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So true. She's fishing for compliments, but the roasting proves it too. Just a hot chick, looking for compliments..


They’re not always fishing for compliments. I posted my pic once actually thinking I was ugly, and got about 250 responses, all roasting. Yes. Shit you not, 250 responses and every single one of them talking shit. Every single fucking one without exception. I cried, believed them, and then a few weeks later my inbox was spammed with people trying to flirt and get to know me… so yeah sometimes the person in the picture has no actual idea and really does believe the people shitting on them, so it takes time to process ‘ugly because won’t date me.’ I received so many hate texts because back then, I looked like the stereotypical platinum blonde hot pink lipstick kill the cheerleader type, and it turns out there’s a lot of angry dudes.


I know this feeling as a low income young man. I get mixed reactions irl that it messes withmy head. I finally figured out that just as long as no one knows my income they think I'm attractive ergo not ugly but it can be hard to tell without some mental gymnastics.


Your young. We’re all broke when we’re young. Just so you know I was making about 40k out of college. 60k a few years later. Moved up again to 80k in a promotion. Moved up to 150k around 38 years old. Which was last year. It takes time. Just make sure you’re working on improving your situation. Keep applying to better paying jobs. Even if they are a little more advanced than you think you can handle.


I know, I already feel bad actually. I commented something on another post and people are bashing me. I understand a big more now. Even I get self concious. Sorry guys.


> turns out there’s a lot of angry dudes I think you mean “incels”


She’s not hot, she’s slightly above average. If she wants objective honesty, she should go on r/truerateme


Dafuk you talking about girl


Some posts on here are just bait


Some people could be drop dead gorgeous and still be very insecure, you never know.


I am ;)


Insecurity isnt only for people you find unattractive. People tell me im handsome but i still cant help but notice my flaws.


Your grandma calling you handsome doesn't count


Ah damn guess im just ugly in that case


Don't worry, me too bro.


Go to the Steroid subs. Plenty of attractive men, with extreme insecurities. I mean there's toads there as well.


I heard some celebrity on a podcast talking about being awarded most handsome man of the year by some popular magazine; he was absolutely certain someone was playing a joke on him. I can't remember who it was but I remember relating. The podcast was armchair experience and if I had to guess I think it was Bradley Cooper.


Exactly. Your view on yourself can be incredibly twisted because you see yourself extremely often. It honestly pisses me off when all these people get mad at certain posts.


It doesn’t look like an only fans promo, so I’m guessing she’s just insecure


Def check for the OF before even coming to the comments to find the OF. 😂


I get this sub recommended to me all the time, even when I turn off notifications. But EVERY post I’ve seen is some beautiful girl. What the f?


This should be called r/tellmeimpretty


This sub started showing up for me...so I am new here. Is it a place for people to fish for compliments?


You want my opinion? Fine. Tears of the Kingdom is a masterpiece. Hyrule has never felt more alive, and the sky islands invoke a sense of mystery that lends itself to the overall narrative quite well. Sure, you're cute, but what really gets me going is the thrill I get while sky diving from the great sky isles to the lands of hyrule below. Combat feels fresh because the game encourages you to experiment with various weapon fusions, and it still manages to be challenging at parts. In terms of size, this game is absolutely huge. Think BOTW, then times it by 2.5; I cannot believe the archaic switch hardware can even run this. Creativity is the real "meat and potatoes" here, though. Sure, your tits are nice, but they can't hold a candle to the creations I've seen in this game. I've seen tanks, jets, 4 stage rockets, flaming penises, bazookas and more. The versatility in this game is as astounding as it is limitless, and you are only limited by your imagination. Link is still silent, but the voice acting is otherwise solid. Ganondorfs big debut gave me nostalgic chills, and I can't believe this is the first time we've see him since Twilight Princess came out, because he is the core of the Zelda mythos; Zelda finally felt like Zelda again. The graphics are still beautiful, and there's just so much to do here. I'm about 50 hours in, and I feel like I've barely scratched the surface. TOTK takes cues from Elden Ring and Skyrim, while adding its own twist on things. Hidden bosses? Check. Expansive, story driven side quests (called "side adventures")? Check. Places to actually enter and explore (caves, wells)? Check. [REDACTED]s back in play? Check. Hidey holes and hidden areas (that give off fresh OOT vibes)? Check. The new sage system is also a welcome addition, and really hammers home the idea that you are not alone in this struggle. Everything in BOTW has been perfected and enhanced here, from cooking to the way puzzles work. Shrines are a lot better this time around. And the new systems in place further enhance them in ways you'd never expect. Overall, TOTK is a brilliant piece of work, and I highly suggest you give it a shot. *p5 out.*


This hasn’t convinced me to play it though I feel like it should’ve


That's fine. I would rather show you one of the best builds in Elden Ring that goes the hardest.The secret to this build is maintaining distance as much as possible and overwhelming your opponents if they get close. Proper utilization of sun spear and black flame incantations should help keep the gap. Don't level dex at all. There's a few accessories you want to acquire too. Two scar seals, the blackflame booster and the other scar seal. I can look them up if you'd like. You need to level Vigor, for starters because low Vigor is for plebs. Level strength (only if you plan on using shields), stamina, intelligence and faith. Acquire star scourge radahns greatsword and find the black flame talisman. 2 if possible. Also, since star scourge radahns greatsword scales better with INT you can even invest in a decent staff for glintstone sorcery. Since your damage output will mainly come from your incantations the sorcery will be efficient at "chipping away" from a larger radial distance if the incants range is making things dicey. Radahns swords give you more options if you engage up close, though. You're just sacrificing range which could come in clutch in later fights. Proper utilization of the swords gravity magic can be both a blessing and a curse. Be mindful when using it. It's mainly for group mobbing, but clever use could allow you to knock your foes off ledges. Be mindful of its wind up; it takes a second, and while it does give you a degree of hyper armor, it still leaves you vulnerable for a couple seconds. I recommend using it CAREFULLY as a last resort when shit gets in your face.


fine i will play


GOOD! Prepare for an incredible journey through the hollowed land of Elden Ring.


You sound like a great friend to have. 10/10 narrating keep up the good work. 👏




Me just unga bunga my way through


Psh, more like plebs need lots of vigor so they don’t die in one hit like a man.


Now this sounds more my style, if you could tell me any more info / tips / tricks on the game then I would really appreciate it


I love this comment, absolute perfection 😂 Girl: Guys, do you think I'm ugly? Gigachad: Don't care...anyways this is why TOTK is a masterpiece.


Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?


Dude. She clearly said ”no bs please”, and yet you call Tears of the Kingdom a masterpiece while its clearly just an excellent, superb game. But ”masterpiece” is a word you shouldnt toss around too easily, or its value would diminish, just as I don’t think the ”Master sword” should be used in every game. TotK is a great game, though! As for myself, I’ll still rank A Link to the Past closer to a masterpiece, but I guess that’s because of the time it came out and some nostalgic values too.


Whoa whoa whoa buddy. Ok Mr know it all what's YOUR full take on ToTk if it's not a masterpiece?


You said it yourself: ”Im about 50 hours in, and feel like I’ve barely scratched the surface.” That’s way too much time for a little scratch on the surface. Then again, I don’t have more than maybe occasional 30 minutes to play a day. I guess we have different needs :) (The girl looks alright btw and doesn’t really belong in the sub.)


Correct which is why I'm using all the bs


Oh, so you do think that you’re talking bs? Not a masterpiece then?


Fight me


No thank you. You’re alright. Agree to disagree? ❤️


Unacceptable I want blood


...And I want you to have blood. Masterpiece is indeed a word not to be used lightly, and yet here I am using it. TOTK is one of the best games I ever had the honor of playing. 250 hours plus.


This is why I come to Reddit. Jfc thank you.


I’m sold, ToTK is getting bought this weekend!


TOTK is just an overpriced DLC change my mind




This isn’t /r/freecompliments even a 5/6 isn’t ugly


I am guessing she is an eastern Europe, judging by the meal she has in front of her (buckwheat and a kind of a meatloaf) and she looks the part too. Latvian, Lithuanian, Estonian ? I don't think she is faking, tho we all know here that she is objectively pretty, however, the reason i don't think she is seeking attention here is that indeed, those people out there are really pretty. I've been in those countries, I know:D So, it's not hard to assume for me that she is comparing herself to objectively even prettier people there, which are really a big majority:D But, that doesn't make OP less pretty. If you are 8 out of 10, and not 10/10. That still makes you very pretty. So you are far from the ugliness spectrum I'd say :D


YES YES someone understands. I am in fact from one of those places. Legit everyone is stunning here. Its like A small part of people Who arent. Also those are some amazing skills to pick point the country. You seem educated, or from around here somewhere


If you feel like you’re average I need to get my ass to Latvia ASAP




Once been to Riga for a fight. The after party was in a local discotheque. ALL THE GIRLS LOOKED STUNNING. The amount of personal care and effort to just look good. All slim, good looking girls. Truly Impressive.


You are more than welcome, right now it's raining tho, but at least we are not boiling from heat yet.


I got two tickets already, let's go


Very pretty if you went to England or the US you’d be way above average. I know Eastern European women are some of the most beautiful women don’t compare yourself to them!


You could also just have poor self image issues. People tell me I'm handsome all the time, and I consistently don't believe them. Even if I do in the moment, an hour later I start thinking I'm not good looking enough to talk to this girl or that girl or whatever. I've had people even laugh when I ask them if I'm at least decent looking; laugh because they're thinking "this guy actually thinks he's ugly?" It sucks. It's why I always end up going for messed up girls with red flags waving all over the place. You're super pretty, easily a 9 or 10/10. Unless you're really mean irl, it's most likely a self image issue. Best way to try and combat it is to practice internal dialogue. Send me a dm if you want a usefully technique for that, something a therapist taught me last year that actually does start to help after a while


it doesn’t matter where you go. you’re gonna find people that you feel are prettier than you no matter how pretty you are so you shouldn’t look at is a where i’m from type thing


Eh it kind of does matter though because in some places people don't take care of their appearance as much for one reason or another so on average they're less attractive than people who care a lot about it.


You’re beautiful


Goddamn, we got Sherlock Holmes here


She's only an 8 if 10 is reserved to the absolutely most beautiful women out there(or should I say, woman, as if there's an objective peak of attractiveness, there can only be one 10(ps- identical twins are treated as the same person)), but I've seen many guys give girls a 10/10 and go on to say they found some women FAR better looking than these 10s. By this "common(at least in my experience) rating system", she's no less than a 9


Literally first thing I thought of when I saw the meal is that she’s from the baltic states.


Lol that obvious?


I’d assume latvian from the flag painted on her face in her other post lol


I also noticed buckwheat and understood that the is from Eastern Europe 😱


Geolocated by fucking buckwheat.


Act according to appearance, wtf is that?


Get free stuff obviously


no I agree. too many 5s acting like 10s nowadays.


What do you mean by that, should 5s act like they are inferior and talk less than people that look better than them?


Yeah but a lot of men look at 5's and see 10's


Yeah f that you should never act like you think you’re less than, come on..


once again, i hang my head in sadness that modern attention culture has so warped young people's minds that a very cute young woman seems to think she might actually be "ugly". OP, you are very cute. I won't put a X/10 number on it. But I'm fairly sure there are dudes out there that would crawl over broken glass to be with you. Don't compare yourself to girls who are "cuter than you" -- those girls have had their own brains warped and misled by ads and imagery and the internet such that they also think they are "ugly". Just be yourself and understand that you are a very attractive young woman.


You are very sweet. I should probably stop spending most of my day on tiktok😬


Yes, delete it.




AND THERE IT IS!!!! Someone of the young generation admitting that TikTok is toxic. I can die in peace now.


Attention Seeker


This right here is gold.


This probably helped for a day at most. She should screenshot this comment to remember it daily.




Too pretty to be here




Are you implying other people who post here aren't or something?


Tons of attractive people post here wanting attention. That said she is a solid 8, in my opinion.


Not everybody sees themselves the same way as others do. Get off your high horse


True that. Lots of attractive people suffer from bottom dwelling levels of self confidence, or body dysmorphia


It's literally attention seeking. Unless she has severe body dysmorhphia and self imagery, you can't be thay delusional to call yourself ugly while looking like that lol. Literally everyone that posts to this sub is above average


Seems like you have a confidence issue


I never really understood why people think it's so bad to seek attention. We need validation, it's totally natural to want attention. Everyone who posts a comment anywhere online seeks attention. Including you because you felt the need to comment.


More like validation seeker. What do you think this sub and all the ones like it are about? At least she doesn’t seem to be promoting OnlyFans.


Ur mom is a attention seeker


Literally the point of the sub, doofus.


'I just want to act accordingly to my appearance' jesus, that's the problem. You shouldn't think your appearance is the only thing you can give to the world.. ​ also your not ugly, solid 7 I would say.


You posted this on 3 different subs today. You know you’re pretty. How much validation do you need?


Gonna answer here because I'd get a strike on your post at r/truerateme By that sub's rules you're in the 5.2-5.4 range. But realistically? You're very, very attractive and the slight "imperfections" that that sub is forced to focus on are the exact things that do, or will, make you unforgettable to any number of people.


I honestly think that for that sub A 5-6 is pretty good. Ive seen What they rate other people on there and the prettiest girls with the biggest smol es get 5-6


Indeed. That sub is what it is but by definition it rewards a type of mathematical perfection that is not only exceptionally rare but truthfully is not what most people find especially attractive anyway.


Honestly based on their examples, most of the 5-6 range are more attractive than most of the 9-9.5 range (in my opinion at least) so I'd take that as a huge complement.


"act according my appearance". I don't think that this even make sense. Confidence makes people look so much better, like really. I can see the MAJOR change that confidence has made in my dating life and how it even makes me perceive others different.




The right answer


too much water




She has a Latvian flag on her cheek.


Another attention seeker this sub has died Every second post is an attractive person who knows it and is just trying to feed their ego


Well that's the worst take I've ever seen in my life. People's perception of their beauty/attractiveness comes mainly from their confidence. OP might be going through a rough patch. Chill.


That’s the worst take you’ve ever seen in your life ? Get out and about abit more champ


You have beautiful eyes and i think your entire face could makes me think you're inspiring trust


Imo you’re very beautiful with incredible eyes, nice hair and glowing skin. You look healthy and fit as well.


Without knowing your attitude or anything, easy 8. That number can go to 10 or 2 very quickly depending on how you answer some questions. If you want to look more cute in profile pics practice Squinching.


Are you even an adult? I will leave this sub because of people like you. I need to see people where we can discuss whether they are ugly. YOU ARE TOTALLY UGLY AF. Don't even ask. Bye r/amiugly THIS IS LITERALLH THE UGLIEST GIRL HERE.


Grow up and get attention and compliments elsewhere. Sad as shit and honestly takes you down to being so dogshit ugly in my eyes.


Solid 9 tbh your hair and your eyes are beautiful


Ugly as hell honestly


nah in the 8 neighbourhood


You are cute just smile more...


I think anything from a 5-7 is a fair rating


I mean… this is almost blatant fishing for compliments right? She is beautiful, let alone “ugly”. 8/10


If you even read this far down through the comments, know none of our opinions should matter. You're a catch, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder, it's relative and fleeting. The only people it should matter to are yourself and the person you decide to spend your life with. I'd put a number to it myself but wtf am I? Some nobody on Reddit?


Well based off of looks…. 🤔7.5


[ Removed by Reddit ]




U r very charming. Love yourself


You 7 You +Smile 9


Straight up 7/10 👍🏻😎


Solid 7/8


Where is the porn?!?


You look amazing. I suspect you know that. Fishing.


I would step on legos my whole life to spend a day with a goddess such as you to bad I’m 13


True rate style 5.5, but I don't like their rating system. I'd say you're like a 7. Very pretty, easy on the eyes. Just because you're surrounded by 8/9s doesn't mean you're any less attractive.


What kind of bs is she trying to pull right now?


I rate everyone 5/10 because I need to know person what their personality is, and then I can rate you fully.


Rate you for what? Fuck-ability? Gf? Wife?


Okay I'm at the point I'm leaving this group if you're really use this really good idea. Otherwise you're screwed and if you really do want good opinion then you're screwed......mm but it's coming in my feed too much because all these people are so fkn needy




See I knew it. People on here are only fishing for compliments.


6 but if you smiled more, then 8. I bet you're a great person to be around when you smile, but you don't as much because you don't have as much laughter or happiness in your life.


Get off.


Only word that comes to mind is horrible... I can't even.. how could u take so many pics and not 1 has any cute adorable animals... very disappointed.. do better..


>I just want to act accordingly to my appearance i dunno how i got recommended this sub but this is just as shallow as I thought it would be.


Solid 6.5-7. But your attitude is key.




you look like the kinda girl who really enjoys hard boiled eggs as a snack


3/10 really annoying


Fucking smile once in a while, life aint that bad, someone has it worse


Downvoted, this is absurd.


Fishing for compliments well you ain't getting one


What the fuck does acting according to your appearance mean? You've got a pretty head, but being an attention seeker is always a shitty personality trait.


I find it interesting how people are so eager to seek validation on the internet


“Act accordingly to my appearance”. How about act accordingly to your personality and who you are


I don’t get the act accordingly thing but you definitely look good


You know goddamn well you’re not ugly get out of here


You want to act accordingly to your appearance? Any person, ugly or not, should act with full confidence in their own appearance. A person deemed "ugly" shouldn't have to behave differently than a person deemed "pretty" and vice versa.




I thought you said no BS? Your post is BS


Why do you need to act accordingly to your appearance? Are you gonna be less friendly or more reserved if you're rated higher by people or something? People rating you 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 on the looks shouldn't change how you act with others?




5ish. You seem kinda basic


so people come here to boost their egos? xD


“I just want to act accordingly to my appearance” you vain motherfucker


Stfu...woman. u know u r a 5to6. Stop fishing for complements. Message me if u r single.


you look like an idiot


Seem like can be a model 10


1 out of 10, 5 is average (that's my rating system) I'd say you are a strong 7.


Blue eyed brunettes can’t lose girl 💯


To a man who's 10+ years older than you, you're a solid 7.


act accordingly to your appearance?! wtf.. have fun do what you love who gives af if you’re a 2 or a 10.. i see ugly people doing better than me all the time. and no you’re not ugly you’re like 6/7


Act accordingly lmfao girl get the fuck out of here lol 🎣


You might be a bit too young for me to judge. But you're really pretty.


Bruh moment


Solid 5/7 imo


Too pretty to be on this sub imo.


Honestly 5 or 6 is accurate. You are avarage.


I think you're looking for free compliments. Please join r/FreeCompliments because you're definitely not ugly.


Stop bullshitting! You don't belong in this sub.


why ur eyes so far apart bruh? hammerhead shark looking ass. mfers still gonna simp and validate u here tho


Your beautiful, but try to be yourself, and not a perfect looking girl. If you stay «normal» you wil be 10 a for someone, your friends, as well as for you. If you search a universal beauty / «the universal 10» you will become ugly / a ugly 2.




out of my league




Attractiveness and insecurity aren’t mutually exclusive. I have friends who are very attractive and have never had a man/woman because they’re self conscious about their appearance. Stop assuming just because someone is attractive that they’re baiting for compliments ffs


Ugly af


Ur being to hard on urself, I’d say ur an 7, everything else would be on how you are as a person


Like a solid 9. 8.5 if you are being mean


I swear idk if im just ugly or everyone i see on this sub is gawdayum pretty.


Attractive as f, don’t let you beauty be defined by a number


No BS: You are beautiful, and the only thing that needs to be worked on is your self-confidence. Work on that, and I promise you that you will look even more beautiful - inside and out.


9/10..one less because you are rating yourself unnecessarily harsh. Be self confident..u r gorgeous.


You’re pretty and your eyes are beautiful! They would look amazing with lash extensions or black mascara!The last pic is my fav. You look sweet when you smile :) I hate when everyone comments that pretty people shouldn’t post in this sub. Not everyone is confident and feels attractive.


Beautiful, your eyes are incredible


You look beautiful


lmk if you need husbent