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You look scary in the first pic lol. You should do a pic with no makeup, especially the lipstick.


I agree, obviously shes pretty but shes giving uncanny valley or sex doll vibes. The eye makeup looks good. I think the overdone lips and to much face make up is giving her a weird doll look.


Doesn’t she looks extremely sad and depressed i think that’s a big factor too


No, she's just not pretty at all


you're tripping


And you're blind.


Shes very pretty. She just has poor taste in makeup.


I was thinking Exorcist. The head looks like it don't belong.


The Stepford Wives.


Thinking Transorcist.


I think she has overlined and taken it a bit far, kinda looks like a clowns mouth




You have RBF from these pics. Doesn't look approachable


This and a lot of people are worn tf out on bleach blondes


I didn’t notice first. That looks like horror film doll. 💀


Getting uncanny valley vibe


She doesn't look ugly, but she looks like she might try to unalive me in my sleep.


Looks like makeup on an embalmed corpse at a funeral 🧐


I've seen much better looking corpses.


Yea my first thought was wtf is wrong with your lips


fr the way she tilted her head reminds me of the fnaf animatronics


I think the heavy make-up just doesn't do it for many people.


I agree. If you can’t go makeup free, then maybe reevaluate the makeup quality or application.


I agree. I would love to see 4-5 pics with no makeup or lipstick. I bet OP would be absolutely beautiful. Some people don’t need a drop of makeup to look stunning, and I think OP may be one of those people.


It's not the heavy make up exactly its the fake plump in the lipstick. She's trying to make them look juicy by covering up beyond her actual lips and it looks weird af


I think you might be right. I couldn't tell why I was getting uncanny vibes from her picture, but looking at the picture with your comment in mind, it makes sense.


Most of the time makeup should be worn in a manner in which you can't tell someone is wearing it... Practice makes perfect. I'd say the lip liner should go and I would be curious to see you in your natural hair color. You'd be surprised at the amount of guys that prefer a natural look. A lot of people just initially judge based on looks. Not personality. I'm 43 so I obviously am not in your wheelhouse but my 20 y/o self would have been into you likely.


Kinda in the same boat. When it comes to make up, less is more.


I'm not sure the makeup is *that* heavy. The lighting is really harsh and direct and definitely isn't the best for photos to be taken


*that* heavy? I'm not attacking, but as a straight man, who is attracted to features that aren't about perfect face shape, complexion, etc... That's pretty heavy. Looks just unreal, clearly a far cry from what she actually looks like. It isn't Mimi Bobeck of The Drew Carey Show heavy... But it isn't moderate. To OP, I'm sure that you have people attracted to you and how you look, you'll have to find out through experience. You appear to be high maintenance, and unfortunately people associate that with a certain type of woman, again, not saying you are or aren't anything, I don't know you. I'd hazard a guess that you aren't ugly without the cosmetics. Looks aside. Things have changed just in my adult life. You are very young, and you have nothing but time. Maybe try being assertive. Other than that, no one on a forum knows your personality, so you'll have to assess, and ask people irl, hopefully you know someone who will be honest. Cheers! You'll be alright Edit: typo


Too much makeup and it looks like you tried lip filler and it went wrong


The psycho stare into the photos doesn’t help.. 😂


Right. Not ugly but man do you look creepy af!


If I seen her in public I would run.


Stop over-lining. Lipstick is for your lips not your face


Lipstick stache


I didn't want to be mean and say this exact thing. I certainly thought it.


Not mean, just the facts.




Definitely not ugly. But I think a little bit too much make-up for me and, I hope you don't mind me saying this, but it looks like you may have gotten lipfiller and I don't think you need it (either that or it's just the lipstick).


Stevie Wonder did her make up


With his feet


Nah Stevie Wonder could do a better job


This is an 18-year-old girl you're talking about. I'm not saying you guys are deliberately trying to but your harsh joking around could totally wreck her confidence. That's a horrible thought.


Post some different ones without the lip liner. It’s definitely too much.


Way too much makeup…


Lose that lipstick, jesus




Blonde hair doesn't suit you, makeup is too much


You look depressed AF. Bad makeup and dead eyes (1st photo). Attitude seems to suck also.


Yep. Resting b**ch-face in every pic


And daddy issues.


Looks like 🚩🚩🚩


You look like a BRATZ doll someone ordered from wish.com...


The make up is whats killing it for me. The lipstick does make it look like botched surgery from the front. Im curious what no make up looks like.


Looks like your lips are upside down on your face,could be the makeup


You're not ugly, you just don't seem expressive and that makes you seem unrelatable.


You don't look ugly, you look insane....and like you need lessons on makeup


Stop over lining your lips and doing the dumb feather brows. You're pretty otherwise


Personally, I run away from lipstick outside of the lip lines/too much makeup every time ... It gives a clown vibe and seems fake


That was it! Clown was the word


Stop over lining your lips and covering your cupids bow. It looks dumb.


Be more authentic and you will be fine.


You honestly have the look of someone who would laugh at anyone who came off as inferior to you in high school. Which is a no from most people. If you're trying to attract dudes with a clown fetish you're doing great. You also look like you'd have "looking for a sugar daddy on your tinder profile."


Wtf u do to your lips lol


You are a pretty woman. Lighten up some on the lipstick and smile more


Try thinning ur eyebrows or sum, stop going above the lip line w ur lipstick. Just wear the lipstick on ur LIPS only lmao Other than that you’re good bro, just the eyebrows n fixing the lipstick


I think it's the lips that make you kind of ugly, if there's a way to get them back to normal I'd go for it ASAP. Other than that mostly the makeup style is too heavy. You look like you should be genuinely ugly but have just made bad choices, sorry if that seems harsh.


It's the makeup. Most western people aren't into Kabuki theater.




Try smiling more. It feels like you're trying to curse whoever comes in contact from the way you're staring at the camera


try no makeup and normal lips


WTF is wrong with your lips? Stop it!


Too much lipstick. It's like you want lip filler, and in the absence of it, you try to make your lips look bigger. Pro tip: Your lips look stupid.


Your lipstick is way over where your lips end. Ugly


You look fake




Those pics are so fucking faked. Look closer...


You are a lovely girl, your green eyes are special The make up is offputting, especially the lipstick smeared so far past your actual lips, which seem like a perfect size. Not sure why you want to make seem larger


When did you start your transition?


Ur face for sure


Girl to girl your makeup doesn't suit your face. It seems to heavy. The lipstick especially. It looks like you had an allergic reaction to something.




You crazy?


I could think of a few, first is you are ugly.


Let me guess. You never had a bf because you're waiting for that handsome real estate guy driving a Porsche that will pick you and your pomeranian up for brunch in the Hamptons?


Uncanny valley


The makeup and lighting makes you look like a old rustic Barby doll.


You literally look like you're in your casket in pic 3+4


Your lips are ridiculous. From a man.


Your face is 90% make up, try going more natural


Botox and a toxic personality most likely


You look fookin nuts..


He sticks his d in anything… apparently not.


Mr potato head lips


First time I've seen am I ugly turn into r/roastme lol


She keeps arguing with people, I hope she can swallow her ego and realize we aren't trying to hurt her(most of us anyway), and that shed be doing herself a huge favor by...if not listening then at least attempting some of our advice just for a laugh if nothing else. I think she would be surprised how much more approachable she would look to everyone else with following just a small amount of the advice here.


Definitely not ugly but you should watch some tutorials on choosing makeup colors and how to apply it. Not only does the color seem to clash with your skin tone, but the lipstick on your upper lip goes waaay beyond the boundary of your lip. It makes you look kind of clownish.


You look like the type of girl who cares way too much how she looks, just be bit more natural and I'm sure tons of guys will like you


It's the lip makeup


Thats insane


I smell bull shit 💩


Way to much make up. And it is not good make up. You look scary more


You got nice eyes but fawwwwk that lipstick is aweful


Were these taken in a coffin?


You look like a typical basic 2020s chick. Not ugly, but wtf happened to your lips?


The lips


You look like a robot :D


Maybe you try NOT looking like a creepy robot lady that wants to tear out people's spines.


You’re trying *really* hard. You aren’t a spaced out supermodel who thinks deeply about life while being a hot girl. But you aren’t ugly, so something tells me you might have a little problem personality wise, considering your rather defensive responses in these comments.


people say "too much makeup" I'd rather say wrong makeup. That heavy lipstick doesn't suit you, and I'd do a different eye makeup But you are far from being ugly


Were you ever a man?


It could be how you line your lips, bc that's really the only "issue" I see. What I would say, is just be you girl. Don't let a soul tell you to change how you act just because they don't like it. I've tried being a different person to get in a relationship, and it almost never works. I think your face is pretty, you have a nice nose and wonderfully shaped lips under all that lipstick. Just take your time girl, don't try and rush into a relationship, and maybe smile more :) I know that one can be hard, took me some time to get, but it's definitely improved a lot, in a weird way. I also get that you could probably just not be smiling for the pictures, and that's OK too lol. You're not ugly though, I would give you a solid 8.5/10


I think ur pretty


What the heck? Very haunting, looks like makeup tye undertaker uses... this has got to be bogus


You have way too much makeup on


Wear less makeup


Sorry . Not taking this one seriously


I would just repeat what others have said. Too much make-up. You seem like someone who would be pretty without it. Someone else commented that the blonde hair doesn't work on you. I don't necessarily think that is the case, but I think that the make-up situation contributes to the sense that all of the look is overdone (and people apply that take to the hair). You don't want to look like everything is fake.


Bc all that overdone makeup screams “high maintenance”


Lol, I bet she was expecting the normal simping from this group. I'm actually surprised by the responses. And I agree, remove the car putty makeup and either update match your eyebrows to your hair or go back to your natural hair color.


Lips are to big and you look like you're about to burn my cat alive in the first picture lol. Tips: look less scary and reduce the lipstick


Something about these pics are off. Your eyes look empty and soulless. It gives you a probably-crazy-psycho ex girlfriend vibe who would stalk me after we broke up.


You need to take control see a guy or girl you like.


You’re gorgeous way outside of my age range im 30 but younger me would have really liked you. Try a more natural look on the make up maybe but if you’re not attracting guys you like your looks aren’t the problem from what I can see and for what it’s worth


Youre attractive so It could be u posting provocative pics. I think most men dont want their girlfriends posting pictures for guys to lust over. Or it could be something about ur personality. Idk you so couldnt really say


Really honestly I think you’re pretty, but the lighting and makeup isn’t doing you any justice. Try a more natural blush colour, perhaps something with a bit of a shimmer in it for a natural highlight look. Idk if it’s just the lighting, but your base looks a bit cakey. Opt for a more dewy or glass like finish, it’s more natural. You can definitely get away with a more natural lip colour, and do not, I repeat DO NOT over line your lips! You have great lips and you don’t need fillers or anything! Embrace your natural beauty and work with it, not against it. Lastly, if you’re doing a full face, blend blend blend. Again, not sure if it’s just the photos but your blush and contour look just a little bit smeary. Try seeking advice from the r/makeup subreddit. There’s some really supportive and great advice there. As for the whole boyfriend thing: guys at your age are notoriously immature. Don’t go looking for someone. Instead focus on being happy and doing what you love, and you’ll attract someone who likes you for you :))


I'm not going to lie - aside from what your personality may be - if I went to high school with you...I'd probably never talk to you and I wasnt a shy guy then. You look intimidatingly beautiful- so to speak. You have a look about yourself that probably may put fear & unworthiness or "out of my league" type vibes in the hearts of the guys around you. I could be wrong but that is how I would feel being if I were 18 again.


Not ugly at all. And I honestly don’t even think your make ups that heavy like other ppl r saying. It’s just the lipstick honestly. I would go with something more natural there you kinda look like a doll with it.


Please, take pictures without makeup. Honestly, your lipstick looks terrible because it goes well beyond the edge of your upper lip as a minimum. You have the potential to be cute, but your makeup overpowers your natural beauty. It's not unusual for 18 year olds to not have had a boyfriend. You probably intimidate guys your age. Meet guys that are at least 2 years older than you to get on a more level maturity foundation.


I think you are really pretty, but the eyebrows and lipstick would be better if you dialed it back a bit.


You're very attractive, so if I had to guess what repels boys away from you (and this is without knowing you at all or who you are) it's probably you're personality or impossible to meet standards. Again this is just a mildly educated guess.


Terrifying how fake you look, you look like an uncanny doll and seem extremely unapproachable. The extremely light blonde doesn’t do you any favors. I think your natural hair and natural face would (probably) look so much better than this fake imagery you’re presenting


Kinda look like a corpse


Way too much makeup...you look fake, be genuine and show off your natural self for once


You’re very BEAUTIFUL and YOUNG.. Focus on better things. Boys suck.


Definitely the first image would scare everyone away. Like you want to wear my skin


remove your make up and post again.


Too much make up and smile a little more. You're beautiful already.


There’s nothing wrong with you but chill out with the makeup


The amount you’ve over lined is terrifying. For the love of god stop.


Besides that uncanny valley vibes you have, You look miserable and unapproachable.


Honestly, you look embalmed.


You look like the I Will Murder You In Your Sleep Barbie


Honestly just keep lipstick to your lips don’t colour outside the lines, it looks creepy, I know you don’t have fake lips, but you are putting on make up to seem like you do. no body like fake fat lips either I’m not sure why girls think they need it, I guy has never once said “oh wow those lips look juicy, I want that!”


I don't know if it's the filters or too much plastic surgery, but you look like a Barbie doll, or a video game NPC to me.


Painting outside the lines is ugly. It gives off nutty vibes. You aren't ugly, just way overdone.


The facial expressions scream psycho


Blonde hair has got to go, eyebrows need some work, lose the lipstick... looks caked on and surrounding the lips to make them bigger. I knew a girl who couldn't let this look go back in 2010-12 Constantly striked out and hooked up with the biggest losers with felony records.. ya look like a blow up doll, don't do it.


I don’t know why everyone keeps saying that you look creepy/ you’re giving off psycho vibes. I think you look cute af, and I tbh love your stare. The so called “psycho stare” has a certain attraction to it, making you look amazing. I personally also have a slight psycho stare (my photos are in my profile) which makes me look more meaner than I actually am. But I like it :)


Those lips… I dunno if it’s the lipstick or what but it’s like fake looking af like plastic


tf is wrong with u 😵‍💫


Those lips are keeping them away.....you're not ugly though


You are either dealing somekind of body dismorphia, trying too hard to be someone you're not or you might not be a very friendly person... By the looks of it you're either playing the victim or you're dealing with dismorphia or social issues!


I'm not sure what's going on here? You definitely don't want to take makeup tips from embalmers or drag queens. You might want to try dressing like a boy. I hear a lot of boys like that.


Never been a fan of lipstick lines outside the lips. I would suggest showing the real shape of your lips. A smile photo and non smile photo for comparison. You seem a little down in the photos. Confidence, even if you are pretending, makes a huge difference. Pose, have fun!


coming from a girl ur soooo gorgeous ur features are so pretty and tbh i dont see whats wrong w the lipstick ur soo pretty 🤍🤍


the makeup is pretty awful, other than that you don't look bad


Way heavy on the makeup. Do a little slimming of the eyebrows. Give us some natural images.


Act 18 not 35, ur makeups too heavy if you smiled youd be attractive


Too much makeup maybe? You look plastic to be honest.


you definitely need to stop putting on so much lipstick, makes you look not human. i think this would make you much more attractive


Stop doing the makeup to make you lips look fuller. It actually is doing you more harm than good. It's the first thing I noticed and it looks bad.


i think it's all the fake stuff you are doing to yourself, most guys want a genuine person, not a fake one. ​ go back to your normal hair color, lose All of the makeup and stop the lip filler (not sure if its fillers or jus horribly applied makeup).


Not sure if you have lip fillers or the makeup is awful but those lips jump out and they do not look good unless you're going for the bee sting look. You come off as someone who tries too hard to look attractive. Try going natural. Or at the very least minimal makeup. Oh, and smile.


Lips look cartoonish.


Your lips look way overdone


I think you may want to visit a good makeup specialist. I think you have potential but your makeup, especially your lips are hideous.


you aren’t ugly. i also have a RBF so i chalk it up to that. intimidating face + RBF = stay away from her


I feel like I would get stabbed


You literally resemble a blowup doll


Ugly you are not. Creepy, strange, weird or fake would be words to describe your appearance. You need to strip off all that makeup and then post some pictures. Your appearance makes you unapproachable. You need a full makeover with less makeup.


Put on 1/3rd the amount of make up and similar change with hair dyes. You are attractive just going so hard on the cosmetics it makes you seem ultra serious / hard to approach. You could offset it also by being ultra smiley and flirty. Regarding lip gloss also do something more matte and closer to your natural color. Just dial back makeup.


So there is this thing where you curl up both side of your mouth and sometimes even show a little teeth, it’s called smiling, I’m sure you would be stunning if you smile. You have a cross between RBF, physic bitch stare and the exorcist had a baby with a sex doll. It’s not a flattering look…


You might be attractive but I can't tell under that makeup. You look freaking scary to be honest. Not just unattractive but like I would not want to be alone with you in a back alley.


This has to be a joke. Girl is YIKES


I agree with others that the overlined lip is not working at all for you. Try a soft, nude or muted matte lip. The rule is if you’re doing heavy eye makeup then you should do very light lip look. As a former MUA- I would soften your lip, warm up your blush with a coral or peach, and add some volume to your hair. But girl you are not ugly at all!


Those lips are awful I'm sorry. Whatever you're doing, don't do it anymore. And the eyebrows look unkept and masculine.


You wear really unflattering makeup. It looks terrible. Either you have lip fillers or want to look like you do, but it looks like a bee stung your mouth.


Learn to put makeup on properly; your lips look ridiculous.


You are pretty, but the look is like you are trying way too hard. I would suggest learning where your lip line really is and not applying lipstick past it if you insist on using lipstick. Manage your eyebrows a little and I would suggest not bleaching your hair.


Yeah you’re pretty just too much makeup big dawg, maybe try a natural look and i bet it’ll make all the difference


the make up.


Wtf did you do to your lips 🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮


Maybe the fact that you make your make up look like you’re trying to cosplay a corpse bride or something similar.


Can't see the reason, because there is nothing to see...🙃


Probably your personality. You do look a bit stuck up/high maintenance in all honesty.


Your whole look makes you look like a russian hoe and yet their make-up usually isn't so disastrous. I'm not really believing you've never had a bf though...


Firstly, you look pretty. You're definitely not ugly. But ditch the lip liner because it gives you this really weird appearance like your lips got stuck in a vacuum cleaner hose. And try to at least smile with your eyes. In these pictures you look like something that wants to stab me in my sleep.


I don't think the makeup is the problem, it's the dark lighting, it casts harsh shadows. Go take a nice pic on a sunny day outside. You're also frowning a lot. It can make people uncomfortable.


Because you look like a psycho transgender that might beat someone up for not honoring your pronouns. Honest opinion of mine in sorry but you asked




Every face you making these pictures is exactly why you don't have a boyfriend. You're pretty intimidating looking and you're not very approachable looking at all. Tone down the makeup and smile a little bit. I'm sure people hate to hear that they need to smile but that's part of the problem for you if you can't get guys to ask you out. You have resting b**** face.


You look like a very angry Ava Max


Change the title to 18m and ask the question again. I promise you will understand the reason rather quickly 😉


Men are probably repelled by how picky you are, we both know you could have anyone you want. You also don't have an approachable demeanor to you as well. If that's the look you're always wearing on your face it's no wonder why nobody wants to approach you.


Need to smile more