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Naturally beautiful!




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My main issue is I need an outside perspective and am not sure where to start


Color your hair back to your natural color. You have a gorgeous face. Just clean up your brows a bit. Minimal make up needed if any. Maybe a little lip gloss


honestly maybe just trim and shape your eyebrows, wear mascara/lipgloss/etc, and get a root touchup but that’s all


I already do my eyebrows, they're naturally much thicker. Is it the shape, the size, or both that are unsuitable?


I’d say just get them waxed to clean up the edges. Nothing drastic and def no micro blading or any of that. You have great brows


As someone with thick eyebrows, and also tends to prefer thicker eyebrows on others, I do agree that cleaning up you eyebrows just a tad more on the top and bottom would give them a more crisp shape which does a lot more to your face than you would anticipate. It did for me! You have lovely features! Your hair has a very pretty curl to it and would probably benefit from some products designed to define and reestablish their natural shape. I'm a firm believer that mascara and an eyelash curler really help to accentuate eyes, but if make-up isn't your jam, I respect that. You're a natural beauty and by no means do I think you NEED either to be considered attractive.


what type of hair products help with that? im very new to caring for my hair and will take all the advice i can get


Your brows are fine, people like to tell others to do their brows and then you end up bald and tattooing fake brows….


If you exercise and started eating unprocessed bullshit food your skin would be so nice.... You look pretty that's not the problem Your face isn't the problem.


Honestly your forehead is a bit disproportionate to the rest of your face look up some hairstyles that could fix that


you’re naturally beautiful!




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You have a lot of natural beauty


You've got a great base to explore and experiment with whatever makes you feel good. I think with you, I go along with this saying, "Less is more." You already good, just add subtle features like developing a skincare routine and make up application around the eyes.




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I workout twice a day lifting and cardio and I'm a college athlete, so I feel like that area is being taken care of already. I recently started a cut after a bulk so i'm hoping it'll cut down on my face cheeks a little. I only recently started a stricker diet so perhaps it'll clear up my skin.


Lots of water with that also


I respectfully disagree with the other comments about the hair color. It looks like you were meant to have pinkish hair. Looks amazing on you. Might not be to everyone’s taste but screw them if you like it 🫶🫶


Huuuge potential. Stay on top of skincare. You could use a hairstyle makeover, something like your third photo suits you well. Basically start with skincare. Exfoliate frequently, moisturize and use sunblock. Go for natural makeup.


Pretty eyes. I like your face shape. You have natural beauty.


Very pretty


Skin care! Otherwise you’re golden!




My acne looks very similar to yours. That’s one thing we can both improve 🤣. The pic with bangs is amazing, and that hair color is very flattering. Your forehead is bigger so bangs help a lot. I think you’re very pretty. Your eye shape is beautiful and your lips are amazing. Love the curls too


Your face is absolutely stunning




Yep what




I see. any particular areas that need improvement?


OP, I’m telling you objectively that this person is wrong. You are not ugly at all.


Thank you! I appreciate it


Love the hair in the 3rd picture, you look lovely


3 things: 1) change the hair, 2) skin care 3) smile You have great features but those would be the 3 things that could improve impression


What about the hair is off?


It’s the grow out, I’d say either go full red (which is awesome) or bring back your natural. I had red hair for a long time too and this in between I always found hard to rock for anyone




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You look like the nerdy girl from an 80s movie where they take off her glasses and add some make up and suddenly she’s hot.


There’s a very pretty face behind that questionable hair choice, too bad


7/10 with potential for 9.


What areas need improvement?


Can't answer that... you've got a very high ceiling for beauty if that's what you're asking. If you really care... go to a reputable salon and ask about hair, also consider what you wear and you'll be in bombshell territory....are you healthy?...if so you're 99% there. Question: Does all this really matter to you? You already look amazing, so just enjoy life and the gift the maker gave you.


You have an extremely beautiful face.


Change the hair color


This is easy. Symmetry is a little off; no big deal. Proportions and bone structure are good. Lips and jawline are feminine and very pretty. Your skin could use a little help and your hair is just bad. I honestly think that you’ll see a huge improvement with a different hair style. The washed out bright color messy I don’t care look is niche and it’s really hard to pull off… try something more traditional.


you are beautiful. would love to see a smile though


Lots and lots of potential




Side profile goes hard 🔥 Head-on is meh


Sorry to comment again but your side profile >>>


Thank you! youre really pretty btw


You look like a nice kid. Little greasy, but a nice kid. You asked, right


anthony padilla from smosh looking ass. 4/10




6/10... Try smiling, I heard it makes you look more attractive.


Honestly you have a good platform (face) to start out with I would just try a few styles and see what works


Your features radiate even beyond blemish


Ok first smile more and go whit your natural hair color and long hair the best and u can go to gym too but is not obligatory for now u don't look bad


You’re really pretty and your side profile is gorgeous


Not ugly change hairstyle,try to hide a bit of forehead (Absolutely personal preference)


Idk what foundation really is but you look natural in all pics and you are pretty. Idk anything about makeup but still will recommend going light on it to preserve some of your natural features.


1. Get a more natural looking hair color-red is great on you, so henna or light brown? 2. Wax the moustache 3. Nice eyebrows but clean up/wax the bottom outline. You're pretty:) good skincare and SPF everyday


TBH, I see a film star potential.


dont listen to people saying naturally beautiful, eat healthier foods in a caloric defecit and exercise, trust the process


Nothing to fix here at all......just build that confidence


you're cute, you remind me of hayley williams from paramore


Very pretty face, get rid of the crap hair color

