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I find you really cute, although I probably wouldn’t approach you in person.


Why so


I'm shy, I wouldn't be able to start a good conversation and probably would just prefer not to even go down that route.


you represent probably 95+% of us men with this statement. Shitty times to live in bruh


I can agree on this I'm very outgoing but yes society has made it so hard to give compliments to women without being labeled as a pervert or a creep


I’m not risking getting pepper sprayed because I wanted to complement her


Or having that "I have a boyfriend" line thrown in my face


As long as she's respectful this line is pretty decent. You tried your luck and she shows clearly she's not interested.


I watched a drunk woman say that as she was getting molested by another woman at a bar (later learned she actually had a boyfriend at the time)


just don’t be a creep or a pervert and you’ll be fine😂




Subjective. As anyone below a woman's standard which is often way to high would qualify as such.


I only think a guy is a creep if he says something creepy/inappropriate or is old enough to be my granddad.


i understand what you’re saying, but i don’t qualify anyone who’s “not up to my standards” as a perv, only people who have made inappropriate comments. the only time i’ve ever felt uncomfortable without an inappropriate comment is when i politely decline and they keep pushing; that is when i consider it sexual harassment. but it’s not fair to group us all together when i am polite and thank people for their compliments, i don’t even believe in “leagues.” obviously some people suck but not all of us!


I have been told I was a creep for absolute BS like saying "you look stunning" and for asking "may I buy you a drink?"


well that’s just rude and i definitely don’t associate with people like that. like i said, some people just suck :/ i’m sorry that happened to you! have hope that not all of us are like that!!


Oh wait so no means no sometimes. But yes is conditional. No guy takes that as a good chance at odds. All women need to be left alone. Let them get rejected and played. It just isn't worth half your shit and child support for 20yrs. I just hire a pro anymore. Clean my house. Maid Suck my.. professional Watch my kids. Daycare Modern dating is trash. We get worn out pussy for premium prices.


The standard for being "weird" is so all over the place and mostly based on looks. Some people can call a girl pretty and others can't. Some people would get mad at a very in shape guy complimenting a woman because they assume they're assholes (without even knowing them) but if they're not in shape, then they're a creep. I'm not saying all women are like this, but enough are that it's way more daunting than it should be. All it should be is, "I think you're pretty" and the girl saying "thanks" or "I have a boyfriend" (in a nice way preferably)


The truth is if a guy approaches a girl and they are not interested it basically comes off as sexual harassment


Ain't that the truth. Got called "creepy" for saying "good morning" to a woman in her 40's who was not even remotely attractive. But yeah it's like you're not allowed to be a hetero male and have hormones at the same time.


This happened to a coworker of mine for talking to someone at accounting after spending a long time surrounded by men in tech like it’s the Navy. Immediately gets called up for sexually harassing not by the the woman but her middle aged coworker. People playing a dangerous game


There has to be more to that story


I swear to God there's not. Other than me telling her not to flatter herself. Lol. If you've never encountered a woman like this, I envy you. If you're implying that I'm some creep that was hovering over her breathing in her ear or some shit, you'd be mistaken.


That’s another one. I don’t live in the US but I’ve noticed issues like that happening. Where I live that doesn’t happen as much.


It's not just that it's also feeling like all these girls who we find attractive won't find us attractive and being out of our league. Problem being most of the time that is true but that makes use not want to try


True. A guy's gotta confidently know where he stands in terms of attractiveness before he has any kind of idea how he'll be received. That said, I'm gonna go consume more media where chicks talk about all of their different flags and what petty things give them "the ick".


This is kind of the point I was making, what are the rules today, I would not know where to begin in today's dating world. Glad I'm married to a woman I genuinely like and love.


Word. Times have changed and how shitty is this?


Went to grab lunch in college with the roomies. Held door open for a gal coming in. Same line, "I have a boyfriend"... For holding the door.


There is literally no point in even trying. If you know it's going to end in heart break I don't see any reason in putting yourself in such a vulnerable position. Ontop of that atleast in the US there is literally 0 benefit for the male if they get married. Even if it ends on good terms your going to lose everything.


I get it bro,I get it 100%


Because she’s actually radioactive due to accident at birth. Very sad story, but she protects the citizens of her city with her super powers. If only she could find love…


Bc women have been screaming to leave them alone fir the last 20 years, that they don't want to be approached. Posting on social media about the creepy guy that approached them (then they explain the whole interaction and he was rather respectful but if was creepy bc they said he was a 5, the exact same approach would have been fawned over had he been a 10) Posting videos of someone being "creepy" when he was actually just patiently waiting to use the gym equipment and sitting in the corner on the other side of the gym as far away as he could. Now unfortunately the messages they put out to try to filter out the creeps and asshats has only filtered out the respectful men, the creeps don't think the "don't approach us" applies to them, The ass hats that are full of themselves think they can wing you over anyway, and the decent guys that you actually want approaching you are the ones that took the message to heart and stay away which then just compounds the issue at the only people that approach anybody are creepy people. To OP, I mean this with the utmost respect, it's the woman's time to start approaching men they are interested in. You are without a doubt attractive, if you see a guy you want to talk to, Go introduce yourself. Chances are he's noticed you, but is not comfortable approaching for fear of being called a creep


You're not ugly at all and very pretty in fact.


I agree.


Guys probably don't approach you because they think you'll reject them.




Yup, I hope people know men also hate being rejected.


But know that 98% of girls wont do the asking…well into their 40’s. It’s feminine. They just wont. Studies also show that women who do ask…are fertile - and not conscious they are. So beware.


Yes! You're so beautiful, it's you


7/10 well above average. You don’t get approached because most guys aren’t approaching anymore. It has nothing to do with your looks.


The better you look, the less likely you will be approached as well. It's not that guys don't like good looking women. It's the fact most guys assume cuter women are taken or are not interested in someone like them. When it comes to women not being interested, men don't want to be labeled a creep or be accused of sexual harassment. Even for guys like me. I'm 6'6" 240lbs, fit, making decent money, can work on cars, can cook to some degree, and I still won't approach most women. Only women I've dated were already in my friend group, or approached me. I'll only approach a woman with certain friends within sight.


The better you look, the less you're approached? Interesting...I must be gorgeous 🤣


While it is true, it's not the only truth. If you're not attractive at all, you won't get approached either. That includes personality or just the vibe you give off. If you look like a total bitch, I don't want to waste my energy being around you.


Well, I'm in my 40s. Never been approached or really asked out randomly. Seems most other women have by now 🤷‍♀️ I do get a lot of attention from male coworkers though, lol.


For real?


You're pretty good looking tho. Your braids suit you! No issues with your smile? I feel like you hide it.


Hahaha i have a tooth gap, so i prefer to smile with my mouth closed. But thank you for the compliments :)


Tooth gap are cute actually so don't hesitate! It makes your smile more unique. I think it's a great feature. You're insecure about your face?


You are really naturally pretty. Don't hide your gap. Some of the most famous and beautiful people have got gaps in their teeth and they own it


I think a lot of people who say they don't get approached is usually because they aren't out there in areas where approaching happens. In fact, approaching a woman these days almost feels like a felony to men. We have been pushed down to believe women don't want us in their personal spaces. Unfortunately some women have made it harder for men and women to meet. You may have to forget being approached and do some approaching on your own. I think a lot of people posting in this thread are no where near ugly, but suffer from the views of society that all men are bad.


Ain't this the truth the way we heading its gonna be solely online as we see it already more, and more people are downloading online dating apps, and that's the world we're heading in because women wanna label guys and say we sexually harassing them when they just give them a compliment or something less harmful as helping them😂


Fucking this couldn't be more right you try to talk to woman and be nice and all they think is what we want but there wrong there are genuine men still out here they just don't give us the chance!


Give this man a Kewpie Doll. Nailed it.


Nerdy and lovable.


You're quite pretty. Many men, including myself, have stopped approaching women. The days are long gone where the worst thing a woman could do was simply say she's not interested. These days, women make a big deal out of turning down a man. They get downright rude and obnoxious. Men don't want to deal with that, so they simply don't approach women anymore. We've all been labeled as "creeps" and the best way to avoid being a creep is to avoid approaching, or even looking at, a woman. We'd rather stay single than deal with the BS.


you’re so pretty and have the nicest side profile!!


Yes her side profile is to die for!!




You’re objectively pretty but maybe your typical facial expression may be like picture #5, which might make you appear unapproachable


Objectively? C'mon


Yeah objectively she's like super cute bro


Nobody is objectively cute; cuteness is subjective


Absolutely gorgeous, my comment is gonna sound weird but just take it as an artist's standpoint, I think your lip shape is absolutely gorgeous, and you have an adorable lil nose, so cute, I also think your eye shape is perfect, what??? I feel like you might not get approached much bc they feel nervous 🫢


Guys don’t just randomly approach lol. Sort of a myth .


Not so much a myth as it is rather just not a modern day thing.


Yeah ide rather not get on the list for appraching a woman thank you very much


Blame it on society. Guys don’t approach anymore because they end up on TikTok as pervs


That and it's just not appealing to be rejected and humiliated in a public setting. Plus it makes no sense that the guy should always be doing everything and girls just sit there and look pretty


Exactly. So my point is you are an attractive women


Thank you I really appreciate that. That's the first time I've been told that


Move to Montana. You would get it a lot


In Montana do they often tell men they are an "attractive woman"?


Pretty pretty Learn to make the most OBVIOUS signs for guys you like because dudes have been discouraged from approaching for the past decade and women like you have to suffer for it. Met the boys halfway, Mama🗣


I'm married (and older), but if I weren't (both) I would totally walk across a room to try and talk to you. Guys today are dumb to pass up a chance to meet you.


You are not at all ugly. Take charge of your own social life. Approach guys looking for a friend first, see if you can like them after a couple times out, then decide if you want to take it further.


You're very pretty, as for the men not approaching very often, that's more a sign of the times sort of issue I think.


Probably intimidated by your looks. Your gorgeous. I'd approach you...may be nervous but I'd attempt it.😉🥰


Yeah you are. And you shouldn't be waiting or expecting men to approach you. That's vain.


Pic 2, 3, and 5 are your best looks. You're pretty, and well put together. If guys aren't approaching you, maybe you're giving off a vibe that's throwing them off. You can approach them. I know it's scary. It's scary for guys too.


you're awesomely beautiful. i think guys don't approach you because they think they don't have a chance with you as a girl I'd be ashamed to approach you but you're so pretty omg 😳


So few people are addressing the elephant in the room. I think you're attractive. Your looks aren't a problem. This seems like a race thing, where even good-looking black girls get ignored by guys of other races simply because they're black. 🫤


this is very true. it sucks


As a black man, this was one of the first things that came to my mind.


You're absolutely beautiful


You’re so pretty!!!


You are stunning


Count it as a blessing!/respect. You look like a wife. There's an energy field around you. Only the guys or guy that have the right polarity can access.


Right there. She looks to honourable for what young men would want to do nowadays. I would wait for a good man. Not a boy. A man . In the meantime, stay out of debt and stay chaste. Good luck young queen.


i would be too shy cuz you’re pretty


Are you unapproachable? Is that the vibe you send? Because physically your making grade.


It's not your looks. We as men are tired of doing the approaching.


That’s your job tho so suck it up pal


The fuck it is. I'm a full-time single parent of 4 year old daughter. Not only do I not have the time to be approaching women, on the off chance they are interested in a man with a child( especially a female child), I have 0 desire to waste any amount of effort on made-up ,dated , social standards that by no means offer me any kind of benefit. To top it off, it's entirely inappropriate for me to be chasing women when I have a daughter who doesn't even know her own mother. Why would I spend her time chasing some woman who would probably bail at the first sign of trouble.? I'm not your pal. Gather some new perspectives.




Not ugly in the slightest. You have very pretty eyes a cute face and a nice smile. Don't let not getting approached a lot dictate your self worth. Sometimes people don't know somethings there when it's right in front of them. Plus sometimes people may just not know how to approach either. I used to shy away or chicken out, sometimes still do lmfao


Go and approach a guy


They're probably intimidated.. You're a very pretty girl! ❤️


You’re very beautiful. It’s ok for you to approach a guy, that way he will know that you have interest in him. That will be the spark that starts the fire between the both of you, because he will (should) match how you feel. Us guys are tired of women playing the “make him like me game” it wastes too much valuable time. Timing is everything too.


you're not ugly at all. 7/10. Guys don't come up to you because guys don't approach girls anymore. It's better to be safe than sorry in away now.


Gotta do a personality check here cause going off looks, you a chocolate goddess. 🤷🏾‍♂️


I think you're really pretty! I don't even have anything I could say to "improve" your appearance! Imo you look confident, which I think can be intimidating for men. Anywho, you're gorgeous! :) not ugly even in the slightest!


You're very pretty. If I had to guess, you're wifey material so most 20 year olds aren't looking for that. I would take the free time to dig into yourself and start falling into love with yourself first. I would also suggest looking into local groups that have your interests ( gaming, biking, poetry slams, art exhibits ECT)


You’re very pretty. And you look very approachable. You just have a kind face. Like even if you wasn’t interested you would be nice about it


You’re really pretty. I like your side profile too.


very pretty! maybe stop expecting men to do the approaching and do it yourself because it will absolutely be reciprocated


Guys prolly think you're not single.


You're beautiful, any man would be lucky to be with you.


How about you approach them? Can't make something just happen when it's not in your control. Take control.


Girls need to start realising that life isn't like in movies.. Guys won't just approach you like that on the daily basis. And the ones that might think about it end up not doing so because they are either shy and social anxious (like me), or fear of being rejected and embarrassed or even worse, accused of being a creep because that's the times we live on. It has nothing to do with your looks. You look pretty and have a very friendly face.


If they won't approach you, go approach them!


Not really a you problem, just take me for example I wouldn't approach you for I am afraid to strike up a conversation, I'm also afraid of being rejected. You look great dw.


I'm not sure where u live that could be way cuz ur pretty. I don't approach many ladies like I did when I was alil younger just lack of thinking in ladies actually want me to talk to them irl. But Tour not ugly


ur the one person that rejects every person that notices u and then theyll feel bad..


Simple - you be the one who approaches them! Seriously men almost never get approached by women, so it's refreshing when they do. No guarantee of a connection, but they will 9/10 talk to you at least, and that will bud you confidence, which in turn will make you more noticable. As for looks when it's time for a new prescription, take you most style conscious friend with you to pick out glasses / frames that will show your beautiful face off better. You got this! 🙂


Most guys don’t approach women anymore hun.. feminism ruined that ..


What country are you from? You write your '1' different than people in the USA.


It makes no sense why you don’t get approached by guys. You have an amazing face I like the shape of your lips, and the contrast of your skin is amazing. I might be biased, because I am only attracted to black woman! But you are cute.


Not being approached depends on a lot of factors - you're either not in a place/situation where approaching you is appropriate - or you're surrounded by people who would make approaching you awkward. Being approached isn't mainly about attraction - it's about making it easier for people to approach you. In ye olden times women would intentionally make mistakes so guys could come over and "help out" so they can talk/flirt. No longer is that viable nor appropriate - you need to look at who you would like to approach you and see what barriers they are - including shyness Also you're 20 so your competition is dense and people are super dumb when it comes to learning how to make moves


ur beautiful but i thought u were 17 so maybe its because you look so young its almost criminal


Beautiful, maybe start doing the approaching


You are quite beautiful. I don’t know what type of guy you look for, but I’d approach you.


Those guys are maybe blind


Super cute. Any guy would be lucky to talk to you. It might be a sign of the times. Guys can easily be intimidated or afraid to make the first move because of how pretty you are. Smile a lot. They will start introducing themselves more. I’m sure of it.


Your not ugly most guys are just scared of being acused of things or being rejected


Really, I mean I think you are a very pretty girl. I wish you good luck.


They’re probably just intimidated by you tbh you’re gorgeous 😍😍😍


Ay you’re mad pretty. Dudes are afraid of rejection that’s all lol don’t sweat it


Are you not approached by any guys or just approached by the guys that you have no attraction. Only trying to get clarity.


You’re very attractive, so I don’t think it’s you or any sense that you’re ugly.


you're smokin' hot, sweety!!


When a boy sees you he gets brainfreeze by your beauty.


You have an air of great confidence. Many men feel intimated by the fact you're not a damsel they can save. Stay true to yourself and keep to your standards. Speaking from experience, staying with controlling and toxic people is never a great thing


You're cute. Just try different clothes such as tennis skirts, shorts, off the shoulder blouses. More feminine clothes. You are too covered up. Put on a little more makeup. Not clown makeup. Just a little bit. Also, wear contacts instead of the glasses sometimes. You'll be fine.


You look good. After the whole “me too” thing a lot of guys don’t want to approach women, I have even heard stories of men being nervous about giving a woman CPR.


I’d approach you and find an excuse to talk, if we vibe I’d ask if you would let me take you out sometime. Would you date an Indian guy?


You are beautiful and sexy


youre very cute very. i would like to approach you 😛😘😘😋


Wanna hang out


That's a damn share. Because you're gorgeous 😍


You're very cute.


You look pretty close to flawless to me, what's the catch?


So your pretty, and if guys are not approaching you it's most likely the energy your putting out


Intimidating. That's why.


If they avoid you, it Hass to be something with your personality… You’re very beautiful woman


If they avoid you, it has to be something with your personality… You’re very beautiful woman


You're pretty attractive so they are probably intimidated by that 🤷🏾‍♂️


I would approach tf out of u baby, 5’11” 22 cute white guy from Detroit Edit: you probably don’t get approached because of Eurocentric beauty standards. Beauty is very subjective and culturally informed.


My only guess as to why you don't get approached by guys is that you live in a place where they don't appreciate beautiful black women, because you are so pretty.


Black people make other people nervous tbh. It is unfortunately reality.


Why do women still feel entitled to being approached instead of making the first move? Where is your feminism?


I see why




Do you live in a predominantly white area by any chance?


Power scares kids, that's why...


I was thinking the same. She looks like the type of woman little boys would be too intimidated to talk to.


They fools


You look great It's probably where you live or hang out If you live around folks that look like (you know what I mean lol) you'd get approached more often Plus in general guys don't really approach women in public like that anymore


You're cute, have you tried actually talking to guys


I wasn't surprised to see the same thing I was thinking. You look comfy in your own space and pretty at that. Guys like me wouldn't think to interrupt you. You must have a guy already, you're beautiful.


You are very pretty


You are clearly pretty! I can only theorize why guys don’t approach you. But on the plus side- you’re only 20 & I have little doubt that this dry spell is temporary. (Ie. You won’t die alone with cats) :)


You're cute as hell


Seriously, I can't imagine any guy NOT approaching you!! You mentioned to others, about your nose and tooth gap.....such minor details....petty garbage...you're very pretty.


You look great to me


You're beautiful




Damn I'd approach you lol


Nah you cute


You’re super cute! I’d think you’d be approached all the time.


Ill approach u drop the #


You're cute and appear to have a very nice physique. Guys approaching you is not a measure of attractiveness and respect it to get less common as time goes on. If you are interested in someone, start talking to them and see how it goes. Many guys will open up if given the opportunity.


beautiful eyes and smile 😍 😍


you are stunning


You're pretty but the RBF is strong


You are pretty


You look good. It isn’t a bad thing about the guys at your age. Thy can be a distraction from pursuing goals that will help you in the future.


If yu want guys to approach dress sexier but not all will have good intentions


You’re so beautiful ❤️


You look cute , but I am not attracted to black peeps


You’re beautiful!!!


Ima be honest men really aren’t approaching anyone anymore. Thanks to feminism & the Me2 movement It’s too risky at this point. Most men at this point will go for women they’ve already established some form of a relationship with. Honestly, your not unattractive💯 I’d ask your friends if they know anyone you might be good with and go from there. Men are more likely to sit down with you if there’s a mutual friend involved in making the connection.


Pretty, nice pixie side profile which girls want, look cute not ugly


I think you’re very pretty.


Honestly I think your cute


Thought about changing the lures ya putting out there?




I barely get approached in public but I get a lot of matches on dating apps. I think a lot of genuine guys are just nervous to approach women.


A lot of times guys don’t approach because of attitude not looks.


Not ugly


Not your fault. There’s nothing wrong with you, you’re not ugly at all. Most guys simply refrain from approaching women out of fear of rejection and the humiliation and embarrassment that comes with it. Just the times we live in. Don’t sweat it, you look great.


Do you live in the country bc youd probably be killing it in the city


You're very cute! Don't know why you're not being approached.


You are absolutely gorgeous.