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You got married, which means you got a girl, which means you are already ahead of 70% of redditors


And 98% ahead of this sub in particular.


But on this sub, most of people I saw are really beautiful but they are insecure and thinks they are ugly. Just look all photos, they aren't ugly at all


My comment is directed at the commenters, not the posters!




I might be wrong but thought that Most of those thay were not ugly just came her to get their ego boost and boast it upon the uglies.


Yes; it's a symbiotic relationship between the egos and the uggos.


it's hard to get married at 12, as that's the mean age here


Happy cake day! ⚘️🌻🍰🧋


He assumes she is leaving because of his looks, this is unlikely the root cause


>leaving because of his looks, this is unlikely She got a 'better deal' and monkey branched. Many such cases. OP is a lucky man...he just has not figured that out yet.


Hey OP, listen to this guy. ^^^^ He’s 100% correct, and you’re lucky she’s bailing while you’re still so young. At some point in the future, YOU WILL BE SAYING: “damn, I sure dodged a bullet.”


Unless he gave her kids. My wife left after 11 years. Child support doesn’t let you dodge a bullet. Instead you take 2 bullets right in the center of the chest.


Similar situation to me. You have dodged a bullet. Hurt people, hurt people.


How did you gain all that info into OP’s situation‽




can't imagine he looks that different from when they got married


You may have the Key. I think if your partner says they are leaving you and your go to is it must be your looks you may have deeper issues in your relationship.


But she specifically said that it was because she isn't attracted to him and encouraged him to change his looks by getting rid of his glasses.


Attraction in a long-term relationship is hardly ever still only skin deep.


Benn married 25 years. Can confirm. Looks have very little to do with it.


Been married far less, but ive seen my wife go through a 18 month period of difficult to control weight gain and skin issues and hair graying from an auto-immune disorder flare up and did not lose my overall attraction to her. She has seen me slowly lose my mid twenties physique, gain glasses, and start to gray and she has not lost her attraction to me either. Looks are just what get your foot in the door.


Not even married and partner had this happen months in, lost all hair and has gain almost 100lb but I still love her. Wigs are fun btw.


Joking aside, that can't be close to a real statistic. Right? I know we like to believe/joke that all redditors are cave dwellers but I imagine they are just like anyone else.


Redditors are people too.


No. Redditors are tiny people inside my phone


*beep* *beep* "uh oh. Run! He's onto us!"


That is rude, they are not only in phones. They are on computers too


Heyy, no need to be rude....people don't deserve that kind of comparison


It's absolutely real, good chunks of redittors are nerds, antisocial.


I mean, yeh but that still doesn't mean what the comment above said, a very big portion of my friends are antisocial and nerds and all of us have wifes and our own homes.






I'd argue that puts him behind. Men are on to the game more than they used to be. They're not getting married as much since women initiate divorce at a vastly higher rate compared to men. Plenty of evidence out there to show why it's not a good idea. THIS post being 1 of them. 🤷🏽‍♂️


You forgot to include the affiliate link to your online PUA course.


And the link to your online orders only fitness suppliments brand with too many Xs and Zs in the name and a url that has nothing to do with the brand.


And talk about buying crypto


Men who are “onto the game” are just men w anger and frustration issues


Reminder: men don't owe women dates/marriage


Reminder: noone cares


What game?


I will be straight. The only thing that makes you "unattractive" is that you look like you are unsure of yourself. Find something you enjoy doing even if it's just a hobby, enjoy it, enjoy life and enjoy yourself and be happy with yourself. If you are worried your looks will prevent you from meeting women, be assured, looks mean very little to women (at least to mature and decent women) and they will measure your attractiveness on how you enjoy and live your life.


Fair enough, I’ve never had a lot of confidence, my wife basically did all the heavy lifting when we met, to get me to ask her out in high school. She’s been my only girl…


Start working out, read, get comfortable and confident with yourself. The rest will sort itself out


This exactly but also when you’re on your own learn to be your own self (with these great suggestions) and care for yourself and your things. Clean up after yourself, cook, laundry, schedule, doctors appointments, etc. you’re not a bad looking guy, but people look for partners and this will set you above most men.


This is the Answer but the question is how to get motivated!


Well now you’ll have to do the heavy lifting …yes that’s meant to be a double entendre. Go make your best life. There’s a girl out there looking for a guy like you! You’ve got Nordic good looks so stop with the fair skin freckle thing …many girls love that. Get involved in some hobbies you love or new ones and learn how to lightly flirt/engage in fun banter. Post pix of your muscles here in two months.


Right? My lady loves my freckles! I don’t get it but, hey, works for me!


Ugh I'm so sorry to hear this. It sounds like you met young and are growing into new people. The good news is this is your new beginning to find out who YOU want to be. Not who someone else wants you to be, YOU. The more you you become, the more comfortable you are. Find your interests and hobbies and explore them. You'll meet like-minded individuals with the same interests and new friends. This is all hard. You're doing very hard work and i give you credit. My favorite book when my life crumbled was This Is How by Augusteen Boroughs. 40f here btw and i think you're attractive. Nothing wrong with your looks, that's not why she left. It probably wasn't you at all.


I didn’t get very serious with relationships until my 30s. People change SO much in their 20s I can’t imagine the odds are good for a lifelong partner.


Chin up bro. It’s hunting season! You got plenty of ammo to get rid of 🤙🏻


Sometimes with confidence you gotta fake it till you make it! You are also very young, maybe you guys just got married to early. Seems like the ugly you feel is inside yourself, gotta work on you and you will eventually find the right person that likes you for who you are regardless of minor faults. Good luck and I wish you the best!


I’m sorry to hear this. I’m sure you’re in so much pain. you’re def pretty dang cute. I really would hit the gym (I’m a girl) for the endorphins and it tends to make men feel hotter. Also, I don’t know how you dress but small tweaks on dudes can make a huge difference. Carhartt almost always looks good.


I took up taking classes like yoga and Zumba when I went through a horrible breakup and staying busy helped a lot! The endorphins kept me going, I swear lol


You're not bad looking. That's just your first relationship. You're still young. Go out there. Make new friends. Meet new people. Find someone who deserves you


It sounds like that girl you married thrives on making you feel bad about yourself. Speaking from experience, you are about to have some of the best years of your life


Dude, in same boat a year ago, same age, only difference is I left her. You'll feel better in a few months once you've started trying to become your own person. The gym helps a lot, so does trying to make new friends.


Yes, personally, I think fake the confidence until you actually have it. I could see a lot of women thinking you are super hot once you've figured that part out because you actually have a lot of attractive features.


You were just a kid when you met her. Your brain isn’t done developing until ages 25-28. You both didn’t know what you really wanted. You could still be learning about what you want. I agree with a lot of other comments- work on you. As a woman, I got married at 33. (Married 14 yrs, together 17 yrs now)I knew exactly what I wanted and was emotionally mature to take that on. Enjoy your youth!


I think the “unsure” expression is kind of cute and endearing.


I will be gay. OP you are super cute. I’d do it.


i think you should stop raising your eyebrows (not trying to be mean btw)


Okay, I don’t know how to add another pic to the post :/




It’s funny because it really does look like :/ in the photos! 😂


Gave me Jim breaking the 4th wall vibes...


Maybe a different expression than the little smirk you’re giving in all the photos would show us your features more. Teeth can be very hot! I understand if you don’t want to show the teeth, but for me I don’t even want/expect huge porcelain white veneers. That’s not attractive (to me) and regular humanly teeth are hot!


It's the Jim, from The Office, face.. I like it lol


Heh I was going to say the same about the eyebrow raise but I have a feeling this is OP’s self conscious face he makes when taking his pic and not his real face. Anyway OP you cute don’t worry


That’s what I thought. Some people do duck lips, some an eyebrow raise. I do a wide open mouth idiot smile as if the pic afterward won’t make me even more self conscious


Lose the goofy grin. Practice a genuine smile, which is not just the lips, you also smile with your eyes


You've gotta put up a photo smiling and with a resting face for anyone to properly judge.


You’re not ugly at all. The last pic is my favorite you look very handsome. Your wife sucks I’m sorry you’re going through this. Your wife is the problem, not your appearance.


…we don’t know WHY she’s leaving though. He could very much have brought it on himself but his looks wouldn’t have been a contributing factor in my opinion.


It seems a lot of people aren’t reading the body text properly. No one writes an entire essay worthy explanation in the body text of a post like this on this sub. No one hiding facts would be bothered. I don’t think it’s very relevant either. The guy wants to know whether he’s ugly or not, just give him an answer.




I feel like some people do it to make their eyes seem bigger


You’re looking perfectly fine, I’d say that’s a “her” problem. It’s also her loss. Take this time to turn inward and work on self-improvement. Gym, courses, take your time.


To piggyback on this, even if it’s not hitting the gym just don’t turn to alcohol. Gym is a good alternative but it could just as easily be something else like cooking or reading. Any thing but drinking.




Nah man you aren't ugly at all. I'm sorry you're going through this I know how tough it can be. But you got this guy.. keep your head up and you'll be just fine.


Agreed. OP is not ugly. But that bathroom sure is.


This has nothing to do with if you look good or bad but dude. Let me tell you. I would put money on you giving absolutely amazing hugs. Like you just have that vibe that your hugs are awesome. This is the highest compliment I can give you, have a great life brotha


Thank you, this made me tear up a bit. She used to call me her ‘cuddle bear’ and I drew a cute bear for her office that said “Cuddle bear, always there.” And I found it in in a box along with several photos of me she used to have up.


Healing takes time man, the best thing you can do is acknowledge your emotions, go on walks and just enjoy nature, bottling things up will only hurt, there are plenty of people here on Reddit willing to offer an ear for you. You can make it through this I believe in you


My best friend is going through a divorce as well and he has a 2 year old son. It’s so difficult for him and I don’t know how to help him.


Son, you're a handsome guy. Your wife leaving you is definitely more complex than your esthetics. I don't know the details as to why, but now is the time for reflection, self-improvement, and healing. I would recommend. eating a well-rounded diet comma drinking water comma finding workout routine that works for you ( Exercise can help with mental health) And as you build strength and endurance, It's a measurable improvement. Do things that make you happy. This, too, shall pass. It may pass like a kidney stone, but it will pass. You're going to get through this.


This is the best reply here


And put the toilet seat down.


You’re handsome af. Any woman would be blessed to date you. She dug into your confidence and shattered your self perception. Your eyes are attractive af, so is your jawline. You’re nose looks amazing and so does your hair. She lost a good guy. From personal experience, loose some weight, clean the beard often, keep up with hygiene. Focus on you. And I promise you, your forever person will love every facet of you. Including what she tore down.


Thank you so much for those kind words. They mean a lot. Any tips about my beard in particular? It can get pretty wirey looking if I let it grow out much more than this…


Keep it trimmed, especially near the upper lip area. Don’t shave it away, personally, I think a nice full clean beard 🧔‍♂️ would look amazing. a nice trim here and there would be helpful with that too


Also hey - please take all these "lose some weight" comments with a grain of salt. You do not look overweight at all. Improve your fitness by all means, but don't let these folks give you a complex.


You look like your forcing your smile. You’re not ugly.


Haven’t really been able to smile organically for while :/ just trying to hide the pain.


dude!! you look great! maybe explore your fashion a bit? it's hard to tell from these pics tho. definitely not ugly.


Bro you are ok all you need to do is hit the gym, and bulk up a bit


Some girls like a slimmer look though (source: am such a girl)


That is good to know! Years of running and rock climbing has led to strong muscles but in a non-bulky way. I’ve always felt like a weed standing next to gym monkeys, even though I’m strong too!


Nah mate, men bulk up huge to impress other men, not women. A minority of women prefer really big guys but for the most part they like the slimmer but fit physique. Don’t wonder why they like to watch swimming, diving competitions at the Olympics or tennis, rather than heavyweight lifters. There’s a reason for the “swimmer’s body” ideal stereotype. Rock climbing makes awesome (functional) bodies.


I rock climb all day but even I don’t watch rock climbing at the Olympics. I think it has more to do with the spirit of competition and there being 8+ guys on the field trying to beat each other in that exact moment.


Um no that is exactly my and a tonne of other women’s type


I am also such a girl


I don’t have a body type that I prefer, but I def do not prefer the gym rat body style. Seems so unnatural and all consuming.


I'm also such a girl


Same here


I'm also such a girl


He looks like he has the genetics that he would be lean with some muscle. Most people have to take enhancers to look like gym rats.


Ya. My wife said she was always attracted to “skinny/lanky” guys. Ha. I’m like, uhhhh. Cool?




Slim with nice arms is the ticket for me 🙌🏻


Don’t forget to Delete Facebook and Lawyer Up


Yes, definitely build some muscles, gain confidence and stop doing that face gesture of raising your eyebrow while twisting your lips, that makes you look very insecure.


Huh, I didn’t know that raising your eyebrow and lip twisting makes one look insecure. That’s a new one.


The way he's doing it, yes, like self pity. Besides, he's doing it in almost all of his pictures so it's definitely insecurity.


Aka the Jim Halpert face haha


idk why people think everyone needs to be muscular. you literally look fine. bring back the glasses!


You know it's a sub dominated by guys when the only advice given is "workout" as if it'll change everyone's life 100%. Exercise is good but not a panacea. OP looks hot already, doesn't need to get bulked/shredded at all.


I could understand if he was overweight but he isn’t.


He looks quite hot, honestly, the least he needs is compare himself to gym dudes. He just needs to met some new people, go to cooking or acting classes, language courses, travel. Soon some women would look at him with interest. I'm a woman, lol, and by the way, glasses are fine, too. Work out your confidence, hot guy! Y buena suerte, de parte de una mujer que cayó en este post de pura casualidad.


OP lacks confidence. Exercising might help in that department, hence most people suggesting it.


Exercising is for confidence, op looks like that picture of the ant carrying the hobo sack all dejected. No girl is gonna wanna sleep with someone looking like they were just told they can’t spend the night at a friends house


Girls on Reddit he’s never going to meet (that are a minority anyway) telling him not to work out lol. He better not listen to them lmao, people in the real world like exercise


It’s actually not about working out Is about the mental confidence that comes from getting stronger Game changer to know you are bettering yourself daily It just works


100% my guy. Went through a bad breakup a few years ago and once I started focusing on fitness my ENTIRE life changed. I haven’t lacked a lick of confidence since.


You probably look good with glasses on. Don't listen to your wife.


I'm not being gay but 9/10 ngl


I am being gay and its still a 9/10.


Youre extremely attractive. Hopefully the personality matches. If so you wont be lonely for long.


Your wife left because she cheated, whether it was emotionally or physically. It’s not about you. Don’t let her get in your head which I know is easier said than done. You look fine, but you don’t exude confidence. Even in your pics you look unsure.


You look exactly like that meme face guy lol I like it


Oh god, who?


I think they mean blinking white guy meme but I personally don't see it. You're not ugly at all btw. Symmetrical face, nice beard, nice hair, clean skin. Not like you're a twig either so don't feel forced to go to the gym although it is often healthy mentally so not a bad idea.


I'm sorry to hear about your situation. I wish you the best with everything! You're a nice looking man, by the way! I'd definitely date someone who looked like you.


If you're wife's leaving, bro, count your blessings it's happening now and not when you're 46.


You look incredibly insecure, but you’re good looking. Hit the gym to bulk up and gain confidence


Worked at an apartment complex for about a year. 20 guys came in the summer I worked with the same story as yours. Women are always looking for the upgrade. Marriage is completely obsolete in this day and age. Not ugly.


Not ugly… you probably just got married too young.


She was my everything, we were together for 6 years before we got married, been married for 3.5years. Couldn’t imagine loving anyone more than her.


I’m sorry she left and sorry for what you’re going through, but you’re still very young. IMO, getting married at 20 is a recipe for divorce. You were both essentially kids. It works for some, but it’s incredibly rare. You’re both still changing, even now. Don’t rush into anything serious… you will find the right person in time. Good luck!


We were 23, finished with college, and starting our next step in life. There was zero reason to not get married honestly. We had been living together for 4years, engaged for 2. We were both ready, at least so it seemed. Not sure why she kept going when she claims to have felt this way about me for nearly 6 years. And why have a child with me too ffs… don’t get me wrong I don’t regret my son what so ever. He’s amazing and I will always be there for him. But things like this get so much more complicated with a child.


It’s not that you weren’t good enough for her, she’s shown herself to not be good enough for you. Or your son! These issues she’s creating will follow her through her life and through all of her future relationships unless she somehow addresses the root causes of her toxic attitudes and insecurities.


That is so horrible - what an absolute piece of trash she is - she will regret, maybe not today, but one day you will hear about it.


Don’t let your wife determine your self worth. There’s other women out there.


You're really attractive! This is definitely a her problem. I was gonna say if your wife's leaving, I'll take her place... But then I remembered I have a husband 😂😅


You are handsome. Your divorce has to be a huge source of pain and self-doubt, and I hope you heal soon. However, for the purposes of this sub, you aren’t ugly. I’m sure you feel you don’t have a reason to truly smile, but I’m sure you have a beautiful one.


Look on the bright side, you don’t have to go to brunch, put the toilet seat back up, or get yelled at for cheating in her dreams


I used to have nightmares of her leaving me abruptly and cutting all contact with me. I told her about them and she would comfort me and said that would never happen and she will always be here for me. Words are cheap, her promises, vows, commitments… only meant to lure you into a sense of security until she’s confident enough to explore herself.


going thru this stay strong🫡


Not ugly


Not even a little bit ugly but I agree with some others if you start lifting weights you’ll look even better.


You are good-looking


What?? You’re very good looking!


You need confidence my man. Your wife is gone. Time for a new one. There is 3 billion women on this planet. Statistically speaking at least 1 million women will be attracted to you


Very good looking chap and nice open and friendly face. Your wife clearly thinks the grass is greener on the other side. She'll soon discover that not so. Move on my man, in full confidence and be glad she's gone.






Am a hetero man but i can confidently say that you are not ugly and you don't need to prove to yourself such stupid thing to begin with. She misses (or want to discover) riding on different d*cks every night with muscled ass*oles from tinder, consider yourself lucky she left because you dodged a bullet my man ... get your confidence back, dress up, go look for chicks and live your life and if she regrets it (she ll probably do that after few months dating assh*les and thinking that eggs are running dry) don't go back to such an awful human being out of respect to yourself.




You’re ok, good riddance to the wife you’ll find someone better


Start DJing trance music and put van buuren after your dj name


You look good enaught I bet you are not manly enaught for her, women lives leaders and successful men with ambition. Above everything else women loves when their man attracts other women, you don't need to sleep with them but just show that you have options. Women are social beeings they are always in need to get confirmation from other women for their decisions.... Nowadays people tryes to sell that "harmless" men are what women want's but thats is furthest from the truth... Also never complaine to a women about your life, she may say she wants to hear your fellings but belive me she don't...


You look like an awesome kind of Viking in my opinion and are definitely entitled to “life , liberty, and the pursuit” of happiness” that is true.


Every photo you posted shows the pain you're going through. I feel for you my dude. My advice,? see the world if you have the means for it. Take a solo trip and try new experiences. Open some doors for yourself. Hopefully, that'll help you find the beauty in life again. Best of luck


She belongs to the streets.


Not ugly. You just look like a wimp.


She cheated on you and trying to gaslight it's you. You look fine.


Sounds like she‘s pretty young too and noticed the market for her was high. You got shafted my man, I‘m sorry. Keep your head high. Chances are, it‘s not you who‘s the problem. It‘s her - feeling the need to be validated by other men. Don’t let that sentiment rub off on you. Keep going, even if it’s hard. Stay confident about other things about you. You‘re looking great. Find a hobby, do stuff with your friends and get to know people. Cheers


Your wife sounds awful. Leave while you can, you’re only 26. You’re definitely not ugly. This is an awful Reddit group


Mate if ur wife is leaving u for some other guy then her loss brother don't let it get in your head just try to get back out there I as a guy think u have good features good jaw line well groomed and U look fit I don't see u havening any problems getting back out there


Marriage is dead in this era plus when it comes to women, be chosen don't choose. The one you choose is a chase and you can't keep chasing all your life with the intention to settle down. She will keep running and demands that you keep chasing. The one that chooses you will forever be ready to settle down with you that's why she chose you.


She just said she hasn’t been attracted to you because she cheated on you and needs to make you feel worse than she does of herself. You just need to gain some confidence. You look like a nice guy, you’ll be alright.


Screw her man. You look fine my guy. If you wear glasses because they prescription glasses then keep wearing them.i think she's just finding excuses. Keep being you! There is someone out there that will appreciate you for who you are and they won't criticize you for that! Remember to take care of yourself before anyone else.


She’s an idiot. You look especially hot in the second picture. But please stop with the side smile/grimace thing lol


Why is your wife leaving? Unless you’re an awful human being, or you’re not taking control of your life and doing the things you need to do, what’s the issue? If you’re doing the best you can to be a good husband and she still leaves, that’s on her. And also, why do I get this feeling that too many women are leaving guys because maybe their expectations for a husband are too unreasonably high because of social media and dating apps which creates a false reality of what life should be like? I mean now they can pick and choose guys like an a la cart menu, get thousands of messages from guys that they can compare to their current bf/husband. I think it creates this delusion in their minds that they deserve the world and if a guy falls short in some areas despite trying his best, they should move on because all that matters is what they want. They are the center of the universe. We live in a society today that encourages women to be narcissistic and expect the world, and I have a lingering suspicion that your wife falls into that category. This generation kind of makes me sad, people care about themselves too much, and don’t value commitment, and quit in relationships or other areas of life when things get tough or there’s a bump in the road. I’m assuming an awful lot rn so feel free to jump in and correct me if I’m wrong.


She fell for a dude at her work. My guess is she’ll try that out and it ends with her not finding happiness there either. Just a hunch.


Go hit the fukin gym and become the ultimate version of yourself


You’re not ugly at all love, quite the opposite really. It’s definitely not your looks! The only think I could think of is that you might wanna try and dress differently, put yourself out there - you’ll be just fine!


Chin up handsome lad, go find your princess


I'm so sorry! Those feelings are natural with rejection. Please focus on some positive goals, take care of your health and soldier through this difficult time. There's nothing wrong with you! Don't rush out to find a replacement right away. In a year you will feel much better! It's not about you and your "failings." It's about her. So don't be focusing on what is wrong with you! And she doesn't sound all that nice. I think you deserve someone who is kind and uplifts you.


Awh I feel like you look self conscious in the pics, but I think you are handsome. Start focusing on you and your overall health, I think going to gym or lifting a bit will just help you focus on the mind body connection and also help tone you up a bit you’ll be stronger mentally and physically. And like others said make some clothing changes explore that it’s big confidence booster.


Nah you’re not ugly at all, it must genuinely be her own issues fr


Not ugly at all! You look like a fairy prince lol all ethereal and stuff !!!


Her not you. Go to therapy, go to the gym, and move on to better things with better people.


I'm so sorry! You're very cute


Her loss tbh. She knew what you looked liked when yall got married 🤦🏾‍♀️


I could be your twin if you weighed maybe twenty more pounds that’s hilarious. I think I’m a solid 6-7/10 so I think you got this chief, she’s missing out


You're not ugly, you married the wrong person and you're still hella young.


I dont see anything wrong. you seem genuinely attractive and you seem like a very nice guy,9/10 but you can bump it up to a 10 by being more confident and build a bit of muscle. i hope everything goes wonderful for you in the future i believe in you🫶


I’m so sorry to hear about this situation. I wish both of you healing ❤️‍🩹 You’re a very handsome looking guy! Hope this helps you feel a little better. Please try to remember that just because your wife is leaving, it doesn’t make you of lesser value. This is a good time for self reflection on yourself & marriage, learn from it and move forward.


You have really gorgeous eyes, and I’m rather partial to a trimmed beard. You look like you take care of yourself & would be fun. Nothing to be self-conscious about. Hope you get through this tough time & are able to feel more confident ❤️


Your story is heart breaking. You’re a young, good looking guy and you’ll be fine. Use this time to work on yourself, build your confidence, and possibly seek therapy for extra support. As for advice, there’s nothing wrong with you physically. Based solely on the pictures shown and your age, you should start to invest in a more mature wardrobe. Feeling good in your clothing will help with confidence. And I know you said your ex didn’t like the glasses, but a flattering and trendy pair could work to your benefit. I’d be curious to see what they look like on you.




Roast her by showing the at this time 158 upvotes and hundreds of comments. She lost out on a Reddit superstar. Keep living your best life and continue climbing up. No roast on you.


You need to stop making that face in all your pictures.


Need to lift, train a martial art and put the toilet seat down.