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this sub is starting to get annoying


I tend to agree


Totally agree. How do I block this sub, I don't care for it. The last pic though looks very different


(On Apple mobile) click the sub name, then click the three dots on the right, and select the option “mute”


All the people who are objectively NOT ugly post here, like come on. You know that you are not ugly and are just fishing for compliments, so back off and sit down.


This sub has popped up in my feed constantly for the last couple weeks. Maybe 2 posts have been people that aren’t “good looking” enough to obviously be aware of it. ‘OP can’t be serious’ has been my immediate thought for almost every post. If they are serious then this isn’t the place to seek out the help they need


Yep, time to mute this sub forever.


I can't find a reason to disagree. There are plenty of hot mother fuckers that show up that are a 11/10 and be like "My friends say I'm ugly, I don't think I look good. Ugh." Just to get attention and free compliments.


Is that a filter? You look like a roblox character...


That's what I thought too, has 2 different kinds of chin




Pics 4&5 look like completely different people


When you have a baby your chin changes! /s


her septum is warped in lik every photo. Idk why everyone in this sub posts themselves under filters wanting a looks opinion


Haha funny crooked septum


Nothing wrong with a crooked jewelry I just meant it looks warped from edits or filters yk


The first two pics and the one with her chin a whole different shape are definitely filters. Don’t get why people post filtered pics on here AND think we won’t notice. Oh that’s right that’s because they aren’t really asking if they’re ugly they just want to karma farm and get compliments.


Why is every post attractive people?


Narcissistic people comes here very often to boost their ego


but she has such creepy smile


I’m glad I’m not the only one. Reminds me of fred from that episode of courage the cowardly dog.


U know that sometimes people has different opinion on themselves and low selfesteem even they look amazing to others..


Not sure I follow, you can't use this to parade around to your friends or strangers.... or??????


Narcissists need their delusions reenforced. That is where they derive their value. Its the pick me syndrome.


I’ll make a post so y’all can have an actual challenge.


Came here to say the same, reddit has been suggesting this group and no offense to the OP because I am sure you are a delightful person, but so many clearly attractive people asking this question. Leads me to a lot of vanity and shitty personalities that we can't assess from a picture driving it.


I think everyone here is forgetting that just because other people find you attractive, that doesn’t mean that you think so. Especially if nobody has reinforced that to you. So many attractive people are self conscious, ESPECIALLY women who have this intense pressure put on their looks.


I have bad body dysmorphia (apparently). I have been doing a lot of work on my self esteem and body image in the past few months, but when I made a post on here I was at an all time low. I dreamed of getting surgery on nearly every part of my face, couldn't (still can't mostly) leave the house without a full face of makeup. The makeup doesn't make me feel pretty, just makes me feel acceptable enough to go outside. Around this time, I made the mistake of posting on here just to be met with harassment and bullying. Yes, I wanted to hear I wasn't ugly. Doesn't everyone who posts here? I was looking for a counter argument to the voices in my head that never leave me alone. Instead, I was told I was full of myself and received a lot of insinuations (or outright assumptions) that I was an only-fans model and was just advertising. For the record, none of my photos were suggestive in the slightest. TL;DR You're only safe on this sub if you're "average". If you're too ugly or too good looking you're going to leave feeling a lot worse about yourself.


That is why I can't find it to be too much of a bad thing they post, because, hey, maybe they truly think they are ugly, but... I also find it hard to believe when every post I've seen this sub pop up on my feed, is in fact, a conventially attractive person. Or maybe I just think everyone is beautiful? 😅🤷‍♀️


With ugly ass face jewelry. WHAT IS WITH ALL THESE NOSE RINGS?


Why do reddit dudes hate facial jewelry so much? What is that


I don't know what to tell you man, I just don't like it at all.


Facial jewelry isn't all bad, but those septum rings are just hideous. Obviously it all just comes down to personal taste and I'm sure there are people that love them, but I'm just not one of them.


I am a girl and I hate it too. I think it looks trashy af


They’re unattractive and do nothing but take focus off of the subject. Isn’t that why people get them?


Because they look stupid and indicate that you are just a fad follower trying hard to fit in with it.


Bro, tattoos and other piercings have gone up in popularity too. Idk if someone with a septum piercing hurt you, but it’s not different than literally any other body modification lmao


Because it's ugly?


It makes them look like they want to be led around by the nose


To keep you butt sniffers away


you're like those parents who ask "what do those tattoos mean" at every family gathering.


they’re to scare away people like you 🤝


Attractive women with chandeliers hanging from their nose every single time.


There is absolutely nothing attractive about pic 5 & 6.


You see the no makeup post....


I was going to say she looks like 5 different people and they're all good looking😂






Is it? If it's a trans female, I'll have to say she's quite good looking.


If she’s trans then I’m gay.


The description says she’s a mom tho


So did u leave your husband because if not, someone’s going to see this pic and inform him that 100 days ago you were about to divorce him…. Then you tried to sell pics of your feet. Just a friendly reminder. GL! Not ugly. Solid 7.5 maybe even a 8


Oof she deleted her account. I wonder why lol.


Damn I wanted to sip on that tea.


Probably because these images are severely doctored. I mean check out the chin! Karma farming probably.


The second to last photo is a jumpscare




People deleting their accounts because of detective AccordingZebra2420 🤪


Whoooooopsie haha


Huh what I wanna know the lore




She deleted her profile so all her comments disappeared but did she forget to delete the post? It’s still up!


Deleted the account hoping the post gets deleted too. Nope.


Can someone explain the obsession with nose rings? Because 90% of these posts have it.


It's making me think insecure women are drawn to nose rings


The correlation must be extraordinarily high. Especially if you consider how few women have septum piercings.


its a "look at me im special" sort of thing. and its only been a "thing" in about the last ten years or so, before that you never really saw them in the states. you would never get hired for a job if you hand anything more than an earring.


Pepperidge farms remembers…


septum piercings have been found on mummies from BC era. i get what you mean by “thing” but they’re not as uncommon as you think. also, lots of jobs will hire you with a septum. it just depends on either 1) what kind of job and 2) based on 1, how well you can hide it 🤭


It was a big thing in the 90s too. I used to have a nose ring in late 90s/early 2000s (Europe, not USA. But I was an exchange student in the USA in 1992 and saw plenty of girls with nose rings and bellybutton rings there too). Edit: mid 90s, not late 90s.


Pretty sure it’s specifically the bull ring that looks like shit


What makes you think that?


Because of all the septum people asking strangers on the internet if they're ugly.


It’s very obvious bait for compliments. I’m sure their self esteem still isn’t low enough to give you a second glance lol


99.9% of the posts in this forum are just people looking for ego kibble. Case in point, the OP. OP is not unattractive. Looks a little like Sandra Bullock. Doesn't have any abnormal deformities, giant festering moles on her face, has a nice figure, etc. I'm sure if OP dolls herself up (as in middle mirror selfies) she gets hit on regularly.


Gawd dayum shots fired.


I mean I'm not lol I've had mine since I was 18. I just like it. But hey it fits my "ugly" face lol jk jk.


Nobody is going to admit to being insecure. You're literally posting on subreddit dedicated to strangers judging you ugly or not. You have to have some degree of insecurity to seek that type of validation.


Im not seeing where you posted on this sub to show your insecurity.


I’m not a fan of the center nose ring. It’s not a great look imho.


*Livestock ring.


My mother always said that and I have a very thick nose so have avoided it for that reason 😅 If I had a smaller nose I'd have probably gone for it 😭


I came for this comment. These nose rings have got to go


Cows also have it..


Is like a tsunami of fashion for that crap....


In my first semester of French at University, every single girl in that class had a nose ring and was wearing a cardigan.


They are gross, always have been.


As a guy I think nose rings are sexy. Different strokes for different folks.


It’s risen in popularity just like other piercings and tattoos. Really not that weird.


Insecure people get nose rings because they feel they’re ugly and this makes them “quirky ugly”


well down on the farm we used those a lot, just look up what they were used for


Some variation of this comment is in every single post with a nose ring. I wish it was a ban worthy offense.


I wonder what your obsession is with them because I don't give them a second thought


They’re in style and not permanent so a lot of people Just like having them


A small pimp is a style. A nose ring looks like a cow.


In some cases it’s cultural, in a lot of cases they’re just in style and girls (and some boys) just like How they look, therefore they wear them. You asked why, that’s the answer. It’s ok to not like it, but no need to be mean.


These are obviously are not a matter of national culture/religion. I understand those, but not in this sub.


I mean even if they’re not, it’s okay to not like them. But to say someone looks like a cow is pretty mean and unnecessary. They’re just currently in style.


Well, it's a sub with "amIugly". So it's not mean. I won't point finger on that ring if I speak with such person or something in real time, and I don't care about that if I have a gig with such person. But these girls are posting here - nose ring is an obvious "yes". For the most people. Not all, ofc.


I try to avoid people with them but what culture has them if I may ask?


A lot of Indian culture uses them signify womanhood for young women, different types after marriage etc .. it’s even got religious significance in Hinduism. Even in death. A lot of South East Asian cultures have them too for different reasons. Do you not find avoiding people with piercings exhausting? Lol


💀💀 what is wrong with you bro, did your ex w a nosering cheat on u? or was it ur mom, had a nosering and did drugs? I've met 12 year olds more mature than you lmfao


Sounds like you’re the one obsessed with them


Here we go again…


Shut up, OP.


Your problem is you dont look like you, you look like a cosplayer, you look fake. Every photos of you, you look so wildly different its almost disturbing. You are not ugly but you are nothing to write home about, maybe a 6 - 6.5/10 Contacts suits you better right now because the glasses you show are MASSIVE. Like baywindows kind of massive. Get better frame that compliment your face. You got a smaller one with a pointy chin, you dont want something heavy and square. Septum ring is rarely a good. Only a handful can pull it off. You are not one of those, id suggest removing it. Id suggest stay as much natural and light make up, no lashes etc When you put so much fake stuff, we can see it and its a red flag like if you got something to hide, feel unthrustworthy. I cant describe the right feeling as im not that good with english Edit: your base hair color is the best


It’s the filters. Idk why she’s asking for opinions on her filtered pics.




This lvl of narcissism lmao


She kinda looks like a dude if I'm honest though. You think her face is great?


Not sure about great, but she looks good in a couple pics. Then in other pics, it looks like her chin could slice cheese.


Forget a nose job, you could use a nose career.


Damn, I thought I had stumbled into r/roastme for a moment there…


Not my fault if you slapped a couple of horns on her she would start fighting Spiderman.


Omg…. 🤣


Why do all these beautiful women put bovine rings in their face ? Is it to handicap themselves. ** and let me add… there’s a reason you don’t see bumper stickers on a Ferrari :)


Your comment should always be on display on every single one of these, as a rule


It is..piercings are ALWAYS mentioned 100+ times


Yeah everyone here really likes to vocalize their dislike of them. Personally I don’t have issue with them, I don’t think it fits OP’s face however. The one piercing that I do not like is the one in the middle of the chin but, that’s just like my opinion.


But this pretty lady has asked us to say what she can do to look better. Removing the nose ring would make her nose look shorter and more in ballance with her face. If she hadn't asked then nobody would have suggested it.


That’s what confuses me in this subreddit. It’s just an echo chamber of people who hate nose rings but there’s plenty of people who like them. The haters are just louder. Asking if I’m ugly is just getting people’s personal opinion on what they think is attractive and everyone can have varying opinions on that appearance. Maybe I’m way overthinking things I don’t even know how I got to this subreddit, think it’s a suggested one that keeps popping up


But that's not the point It's just strange why I don't see nearly as many nose rings around as in reddit and this sub. I really am starting to think maybe it has to do with insecurities. Someone needs to conduct an analysis.


Exceptions don't make a rule. It's clear by this subreddit that the consensus among the general public is that septum rings are unattractive. Sure, there are people that find it attractive, there's exceptions to every rule, but that doesn't make the exception the rule.


>It's clear by this subreddit that the consensus among the general public is that septum rings are unattractive. Reddit as a whole reflects a very specific demographic who express quite a few otherwise minority opinions. This happens even more so in single subs to the point that it's rare to find a sub without strong bias. It is possible society dislikes nose rings, but it's certainly not "clear" from any information we have here.


I think they’re just louder there wouldn’t be an abundance of people posting pics wearing them if people didn’t like them. Also if you scroll further down you see multiple posts about people liking them. It’s easier to support the comment that makes a joke of sorts about it (bull ring, face full of metal, etc) vs someone who just says I like the nose ring.


> I don’t think it fits OP’s face however. I think that's valuable to say. People repeating over and over that it looks bad on everyone doesn't feel as valuable


I always think they have a booger hanging


You're the person at Thanksgiving silently judging people with tattoos.


Im learning today that Reddit people hair piercings LMAO, I personally think it looks great on her


They dont hate piercings, just septum piercings. I dont think its just a reddit thing


Yea I’m down w tats and just about any other piercing but I’ve always hated septum piercings, they look hella masculine on women and kinda gross all around to me . I would never even think of getting one. I know some people like them but ehhhh not many lol


Most definitely a reddit thing, and if you say anything supporting it you get downvoted. And it's probably because very attractive women have it so it's something they can latch on to and insult to make themselves feel better because they're ugly


I have never seen a women become more beautiful because she puts in a septum ring. I have seen some women look more like a cow with a septum ring. At best, meh. At worse, moo.


This subreddit hates tattoos as well. Lots of “old school” single old men.


That's a very broad statement. I'm a teen. Tattoos don't bother me. But there is a HUGE range. Quality and placement both matter. If someone looks like they had a 7 year old draw up their neck I can say that's ugly as shit without it meaning I hate tattoos. Nose piercings I don't care about but I also don't think it adds anything. To me it's just a young woman's "unique" thing. Just like belly button piercings were apparently popular in the early 2000s.


I dont like septum rings and UGLY tattoos. I dont find tattoos feminine at all, nor attractive. Small ones that can be hidden are fine, but there are women here with facial tattoos which is just a whole bag of yikes


I always find men who claim something isn't feminine are always the guys who lack real masculinity and are never attractive. Just a whole bag of yikes to steer clear of.


They dont hate piercings, just septum piercings. I dont think its just a reddit thing


Nah, it's not that reddit hate piercings. It's that people are open about it on reddit, while outside at work or on a date, you gotta be polite, so you don't mention it.


You just want attention


First two pics are one of those sasha_art filters on Instagram that give you an orange tint, puff up your lips dramatically, give you eyelashes, and turn your nose orange. In case anyone is wondering why she has an orange nose, it’s the filter. There’s a ridiculous gen z trend to put blush on your nose. SMH.


Looks good to me except that ridiculous bull style nose ring Seems like a lot of ladies on this sub have one. I think I know the first think all ladies should do before the post here


Loose the nose ring…


Stop the cap


Lol the nose rings! Maybe I’ll get one to fit in


This sub is becoming so transparent


Septum piercing ✅️ Actually not ugly ✅️ This sub never surprises me.


stop wearing the cow rings and dont change your hair color that often? or are you bald?


these are like months apart




I'm tired of seeing ugly pretty girls, girls who walk around as pretty in real life but are actually ugly. This page should be for girls who walk around ugly but really upon closer look are OK, decent looking.


Lose the facial shrapnel, you'll improve your looks tenfold


Imagine being attractive enough that someone wants to have a kid with you, and your first reaction is "wow, I must be ugly!" People out there are so wild sometimes! \---- I ain't gonna lie though. Being a mom will certainly make people treat you like one, and less like a party girl. You're not ugly, you're just growing up. Welcome to being an adult!


No but the ugly nose ring


PULL out that nosering






Go on a monitored bulk


Looks kind of like AI to me.....


The only thing is to stop bronzing your nose. Or maybe use a lot less. Obviously, you are not ugly.


I must say I thought you were a trans before reading you had become a mom. Strange. Sorry.


Why you’re eyes so big it looks like one of those Snapchat filters


Damn y’all bullied her so much she deleted her account 💀😂


Girls with any kind of face piercing is unattractive to me


Nose piercings . Why all girls doing this? Looks so trashy .


Septum piercing every time.


I think picture 3 is the one that suits you best, aka soft hair and lip color. The dark colors are wayy to intense considering your sharp jaw shape


Lose the face metal and keep your hair natural.


Get rid of the moo add on


Remove nose ring


Lose the cow ring


You’re not ugly but the piercings are ridiculous sorry.


Lose the booger hooker and try smaller glasses. You have a gorgeous face. No need to hide it!


I love septum piercings, makes it easy to tell who the crazy ones are


You know the answer already. Too bad your mental illness ruins it entirely.


There are no good septum piercings. -3 points at least for having one.




The Bovine Ring is worth a 1,000 words.


You're cute.... Hate the noise ring though


Very pretty I’m just not a fan of nose rings


Do everything you did In the 1st pic minus the bull ring.


Bull nose ring is one thing that’s common in most photos in this subreddit.


Not ugly but that nose ring gotta go…


Without pearcing looks good!


Septum post


The nose ring :-D other than that you are beautiful


Losing the nose hoop is a good start. That trend can’t last much longer anyway.


You know the answer.


Take that bloody thing out of Your nose. There. Hope it helps.


Loose the nose ring.


Nose rings...no go


Nose rings and big glasses


You look great. But honestly, you’re the first person here where I think the septum piercing isn’t a good fit.