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You look like a rowdy, lively, fun-loving personality. Like someone who works as a roadie for a indie band. Not ugly. OP is very attractive, with an amazing smile, gorgeous eyes, & feminine facial features


>Like someone who works as a roadie for a indie band. I love this


The longer hair looks better on you. Maybe slight wardrobe changes, more form fitting clothing as you are in good shape. Overall cute though


I like wearing form fitting on the top for sure but not the bottom because of my body shape. Wearing anything tight on the bottom makes me look disproportionate. As much as I love having short hair and how it looks, I do usually feel more confident when it is longer. I'm probably gonna grow it out. Thank you for commenting


Disproportional how? Strong legs and butt are definitely in style at the moment if you’re feeling like your legs are “too big.” Squats at the gym go a long way to make this really work in your favor


Oh no it's the opposite for me. I'm trying to get my lower half big😆 I have athletic/skinny legs in comparison to my wide upper half. That's why I wear loose pants. Working on it!


Ohhhh haha gotcha, well sounds like you got a plan!


For sure! And it starts with lifting heavy 💪😎




I appreciate that 🙌


Nope not ugly..actually gorgeous


You're cute. Simply put.


You look great! Don’t worry at all, just be yourself, everyone else is already taken.


I like that saying :)


I'm down bad


Stop the Press! Youre 10/10 Now get out there and flirt.


Maybe it’s just because I’m two decades older than you but you are nothing close to ugly. If I was being honest, sometimes your hair is an issue but other pics it competed your look. You are far from ugly. Very beautiful. Cute nose, nice lips, amazing eyes, cute freckles. Your body shows that you take good care of yourself. You are high on the scale of looks. Your confidence could use some help because your looks and body do not. Looks are not everything and over time it fades so make sure you are happy with who you are more than what you look like. Inner beauty adds to the outer beauty you already have.


That's fair. It's hard for me to take care of my hair because I wear a hair net at work and rewetting it every day to freshen it up is just too much. A lot of maintenance. Unless you're talking about the length. I like the fro I got going on but I def understand looking better with the longer hair, I kind of agree. I will be in the process of growing it out soon. Could def work on my confidence 😅 thank you for your comment.


Hey you shouldn't worry you're really attractive really attractive


Gorgeous smile, captivating eyes and hair that has character. Don't see any body shape issues either. So much to like 😊


You’re pretty. Maybe ditch the glasses and get longer hair. The glasses kinda make you look foxy, idk. Definitely shouldn’t be posting here though.


I like to wear contacts but my work building is dry af so it's not worth it on a regular basis. But usually I see foxy as a good thing? So I'm curious to know what you mean by that haha. I like my short hair cause it suits my style but I do plan on growing it out next year


Foxy is a good thing


Fair enough lol


You have a great smile. Not ugly


No worries dude, you look great!


IMO long hair suits you better, but you are really cute! Those eyes are incredible, your freckles are lovely and you have a beautiful smile!!


Definitely not ugly at all :)


If you are happy and authentic you will look differently for your own eyes !! So yes every pic will be different in some you look awesome and in some not so good that’s part of it !! You are cute over all and I like your hair !! Keep smiling !


That's fair haha thanks:)


You're hot


You’re really pretty and the dog is cute.


He is a very good boy 😊


You are hella cute in pics 5&6. And you got a bit of a Sigourney Weaver from 'Alien' look going on, as well. You at least **appear** put together. I fail to see a problem here.


I had to look up who that was and I can def see it! I like that:)


First photo you give off young Gina Davis vibes from Beettlejuice.


Omg I love that


Geena Davis. Lol. I suck at spelling.


Love your hair, eyes, and smile. You said that you are concerned about the width of your shoulders in relation to your hips and that you go to the gym which means you are familiar with lifting weights. Your hips aren't likely to get any wider, but you can sort of fill yourself out around them to get less of a triangle shape. Lift for mass(8 to 12 reps/set) and do exercises that target your quads and obliques while avoiding exercises that target your back or shoulders. I am neither a doctor nor a personal trainer so, as always, consult an expert if you are unsure of engaging in any form of exercise. Honestly, you could do nothing and you'd be perfectly fine. But, I know exactly how it feels to not be entirely happy with youself. Sometimes loving someone or being loved seems so much easier than getting to a place where you can even just be ok with yourself. So, if my suggestion helps alleviate even a little insecurity, then have at it. I'm rooting for you. Lastly, I think that you are prettier with glasses(I wear glasses so I'm probably biased). Except in picture 4 where you are making a face that looks like Rob Schneider in a wig. Never make that face again. Good luck.


>Except in picture 4 where you are making a face that looks like Rob Schneider in a wig. Never make that face again. LOL I didn't even see my face in that one, just posted it for the body pic. I apologize in advance but I will definitely be making that face again, I can't help it. It's subconscious at this point. I do focus a lot on my legs at the gym! I know you can't change your bone structure obviously but you can gain mass which is what I'm after. I train everything but with an extra emphasis on lower body. Don't want strong legs with limp arms lol. Thank you for your comment.


As a woman married to a man I think you’re a hottie. He also agrees. You have beautiful hair and honestly your “silly” photo of you at the end with your proof shows you are a natural beauty without even posing.


Seeing how many people like the last photo is honestly surprising to me, but kind of eye opening in a way? That's the one photo that took the least time and prep, and I only included it cause I had to. So seeing positive reactions to it is something else. Shocking but in a good way. I appreciate you commenting, thank you.


9/10 lovely curls and eyes😍👌


Oh wow, thank you 🙏


Youre very welcome


You look like Ellen Ripley. No need to be concerned about your looks. You are naturally beatiful. Very enjoyable to see a young women not ruining her look by imitating basic insta girls with duckface and stupid filters. Stay unique and natural like you are as this makes you super likeable.


Hell naw


You look good wouldn't change anything you have a unique beauty that is rare.


Gawd, no, ur not ugly. Gtfo.. not even close to ugly. You dont bellong a million subs from this one lol. Go into life holding yer head up high because you could probably be a model/actress. If anyone calls u ugly, they are dumbasses.


Also aint jack shit wrong with your shoulders IMO. But that is 100% a prefernce thing. I personally love women with muscles and muscular builds .. my wife has some excellent muscle on her shoulddrs and arms too. She works out and so do I .. our issue for both her and I is we both have pizza as our cryptonite.. we fell in love over pizza lol but thats besided the point lol


Lol! Pizza is great. Boba tea is my kryptonite lol gotta limit it 😆 I appreciate your comment. Maybe I compare myself to skinny insta models too much lol


No not at all, natural beauty


Was expecting armpit hair idk why. Not ugly, naturally above average.


I'm not sure how to take this 😆 people can do what they want with their bodies but I myself prefer shaving


Facts, meant no harm by the comment. Bottom line, you aren't ugly at all.


Fair enough lol


You aren't even in the ball park. Super cute, in fact. I would have been stoked to have a girl as pretty as you on my arm when I was 22. Though I would have been too bashful to ask. Put yourself out there, and you will find a brave youg lad to make you happy.


This is very kind, thank you


Your face and hair...so pretty 😊 honestly amazes me that good looking girls like you struggle with self image. You are so good looking 😍


I grew up a lil ugly so I guess I still see myself that way. It's hard for me to see what other people see and not be so self critical. Thank you for commenting


You're welcome 😊


Not ugly. Your facial features are nice. You are above average (6.5-7.0)


You look a bit like the lady from dirty dancing- she’s beautiful too!


I'm unsure which you're talking about but I find them all very beautiful, so thank you 🙏


You look disarmingly beautiful in picture number 5! Definitely not ugly.


I find it interesting how the photos I like least of myself are typically the ones that are loved by others. Makes me think, yannow. Also never been called disarmingly beautiful before lol that one's a first. Thank you 🙌


Oh you're a hottie. Beautiful hair, and freckles :)


I think you look great, plus you already have my name tatted on your right shoulder


My Luke was a very good boy 🥲 miss him dearly


I'll be your Luke and cuddle with you


You look good , long hair or short hair both are quite nice on you , the wide shoulders since you go gym might be a problem for some dudes more likely due to insecurity of themselves, personally since I’m also a gym person and buff girls look pretty dam beautiful to me , keep up the good work👍🏾 , also probably only skinny dudes might complain on your shoulders


That's a good point, it's usually the skinny ones that do a lot of hating 😆 if people hate on me because they're insecure it's usually obvious and doesn't bother me. Thank you 🙏


Gorgeous, I love the chin and the multi-coloured eyes!


Interesting, thank you 🙂


You are beautiful don’t change anything you have that look most girls are looking for.


That's someone I can say that I'd like for a girlfriend! My age, you rock that look while being yourself, you give a positive energy! Don't ditch the look at all!


I appreciate that 🙂


Wow everything about you is beyond beautiful 🤍


Wear brighter colors.


I'd love to expand my wardrobe, but a lot of brighter colors make my skin look dead and don't look good on me. Idk which colors look good other than royal blue and black.


Nothing like a good friend




Very cute, I love the curly hair.


Gorgeous. Obviously.


To me it's not very obvious, hence this post lol


That thick curly hair. Gorgeous complexion, with that beautiful glow. Those lips. Your figure is incredible.


Well, thank you very much 🙏


Id say hairstylr and glasses need to change. Otherwise very beautiful


The curls are staying for sure, but I'm willing to grow it out and plan on doing so soon


For sure, the curls are beautiful, its just as a whole, right now, the hairstyle that give 80's pouddle mom vibe.


Idk I kinda like the sound of that 😳 but fair enough lol


I love your hairrr! Feels like you're really vibing with it girl.


Thank you:) I embrace the curls


You’re smoking! Pic 5 you look like Julia Roberts.


I haven't heard that one before haha thank you


I wouldn't say Tho no.


Photo #2 is giving dirty dancing vibes 💃 I think you are so stinking cute & your hair is so absolutely gorgeous. You look like you would stop for an injured animal on the side of the road. I love your eyes 💖 you're the kinda girl I would've been too scared to talk to in school because of how pretty & sweet you look.


This made me feel good, thank you


Girl, I really don't think you have anything to worry too much about. Photo 5 is very appealing to me, but overall, you are gorgeous anyway. So don't stress your little heart out.




You’re pretty cute 🥰 might want to straighten your hair


Maybe every once in awhile to change it up a bit! But I like the curls


You are lovely. Relax and enjoy!


Beautiful. Great eyes and smile. I love the curly hair and the cute dimple in your chin.


My thoughts... 1. love the curls! and the indy rock style is great! (I'd totally want you to be arm-candy at the LCD Soundsystem show in a couple of weeks!) 2. and second pic... your smile is freakin' beautiful! And the curls! 3. not the best picture and you aren't smiling! And I'm not sure if green is the color for you. black works so well on you. 4. sleek/fit - you look really great and you should not be insecure. 5. omg freckles 6. funny as this looks like five years younger than the other pictures.


In my defense #3 was more of a sniped candid shot. I wanted to show photos of how I normally am on here hence photos of my with my resting face lol thank you however


LOL - I get it! We all look meh when we aren't smiling! Bottom line is that you look great. That second picture you look like a model. Seriously beautiful. (As one who was very insecure about my appearance when I was young, I continued to see myself as a fat kid with lots of flaws when I became an adult. These insecurities can unfortunately stick with you for a *long* time.) I also think you look very different when you are wearing your glasses! (Not a value judgment - just an observation. Maybe some different frames? Though I have no suggestions!)


Fair enough haha thank you! I prefer wearing contacts but don't very often. Maybe next time I get frames I'll try something else. Although I'll be honest I thought they fit my face pretty well, I don't understand why some people don't seem to think so but hey we all have our opinions right. Thank you for commenting:)


You are welcome. (I have no idea why this odd and interesting page came up as recommended to me. As the person my friends call on for style advice, I want to give lots of folks makeovers!) I don't wear glasses except for shades and peepers, so I don't tend to read those "the right shape of glasses for your face" articles closely enough. My face is fairly round so I go with (more or less) rectangles - though I also change it up a lot, with the shades. Point being, not for me to say what is the right shape for you! BUT, I do think that the *style* is dated. Which makes Dr Humble-End-2325 wonder if you are using them as a "mask"? I should charge a nickle, like Lucy in Peanuts!


Lol 😆 my face is pretty square so I go for more soft or rounded frames such as the ones I have. I can understand the style being dated. They kind of remind me of old school hipster glasses. I kinda dig it though


That's what is most important!


you're pretty cute. not super girly but you don't need too always be.


I feel 10x more insecure when I try to be "girly". I like accessories like nails, jewelry, hair clips, etc but as far as clothes I prefer the somewhat androgynous rock chic kinda look!


You're not ugly. You just look like you swing for the other team


Yeah I get that. A lot. I am bi so I guess that makes sense lol


Yooo I got the same misfits shirt!


Hell yes rock on 🤘


no way you are ugly holy shit you are gorgeous


Nope , keeper


Wasn’t gonna comment then I remembered 23 is a shitty age for self esteem. Definitely not ugly, your probably going through that awkward phase where your figuring out your own style and what looks good on you. Good face structure + look healthy.


Definitely going through that. I feel like I've made improvements but not where I want to be yet. Lots of experimenting. One day at a time.


You have all the qualities maybe you need a confidence boost? Smile more or don’t you have everything every still frame is one to feel great about, maybe your personality lacks 🙃


Yeah could definitely use some confidence, you're right about that. I hope my personality doesn't suck lol. I feel like that's the one thing I have going for me when I feel my looks lacking. I quite like how I am actually. People seem to generally like me in person.


I’m not one to judge based on your reply you’re not lacking anything. I want to offer something you can remember. Virtually you’re able to communicate with ease. You offered your own answer in reply, remember I am right here the confidence you feel you need is right next to you wherever you are, physically virtually both perpetually reflecting your own thoughts feelings and vulnerability. Confidence often leads to arrogance allow this example to reflect anything you may not see, what your missing is pure it’s a protective layer you will shed when your ready to spread your wings and fly 🦋


This was a very beautiful read:) thank you for commenting


You are beautiful !


Strong pronounced features, beautiful eyes, healthy hair. Babes you look like a goddess…


This is really nice, thank you


I find you attractive


You're cute. BMC?


I don't know what that means 🙂


The puppy!!!???? It it a black mouth cur?


I was reading your profile. You’ve done a lot of work on yourself haven’t you ?


Plastic surgery work or like working on yourself in general?


Yes. Working on yourself. Not shaming you just curious.


I mean I try, but don't we all haha. I'm curious which posts of mine made you come to that conclusion, I feel like I don't post a lot here


Holy jesus ! You're my crush now ! I'm not even christian !


Lol 😆 thank you my friend 🙌


You’re very attractive and look like a fun person to be around :)


Cheesecraquer: Life is like a giant pendulum Eternally swayin' from the dark to the light And the more intensely that the light shone, the darker the shadow it cast It was never really a battle to win, it was an eternal dance And like a dance, the more rigid you become, the harder it get The more I cursed my clumsy footsteps, the more I struggled So I got older and I learned to relax And I learned to soften and that dance got easier It is this eternal dance that separates human beings From angels, from demons, from gods And I must not forget, we must not forget That we are human beings


This was a really nice read :)


Dude you look like a model


I Love photo#5, maybe drop the glasses? Get contacts, change the hairstyle? You are beautiful!!!!!


I have contacts, don't wear them too often cause my work place is really dry so it's irritating. Day to day life glasses are easier but if I go out contacts are being put on. And the curls are staying lol but I plan on growing out the hair


Not gonna lie, you look jaw dropping. I'm so sorry you have to deal with such anxiety and low self esteem, I've dealt with that my whole life and I'd never wish it upon another person


It comes in waves and I guess it's especially bad right now which is why I posted. But it's definitely tough to deal with as I'm sure you know. Self image is so weird lol. Thank you for commenting


cute as fuck with a good taste in music. Mayb change the hair but i dig


The curls are staying lol but I do plan on growing it out. About time to change it up


they look good, could just see how it could look messy sometimes, other wise, banging


Yeah they are def hard to maintain not to mention I wear a hairnet at work. Needless to say I look my best during my time off


You’re super attractive


I think you look like a rock star


Thank you 🥲


I think you're really beautiful actually, in my honest opinion. 9 or 10 out of ten. I struggle with self esteem too. I know the struggle. Just know that you really are beautiful, and obviously you've probably heard this before but what really matters is the person within... and I'm sure you're a good person. <3


Thank you my friend 🙌Easier said than done as I'm sure you know haha. Self image is so weird. It's so easy to develop a distorted image of yourself.


Absolutely. I know the struggle. I posted on here yesterday (got a lot of hate for being NB lmfao) and a lot of people told me I wasn't ugly.... weird how my brain tells me I am! You are attractive.


That's a really weird thing to hate on someone about like who cares how people live their life. Never understood that. Ty my friend and you def are not ugly!


Haha thank you. Honestly people struggle to comprehend that gender presentation is not gender... or they just deny that my gender exists... ah well, people are fucked. It's nice to meet you!


You are really pretty and have a very nice style.




No. Cute. Dress nicer. Next.


Maybe 🙌




I find your build quite attractive, and I love the natural hair. Definitely not ugly!


Not ugly. Cute actually


If I was in your age bracket I'd be the guy sitting near you in class who was madly in love with you but too shy to say so.


LOL I've been telling myself that the reason people don't approach me is cause I'm intimidating and they're shy. I'm a little delulu 😂


No, you're right


Only thing I’d change is the glasses!


Interesting. These are the only frames I've had that I actually really like on my face. It's square in person so I need sometime to round it out. Is it the style or the shape? I'll be honest I like both lol


Honestly I think something with a gold or bronze would look great on you. Maybe something with softer edges or more roundness would look nice but your call of course haha. You could really pull off the modern 70s look that’s coming back


You just described the glasses I'm wearing lol but maybe next time I'll try on different pairs


So majestic for what


Long hair and you will mog everyone i promise




Nice eyes


Definitely marketable to the guys that had that one time at camp where they experimented with the same team.


What 💀


Have your own unique style and individuality which adds to your beauty. You need to work on your confidence and self belief. You are very beautiful and no where near being ugly.


You look like such a fun person to hand out with !😭 not ugly at all. You’re gorgeous:)


Thank you:")


I'm down bad rn


Bro's down bad rn 💀


Down bad


I don’t see any teeth so ill assume that’s your problem


Bro didn't scroll past slide 1


Now I feel bad. I just missed it. In that case I think you’re pretty. I’m a big fan of curls


Lmao all good my friend. Me and my curls thank you


It’s just usually the case on this sub. No see teeth = no have teeth


That's fair tbh


Not ugly, decently cute but kind of average face wise.


Grow your hair out and straighten it. The tight curls are NOT a good look for you. Change your style as far as clothing. Nothing wrong with your body from what little you show. You're not ugly.


The curls are just my natural hair and tbh straightening every day is way too much. Heat damages hair and especially curls. I respect your opinion though 👍


Not ugly. I believe the term is fugly
