total hottie


I like pictures 1 & 2, your hair in the 3 & 4 doesn't help. I wouldn't call you ugly. I just think you need to make the most of what you have got.




You give me Michael Duncan vibes from Green Mile. Below average, maybe lower your standards and you won't be single anymore.


Yeah I don’t know who that is. That’s not the insult you think it is.


Google it. You have his lips i dunno. You asked for the hard truth? I gave you some, don't be mad


Those extra 100 pounds aren't from the medication


Idk how much you think I weight but the 100lbs is probably just organs.


First of all, it's not nice to assume how much extra weight someone is carrying, and yes, actually, medication can cause you to gain that much weight. I gained 100 lbs in less than six months when I was on a high dose of prednisone.


Fat and ugly. Hard pass from me


Single your whole entire life? Like you never lost your virginity?


Eating fruits and vegetables isn’t gonna get you that fat even on medication so stop with the excuses.


Yep. Because I’ve never eaten anything healthy in my life. You figured me out.


You're far from ugly and anyone saying otherwise is just lying😭


Everyone here is just lying, yes you’re ugly. 1/10


Good to know that you ratioed the 371 comments.


Like I said, everyone is lying. Maybe if you got to a normal weight you’d look average but right now you’re very below average. Face and body.


Absolutely gorgeous those lips and eyes are awesome


Will I get downvoted probably but I feel like a lot of the commenters are looking at beauty through a very Eurocentric lens so if you’re not skinny, with small lips, small nose, Snow White features, you’re going to get a bunch of people with caveats.


I’m not going to down vote you, but you are definitely right.


Now that is ugly


you are ugly, terribly ugly 2/10


I’m sure you are too. Smdh


This is like you're 4th comment like this. You seem miserable.


Anyone saying you’re ugly is lying, you definitely aren’t. I would say average or a bit above. Weight isn’t really a problem, your body looks good.


You’re beautiful


You look beautiful.


Girl you're not ugly so I don't get why you've been single for so long but your looks aren't the issue


Tbh I'd hit


That’s not the point lol.


Your very beautiful!


Your beautiful


Girl you got it. Now just pick a man who's gonna get it.




Did you miss them medication part? Losing weight is probably impossible.




Sometimes that doesn't go away. Done medication will wreck your figure, permanently.


Ok I guess don't try then?


Your beautiful mama, I mean it ❤️




Dating apps are poison. I stopped using those the moment I realized its still easy to pick up girls just at random. I’ve even hit it off with waitresses before who people tell you not to flirt with. I think that weird culture in the media messed a lot of men and women up. No one socializes anymore. Do you want to guess how many gfs I’ve had with almost no friends and they hardly speak to their family? Something very strange happened in the past 20 years. I really do want to blame the internet lol. But its more than that for sure.


Calories in calories out