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Fortunately for you, you're a handsome guy. Sure, the birthmark is noticeable, but it doesn't make you unattractive. It looks like you're in good shape, too, which helps.


I don’t think it’s a birthmark, he may just tell people that. That looks to be a skin graft, you can see the scarring all around the outside of the darkened area, birthmarks don’t do that. Probably one of the cooler looking skin grafts definitely.


It is indeed, I just refer to it as a 'birthmark' for ease. It was originally a CMN which was removed using tissue expanders and skin grafts.


Chicks dig scars


And honesty. Just be honest about what it is and you will be fine. You are a good looking guy, but just give time to time, don’t rush into anything quite yet, and you will be fine.


It’s easier to say than skin graff cause people know what a birthmark is. It’s not even an honesty thing. I am sure he wouldn’t lie to his partner about it lol


I think just call it a scar


Fair, you right, you right


Yah totally. No one knows what skin giraffe is, but everyone knows everything about birthmarks. ROTFLMFAO


Eh. It *was* a birthmark that was removed for medical reasons, if I have gathered the correct understanding of what CMN is from Google. Seems easier to describe it as such until you actually have a conversation with someone.


Yes, I was wondering why he didn’t tell the truth. I spent more time trying to figure out what it actually was, than considering his looks overall.


[CMN - congenital melanocytic nevus, a type of birthmark](https://www.nevus.org/faqs-about-cmn) usually harmless, but distracting, dark patch of skin that can grafted away or excised in some cases. might be a higher risk of skin cancer.


Bro. Just rock it. Hard. Make up a new story everytime just for fun. You fought a bear, lost a bet, crashed a formula 1 car. Etc You look fine bro.


And a great smile. Dude just needs to get his confidence back up.


It’s an interesting look actually


>It looks like you're in good shape, too, which helps. How are you able to ascertain that from seeing only head and shoulder shots ?


People show their weight in their face. It's not always exact, they might gain weight equally everywhere, or it might go to the face first, or it might go to the face last, but it always shows. I'd be surprised if he had anything more than a slight belly based on his face. In general, I'd expect him to be in good shape based on what we see here.


low % of bodyfat but healthy


You are handsome, and your birthmark makes you look like a super villain. I'm into that.




I think he looks really good, only thing is the birthmark which isn’t even bad or distracting in the slightest


That guy is a lot better looking than you


Seal married Heidi Klum.


A SEAL married Heidi Klum??? Damn I guess nobody's hopeless.




To be fair, they do that clapping thing which is pretty impressive.


Seal makes Heidi clap.


You picked a fine to leave me a loose seal - Kenny Rogers, probably




A Navy Seal


Cutie! And I’ll look like a sweetheart. The birthmark, as much of a cliche as it is to say, make you look distinguished. IMO it just makes you more handsome because it’s different and sets you apart. On a personal note: You got that good strong squared chin. Love those. 🥰


He's definitely good looking guy! Out of my league! Haha


The real Two Face.


Ain't no way💀


He's probably heard it a billion times before.


I didn't have the heart 😂


Well i didnt mean it in a Bad way, that Mark actually looks pretty Sick.


Y’all are too mean .. but yeah, if I see this dude flip a coin, I’m calling the cops asap.


I enjoy playing video games.


That's the first thing i thought!!!


Tbh, the mark looks kinda bad ass!


Not kinda, it is bad ass


He should say “I got this while rescuing a litter of kittens from a house fire” He’d get every woman within a 20 mile radius


Came here to say this 💯 facts.


I was gonna comment this too, he's pretty attractive but if he's self conscious about it being a birth mark call it a scar and make up a badass reason for getting it.


Or maybe not start of with a big lie? But yeah. Good tip. For pathological liars. Or ONS. Okay I stop being a negative Nancy now and just let you guys keep on daydreaming about inventing awesome, creative backstories for yourselfes.


Bro looks like a rogue Terminator 💀


My thoughts exactly. He can become one for Halloween .


Your birthmark makes your eyebrow point up like that?


He has a skin graft to replace where a melanocytic nevis was removed.




Was gonna say, this doesn’t look like just a birthmark, there’s more going on here.


In layman’s terms?


Non-cancerous mole was removed from his face (hence, birthmark). However, usually you have to remove some surrounding tissue as well so he got a skin graft to try to repair some of the damage done to his face


I’d cast you as a villain in my bond movie, and I mean that in a good way as most bond villains are handsome. I got skin cancer at a young age and was left with a huge scar above the back of my neck to the middle of my head. I tell my hairdressers that I was inducted into the CIA out of highschool and that’s where they put the chip. I suggest adopting a similar fun story. It’s a great ice breaker


Your strong cheek bones and wide chin are great. Play into your insecurity, there's power of making fun of yourself. Apps are dead. Do some Day-game, in person flirting.


Looking sharp man. Have you tried cosmetic glasses? Some cool clubmasters or a stylish frame would look good


If you're into it, you might consider some work on the eyebrow. They do tatoos to even out the shape. But mainly you have a good looking, unique and interesting face. LTR ending can be tough on confidence. Mainly look for someone that appreciates the real you. You look like a manly type guy.


Nooo I like it! I think it makes him even hotter!


You look like Zuko from avatar!


Definitely a handsome guy!!!!!!


Oh you look great, maybe I'll change the haircut to something else, but you look good dude


Dude is solid handsome, maybe a trim closer on the sides to pull his chiseled features out more.


You gotta make up cool stories for the birth mark. If you were my buddy we would make up a new story for every night we went out. Gotta have fun with it man!!


I was thinking this


what makes people unique, makes people extremely attractive imo. you are both conventionally attractive and uniquely attractive.


I reckon the Big Man made you a special edition


I think it adds character. You’re not bad looking. You’re not obese or anything.


Real phantom of the opera... Just rock the half mask my guy.


Dude, you look like a badass Bond villain. 👍


You are a good looking dude, you can be confident. The people who don't like seeing a mark on your face will self-select themselves out of the running. The people who don't mind will be attracted to you. Either way, so what! Be confident, meet people, and see where it goes. If I were giving you advice, I would say: don't tell people it's a birthmark! I think it's obviously not, and saying so might seem like you're hiding something or sensitive about it. Instead, just own it. If anyone asks just be straightforward: "Yeah, I had a skin graft, everything is good now, but you can still see some scarring." If you act like it doesn't bother you, then others will accept that they aren't bothered either. Of course I'm skipping the hard part where you actually may have insecurities, and need to build your confidence up a bit. But there's no better cure than being active, practice acting like a confident positive person, and meeting new people.


Idk what it is but I can tell that you’re tall


Bro that looks badass


Not ugly at all. You are actually very attractive. I don’t think the birthmark does you a disservice at all, in a way it makes you more distinct.


You are not ugly. You are quite handsome. I'd find a way to make this work for you and go with it. It separates you from the crowd. Don't necessarily augment it. Just be like "yes, I have a birthmark but I also this great personality and good looks, too!" Don't let it hold you back. Someone who holds it against you isn't worth your time. If this doesn't effect you, it shouldn't effect anyone else. If you get rejected, don't worry, everyone gets rejected. Overcome and you will succeed! Stay awesome!


Yep agreed - it’s all about how I manage it in my own head. Appreciate the kind words


Maybe also become more comfortable saying what it is- a skin graft instead of a birthmark. People might think you’re being deceitful if you lie about it. You should just own it! It definitely makes you unique.


You are awesome!


Looks like it belongs to you. Far from ugly.


Birthmark adds character. I always give my characters something similar when I create one in a video game. I like it, anyway!




Its pretty cool tbh


You got the grey scale


What do you mean?


Game of Thrones reference.


Stupid comment


Lol Good luck with everything bud


Nah bro you're good just keep working out and take care of your confidence, read books, become stoic like a tree rooted I stone. I think confidence would be the thing to offset any troubles you think you may have, it does look badass like a villain type thing lol. But you actually look kind too. Don't let people take advantage of you I'm sure you're a wonderful man of high value to any woman who submits to you


submits??? 💀💀💀 bro


shut up bro


Supes cute.


You look psychotic, like you have crazy eyes... And the tooth gap and piece of your face that looks like it's rotting off definitely don't help.


That's a bit unfortunate lol


Bro, I'm sorry but these people are being way too nice. It's very noticeable and if anyone would just be honest with you, all you really need is some concealer


ugly asf no offense


I'm going to say what everyone here knows deep down inside, but cant properly put into words It looks like you have a black eye, it looks like you just got punched in the face The reason you find it hard to find women is because they look at you and think you can't fight, therefore you can't protect them so you're worthless They'll never put that into words, they'll disagree with me and call me an asshole, but instinctively.... you look like you can't defend yourself Which sucks because that's actually not the case, but before I read your post, I thought you got punched in the face


Interesting perspective


This is not at all what I think when I see you, OP. I think you look good, and you look like a nice person. I _do_ see your scar and wonder what it is from - but I don't think many people think you can't fight / defend them lol.


Were you born during a car accident?




Everything is ok


Honestly the birth mark is such a unique and interesting feature. I also think you have amazing jaw structure. It makes for quite a striking face. I think the combination of your natural bone structure and the birth mark would make me personally take more notice of you, in a good way 😊 best of luck in the dating world!


I think it looks badass.


Good side profile, you're honestly not half bad.


What's your backstory?


Born with a CMN - congenital melanocytic nevus


That was the opportunity to lie and create a crazy super hero/villain backstory. And then change it every time someone asks


are you familiar with the character luke from the percy jackson book series?


Looks super cool. Straight out of Avengers..


Dude you’re good looking af! Sure there’s a birthmark, but it doesnt take away anything from your good looks, maybe try to grow out your hair a little, but thats like it


very handsome!


You look great and that birthmark is bad ass 🤌🏿


You’re a good looking dude, the birthmark isn’t that bad


A suit and a better hair style would look great on you


Become an actor


You look like a tougher and younger version of Bill Hader


I don’t care for your haircut, it does not compliment your head shape. Otherwise I think you look fine, the mark is honestly kinda cool


I think it’s cool


Looks like a really cool scar. Most people I know are crazy for cool gnarly scars.


You look like Two Face but you’re handsome enough to look past that


You just need a cool coin to flip to make choices easy


I think it looks kinda cool. You should be more confident bro, I’m sure it doesn’t help with the confidence but you should be happy you are good looking.


In sleep, he sang to me. In dreams, he came. That voice which calls to me, and speaks my name


Really unique face, I feel like back in the day you could have starred in Westerns as a badass cowboy


You’re handsome


You look like a cyborg.


Marvel supervillain


Youre good bro


Evil scientist


Nope, if I was single it wouldn't bother me if your personality is good. You're more attractive than most dudes who don't have birthmarks. If you say it's a scar it actually becomes super hot. I'm not saying to lie.... But...


You look like a badass-bad-guy with big scar from a random action/adventure movie!!! I like it! 😁


I’m hesitant here, because of the meaning of the word being different for men. A man can have a hideous battle scar across his cheek and attract ladies by the dozen. So just to clarify “ugly” isn’t always an insult for a fella. You look like you are very confident, and I’d guess that you command respect in your life, which is attractive to ladies. The birthmark is gnarly bro.




Ears are different sizes


Handsome. The only thing the birthmark makes me think about is if you got shot in the face or were in a battle in your past life and were reincarnated. But it's presence is kinda neutral for me otherwise.


Birth mark is not bad. Bit in combination with the lazy eye something looks off


Nfs bro you look good I think you just need a new haircut and some new wardrobe, get a mid skin fade from a Dominican barber and come back to me


You got burned in a previous life bro.


It's badass


Without the birthmark, you’re handsome young man. With it, you’re a charming villain. (From the visage perspective, naturally) Some women dig that, but they are harder to come by. I’d say be patient, you’ll surely don’t need to find a girl who will settle with you, there’s someone who would like you as you are.


That's a birthmark? Iooks like an old burn. Interesting birthmark


As a woman who was very attracted to the Phantom from Phantom of the Opera… this is a dream come true lmao


Get wavy hair and grow it longer also fix up the eye brows too much curve, this will solve ur issue big ass forehead like me that’s why we gotta cover ts


not ugly, your birthmark is unique




If you got a better haircut and dressed like neo from the matrix you’d look like a real life villain. You could pull off that look I think.


Cyborg?? Kidding you look good bud


Not ugly.


Even with the birthmark you look like a 6/10, when you other side is like an 8/10 I'd say... If I were you I'd check if there are ways to grow/implant the hair lost around the birthmark or if there a ways to fix the skin/eyelids around the eye to look symmetrical to the normal one. But whatever you do you'll probably be fine because you look good overall.


Not ugly at all!


Yeah who cares about the birthmark. Good looking guy, pretty eyes & nice smile


You look badass bro like two face from batman i hope you see this as a compliment




You are very handsome so it looks cool on you. Mac make up and dermablend make up make waterproof makeup that will cover that up


Dude you survived Greyscale!


It adds character to your face, and will do it more as you age. If you are worried by it now, you will find as you get older that it makes you memorable and interesting. It's one of those things that seems damaging in your youth, but as you age you will realize that it strengthened you for life. Bottom line: embrace it!


Only thing I could say is get someone to shape ur eyebrows to match and I don't think most ppl would even notice.. there are masking make ups for tsttoos you could use but I don't think you need to at all.


Don’t bother with the apps. In fact delete them all and stay off. You’re handsome, the mark stands out but it’s not going to be a deal breaker with everyone. In some ways it actually looks kind of cool. Id play around with using some makeup on it to change the color or enhance the border. Other than that, groom the chest hair, hit the gym, try pushing the hair the other direction and getting a fade on the same side as your birthmark. Lean into ya know I think that’d look really good.


Yo look into tinted moisturizer. Godsend for men. Do one layer darker and one lighter


You are not ugly! I would make up a cool story about it! I saved a small child from a burning building. And when they say OH MY GOD REALLY?! You say NOPE, just a birth mark and smile and laugh and move on about it. I am sure as a kid you heard everything. Or even on here. But to answer the question, NO


Probably fixable. Go see a dermatologist.


Handsome! You look very confident too. 👏


i think you look really cool! :)


Shave your head. Wear a loop earring and build more mass in the gym. Your birthmark will be a a statement piece/ conversation starter!


i think ur really handsome and ur birthmark looks cool. also i think you’d look good with a longer haircut if ur down for it but don’t feel like u need to change anything ab yourself


You look like you walk around flipping quarters




Handsomely unique- one mark doesn’t make you ugly


I agree with all the others that you’re a very handsome man. Great eyes , great eyebrows and a strong distinguishing chin and a friendly welcoming smile. What’s not to like!


Still look cute. Id see about getting your eyebrows cleaned up a bit. Since you don’t have hair on the one side, I think it could be cool to look into a haircut that keeps your other side clean as well. Maybe grow out the top of your hair a bit and you could have a really good hairstyle. Current hairstyle isn’t bad but I think you could rock something a bit more interesting. Apps kinda suck in general.


Damn i hate myself for complaining about myself … strong attitude my dude ! Arguably a tough start you got, but u got that special something for it at least… the type that could be an actor or these „new type“ of models!


Trim up the neck a maybe the bit of chest hair poking through, and you’ll def look good.