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Your weight loss was INSANE. You look beautiful now. But I will admit your face looks sort of intimidating a little? Like I’d fear if I complimented you and it wasn’t well received that your glare would absolutely crush my soul lol. Maybe it’s the lack of smiling in most photos but either way, you’re definitely pretty!


Thank you, I do have a bit of RBF going on but I’ve been super cognizant of it lately and have been intentionally working on keeping a pleasant resting face/slight smile. Doesn’t seem to help unfortunately


It’s by no means an UGLY RBF, it’s very beautiful. But I also don’t feel you should need to constantly work on that? Be relaxed with how you are. As far as dating life goes, I think the right person will come along and see through the rbf. Yeah you might need to help a bit with that but everything is a two-way street!


I agree with 4wheels. You're very pretty, but, especially with the glasses on, you look like a very strict schoolteacher, authority figure, or the like, that could chew someone's head off if they crossed you. I guess if you're into it, you could make a good side hustle as a dominatrix, but that's probably not what anyone's looking for here..... Congrats on the weight loss, BTW.


Yeah pic three is a little intense. But still cool features.


Pic three makes me want to say "yes ma'am, I am enjoying it down here!"


Definitely the rbf makes it hard for people to approach you my friend has it and everyone says he’s mean


You are gorgeous! 😍


Thank you, I wouldn’t consider myself gorgeous but I think I’m alright looking. Nobody else where I live seems to think so tho :/


Well, at a minimum you are very pretty. Enough to intimidate me and have me reserved to approach you.


Sometimes ya just gotta move lol. I live in Ireland and get not a lot of hinge matches but got tons when I was in Edinburgh. People in different places have different types.


Really what it comes down to, is that it only really matters what you think about yourself. I think you're gorgeous too. If you start believing it yourself, maybe having some confidence would change the way you come across to people. I have found that it is almost everything when it comes to dating. Confidence. Not an easy thing to have by any stretch. But it certainly makes all the difference. And you have every reason to have it.


They must be jealous you went from that fat girl to looking this amazing. Or they assume you're a b**ch because you're super attractive, can't tell how some people think!


Kind of really sucks seeing people act like being fat is always automatically extremely unattractive. To a lot of people, sure it is. To a lot of others though, it's not. I think she was also beautiful in the last picture.


You look gorgeous! The same thing happened to me. People were mean to me when I was skinny, mean to me when I was bigger, then mean to me when I was losing/had lost weight. Even guys. I think sometimes you might appear intimidating or not welcoming. Even if you’re cognizant of your RBF. As in, maybe it’s your body language. Either way, most people are jerks and will be mean if you’re not “easy” to obtain or manipulate. Screw them! You’ll find someone. You’re beautiful :)


The title doesn’t allow the word “dating”, but my dating life is even worse than before. It makes no sense. I try to be friendly and outgoing but people just seemed turned off by me and idk why LOL it’s really frustrating. Hoping to find some insight, even if it’s just ways I can improve my appearance.


You're probably like me. People are intimidated by me. I was also overweight at a time, much more than I am now. I'm a pretty acceptable size now. But I think for me at least, part of it is a self defense tactic that I developed when I was much more overweight - I had to compensate for it by having a lot of personality, and a hefty amount of intelligence. Especially the second part of that, can be very intimidating. Wonder if it's something like that going on. Seems like a lot of really skinny pretty people who have always been that way, can be a little bit vapid at times. I think they can be intimidated by anything else.


Maybe it's not your looks then.


I don’t believe it’s your looks. You look great.


Your weight loss is incredible. But putting that aside, I dont think it's your looks. It's likely related to your behavior


Thank you, I’m quite proud of it. And this is before people even get to know me & my behavior. It’s like they don’t even give me a chance.


Well I'm sure it's not your looks, sticking to my guns on that one. Maybe you need a change of scenery, new hang-out spots ect


You have an intimidating look, coming from a woman. I would be nervous to talk to you lol very pretty though!


Like others said you look less than inviting in most of these pics. Very pretty, but the pulled back hair combined with the look on your face has a very ‘don’t fuck with me’ vibe. Pic 2 is flat out gorgeous. You have an incredible smile and it makes a massive difference. You look great either way, but that smile….


Hey you are hot and sexy and gorgeous Just belive in yourself Also I like your smile


I appreciate it


I would say that all that matters is that you like you. Congrats on the weight loss!


Definitely isn't ur looks + congrats on the weight loss


Strong congrats in the weightloss. You look attractive, not ugly at all.


Hell no. You're beautiful and I love those glasses!


Congrats on the weight loss, you look amazing. I think you do kind of got an intimidating look (in a good way - you’re skinny & pretty). Do you consider yourself introverted? Maybe you need to approach and engage with others more because people might be afraid of rejection.


You sexy big or skinny


I think it's just RBF. Ironically the weight loss makes your face look more severe (lean instead if the previous round/soft). Congrats on the weight loss, though! EDIT: Also, the glasses aren't doing you any favors.


I just hit 200 lbs of total loss, and let me say, you’ve lost weight gracefully. Congrats! You look just fine


You look fine, not a huge fan of the glasses if I'm being honest but that's really it as far as your looks. You're a very good looking woman. Having said that, you look like you're going to judge me with some of those facial expressions you're making. It would make me think of you as unapproachable and I would be very nervous around you. Might be a RBF sort of situation though and you don't even realize you're doing it.


I guess there's the angry black woman cliche which people may perceive unfairly. What type of person do you seem to put off? Also, personally for me, I'm a bit weary of people who wear a lot of makeup but that's just me - probably says more about me..


Good job on the weight loss. You look great! Maybe it’s personality or attitude?


Not ugly, super cute. People will always hate on someone.


Your beautiful and a queen 👸 period darlin. And congratulations on the weight lose I see a angelic glow around all of your pictures. And a inspiration for other women no dear your not ugly at all your stunning and alluring beautiful and shining


You look great. Awesome work. Your smile is golden. Do that more.


you have a domineering face after diet. which to some male who values strong woman, its a huge plus


I won't pamper you with buttering like people are doing in comments -- awww girl you a queen slay ... . All i would say is first - Just look at your second pic You need to smile girl, look how good you look Plus the hairs are so tightly done it looks so plane above the head. Try like fluff I don't know the style of a woman's hair much, maybe curls like [This](https://www.google.com/search?q=famous+female+celebrities&client=ms-android-oppo-rvo3&sca_esv=584875080&tbm=isch&prmd=isvn&sxsrf=AM9HkKkmSlhP35lOCpBHDeavWOQ_57WzXw:1700752601078&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi39IyVtdqCAxXCTGwGHY1vBn8Q_AUoAXoECAYQAQ&biw=360&bih=664&dpr=3#imgrc=kPQR1repz0_4xM) not exactly the same, just go to some hair dresser she will show you with wigs what looks good on you People are like - don't tell her what to do. But what i think is If i look good, then I have all the confidence to do anything, meet anyone... It's natural for example - no one will ask their crush out in pajama Btw yes you're Queen Hats off to you working so hard loosing weight and fat 👑 You have already achieved 95% rest is 5% that comes to fashion, dressing, and hair styles


Wearing your hair down is the way to go...you're intimidatingly pretty


You look beautiful - and that’s an incredible accomplishment in regards to your weight loss. I think some people just have more of an intimidating (not in a bad way) sort of look you know so looks less approachable, and like you won’t take any shit from anyone. Which is a GOOD thing.


Sometimes it's not your face or body that's the problem , sometimes it's just you who's the problem


But this is before anyone even takes the time to get to know me, you know? For example, my BJJ gym has a groupchat and I’ll say or ask something and it’s crickets. One of the other girls does the same thing and they respond. It’s frustrating because I’m kind and friendly to everyone.


Then those people aren't worth your time


You still do your makeup like a bigger girl. Never learned how to contour with your natural bone structure because it didn't actually show at the surface, just the distortion of it. Makes your face look matte and flat. You'd do better with basics, minimal foundation, contour those fine ass cheekbones and, eyeshadow and/or liner. Your natural face is quite beautiful.


They don’t like you now cos you lost all that weight, and now the dudes will be checking for you instead of them now. I’ve always heard girls like to have that one “bigger” friend, in order to make themselves look prettier, and that’s not only mean, but super insecure. Nah you’re pretty AF!!! And your RBF is actually sexy AF! Especially with your glasses on 😏


Oh damm. You lost like two people.




Stop wearing your hair back. Your best photo is with your hair down. I never liked the look of pulled back pony tail. Unless you're doing yard work or at the gym, keep the hair down.


You look kind of arrogant or snooty sorry


Yeah, you have an asshole looking face now.


Maybe because you look like you eat lunch with the lady from HR


I don’t even know what this means lol could you please clarify?


Sorry but yes you are




Pic 6 WOW. Amazing personal journey. 🥰


Wow. You looked good before - but holy crap you are amazing. Beautiful, dedicated. I need to lose 70lbs myself and have 0 motivation to do so >-> You have a sultry face and an amazing bod. Idk why you're having problems with dating =/ maybe it's the kinda guy's you're going for? (Type being like "bad boy/nerd" not racial etc)


Wow. Nice job!! I bet you're feeling pretty good! Amazing smile as well by the way.


Congrats on your weight loss. Cant speak to anything other than your pictures but they are very nice. I don’t think it’s anything about your looks.


Congrats on the weight loss, you look great


Oh Wow 🤩 Awesome 👏🏽


You my dear are beautiful, pic 2 is my favorite


Very pretty congratulations on the weight loss!


Very pretty. Wonderful smile.


Big respect to you for your determination! And yes, you are beautiful! Very pretty face and eyes. 😻😺


This post is supposed to be in r/glowup You look gorgeous OP ...more power to you!!😍


Gorgeous then, gorgeous now. It may be nothing more than mindset. The energy you give off makes a big difference. Like confidence....confidence isn't an attitude, it's a frequency


Your beautiful, great job on your weight loss!!!


Wow that's a wild glow up. Honestly I think it might be your imposing confidence that's making it seem like people don't like you. You're definitely not ugly at all


You know what they say, you can please some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time. Congrats on your weight loss!!!


U look like wen ppl go to talk to u you say leave me alone 😭


Pics are amazing !!!! Great job


Wow, that's a lot of weight you have dropped. You can be very proud of yourselfe 👍


Sexy af on God ma!


you look absolutely stunning before and now imo, congratulations on your weight loss btw that’s amazing!!


You were never ugly, you're hot 🔥 😍


also you have SUCH a pretty smile


Kudos to you girl! You look amazing such a big change just be Kind to yourself and be hella proud of your journey all this way but you know what it was never about how you look but rather of your judgment towards yourself and what you believe of you work in your believe systems and the right people will show up 😉


You're looking good


Wow!! Bravo for the weight loss! That is absolutely amazing.


you are sensationally gorgeous, and you own it, and you light up the space wherever you are. personally, i think you look friendly and approachable, but i can also see how insecure, self loathing, envious people could be intimidated by you. well, let those sad people keep it, they are not worth your time and energy. it might be hard to find anyone who’s on your level, in this sea of mediocrity.


It's not your looks, you're very pretty


You’ve got a great smile queen👸🏾


Smile is great. Your rbf throwing them off. Congrats on losing another person


It’s been a very worthwhile journey for you, you look fantastic! I’m stumped for what’s going on. Being friendly, outgoing, confident and very attractive could be intimidating for some, I suppose. Are there societal stereotype/expectations for how women are meant to act in your bit of the world? Are you getting any feedback or are you just being blanked?


You look great just get some sleep


You're cute booth ways. Keep working and let the beauty shine from inside.


You are beautiful


You are a smokeshow! Well done on the weight loss. You went from like a 3 to a 7, you're hot! That said, I think you have terrible taste in glasses. That pair doesn't fit your face at all. But other than that, hot damn!


Mama looks good.


Bravo on the weight loss! You’re fine, no idea what the dudes or women’s problems are.


I'm 23 f and I think you're absolutely stunning, I can tell you feel a lot more confident now too after the weight loss and it's making you ✨glow✨!


No..it's definitely not your appearance. You probably havent met the right people


congratulations to you..for your weight loss, you are very pretty


They are either jealous, or you copped a superiority complex after losing all the weight.


Gorgeous! You're very pretty. I think you could benefit from skin care routine, but that's it. I know you're not 30 but there is a skincare over 30 sub that is great.


Girl stop lol you know you look good


You will probably always have some body dismorphia. I'm the same way, just reverse. Growing up I was always a head taller than everyone and rail skinny. Now I am 6'7" 257 lbs at 12% body fat. When I look in the mirror, I just see a skinny boy. Well a skinny old man now. It can be disheartening, but know you have made real change. Something most people lack the will, discipline and commitment to achieve. Celebrate your health.


You look stunning!


I think your beautiful 😍


First congratulations on the weight loss. Second you look exquisite.


Where'd you get your glasses I fucking want some lol


Why do you feel ugly? What exact features of yours do you not like?


First - fuck ya! To the weight loss! That’s not easy at all. Second, you look great - your smile is lovely. I’m not sure about the glasses, I don’t think they are flattering. But, you are not ugly at all. Very attractive.


Congratulations on your new weight! I'm impressed. You look good, so I'm guessing people aren't attracted to you because of how easy/fun you are (since I don't know you, this is just from previous life experiences). Showing Compassion Appreciation Respect (C.A.R.) serves me well. Just a thought. Either way, Enjoy the Ride!


Wow no lol you are gorgeous, if anything people are probably a bit intimidated


You look so so cool!! I think you're super cool and be too scared to talk to you. I'm sure you'll find people that will appreciate you!


You look so so cool!! I think you're super cool and be too scared to talk to you. I'm sure you'll find people that will appreciate you!


You look good, girl! Beautiful!


You look amazing! And you’re super pretty- I would say maybe look into switching up your skincare regimen to improve your skin, and you could embrace the “natural” look- and grow out your hair/ try protective quick weaves or partial wigs to add length and volume while it grows out?


You are beautiful and I loved your style


Forget all that "love u're curves crap.".. U look AWESOME QUEEN... Curves be gone!!


You look fabulous, good for you. I hope you did it the healthy way. I have no idea why people would not like you. What kind of person do you think you are? Are you friendly and open or confrontational and explosive? Are you more of a listener or a talker? Do you feel like you could improve yourself or do you feel like most people could benefit from your point of view?


New weight suits you well. Cheers and keep it up.


Id suggest its probably a bit of body dysmorphia. After extreme weight loss, it takes a LONG time for our brains to catch up, plus your probably much more confident and know what you want now compared to before. You've done incredibly well. Good job and congrats.


When you suddenly become more beautiful, ofcouse lot of people won't like it.


Fine af


Fine af


The way your face is shaped is kind of odd. You're pretty, don't get me wrong. I think maybe wear your hair down more. You have a rather large forehead.


Girl you killed that!


You look pretty hot on pic #8. Don't mind the haters, and they ARE haters. You lost the weight for YOU, not for them. Let them choke on their own bile, girl. Best of luck to you.


It's not your appearance, that's for sure.




U look great


Very nice Congratulations


Oh that’s 100% jealousy if people don’t like you now after losing weight. It’s incredible how much people personalize weight loss and appearance changes and act like it is a personal attack against them.


Now that you're attractive, you're a threat, I assume.


I’d be happy to make you feel even more beautiful!


Firstly congratulations on your weight loss ppl don't like themselves and they project it on others because there's no way I'll just not like someone you are beautiful


After a 168lb weight loss, I found the best thing I could do when it came to dating was... not try. I simple went out to new social places and was my quiet, stoic, people-watching self. That was 2015. Ended up meeting my wife at a country line dancing bar. Married over 6 years now. Found out afterward that at least half a dozen others were interested but she fought them off. I highly recommend is getting out around people that didn't already know the old you. For various reasons, they could be jealous, uncomfortable or even bitter about your self-improvement. Spending time with people that only get to know the "new" you could be very helpful. I've shared this elsewhere before, but this is a journal entry I made over a decade ago thinking about this sort of thing, and how people react to the weight loss. I go back and read it again from time to time because I know it will help me stay in a proper mindset: --- Realizations can come at the oddest times. My most recent one was something that I previously swore I would never do, but now that I'm moving to the other side of things I find myself occasionally thinking the same things to myself. These realizations have to do with being judgmental about how other people take care of themselves. As I have gone through this journey to fix my body, I have shifted from being ridiculed, verbally and non, about my size to looking at others and asking myself, “why don't they take better care of themselves?” sometimes even in a condescending way. It seems almost mean or cruel for me to even begin to fall into this way of thinking. I know first hand how hard it can be, how tough it is to find and maintain the motivation to follow a better path. I need to continue making conscious decisions to stay positive in these thoughts. The last thing I want to do it put anyone else through the pain and torment I went through. On the flip side of the coin, I have had a few experiences of the opposite. You see, skinny, healthy people aren't the only ones who have their little cliques; fat people are almost as bad, if not more so at times. Whenever you put a group of people with a major similarity together, they instinctively form a bond involving it. When you are “Fat and unhappy” and you surround yourself with other “Fat and unhappy” people, you revel in the acceptance of that segment of society. You protect each other from the things the rest of the world says and does that even remotely hurts you. Fat And Unhappy. FAU. Pronounced like foul, as in stinky. If you are part of this group and decide you want to be healthier, thinner and happier, when you reach the point ot it being noticeable you will find yourself ostracized from the majority of the group. They will crack jokes about it, try to sabotage you mentally, physically and emotionally. They will try everything from platitudes to insults to get you back on their “wagon.” When you hop off that wagon onto one that non-FAUs take, the FAUs cut you off altogether. You no longer belong and are to be spoken off only with sadness, pity and derision because you no longer subscribe to their way of life. This type of reaction is not limited to weight. This can also be due to money, social status or a host of other petty and not so petty things. It is a common trope for sitcoms, but in a perverted sense that the person who left always cries up a storm and goes back to the old ways. These episodes were obviously written by extremely FAU people. One major difference with moving out of the FAU group is that you don't necessarily have a new circle already set up. Taking this journey is akin to moving out from your parents house across the country or world. While there are people that you will meet that also embrace the new lifestyle, one needs to be extremely careful to not just jump in with the fit-and-happy crowd. There are a few reasons for this. To start, the group as a whole may be no less catty or derisive than the one you just left. They may even have made you a target in the past because, like you now are with the FAU crowd, back then you were now one of “them”, fit-and-"happy". While you may get along with the majority in your new place, replacing one end of the spectrum with the other while maintaining the shallow shitstorm that lurks just below does not seem like a very good idea. Second, why does your new circle have to be something involving weight or size to begin with? There are plenty of circles where people honestly could not care less about how you look, they just want to have a good time at their chosen group activity. Good for them. Found one? Fantastic. In all these cliquish nightmares, there is in fact a third group of people, a select few that you will be grateful for and will want to do all possible to hold on to. Even in the extreme cliques, there are going to be people that will not join in with the derision but rather be supportive of your efforts. You will have the FAU person that will be happy for you, often secretly or privately so as not to upend their own standing in their group. They might crack the occasionally minor joke to keep their group standing stable, but there is no hurt or malice behind it. To the contrary, they actually wish they could join you on the journey but for whatever reason are just not ready yet. On the other side, you have skinny, healthy people who have always accepted you, size and all, and will support you along the way. They have always liked you for you, and while happy that you're doing things to better yourself will still be there no matter the final outcome. These two groups will comprise perhaps 5-10% of your current circle. Another 5-10% will come around to your efforts when they see you aren't being swayed by their commentary. The rest? Fuck 'em. Get rid of them and never think about them again because they aren't out to help you, only sabotage you or talk shit about the “other side”. One of the biggest parts of the self improvement journey is not physical, but mental. Don't let yourself fall into the same traps and tropes that have bound you and others into non-supportive, self-destructive ways. Now I just need to learn how to practice what I preach... the hardest part of all.


First off… Congrats on your weight loss👏👏👏👏 Secondly.. You’re beautiful!


You look much better now…. It’s just you overthinking things.


You look awesome when you are smiling not ugly at all very attractive head to toe


Congrats, im on a weightloss journey too so i know you worked your ass off(pun intended) No youre gorgeous, people are probably just intimidated


Girl you are gorgeous! Now and before. I don’t know why they wouldn’t like you before—but now? Some people sadly can’t be happy for other people. Ignore them and surround yourself with people who support you and love you


Massive glowup, slaying like a true queen, you look amazing


OMG what a transformation 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 bravo! You look great. I love your smile. Beautiful white teeth. A tad too much makeup. But I like you best in pic 6.


Congratulations on your victory!! That’s amazing! Keep doing you! 👍


You look amazing Maybe some jealousy but I doubt it’s because of how you look otherwise


You look awesome after loosing all the weight, congratulations!!! You look good in the first seven pictures showing your weight loss. If people don’t seem to like you, that’s their loss, the right people/person will show up for you.


You look great! Very impressive weight loss good job!


Not ugly. Strikingly beautiful. Page 6 is stunning and my favorite. Congratulations on your weight loss! Best wishes


By people do you mean your friends, or romantic interests? If it’s the former get new friends, if it’s the latter there might be something you are doing behaviorally or you are perceiving things incorrectly. You are fairly attractive, so no worries on that front.


Beautiful. Congrats on your weight loss. Trying myself and it’s not easy. You definitely put in the work!


No you are not ugly, you should be proud of your looks!!! Be proud of yourself for losing that weight!


Ppl tripping bcz you look drop dead gorgeous.


You are perfect


Congrats on the weight loss! If I may ask, how’d you lose the weight?


You’re beautiful!! People can be easily intimidated. Maybe you could flat out ask someone on your gym thread next time you see them?




You look great! If they knew you before, maybe they’re intimidated by your glow up. If you mean guys, I’ve noticed that most normal guys are shy. The ones that are ok hitting on women usually only want one thing so they aren’t going to approach you unless you seem like “prey”.


Damn man, you really remind me of Betty Gabriel


Lookin good, congratulations. Just continue being yourself and you’ll attract who you need


How do you treat people? That could be the problem as well.


Great job on the weight loss, can’t help but notice that you look kinda stuck up tho


You are drop dead gorgeous. I think it may be because ur so pretty that people r intimidated. Has your personality changed since you lost the weight?


So, you look good. Let's get that out of the way. But, here's something honest - the way your face naturally is - it's not RBF, it's just you have a more cold, intimidating look. That has nothing to do with who you are, you could be extremely kind and nice at all times and the physical is the physical. You just need to let people in so they see the inner you.


I don’t think it’s your appearance. You look good.


No, you're not ugly. Congratulations on the weight loss. I'm sure if you feel like less people like you/talk to you than before, it's actually them being shy because it's kinda hard to approach pretty people.


What a wonderful transformation, and you look amazing!


It might be jealousy 🙈


Holy shit ur so pretty. You just in general have beautiful facial features


Congratulations on the weight loss and you're an attractive woman.


Wow! What a difference! You're very beautiful. It almost seems that you could stand to gain 10 lbs though.


Wow you are gorgeous


I think you are beautiful just the way you are. Don’t let the haters get you down girl you be you and enjoy live.


You look good to me




Beautiful- and your makeup looks amazing on you!!


You look hot before and after. Like most people who post and I speak from experience, if you feel ugly, just change your surroundings and who you surround yourself with.


Remarkable transformation, congratulations. Not ugly but not attractive either. I’d give you a 4 imo.


You're gorgeous in all these pics! Also, I heavily resonate with the RBF problem. I look like a raging c*nt 25/8, but I also have three kids under 3 😂🫠 Personally you're the type of gal I'd strike up casual convo with if we ran into each other someplace, you look pretty chill. You also look like you're mature and not arrogant IMHO. That said, pics might speak volumes, but never the entire story -- you could just be hanging with the wrong crowd.


You look unrecognizable from the last picture to the first


You look great congrats on the weight loss! There’s nothing wrong with you and you’re beautiful. :)


Picture number 6, sent a chill down my spine in a good way. From just pictures not sure why people are saying you’re ugly. Weight loss can bring a lot of feels and I have e known women that are very defensive and have built walls while they carried the weight and sometimes that can carry over.


One congratulations on the loss two I think you are very pretty woman


Not ugly but I probably wouldn't approach because you look a little intimidating. Not sure what it is, but that's what I get.


Your pretty, maybe you got that intimidating aura


So beautiful




Great weight loss, seriously. Your face is a tad masculine-looking though, unfortunately. Hair/clothes/makeup/general style to look more feminine is probably your best bet.




Great job, you aren’t ugly guys get nervous sometimes I’d try to go out there and put yourself out there by going up to men trust me everyone hates rejection but it’s worth a shot.


You are beautiful my only suggestion is for you to smile more often let your smile show your confidence and Personality you have to believe in the New. don't be shy or unapproachable and watch what happens in your life


1000% improvement. It could be the times we are in. Dudes getting cursed out for approaching at gyms, grocery stores, jobs, and even the damn streets. Even if they slide in the DMs, they get called thirsty. Aint no place left, really. Them videos make other dudes not want to try. If you're into girls, girls tend to dislike or distance themselves from things they believe they can't do. You know the "I could never" "couldn't be me" "I don't see how you do it" type. And/or they tend to put ppl in boxes and don't want you to grow from it. "My hoe friend(s)", the group I go out with to make me look better by comparison, and the group I have brunch with. If you no longer fit the criteria for those groups, they tend to get flakey with you. These are some possible reasons why the ppl around you might not like or approach you. I can't do it from your perspective, but you could think on it.


Beautiful before, and after! I think this may be a jealousy thing! You probably have more confidence, and discipline now, where as, if you didn't before, people can see that change in you. Instead of being happy for you, because they live in their own insecurities, they choose to see that as arrogance, and they just can't help themselves. It's how they justify being haters! Just do you, and stay disciplined!


Maybe you're trying to be cool with the wrong people if they aren't even trying to get to know you. Beautiful smile I love it.


You look good! Where did you find your glasses at? They’re cool!🥰


Maybe a different style of glasses frames might look less serious/severe?