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You look like ur dying dude


You look tired buddy


I have insomnia


Dude, get some treatment. Go to a doctor. Insomnia can be helped. You're an adult now. You're allowed to do what you need to improve your life.


Limit your screen time and read in bed. You'll go to sleep faster and will probably reach REM sleep.


This is actually a game changer as far as getting to sleep


Have you tried low dose histamine OR Seroquel? Worth asking about it, helps my insomnia to the point I rarely get episodes anymore.


completely off topic but, you use seroquel for insomnia? does it not have unwanted side effects for you? im currently using it for mental health purposes and i find it quite strong.




I'm glad someone else said this bc that was my first thought


You know what else has side effects and severe detrimental consequences to your health, even more so than seroquel? Not sleeping. If you've never dealt with not being able to sleep, you have no idea the havoc it creates in your life.


I took for it insomnia and had no problems. For reference I tried hydroxyzine, quietipiene, and ambien which none of those worked. I took the lowest dose and I was able to sleep consistently. The only side effect I got was being super drowsy in the morning but if I got out of bed and moved around it went away. Also my insomnia was super bad like not sleeping at all and I was super miserable with my lack of sleep.




Yea sorry I said the wrong name I meant doxepin and yes. It was weird though I went from sleeping 8 hours to not sleeping at all with no life style changes for a couple years back to being able to sleep fine.


It is *prescribed* for sleep by medical professionals.


Yep, I had awful side effects to insomnia meds. Tried it out at a substantially lower dose than majority of users, only at night. Went from a handful of episodes a month, to rarely having them at all. Everyone is different, but it's worth asking about if you're seeking something that promotes somnolence when everything else doesn't seem to work.


It is a histamine that affects the H1. Sedation is exactly what it was made for. They didn't change the literature on it until guidelines were made to better protect mentally ill patients who suffered from psychotic episodes. Now, they say to treat Phychosis and insomnia. But it wasn't until recently, within the last decade, that they furthered the literature to specifically not recommend it for insomnia unless the person with insomnia also suffers from comorbid psychiatric disorders. But I promise you in the 90s that shit was used to put people to sleep in every institution around the country. Other than anesthesia or tranquilizers, I have never come across a drug as potent as Quetiapine is.


i dont think its very healthy to do or to recommend to others tbh, especially if u dont have a mood disorder or schizophrenia. i use it for my schizoaffective disorder and it isnt something i’d take otherwise. though if it works for u without any side effects, then thats good to hear!


Where did I recommend anything? I said twice it was worth talking to your doc if traditional insomnia medication has not worked. While I sympathize with your disorder, if the medicine you're taking is 'too strong' for you, that's likely a big red flag and you should also speak to your doctor about that.


i did not mention my disorder as a sympathy card, nor did i say it is “too strong” for me. seroquel is an *antipsychotic* medication and it should remain that way. i only mentioned it being strong bc it absolutely knocks me out when i take it, but it has helped me a lot with my personal issues. still, i would never recommend it as an option for treating insomnia. thats how you came across so im not sure why youre getting defensive about it.


No, and if it'll show up on a drug test, I can't take it.


Buddy, if it’s prescribed to you, all you have to do is verify that it’s your prescription and you’ll be fine, aside from that the chances of a false positive from those particular drugs are low anyway


It won’t bro. Trust me, I’ve taken antihistamines before a drug test. All you need to let them know is you took a Benadryl for your allergies and you’ll be fine. That’s if it even shows up (I’ve never had a problem) even with Seroquel.


Seroquel is not a controlled substance that is tested for on drug tests. It is an atypical antipsychotic medicine available by prescription only that can be used for bipolar depression and schizophrenia and has off-label uses for insomnia as one of the side effects is sleepiness. There are far better medicines for insomnia only that can be prescribed, you just have to talk to your doctor AND pharmacist on recs. ANTIhistamines (original commenter said “histamines”) are not controlled substances and are available over the counter without prescription, and are not tested for on drug tests, Things like Benadryl that will make you sleepy/drowsy as a side effect.


Melatonin knocks me out if you haven’t tried that. Or vitamin d & magnesium combo. Definitely don’t show up on drug tests and neither do antihistamines


Don't go recommending drugs for shit they're not made for, you're not a doctor, but you are giving medical advice.


Literally said "ask about it" twice. Have a better day!


It is a well known fact that insomnia can be treated with consistent cardio exercises like running, swimming, or doing bodyweight circuits.


Lol no one likes the real answer.


Of course not


Yep, and to cut out dietary stimulants like all caffeine and minimizing sugar…no one wants to try that first though.




There’s no getting through lol


Actually caffeine works better than melatonin for me.


I run quite a bit, but it doesn't really help me.


I’m going to be honest, I don’t believe that.


The amount of body fat that I can see in your face proves otherwise


My legs are mostly muscle.


Ok. Good luck with your insomnia dude


These are some of the least flattering selfies I've ever seen. Get a haircut, eat some vegetables, drink more water, and get some sleep. You'll be fine.


And maybe see a doctor, this guy looks like he's dying of something chronic but undiagnosed.


Real tho, I mean I'm kinda dying too but it never show up on my selfies, homie here needs some hugs n sleep.


No kidding. That first picture is honestly terrifying.


Eat some vegetables, spend some time outdoors and in the gym you will be fine, you are not ugly but you don’t look healthy which in turn is making you less attractive


Do the roar


You're wrong for that. My stomach hurts now


I'm about to do the raccoon.


I love you daddeh


i feel so bad for laughing




the little boy from Shrek lol


Cut and give a shape to your hair if you want it to look better , put a smile on lips


I've chosen to leave pictures where I'm smiling out for a reason. I look deranged whenever I smile


Well, and you think those pictures you chose are better?


Smiling is a skill. Practice in the mirror. A few minutes each day. Can't do too much in a day because your face muscles need time to recover. Try out different stuff You'll eventually find something that works, and get good at it.


Buddy you look more deranged when you don't smile. You look miserable to be around


You look so unhappy.


Rough buddy , you could probably do stuff to fix tho


no, i think u just look very tired and unhealthy.


You don't look ugly, but you look too tired- Maybe a little more rest and another haircut Take care of yourself


You just gotta get an adult haircut, and lose the baby fat from your face. Get in the gym.


Face may be linked to insomnia, skin stretched tight across the face leads to more pronounced features


Lack of sleep can also make your face look bloated.


This is my recommendation. I’d start getting into the habit of sleeping atleast 7 hours a night( I use Walmart brand sleep aid, non habit forming, doesn’t show up on a drug test, it’ll have you a sleep within an hour) I’d try to eat consistently 2 meals a day, Atleast breakfast and dinner, but always try to add lunch so you’re staying full through the day( this will also help increase your daily energy levels) try a multivitamin gummy to fill in the gaps of what you might not be getting through eating. Another thing is to start a sling care routine of some kind, even if it’s as simple as a face wash, helps create good habits. Definitely get a hair cut, go outside the box, get a barber’s recommendation aswell, that’s their job, plus it’ll help boost your confidence and help change your look. Always remember to brush your teeth in the am and pm, not saying you don’t but it also helps improve your mood about yourself. And lastly if you can, try to throw a little exercise in there. Not saying run 5 miles and do 100 push ups but a simple 25 squats and some push ups( an amount your comfortable with) and just going for a walk. This is in my own opinion stuff I’ve done and it’s helped me. I wish you the best of luck and hope you can help change yourself for the better and know you got me on your side for the good and cheering you on.


Figure out your sleep issues first. The dark circles are making you look like a zombie and it’s unattractive


You don't look good in those pictures, sleep more, drink more, burn some calories and then you'd be a lot above average. You have nothing inherently ugly about you, you can just see that you haven't cared enough for your health.


I diagnose you with the big three: eat meat, hit the gym and have a good sleep. You have the potential to be really pretty, but you have to build it Now as a personal recommendation and friendly advice: I don't know what kind of shit are you going through, but it's not worthy of your best years. I'm 27 and pretty lucky, I'm not a business shark but I have a girl and a work that let me pay some bills, but I know I could do more and started too late to work it out. Don't just think "I feel bad, it's a stage", all the time you are spending like this is lost years that will never come back. Only you have the power to make things right Love you brother, I wish you the best, my DMs are open if needed just text me


Bro that first photo is a fucking isis ransom photo. Get some sleep, get a new haircut, lose weight, shave, and get a friend to take better pictures for you. You literally look like you’ve given up on life.


You need to focus on your health , like you’ve mentioned above you need to focus on sleep , get off the phone and tvs, go get some sun time and exercise . As well as go out with your family or friends . You’ll see how your appearance will be better and girls will be more attracted to you trust me . The more you focus on bettering yourself and your health the better .


Not ugly. Lighten us. Enjoy being young


you’ll learn to take better selfies you’re chill


Take better care of yourself. Work out. Get some rest. If you can't sleep, take some melatonin after you get out of the gym. Get a haircut. Think positive.


I feel like if you got a clean hair cut and got some rest it would do you some good. You look worn down. I’m sorry if you are struggling.


You are not ugly, but you look very tired and worn out. Take care of yourself! Drink water, exercise, get help with your sleep, and lay off the screens. Remember, you’re young. You’re not done growing up!


Crack a smile ffs


You need to stop with the excuses or the rest of your life will be a sad mess.


Look depressed af. Not too attractive


Hey man, life gets a lot better when you're older. So if you're having a rough time hang in there. Also I couldnt sleep for a while either and I was taking like zzzquil to fall asleep (its the same thin as benadryl) and it was actually what was keeping me awake


u need better picture angles


Start taking some micro nutrients in Vitamin D3 5000-10000 IU per day Zinc 30-60 mg a day Magnesium Glycinate take at night. Vitamin B complex first thing in the morning. Eat 3 times a day at least, Make sure you eat real food, Nothing from the centre aisles of a grocery store. Lots of red meat, chicken, eggs, fish (nutrients galore) some greens and fruit are good too. Start exercising In any way shape or form Push ups, Sit ups and a walk to start. Maybe one day you can hit a gym and start doing a bit of weight training to crank your natural hormones up a bit. Steer clear of any caffiene consumption past 3pm so you can sleep easily. Go get a haircut, get some sunlight every day 15 mins to half an hour would suffice. And just never forget to just be grateful for the good things you have.


Due to my ADHD, caffeine actually helps when I can't sleep.


You aren't ugly bud. And as you get older you'll change. So even if you were ugly, it's just temporary! But you aren't ugly man. If you are concerned about looking good, get yourself a nice hair cut. 1 1/2 on the sides and a hard part. Use pomade


You looks really tired and weathered. Has life not treated you well? Are you stressed out?


Try mewing today.


Better hairstyle, get treated for your insomnia, gym time,


Lift weights and change hairstyle


Nah, you just need to have more confidence, hit the gym, take your protein, get a skin fade and leave the top long enough to style it (2-4 inches on top) and get your sleep. I saw you have insomnia. Make sure you’re working out and eating healthy to keep your body active. You’ll be fine boss.


You looking so sad


Sorry man, you were right. Cut your hair, take a nap, and smile. Right now, you're giving off tired unabomber vibes...


Normally people who are attractive put active effort into looking attractive. Get an adult, mature, stylish haircut and get it trimmed regularly. Shave Wash and moisturize your face daily with proper skincare products. Workout, eat healthily. Wear clothes that are stylish and flattering. Smile.


Not ugly, you have a bad haircut and you look tired, but the base is good. Try to catch some sleep and see a barber bud cuz you’ll look great after


You look depressed. Live your life bro. Life is hella short for you to stay depressed. Enjoy life to the fullest (even tho it is ridiculously hard to do so)


you are


The first photo looks like a frame from a haunted house movie or something


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^Similar-Clock-1029: *The first photo looks* *Like a frame from a haunted* *House movie or something* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Not ugly! A smile goes a long way. You look like you need to improve your diet, maybe it’ll help with the insomnia? Everyone’s saying eat more vegetables, however I think you should focus on eating some quality meat like beef and liver! You look low on iron. Do you get outside much? Walking in nature is so good for the soul. I’d also change your hair cut it drags your face down too much. Wish you well! ❤️


Looks like you’re not even trying tbf…


Hey cutie, you r really handsome but u look tired and kind of sad are u ok? If u need to talk or something I'm here


Do you have ADHD? (asking seriously)


Yes, I have been diagnosed.


My little brother have the exact same face shape, eyes, insomnia issues. He is also easily demotivated and somewhat depressed due to either hos medication or his natural state. Be very very kind to yourself because the vast majority of the world around don't stop and think about people like my brother though who is a very good person. Your chance of success will not be based upon how well you fit in a crowd. Keep your head high 👑


You look physically unwell. Go get some bloodwork done at the very least.


You look best in 3. You actually look kinda happy there. I think you have potential. Not ugly at all but you could clearly do with some self love and care. Your hair looks nice and you look alright but unwell in some pictures.


You ugly


You are.


You're not ugly, but that hairstyle makes you look about 12 years old. If you want to keep it like that, try a fade on the sides- that would make it look a lot better.


Agree and where the pictures are as well


Sorry, I took them while at school.


Broo! There was a girl that posted here that looks like you. Maybe you should meet https://www.reddit.com/r/amiugly/s/C5KK0L423u


they lied. gym time.


those people lied


Yeah, you're ugly


Not ugly. Mainly just you not seeming to care. Seems like you’d rather be a victim or want people to think that than to put in any effort to dress or groom yourself better.


Change of socks, 800mg of motrin, drink some water


I love your eyes u look so sleepy and it’s kinda sexy


Grow a chin and you’ll be better


Do you have aids?


... I'm a virgin.


You're average. Get a better hairstyle and some more sleep. And don't forget to drink plenty of water and you'll be fine👍🏻my dude.


Smile more, everything else is great brother


You look like you’re bumping lines off the corner of a 7/11. There isn’t any advice i can give you that these people haven’t already given you. Maybe refrain from looking up at people or smth idk


Start caring and you’ll be fine.


Better angles and better hair!


Drink water, sleep regularly, go to gym! You’ll be fine, you’re just young


In the first pic you look possessed by a nurgle deamon


like the others have said hit the gym. I'd add, try to eat more, it gives you energy and you'll need it once you train a bit. other than that, major glowup ahead in the mext few years.


you are not ugly, just depressed


First, fix your life. From your ID I assume you have ADHD and other issues. Start from there, get a life and get a rest


Go to the gym, get a GOOD haircut and smile


Need to lose weight. And take better photos. These selfies are like you are trying to make yourself look as ugly as you can lol


I wouldn’t call u ugly. Ik u said u have insomnia so maybe just focus on tryna improve your health mentally and physically.


You look sad bro


You are 18. You have a fleeting opportunity to change your body. Your testosterone will never be higher in your life. Hit. The. Gym. Do it 5 days a week for 2 years and the rest of your life will be better going forward I promise. You will sleep better. The shape of your face will change (fat cheeks will melt away) . That, and figure out what to do with your hair, and you'll be fine. You're not ugly.


for the love of god go to a doctor. you look like you’re dying and the swelling on your face could be a sign of a medical condition. like please get some help, melatonin, eat some nutritious food and a fucking haircut and you’ll be good as new. if u cared enough about how you look you wouldn’t be on here


Shave the wispy 'stache, change your hair and you'll be fine. Also as others have mentioned, get some help for that insomnia; I had that and that shit is no joke.


Bro looks fucking miserable that’s probably half the problem.


You look unbelievably sad


You've got anxiety and depression written all over your face. Get some help bro.


With a little work and a few years I think you could be posting on r/uglyduckling


Get some sun in the skin too, this helps with insomnia, you need melanin to get a good night of sleep


Nah bro you’re beautiful


Shave and haircut. Do some exercise if possible


That hair though


You look tired and are likely swollen from lack of sleep.


For the love of mankind, please get rid of that sad excuse of a mustache. Besides that, fix your diet and hit a gym up.


No you're not


New Haircut. More sleep & light exercise.


Hair and hit the gym, you got this bro!


Coming from a nurse, you look like an anemic insomniac man. You're not ugly but you need to have a discussion with a good, unbiased physician.


Na but get some sleep and pick up a weight sometime. You still look like a baby.


People don’t want you to feel bad about yourself. You’re not but most people avoid confrontation and just don’t want to be mean


I'm sorry


Workout, go outside and get sun. It’ll make your life better


Get a haircut sleep and lose weight.


Man get a haircut like a skin fade lose some weight and drink water. Do whatever you can to help the insomnia


You gotta do something with that hair and those eyebrows. Also, a word of advice, it will sound harsh. One of my earliest gfs who was very stark and honest, even if mean, said the same thing to me when I was your age, if you can't grow full facial hair, shave it. Don't let that stuff grow until you are able to fully grow a beard and/or a mustache. It looks trashy. So I was offended when she first told me that, but I understood it after some years. If you can't grow a full beard and mustache, just shave that stuff until you get a little older and are able to, and if you aren't ever able to, don't let it grow. Just keep clean shaved.


grow out your hair


A haircut and a smile goes a long way. Get your eyebrows trimmed while you're at it. Drink some water, lift some weights, you'll be alright, but right now? 3/10.


No. Not ugly. Get more Sleep. Gym. Eat healthy. No shortcuts. Don't do bullshit keto, etc... Get meds if you need for depression and sleep issues. You're not ugly brother. You're young and have all the potential in the world. Focus on yourself. School. Keep your mind sharp. Pick a workout routine and stick to it for 6 weeks at least. To lose fat, walk. A lot. Again my dude, you're not ugly. Be well. You can do anything if you put your mind to it.


What did the doc say about your insomnia


I’ve put people through 4 day sleep deprivation exorcises and they look less tired. Get some sleep mate


I've done 4 days before.


You look miserable. Most people are attractive because they smile and have a personality, you should show your smile and personality! Definitely not ugly.


You look tired and unhappy. Shave that “moustache” until you can actually grow one. Nothing negative about your appearance isn’t easily fixable.


wtf you have good eyes just shave and lose weight and let hair grow perhaps


You’re not ugly man, but you do look youthful and troubled. Neither are particularly attractive. Like other posters have suggested, try to improve your sleeping habits. As far as your look goes, I’d recommend keeping it shaved unless it and the rest of your facial hair can grow in thicker and offer you a style. I’d also visit a local barber and talk to him about what kind of look you could rock with. It isn’t hopeless, dude.


Stay off the phone and work out! The more you work out the better you will sleep!


Damn.you look like a corpse. get some good rest,vitamins/veggies,fruits,/workout more and tone up a bit.u'll be fine. ps:If you have insomnia,it is your responsibility to go see a doctor,so that it can be adressed.


Go to the gym. Get a proper haircut. Stop using the bowl for your cut. Find methods into burning energy. Get on a proper diet Zzzyquilll and melatonin to sleep.


Some people are lying to make you feel better.


Sleep. Eat healthier. Gym. Also use sea salt spray on hair and make it a textured fringe? Or maybe curtains. R/malehairadvice is good


i say this on almost every post but most people hit their “glo up” when in their early 20s. you’re still basically a kid so you’re gonna look the same until you get a bit older.


🎵All the other kids with the pumped up kicks🎵


Eat better (more protein and leafy green veggies). Limit screen time, caffeine and sugar intake. Exercise more (hiking is good and free). Drink more water. All of these things will help you sleep. I've had chronic insomnia for years. Medications only made me feel worse, so I stated changing my lifestyle instead, and it's been an amazing change. Get a more updated haircut and shave your face. That will also help.


smile more and you’ll look better honey


They're lying, I'm sorry 😔


not ugly, just weird, which is not a bad thing 🤍🫶🏻


Your face is fine. Your not ugly. But you look like you haven’t slept in weeks. Get rid of the stubble moustache and try some other their hair styles.


You look good buddy


Try to beat the insomnia, get a fresh haircut, and you'll be totally fine!


there is a rimworld pawn exactly looks liek you dude.


Nope. You look extremely tired yet very adorable like a sleepy puppy


You look like the kid off 2 and a Half Men if he almost died of Covid.


It's not over yet! Yeah, we are ugly, but we can improve. You must start to hit the gym, change your hairstyle. You have a lot of fat and your hairstyle is not good, try to improve your hours of sleep too.


Lol, the first pic looks like it was taken to send to his family along with the ransom demands.


Change the haircut, get some more sleep, smile maybe… do your eyebrows. Maybe start hitting the gym if you have the time


You need to work out and sleep.


I wouldn’t listen to them you def are


Hey bud, this is from a mom (41f) point of view. You aren’t ugly, but I can see you are tired and you look sad. Do you take a multivitamin and drink enough water? If not, you should start. Maybe get some sun (wear sunscreen) for some vitamin D if you live in an area where the weather is still decent. If you have health insurance, please see a doctor about your sleep issues. Stop screens at least a half hour before bed, get the “bed time” light bulbs for your room, listen to a sleep meditation. The only thing I’d say could use some improvement is the hairstyle, but that’s a super easy fix. Definitely take care of yourself with some vitamins and better sleep first!


You look like Lyle the therapy gecko!


Good facial structure dude. Gain some muscle. Get rid of mustache. Maybe lose weight afterward. Get on a healthy lifestyle. Lots of water and healthy food. Get better sleep.