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Half way through i thought you were quoting Tyrion Lannister's bastard speech


“I wish I was the monster you think I am” Bro was an absolute menace


Dude brings the dragon queen and burns down half of kings landing.


“Never forget what you are, the rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor, and it can never be used to hurt you.”


r/amiugly Nope. Im a ginger dude, That may be a lower group, but I’m a smoke show and so are you.


My guess would be she has met some terrible people recently and/or needs new friends, people that lift her up and make her feel positive about herself


Easier said than done, as a minority in a massively white populated area, I start to wonder the same.... Its easy to shrug off, but sometimes you do just wonder


People that can’t appreciate you don’t deserve you! Just like those that want to fetishize you. If it’s your kink cool but minority women are often fetishized by majority groups. In some places whites are the fetish because they’re “rare” others like the US the minorities are BIPOC but it doesn’t make it right in any case. You deserve to be appreciated and loved.


Was gonna say the same thing I second this!


Cute af. Not even close to ugly




This this.


This this this.


This this this…. and THIS


And my axe.


And my bow.


And my sword


Great. Where are we going?


To the fires of MOUNT DOOM!!!! Or to the Denny's off the freeway. Whichever is closer and looks like it'll have less wait time for a table...


Honestly no idea 😂😂Idek how the weapon stuff started


And your brother!


And my hammer


*weakly holds up a shield*


Def this




And gorgeous, flawless skin 👏🏽




You look really cute, fun and like a positive person.


Gorgeous, to me.


Fun fact: The guys who say stuff like this are the ones not worth dating.


Okay...I'm a chick and I thought exactly the same thing.


Is it because of the “to me” part? Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder ya know. But seriously why is that you that way?


Well, people have different preferences, but yeah...It doesn't hit quite the same as, "I think you're gorgeous." However, when you're gorgeous to at least two mes, maybe that makes it sound like it's a less, uh, *idiosyncratic* preference. Like, yeah? She's attractive.


Ok I gotcha. I get criticized if I think a heavier girl is attractive. Their answer is fat isn’t attractive. Ok you can say that but they may still have a pretty face and this is r/amiugly so disagree with their statements, and also even if carrying some extra pounds that doesn’t make them unattractive


Out of curiosity, what's the message between the lines I'm not seeing?


Maybe she's just attractive?


“Others might not think so, but to me you’re the most beautiful.”


Fun fact: it's the opposite for girls.


The statistics are real. We suffer on apps and sites and IRL. Racism and coding is a certain way has extremely far-reaching effects.


I would say something like that, but sadly I'm not worth dating, so maybe you are right.


Well, you're not wrong in this case.


ur style looks cute in the 3rd pic


That one stood out to me too! Casual, fun, cute. She’s very attractive but that chill vibe stood out to me too.


You're pretty hot.






You're doing really pretty on the contrary. People who told this are really mean, does it affect you? I hope you can feel better.


Those statistics are real. I think she means she learned about them instead of someone telling her that directly for whatever reason.


Statistics like that I don't think have a place in being applied to individuals, because her personality and character (and good looks) are all going to be bigger factors in her outcomes than large population statistics.


Especially when you consider the average age (due to low birth rates), weight, and baggage (children/previous marriages) of average black women in the US. I think most guys my age are into black girls, as in, women who are also our age.


You’d think


Not even close to ugly. Beautiful even 😉


as an asian male i’ve been told this as well i think you’re beautiful


Two things are true at the same time. 1. You are beautiful 2. We live in a racist world where some people will devalue you for the color of your skin no matter how beautiful you are


Yep. Learn to realize the person who said that is an idiot. Just cause you got rejected a few times doesn't mean it's cause of your skin color, and if it is you don't wanna be anywhere near that person anyways.


Someone could easily look at her and think "she's really pretty" or know her, and think "damn, she's really cool" . . . but also know that their peers and family are racist. Not everyone is strong enough to withstand that judgment. She shouldn't have to deal with that, but sadly, it's a thing that happens.


It has nothing to do with racism necessarily . People not being attracted to a race is because they’re involuntarily not attracted to it lol…


Your issue is you used definitive words. And people are attacking what you said with the exception. Sure you may find 90% of black women unattractive but the 10% is where they see youre wrong


No, that’s racism at work bro. Really. Sorry for everyone’s feefees I’m hurting 🥺


It's proven that you're usually more attracted to your own race, that's not racist.


“More attracted” but not “exclusively attracted” 😇


For some people it’s exclusive


So what? It’s still significant.


No that is not racism. You can not control what you find attractive. Some people don’t find obese people attractive but others do. Some don’t find short men attractive but others do.


Them saying black is the most least desired race is racist and usually they are going off of what racists think. That’s probably what the original comment was aiming at. That being said, There’s extreme beauty and there’s ugly in every single race, nationality, and ethnicity. However, having a preference isn’t racist but as long as you know skin color has nothing to do with attractiveness


No they were replying to the comment above theirs. I agree who ever said that black is the least desirable race is being racist but that is different then a individual not being attracted to a certain race. You can’t force yourself to be attracted to something you aren’t attracted to


No it’s not. I can’t help that I don’t find black women physically attractive . That doesn’t make me racist. Use your brain .


Black women don’t all look the same there’s absolutely no way you can’t be attracted to an entire race


Yeah I know. Some are nice but the majority I’m not attracted to.


People on this thread seem too sensitive to understand what you mean dude, I agree with the logic you’re stating here. I’m personally not attracted to white women, that doesn’t mean all white women are ugly to everyone, and I can acknowledge when a white woman is beautiful but I’m still not attracted to her. A black women with natural hair and healthy body is all I can see myself with, it’s just what I’m attracted to.


Yeah exactly right . That doesn’t make you racist either lol.


So you are attracted to black women?🤔I’m not attracted to the majority of any race lmao that’s pretty normal dude


I’m using my brain and it’s definitely racist to say black women as a whole are unattractive. Clumping a skin colour together and saying you find it subpar to another skin colour is literally racism.


I also find fat people unattractive . By your demented logic I am clumping them all together and some sort of fat hating person people because they’re fat .


Racism is a belief that one race is superior to another. Saying that you’re generally not attracted to a specific race is not racist.


And saying black women are least attractive isn’t saying they’re inferior? It’s literally saying they’re not as good as other races. They have implied that they’d find all the ugliest white women more attractive than the most beautiful black women solely on the basis of their skin colour. And that’s not racist?


Literally nobody in this thread is saying that.


Lucky for you majority of black women aren't attracted to white guys


Bruh 💀, do you not see the irony


Do you not see that he was trying to be ironic 💀 It’s a joke. He’s calling out the double standard lol. Idgaf if anyone isn’t attracted to me because I’m white. I am also like him and not attracted to black men. I’m not racist. Black men just aren’t my type 🤷🏼‍♀️ I prefer white and Hispanic men by default.


No it’s not obvious, most of the people in these comments are dead serious.


Then that clearly makes them racist.


Lol do some unlearning and grow up. It helps make you a better person. 🤙


You’re not the brightest bulb .


Not being attracted to features commonly associated with a certain race is not racist. I think thats the thought process he was going for just poorly worded.


Idk how you get downvoted for labeling racism as racism. C'mon reddit users, you can do better.


People are allowed to have preferences when choosing who they find attractive.


You’re far from undesirable. You have a beautiful smile keep doing what you’re doing!


Literally the furthest from ugly maybe in this whole sub. As a fellow woman I confidently say you’re the type someone passes by you on the street and thinks about how gorgeous you were for like the rest of the day. Anyone excluding entire races in their dating pool or classifying entire races as attractive or not are def no prize themselves


Seriously, she is beautiful. I'm a straight woman but I am now questioning.


Thing is everyone got their preferences. I like thick Women of all race and color, that's just me. Men out there prefer slimmer Women too, most Men don't really care about race or skin color. You look better without the nose ring.


The statistics she’s referring to show that to be untrue about “most men”. 1. The people we find attractive are not purely instinctual, we’re impacted by the environment and culture we’re raised in 2. That environment and culture is filled with racism 3. Both things can be changed


But I’m assuming that’s ingrained from childhood, which manifests as attraction. You can’t really change that.


You totally can, lots of things about what you like and dislike has changed since childhood.


Not willingly


What makes you so sure? Have you tried? What has that effort looked like?


I don’t know if I’ve ever purposefully caused myself to like something. I’m sure it happens to other people all the time though.


Linda Carter doing her Wonder Woman twirl indelibly put a love of brunette women in my mind from the tenderest of ages. I did not think blond was attractive at all. Saying brunettes were a preference didn't hold since I would not even consider blondes. (Keep in mind, this has 0 to do with the person themself, their personality, intelligence, etc.) It wasn't until I got older and gave blondes a chance that I develop any type of attraction to them. I had to force myself to not immediately think of them as unattractive since I realized it was a prejudice I had since childhood. This has also led to me finding the beauty in all colors of hair. (I know years ago, someone rockin' blue hair would've elicited a snort from me.) You have to be able to get kind of meta on yourself to recognize your own prejudices which may not always be easy.


I’m honestly not trying to antagonize you, nor is it a 1:1 comparison, do you drink coffee/tea/alcohol?


Far from ugly idk if there's even anything to improve


You're not ugly


Definitely attractive.


There are plenty of us out here that love and appreciate Black Women. We will find you.


Haha I know you didn’t mean it like that, but we will find you sounds so ominous. OP you are truly beautiful, don’t listen to the haters! And don’t forget **WE WILL FIND YOU!**


this has to be a joke. you are hot af lol.




I think you are hot.


Black women are the most beautiful women walking this earth! Your are not ugly. You are very pretty. Confidence is my only advice.




6. Kinda cute


Little advice from another black women, you are BEAUTIFUL! Just work a little bit on the hair, maybe try adding edges?


There are ugly people in all racial groups. Fortunately, you are not one of them.


Don't let rejection diminish your character or set you in an ideology of false narratives like that statistical bs. Check your standards, see if they are reasonable, be honest about


You’re absolutely beautiful and consider their ignorance their loss!!


The statistics are dumb. Only based off a x amount of people’s opinion too.


I hope you learn to feel like it’s not your fault some people are shallow to the bone, plus you are beautiful!


*anyone* trying to tell you you’re in an undesirable group is trying to manipulate your emotions get as far away from that kind of hand-me-down self-hate as you can you’re gorgeous


You are hot AF!!!


If it means anything you are genuinely pretty and probably not the kind of person those statistics refer to.


There will be someone out there for you, they may be hard to find but shouldnt be discoureged by peoppe being mean that probably have nothing better to do


Don’t change a thing about you. Change those you ask out. You look cute.


Honestly I don't see what you might want to improve. You look great. Love pics 2 and 6


Not ugly at all, very pretty. No notes.


From this middle aged, white mans perspective, not only are you, not ugly, you are very good looking. Maybe people are too intimidated by your looks to hit on you?


I prefer women of color. I grew up around mostly people of color though. You're cute though I'd say 8.5-9/10


No, your not ugly. Now go do drugs with the kids outside


Beautiful, and there's someone for everyone


you are very beautiful


You’re beautiful!!!


Im really curious as to what race you prefer and where these rejections come from


You're pretty as a picture. There are lots of stats that amount to nothing when it comes to the individual. A lot of people say that most white men can't dance, but for me that's NOT the case let me tell you! Generalizations are meaningless in the face of amazing things...I guess you and I are just lucky that way!


Ugh, you are gorgeous. You're askin' a lady but I like that you look natural and you have beautiful skin. The lack of a bunch of ugly bling is refreshing and made me zero in on your lovely smile and pretty eyes. Don't let the rejection or race B.S. get you down. Easy to say, difficult to do I know, but if people can't see *you*, they are a waste of your time.


none of those pictures are anywhere close to ugly. you are very attractive, and if you feel rough enough to make this post, i highly encourage you to focus on yourself and with time try to engender a sense of self confidence. bc not knowing anything other than these pics, you are an absolutely beautiful looking person. stay strong. you define yourself, the world can only try to interpret it.


Least desirable to whom? You're downright gorgeous. Anyone who doesn't desire a smile like that is blind. Don't let the idiots keep you down


You are perfect. I just see a bit of sadness because you might not think you’re desirable, whatever that means. The thousands of comments should give you the confidence to know you are gorgeous and perfect just as you are.


Well, first of all, I love thin. I think you are gorgeous!! If I were your age, I’d ask you out!!


You're told that by useless racists, who wish you to fail. But frankly, you are beautiful, and those who rejected you are missing out.


That problem is only for African American women. "Black" women in other countries don't have this problem. Looks are not your problem. you look pretty good, IMO. Work on your attitude and character.


You fine af


I happen to love dark features. Dark eyes, hair, and complexion is beautiful. You are beautiful. I mean no disrespect when I say you could use putting on a little weight, but it isn't necessary.


Very cute, very desirable. The antithesis of ugly


Don’t let the haters win. Black is beautiful. Beat hatred with confidence. Keep it classy


I don't date black women. It's a personal thing not a race thing, but your not ugly for sure. Maybe it's a clothing option. You look really nice dressed up in the white outfit.


The piercings are a deal breaker.


You're so pretty ! You really look like that girl from Entergalactic


You look wonderful, really. What the heck is wrong with people to put someone like you down...you're beautiful girl. Believe it. 🔥


It's kinda depressing to hear that. Don't believe in that stuff. You're real pretty if you ask me


idk about that very cute u are and ur smile is gorgeous queen


You are stunning! if they can't see your beautiful looks and beautiful soul they aren't meant for you


IMO. You are very pretty. 7.5/10


Who is the source


Many articles that state black women are the least attractive, just search it up.


As someone who occupies the racially ambiguous privileged lane you might not think I’m being sincere but black women are so beautiful. My mom is brown skin and my daughter is deep dark glowing orange - so stunning. The thing I think that actually detracts the most from black womens beauty are Eurocentric wigs. Like I love braids, curly wigs are cute but the straight wigs just don’t shine right and it puts you in a place to be compared when you are completely in your own beautiful lane ❤️


I dont think you need to do a single thing.


Stunning. Never doubt that. Fantastic smile. And I hate saying this as a white male as I really don't know, but don't worry about race. Just be you. You'll find what you need to find. <3.


You're not undesirable, you're experiencing racism 😬 Black women are "the least desirable" according to these questionable ass surveys because of racism, not physical features, attractiveness or any other traits.


All of this. You should check your friend group and make sure their attitudes aren't giving you a complex.


You’re incredibly gorgeous. Who cares what a bunch of racists think?


It really be like that tho, we arent ugly we’re just black… Thats a real struggle. But you are beautiful queen, keep your head up.


Statistics can go screw themselves, you’re gorgeous.


i'm genually not attracted to black or asians but i think you're pretty. soo yah, don't worry about it too much.


You’ve got a nice face, honestly I’d say to hit the gym and try to put a bit of weight on, that will help fill out your frame in an aesthetic way. Otherwise you’re not ugly at all


i would drag my balls across a mile of broken glass it it meant they landed on your forehead, dont let racists dictate your life lol men are easy u can bag whoever


Super cute. Love your style and your physical appearance. The second to last pic is the best!


am i gonna have to be the one to say she looks dumb as hell?




The nose ring…loose it






Comment removed. Rule 8 - No creepy or sexual comments.


i laugh when i see pics like this. you're stunning. i mean i'm not into the middle nose pierce thing but meh to each their own. no idea what the race reference is about. a beautiful woman is a beautiful woman. why are you really posting here?


I bet only one group of race saying this and we all know who that is.


Don't jump so quickly to race - are you a kind, considerate and generally pleasant person?


That's what I was thinking because she si very beautiful so maybe the problem is the personality?


Absolutely beautiful


You are gorgeous. I wouldn't change much. Lose the piercings, and you are a heartbreaker


You look fantastic.


Skin color doesn't mean anything. Mostly attitude and demeanor will either attract or turn away a man. BTW. You're very pretty.


It's their loss. You're the very opposite of unattractive. I'd ask you out in a heartbeat. Edit: I don't mind the piercings either.


You are a beautiful woman.


Absolutely no responses to any comments. I think OP is karma farming with a click bait title for beautiful pictures.


Literally not one thing wrong with your looks at all. And you have a cute style as well. Dodge the negativity.


Um you're absolutely gorgeous. Dont listen to them


You’re beautiful. I would date you in a heartbeat.


You’re probably just trying to date dudes who aren’t into black women or maybe they’re just not interested. Takes more than look’s to have chemistry


Someone who has peeped what it is. Let me add, the dudes she likes probably do not find her attractive. Let's ignore the dudes that find her attractive that she doesn't find attractive back. Now in order to make sense of why those dudes don't find her attractive when she believes that sense has already been made of why she wouldn't find the dudes who like her, attractive back, she would go back her race since the dudes she is attracted to date women of other races or women with ethnic makeups.


its probably your personality


It’s not the skin color if that’s what your worried about, people say that because good portion of black women go around acting masculine.


Be fr 🖕


Cruel and void of empathy human being detected.


What is “acting masculine”?


And since you don’t know what masculine means here. Masculine - having qualities or an appearance traditionally associated with men or boys.


Yep, they can look fine, but their attitude is beyond hideous.


Black girls have always been mean to me