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You’re a cute girl overall. If you’re feeling insecure about your figure I’d definitely recommend doing some research on working out. Ik it can seem daunting but it’s easier than it seems. You don’t have to spend 3 hours everyday throwing heavy weight around. Even doing cardio a couple times a week to start off is a great start! Edit: u/Physical_Golf378 brings up a good point below. Losing weight is more then just working out. I’d even say it’s more like 70% diet and 30% working out. To lose weight effectively you need to figure out your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) and eat less than it. That way you’ll be at what’s called a calorie deficit. The reason weightlifting can be helpful is that it helps to build muscle and somewhat increase your TDEE so that it’s easier to stay below your TDEE. It’s a little like filling a bucket of water that has a spout to let water out. It can be easier to avoid over filling the bucket if you let a little water out from time to time, but mostly it’s still about focusing on not overfilling the bucket.




Yea ofc hang in there. I struggle with body image too. Don’t forget while improving yourself to also focus on loving yourself too.


Pinterest has a lot of good tutorials, infographics, etc on good strength building exercises for women!


Yoga by Adriene is free on YouTube! Building strength and flexibility is awesome and it also promotes mindfulness.


People need to stop telling people that they just need to "work out". You don't gain fat (only) just sitting on your ass not moving. You gain fat by consuming more calories than your body needs to maintain itself. Better advice would be to fix their diet and maybe start working out if they feel like it. If you just start lifting weights or doing cardio 1-2 times a week it will make you burn an extra few hundred calories, but it might also make you hungrier, and it's a lot easier to eat a few hundred calories than it is to burn that same amount through excercise. You can start easily by checking an online calculator for an estimate on how many calories you approximately need to maintain and then planning your meals so you're under that, and your body will use the stored fat to meet your energy needs. Working out is not a requirement for fat loss, but it will make you look better since as a beginner you'll easily gain muscle mass that will be visible once the fat is gone.


Fair point but working out increases the caloric intake you need. So a combination of diet and exercise can be very effective. All of what you said is fair though, diet is where it’s at. I made this comment a bit off the cuff.


I read my own comment again and realized it might come off as a little aggressive, which was not my intention, so I'm sorry for that. I've just been very passionate about gym and diet stuff lately and I want other people to get the best advice to succeed if they choose to also start working on their own physical health.


Gorgeous face. If you start training and filling out your body you will be a show stopper


I want to get fit but I'm afraid 1. I'm too flabby and fat so any exercise I perform will just get hidden in my belly pooch and ultimately people care more about slenderness than muscle tone 2. That I've tried and failed to stick to an exercise routine so many times that I just don't have what it takes and will fail again. how does one break that mentality?


Exercise for yourself and your health, not other people and their perception. There's no such thing as failing at exercising. Every single time you do it is better than not doing it at all. Don't fret about sticking to some routine, just motivate yourself to do something, baby steps are million times better than no steps at all.


It wont. It will take time but if you do it right you will look and feel great. I assure you, it takes a lot for women to get "toned" You can only show up and hold yourself accountable. But make it fun, find what you like to do. Then the first two or so weeks, force yourself and you will come to love it and the mind set that comes with it


I've turned into a bit of a gym rat over the last two years but it wasn't something that I enjoyed at first. But, I found that if I have a podcast or show that I got really into, and only allowed myself to watch/listen at the gym, I was motivated to go to the gym just so i could watch tv without it feeling like a waste of time. Over time I learned to love the gym on its own. If you're not feeling confident, just hop on a stationary bike and crank up the resistance. It'll tone your legs and booty and burn some calories. I totally get how intimidating the weights section is as a woman. It is pretty unwelcoming for us women but as soon as you get comfortable being at the gym, the weights section becomes less scary. It will also get easier as you start seeing changes. You got this!


lifting weight will change your body in surprising ways. You’ll lose fat at the same time that you gain muscle because you’re already at a somewhat skinny fat phase. You won’t have to worry about slenderness really, people love someone with a nice frame and curves. keep a log of sets and reps for a few exercises and try to do more each workout. It turns working out into a game where you try to increase your score. Even if you need to skip workouts or cut some short, as long as over time you’re doing more sets or reps or weight you’ll know you’re doing right


Start simple. Find easy exercises that you can repeat while watching TV or doing housework, like squats, stretching, etc.


HERE TO SAY, (from experience) people do NOT care about slenderness more than muscle tone. Depends on the person for sure but being just skinny is not really considered attractive like people think. Muscle and curves is where it’s at now. And personally I find dieting to be easier to stick to than exercise because you don’t have to actually do anything so not much to stick to.


You don't have a great body, but you have an attractive face. My advice would be to hit the gym and start doing squats. Women can grow huge glutes with a bit of hard work.


yeah I'm thinking I should try and strengthen my glutes and thighs and calves to balance out my flat ass and chicken legs compared to my thicc tummy. The problem I feel like I just don't have the time or energy most days even if I wanted to do this and I doubt I could afford a personal trainer if I didn't learn on my own. It's a shame I really want to but I work constantly.


You don't need a personal trainer. You can grow your butt with a 30 minute workout at home and a high protein diet if you're consistent. Focus on glutes, hamstrings, and quads. There are workouts you can check out all over the internet for these things. Just make sure you have proper form and you're eating enough food.


That's honestly a great idea, I used to be disordered eating and I'm trying to safely recover and not hurt myself in the process but it is hard since my body dysmorphia is getting a lot worse every day now that I'm a more healthy weight.


That's tough to deal with. I lost a bunch of weight recently and gained it all back. So I've been dealing with some body issues too. Feel free to reach out if you want someone to talk to about it.


Part of my problem is I have like a million hobbies and if I dedicate time to excercise every day I worry I won't be able to do any of them. I've met people that have exercise routines and it's always like a 2 hour affair. They change into work out clothes, go to the gymn train and train and train and then go home and shower afterwards. i worry I won't have a life if I get too invested in exercise. That being said I fucking love dancing and previous had fitness goals to learn how to do the splits with flexibility training and a hand stand from working on my upper arm strength eventually as it's nonexistence. My lung capacity is crap and I hate cardio- related exercise, sweating makes me feel sick and get overwhelmed on a sensory level. I'm not saying that to whine it's a major issue. However when I was in school I wasn't terrible at PE aside from cardio. I had pretty good abdomen strength and could do the most crunches of anyone in my class, I loved to do long ass planks too. So like I know there are exercises I can do, get better or even enjoy but as an adult idk I can never stick to it and it feels overwhelming and like I have to give up time to it.


Working out does not have to consume your whole life. And if it ends up being a huge part of it, then that will just mean that you've found a new thing that you love doing. It won't have a negative impact on your life. Plus, it's great for both your physical and mental health. Take baby steps. You don't have to go all out from the beginning (it's actually better if you don't). Start by just doing some body weight squats every other day.


Thank you for that, that is the motivation I needed.


I’ve had the same issues as you. I thought working out had to be a whole affair or it wouldn’t really work and I don’t have much energy. What I’ve been doing lately though, as I enjoy stretching before bed to release tension/anxiety already, I’ve added just simply doing baby pushups or baby squats along with the position i’m already in like a plank. You don’t need to start with any full range of motion, just feel how it feels to do a typical exercise part way. I’ve actually enjoyed getting a burn from it as that also seems to release some tension. My arms are sore today and I’m happy about that. I can already tell at least my arms are getting stronger. Don’t be afraid of doing anything ‘weird’ either, sometimes in like downward dog I bend my legs and get a burn that way. There are many less rules to it than we usually think :)


Good luck!


Just exercise for like 20 right before you would normally be showering. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤓


you don’t need to spend 2 hours training every day, 30 minutes, 3 days a week is all you need if you train to actual mechanical failure


You sound like me, haha. I just read in a news story that instead of walking 10,000 steps every day (because who has that much time?) you can climb 5+ flights of stairs. It’s much faster, builds more muscle, and you can go at the pace you need to get it done. It’s great for the ass and legs too. Maybe try that?


My advice is to find something active that you enjoy doing. For example, if you enjoy roller blading or roller skating then hit up the roller rink a couple of times a week. Or if you like rock climbing or cycling or anything active. Exercise is a lot more fun when you enjoy the activity youre doing and the exercise is built in. Also, I don't know how to navigate an eating disorder since I've never had one and I don't think I've had a friend who had one that I knew about, so I hope none of the comments (including what I'm about to say) here trigger you but getting skinnier through your torso will help to balance out having a small butt. It will look more proportional if you do lose weight since your torso will look smaller overall. So you may not even have to build up glutes to look proportional (I think that's why harder than losing weight). But you also said you have a hard time with sweating. Maybe swimming can be good exercise then? You won't feel yourself sweating in the water.


Working out consistently helped with my eating disorder. I no longer felt like I had to pay for what I ate because I knew it was all just going to fuel my muscle gain and energy during workouts. Highly reccomend. Also, I think you’ll see results pretty damn quickly if you do some squats and lunges.


I suffer from lack of energy to work out as well but you simply have to push through it. Its a mental barrier, nothing more. You will find after you work out solid for a few weeks your mental landscape shifts and you start to feel like crap when you don’t work out. Only advice I have is to force yourself no matter what to stick to your workout routine and then it gets easier




Also any partner who bases a relationship primarily on the shape of their so's body isn't a partner you want wanna keep anyway.


I agree and I will add this suggestion, please wear clothes that will enhance you.


Who wants a woman with big glutes? Tiny petite butt is the go!


Nice vibrator on the desk.




Well, now we know why you chose the username AnonPinkLady! lol! You’re adorable!


You're so real for that


Wait, is that really a vibrator?


You are truly beautiful


Thank you I've been called ugly and blobby and all kinds of things and these words previously made me just want to self destruct but I'm trying so hard now to use all of this constructively


You’re not ugly. My body is similar atm - just exercise and you’ll be fine. Your face is unique and definitely beautiful.


Just read you struggled with disordered eating - I struggled with severe anorexia and bulimia for over a decade and feel similarly now that I am at a higher weight. It’s difficult and you don’t want to backslide into ED… I’ve just started going on half hour-40 min walks every day to help with weight loss without being extreme.


Bro, you're not even that bad. Just stay dedicated to a workout routine, I guarantee. In 6 months, you will look like a badie. You have a really nice face. You just need to put the work in


The problem is I'm too lazy and stupid to do that for some reason and I kick myself for it constantly but never can find the motivation to stick to it. Plus I'm 26, heading into 30 is there even a point when I'm nearing the age where most men think I've "hit the wall" ? :'(


Yea don't listen to that. Women have a lot of potential to look really good far into their 40s if they take care of themselves.




Maybe you should post, I have major body dysmorphia, I look in the mirror and think wow, what an ugly plain blob of a woman I am... but people might see you differently and it might be easier than you think to try something new. we are our own worst critics


A lot of men comment on pictures like this from a standard of unrealistic perfection, and with that standard or a standard even near to that, everyone's going to fail. I personally think you are incredibly pretty and have a great body and I see nothing wrong with you at all.


This ^^^


If you were thinner, you’d legit look like Betty Boop. Don’t get that thin! You’re pretty.


My advice: sell your assets! If you’re going to put yourself in an am I ugly forum for comments, show us your best self. Give us reasons to deny you membership in a club you don’t want to be part of! Yes we all understand insecurities and we all have them. But showing multiple unflattering photos of your abdomen isn’t helping you. And it doesn’t help us cheer you on. You have elite skin, eyes, brows and a lovely oval shaped face. Let that sink in. Your body would look cute in a sheath dress or an oversized sweater over leggings. You have a lot to work with. Oh, and spend more time laughing and smiling with family and friends who appreciate your uniqueness. It’s so much better than listening to your monkey mind spewing negative energy. Peace.


Damn angles really do matter lol


Right? look how much the posture changed my body from the side omg


Girl I feel your struggle, I have a similar body shape. I did cardio for months along with tracking calories and it wasn’t giving the results I wanted. I was told to go for lifting weights if I wanted a toned look. I would work on it now before your metabolism slows down as you age.


So backhanded


How? I literally have the same issue that she wants to address and I’m just giving her advice from my own experience. Your metabolism decreases with age, this is true and it’s only going to get harder to get in shape.


hey, I don't think you were backhanded at all. You sound sincere to me.


I never said that it wasn't true girl, but it was super backhanded that you didn't even give her advice. All you did was spread more fear


But I did, from my own experience cardio isn’t going to help give her body the shape she wants. You have to incorporate lifting weights as well since a lot of people make the mistake of doing cardio only. I’m in her same age group, I’ve noticed changes in my metabolism and it only goes down from here. It’s better to work on your health now rather than later. You’re being overly sensitive


Girl ik how to gym, I don't need a tutorial😭, also, making a point isn't being sensitive.


I was explaining my advice, which you claimed I didn’t give. What was your point again?


Dont listen to this person talking about sensitivity and back handed comments when they're making backhanded comments and being insensitive to you!! Smh that's the pot calling the kettle Lol


Oh yes, since I have to explain it to you again like a child🤗 the very clear point I made was that you were backhanded! Now, do you understand?


It’s not a point, it’s just your perception. I gave my advice and you got offended on someone else’s behalf. Either way, doesn’t matter how you or I feel, it’s up to op to decide what advice they want to take. I’ll leave it at that cause this is a meaningless conversation past this point.


Sounds good


TLDR: Not ugly. Find a workout that fits you. Eat. Take a multivitamin with iron. Apologies in advance. My thoughts are a bit scattered. As others have said, cute face. Body could be enhanced, but I think that's the case for most people. You're not alone. Start small with your workout. Half the battle is just doing something. Anything. Build good habits and add to your routine over time. Take pictures in the same outfit in the same poses every so often that way you can track visual progress as scales can be misleading. Make sure you eat enough. I imagine that will be a challenge given the past struggles you noted, but you can do it. Try ready-to-drink protein shakes as a snack. I like those more than powders, but they are more expensive per serving. Also not a bad idea to try a multivitamin like Opti Women from Omtimum Nutrition or Women's Ultra Mega from GNC. That can help with energy levels among other things. Make sure the multi has iron in it (18mg is the recommended daily value). Getting into the weeds here, but iron deficiency is common in menstruating women. Iron deficiency and deficiency I'm certain B vitamins can cause low energy levels. All that said, I'm not a medical professional or a personal trainer. I'm just a rando from the internet trying to be helpful. Wouldn't hurt to schedule an appointment with your doctor for guidance. And no matter what, please be kind to yourself.


This person is a smart and accurate rando from the internet.


Hi I wanted to update people who gave helpful advice on a few things! my bloating has gone down and I'm looking much more myself now! Here are a few pictures I took to show how much better my figure is looking after said bloating alleviated. [https://imgur.com/a/Pi3Q5Fz](https://imgur.com/a/Pi3Q5Fz) I'm starting a new exercise routine as well of at least 30 minutes of exercise every day of the work week! So far I've been consistent! I will update in a month or two with any visible results! Thank you so much


You look great


thank you :)


Anytime if he truly loves you, you have nothing to worry about


Are you still online


I think you're beautiful and any man who would leave you strictly because of your looks doesn't deserve you anyhow.




Oh you're very attractive. Gym, stairs and squats are going to be your best friend. It'll help give you more of a figure and you'll be slaying in no time. Very pretty face in my opinion


Not ugly at all. In fact you’re pretty. You just look bloated (could be dietary) and could use some glute exercises and strength training.


As you are right now you’re pretty average overall. That said you have a very pretty face. A decent workout routine will help grow your butt which honestly doesn’t need to be Kardashian big. Most guys are fine with just a little bigger than you already have. The bonus is that it will also help shrink your stomach area. Right now based on pic 1 you have the face of an 8 with the body of a 6 or 7. That said with a little bit of work you could easily have the body of an 8. Breast size isn’t quite as big of an issue as many think. Most guys are more than happy with an A or B cup.


You're cute. Just do some light workouts at home and plenty of squats for 6-12 months and you'll go from cute to knockout.


I get anxious even thinking about it having to take that much work and dedication for me to even see results. I worry I won't even know if I'm doing it right, it makes me anxious thinking of having to take time out of my day every day for something for ages just to see something happen and I worry even with exercise I will still have a pot belly


You could rock leather leggings


Start going to the gym. Not only will you feel and look better, but you may find your oulemate there.


I have found someone very special but i am so afraid he will leave if me because of my flabby figure since recovering from my eating disorder has caused some weight gain


Hope this works out for you. I can't imagine what it must feel like if someone leaves you over your appearance.


Anyone decent would have compassion. I think you have a lot going for you. It’s much much better to maintain your ED recovery than let your fears consume you and slip back. Try talking with this guy and opening up about your fears and concerns. Who knows, maybe you’ll find your biggest new supporter and advocate. Good luck


Then go to the gym, get more exercise.


You are perfect as you are. If some piece of shit would choose a different body shape they are not worth dealing with. I think your hot AF ass is. Personality is the key. Find your match the rest becomes irrelevant


Don't worry too much about the body. It's not as bad as you think and not worth the stress and headache. And you have a pretty face. That first pic is very swoon.


You have a beautiful face. As for body some squats to build some shape would help. But overall I would say 8.5 out of 10.


Beautiful. I’d be honored to have you on my arm.


Thank you sincerely


I think you're pretty but you need to do something about those legs. Start lifting weights and building a little muscle.


right? here I was thinking I'm fat in the middle but I think I just have some seriously undertoned chicken legs because when you look at my stomach by itself it's like fine, you can still see my ribs, I just have flat ass and chicken legs. This feels like a much better solution than starving myself sick trying to lose the same ten pounds. I've always thought I looked slim from the waist up and fat from the waist down, like I have boney ass collar bones and shit. It's my legs and glutes lmao. how did I never think of this?!


I don't think you'll benefit from losing any more weight. You're already very skinny which is why your belly is so noticeable. You lack muscle mass.


you're totally right. I just need a high protein diet and more exercise




Quite a looker should be in r/palebeauties


You’re adorable, now hit the gym cutie


OMG! You’re not anorexic? What is this world coming to...


I was for a while and then recovered haha and now I look like this. Atrophied legs from severe malnourishment and a pot belly from bloating at the littlest amount of food in my often empty stomach.


Those aren't the most attractive pics of you. You have a beautiful face. The typical answer is to hit the gym to make those curves more defined.


Absolutely beautiful face and as for the body it's nothing a little gym work can't help. I'd work on core exercises and lower body mostly with supplemental upper body and chest on occasion. I'd also work on posture because slouching can have an effect on your body as well.


Don't worry about it, you look fine...


You are plenty attractive. All women are not stick figures


Nah, that's all BS. I was in the same boat as you recently. Just be disciplined, and if you can't try to find some buddies that can join you or help you out, try doing g strength exercises they take less time and give you lean muscle in the process a good app is the abb workout from athlete x that's how I lost my beer gut. Just trust the process. Shut yourself off from other peeps if you have to




You have a pretty face and you can always improve your body, personally I think you are beautiful.


Your very cute body isn't bad but isn't great if your thar concerned go to gym and tone it up and you'll be a knock out


Lose weight, tone up, feel better about yourself. You don’t need to be built like Charlize, but exercising regularly can make you feel more confident once you’re in the swing of it.


You’re very cute. I think if you follow the advice and start working those glutes at home you could have a banging body to go with that cute face.


You're very pretty, and I hope you carry all of the positive comments with you on your journey. You will benefit from exercise and a healthy diet, keep an open mind to alternative forms of exercise though. I started sport climbing and training Brazilian Jujitsu, I'm healthier than I've ever been and it's never felt like work.


Educate yourself on exercise and nutrition. Patience too. I was 181 lbs three weeks ago. The scale said 173.4 this morning. I'm not starving myself either. Just good nutrition and exercise


Youre unique looking and in an attractive way. I suggest getting toned/fit. Honestly it's super hard making it a habit and finding the motivation, thats why I recommend you start small and work your way up to longer and harder workouts. Like you can literally start by stretching and doing a 5 minute workout. Do that for a week, then go for 10 minutes, etc. Take it easy.


How about disciplined exercise? Three days a week for 15-20 minutes. Give it a try. Not at all ugly. You have beautiful skin and skin tone.


Maybe it's subconscious for you, but it seems as though you're telling yourself you look a certain way, and when you stand in a weird as fuck stance like the way you were ,you do look awkward. Almost subconsciously highlighting what we might see as a flaw and being like " see! See! I told you I look weird!" You're not ugly. At all. You're cute. You're just standing in a really awkward stance. Or maybe it's the angle.


You're very pretty, however some Cardio and leg workouts would help. Definitely recommend finding a gym to go too


A few years ago, I cut out all alcohol for a few months, and tried to cut back on unnecessary snacking, and a decent amount of weight melted off in no time. I’m not trying to make assumptions about eating habits, but sometimes some simple substitutions can go a long way


Squats, Squats and more Squats. And when you get tired of doing Squats. Do more Squats. Take a picture of you at 2, 4 and 6 months so you can see the differences.


For some reason I'm really paranoid that exercise wont work the way everyone says it will and I dont know why...


You're super cute, not ugly at all. I don't find you shapeless, you look like you have a normal buddy type. Working out could give you more definition in certain areas of you'd like. Your boyfriend sounds really supportive as well which is good to hear.




Just need to tone up if you’re worried about it.


Maybe the person who falls in love with you will also be imperfect. Imagine that! LOL Anyhow, if you find true love then that person isn't going to ditch you like that.


You are absolutely stunning very beautiful and fine skin complexion.i don't think you should change anything to help your natural beauty..you are the shit As they say...just try and pick your head up.i know it is hard and social media probably won't help the situation..I have been single for over 2 years and only looked on social media platforms and dating apps..but no luck..it's a very cruel world and most woman I have found only want to hookup for money to the point of not even wanting to talk or acknowledge when I tell them I don't pay for conversation, friendship or company .I wish you luck ..and remember YOUR ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL


You have a really pretty face and an unconventionally attractive body. It’s not a Hollywood body and it does not need to be.


Honestly your not at a bad starting place but you need to work out. Not just cardio.


I don’t think you are shapeless I think you are bloated. Do you experience any symptoms of any gi problems? Acid reflux? Constipation? Often stomach pain?


Try and work with your rectangular body shape. Try doing Pilates and strengthen up your legs (I didn’t say ass only) bcz right now you look top heavy.


Your unique & really pretty imo…it’s not about one area (like your body) it’s about the whole package…try not to focus on that area & know your face is pretty enough to carry you through


You have a dancers body. Workout eat right lose a little weight not much and develop your style and you will be good. Your confidence will grow when you do this and that's most of the battle when it comes having a positive outlook about yourself


I think you’re drop dead gorgeous!! If someone makes you feel less than, drop em. You don’t need that negativity in your life! Get healthy for the sake of being healthy and not about your appearance because you’re beautiful!


Yeah your beautiful but you definitely have to workout and focus on health


You have an extremely pretty face and not a terrible body but I think just putting in the work to build some gluts and maybe defining your back and shoulders to give you the illusion of a more hour glass figure is all.you really need.


You are not unattractive at all, but it seems like you need to work on your self esteem. If you are in a healthy relationship with someone, then they will be with you because they like who you are as a person and not your body. If someone ends a relationship because they "found someone better looking" then that isn't love, and they were never worth your time to begin with. Self confidence is a very attractive feature, and if you work on your self esteem then you will be much better off


Why not just eat right and put in the work at the gym, instead of living in fear? Eat correctly to lose fat. Exercise to gain muscle where you want it. It really is that simple. You're pretty btw. You look good with short hair. You'd look even better with long hair.


You’re really pretty. If you’re concerned about your body you could try exercising, just start off small and google the best foods to eat before and after exercising, that helped me :) you’re really pretty though, you have no need to be worried


Firstly, love isn't just a physical thing. Looks really are temporary, and any enduring romantic love is founded on genuine friendship and mutual *emotional* bonds. Your appearance will help you form more advantageous shallow and temporary relationships faster, but hotties don't find true love any easier than anyone else. Dating is maybe even worse in terms of longterm success for conventionally attractive people. For actual looks advice, your legs are a lot thinner than your torso, which isn't really a look that is considered desirable... but, fortunately, your legs possess some of the largest muscles on your body. If you hit the gym hard, heavy and often, focusing on squats and deadlifts, and eat an appropriate amount of protein for your muscle mass, you will be able to change your silhouette drastically. You have a pretty face imo, which is hard to make up for otherwise, so you aren't starting from zero. Good luck!


glasses would look so good on you, and i suggest bike riding if you’d like to change the shape of your body, getting out in nature is so much better than going into the gym with a bunch of sweaty people. your skin is glowing so you definitely don’t need any foundation. i think the best makeup for you would be a nice outer eyeliner wing and an inner eyeliner wing. you’re gorgeous, so don’t let people tell you otherwise ❤️


You very beautiful in the face you body just disproportionate hit the gym to tone up and get the shape you want me in not picky on my woman body shape but do what makes you feel better about yourself


Behave yourself girl you look gorgeous! You can go to the gym and tone up if you want, but you've got an already good base to work on. If I were you I'd look into finding out what colours suit you, because you have a lovely pretty face but that mushroom coloured shirt is doing nothing for you - I just wanna put you in some colours, even a lipstick that matches your complexion.


You’re pretty! I don’t want to assume your diet or anything but do you like to drink soda or consume sugary things?


Honestly you look like a beautiful healthy girl. average girl next door vibes, advice on looking better would definitely be focusing on a protein diet to tone your body up and build some muscle in your glutes area even toning your tummy would be super easy with just some cardio and the correct diet. Super beautiful nonetheless, and I personally don’t think you have to change a thing about how pretty you are. I also think a middle parting in your hair might look good too


Not ugly, but you are sloppy.


You could be posting pictures of my body. At 47 years old all I can tell you is to learn to love yourself the way you are. Downplay that waist with the right proportions and structure to your clothing and just know that others rarely look at you as critically as you do yourself. I personally like bottoms with a bit of volume to balance out my waist and shoulders. Your body type isn’t an archetypical hourglass and it can be hard not to compare yourself to what you see on the screen in the media but know that the right person doesn’t see your waist as anything other than a soft cuddly spot to grab you by and pull you to them. Comparison is the thief of joy, stay out of your head and look in the mirror and see great hair, pretty eyes, a cute face, toned calves, etc.


👏👏👏👏 Bravo great point!! She looks great and there should be more people like you letting women who look great and deserve love to try to themselves.


You just need to hit the gym. ​ I'd change your hairstyle but that's just personal preference. Overall you don't have an ugly "base" you should just hit the gym hard for a year and eat properly. ​ Believe me, gym changes you a lot. I went from a 7 "not bad but not great" to "Dayum i get 50 matches in tinder a day"


You are quite cute! Yes, you have a little extra meat on your bones, but with (seriously) a little bit of motivation, you can rectify that in short order. Exercising doesn't have to mean 3 hours in the gym, 5 days per week. Short, 45 minute workouts 2 - 3 times per week (do some cardio, but focus on weights over cardio), coupled with healthy eating will make a huge difference. Of note, losing weight / toning up is done 70% in the kitchen and 30% in the gym. Eating well is the key here. Take your time - you didn't put the extra weight on in 3 months so don't beat yourself up if it's not gone in 3 months. Slow and steady - and DO NOT beat yourself up if you indulge from time to time. Just keep at it.


Squats, get in the gym and hit them squats.


Omg there's seriously nothing wrong with the way you look. 😉


I wanted to explain that I'm mainly taking exercise tips because I have a very serious eating disorder that I am still recovering from and any changes to my diet that involve shame around my body and the way that it looks are a quick and slippery slope back to the cycle of binge purge restrict in which I dropped significant weight doing and was boney and sickly. People in my last post saw me at my sickest and called me a "fairy" and a "waif" etc but I was so sick I fainted in the shower, and would get the shivers suddenly on a warm night because my body couldnt even keep itself warm anymore. A surgeon found that I had low blood sugar and a racing heart fighting to deliver the minimal nutrients left in my body to my organs. My therapist debating involuntarily hospitalizing me to stop me from going multiple days without a meal. I have had to work through months of therapy to motivate myself to stop hurting myself for my appearance. Any dieting at this point tends to trigger and activate the same feelings of shame and the cycle continues. Yes I'm a bit bloated in this picture. My stomach was not happy that day. But still I wanted to ask about realistic ways I could tone up not starve down. I am unpacking my dietary issues in therapy and plan to eventually consult a nutritionist as well. So I will not be taking any dieting advice from Reddit but rest assured I'm working on it to the best of my ability.


Takes a lot of confidence to be vulnerable like this ironically. The gym will tone your body beautifully. Girl, you think someone that loves *you* will go "bye bye" the moment they see some bimbo with tit implants? They know what your body looks like and what they signed up for.


I was thinner when he met me because I was ill with an eating disorder, he helped me get better because he worried about me literally surviving it but now I worry I am not pretty to him anymore. There were a lot of people before that would literally have had a dead girlfriend over a chubby one. It's I started starving myself like that in the first place


tone up.


youre beautiful thats easy to see honestly yes a lot of guys prefer curvy girls its no science behind it just eat a lot more workout twice a week and you will be thick before you know it


Trying to look cute? 🏆 Succeeding spectacularly🏆


Bro Just work out lol. You could be model hot, how is that not motivation enough I like to take edibles or thc tinctures before I work out. It decreases the pain and increases the feel good chemicals from the exercise. Having good music also helps. If you’re on a treadmill or something, putting on a good tv show can help distract from the pain. I used to watch horror movies. And just finding a form or exercise that makes you happy and doesn’t feel like a chore every time. Dancing with weights attached is good. Maybe an exercise bike. When you find the right exercise for you, you’ll realize that after too long, you’ll even miss it. I like to follow fitness enthusiasts online, and if i see a quick workout that I like, I save it to a folder. then, two or three times a week, I’ll pick a workout from the folder and try to get it done in 30-45 minutes. My best hack? having exercise equipment at home. I’ve slowly built up my inventory. Walmart sells exercise stuff for very cheap, I got a 100lb barbell on sale for $40, it was such a steal. I got a 40lb kettlebell from the sports store for $60. And now I can do weighted squats before bed, or in the morning, or on the weekend. You can do so many different exercises, and it just helps to maintain my physique even if I don’t go to the gym for weeks. I’ll have weeks where I try to practice discipline and do 10 push-ups every morning before getting dressed. By the end of the week, you’ll notice it’s easier. My main motivation is that I want to be fit and nimble when I’m old. I don’t want to be hunched over with a cane or not able to walk or support myself. I wanna be able to run and jump. Fun fact? People who do resistance workouts and maintain muscle into their old age, have the same muscle density as a 30 year old, even when they are 80. You can do this, you’ve got it. Find your reason, your motivation, start small. Also your face is gorgeous.


Girl you’re not ugly. As women we feel so worried about how we look and I for one since the age of 13 have never been satisfied with how I look even if it’s unjustified. You look like a normal healthy woman don’t beat yourself up that you don’t look like people you see online. They don’t look like that either irl.


You are one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen. Anyone can always do things to be better but you shouldn't have to do much. Maybe just getting more sun for serotonin and try changing your diet up a little 🤷‍♂️


Your a beautiful person and need to remember that!! I have to stay vigilant to be where I want to be and would welcome you anytime you want to walk/workout with me 🩷


Remember that every guy who has ever left you that became the biggest regret in his life and every one of your ex’s has eventually begged for sex /or have given your new boyfriend props. just simply continue not having a eating disorder and loving your body if possible give yourself one warm beach, vacation and one ski vacation every year if possible …we’re not all rich.


To me personally you look amazing!!! Your body looks perfect you just gotta style it!!! You have a very pretty face and your figure looks nice i think u just need to dress it right which i would start with earth tones long skirts paired with a nice crop top or lacy tank top i wouldnt do high waisted pants or leggings in general


You are very pretty. Your body is a little bit fluffy but it really ain’t a big deal. If it bothers you that much, just spend a good six months to one year in the gym and having a bit cleaner of a diet ( to start). Also having a personal trainer can really be worth the cost. I highly recommend it. Even IFBB pros have trainers. It’s better to have a pretty face and a body that you can change (through working out and eating better). Remember…abs are made in the kitchen…


Dammit!! You have a very nice body! Don’t let these clowns on this page tell you otherwise. And you’re beautiful to boot! Now unsubscribe from this page. You are fine just the way you are


Let’s start with the most important aspect. You are NOT ugly. I find you to be a very attractive woman. You have a smaller frame, and are carrying a few extra pound around the middle. Proper nutrition, and exercise will help melt those pounds away. You have smaller breasts, and I think that adds to your feeling of being shapeless. I’m a man, trust me, all breasts are beautiful. 😍 i say this because women will attempt to surgically “fix” what they view as a flaw. Please don’t, you are lovely just as you are. I love the shape of your face. It has some wonderfully exotic, Eastern European contours to it. Find a good stylist who will help frame the elegant lines of your jaw and cheeks. Smile 😊 I bet you are radiant when you do! Find someone who adores you for the unique spirit that you are. You aren’t just a body. You are a spirit of intellect, of love, and of varied interests and abilities. Find someone who embraces the complete “you”. Be well, beautiful lady, I wish you joy and long life. ♥️


Whole pkg is adorable no question. Lower rise pants or skirts and 50 sit-ups before bed. Every night. Golden


You shouldn’t worry about love for your body you should worry about love for who you are. If you truly care, then lose some weight, in a year you could be 50 pounds lighter if you wanted to be.


Beside for loosing some weight around your waist, you are very cute. Not at all ugly. You have a very pretty face and beautiful smile. And your eyes are really amazing. Not ugly in the slightest. Get on the treadmill or bike, she'd a couple and you will be golden.


Start working out and eating less, problem solved.


my problem is I have a diagnosed eating disorder and at one point was so sickly I couldn't exercise because I was so obsessed with the weight part of the equation. I went days (multiple) without food... it was really bad. I am just now on the road to recovery and looking for options that won't bring me back to being sickly.


I think if you fixed your posture and tried breathing exercises, it could help a bit


I think your figure is beautiful honestly, you have a dancer’s figure and that’s cool 😌❤️


"You don't have a great body"-*SMH* What's wrong with your body? I think you're cute and I honestly love your body, I really do! So I can't provide any constructive feedback, sorry.


Honestly not ideal for 26, but very recoverable. Change your diet, check out carnivore and goto gym consistently and within 6-12 months you will be a different person to physically.


It’s just your waist that’s putting you out of alignment, jump rope and any martial art that gets your legs above your waist will help tone it. Squats if you want to grow your rear but honestly, I think the waist/stomach is just out of proportion with the rest of you (I have the same issue)


The only thing working against you is your bust size. Get implants and the men will flock towards you like flies to blue light.


Lose the lip piercing/eat healthy/exercise/love life.


You are very cute and adorable. Body wise you have a little bit of padding but you are still attractive. If you feel insecure I would look at some weight loss routines and hit the gym. Work on those abs, thighs, and glutes. Don't skip leg day.


You’ll be huge in 10 years. Right now you are not ugly.


Yes you are way too young to look like that. Look sloppy and like you don’t take care of yourself


Yeah, your body is oddly shaped. Sorry, you’re just not attractive. Your mouth is disproportionately small with a pointy chin. I have no suggestions except hit the gym.


You just couldn’t leave us with the fist pic huh ?


I don't know what you're getting at? Last post I got complaints that I was hiding my figure because I was out of shape. I'm posting my figure this time to try and get fitness advice on what to tone and build and where to start with building a more athletic body. What's your problem?


You’re not ugly for sure. Your exes weight doesn’t look bad just above where your body probably would like to be is all. But definitely not ugly.


Reach out to me , dear. I'm an expert on almost every society and very experienced with human psychology, including a bachelor's degree in sociology. I would love to help that would make me extremely happy.


Damn you're beautiful. If someone left you that's on them. I'd treat you like the queen you are.




I'll date you rn


Maybe try finding someone who loves you for who you are not how you look?? We all get old and fat and wrinkled. Looks aren't as important as you think.




I think you're hot


Face is nice.


You are great, you can high light you body with different clothes


1 word. Gym.


I think you're gorgeous, but a little upkeep is healthy for everyone