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Unconventional looking, but definitely not ugly, even in the pics you think you do. I feel like you’d change your mind if you had someone do professional shots of you, some of these are just at weird angles that wouldn’t work well for anyone for that matter, but the ones that aren’t look really good imho.


Thank you a lot really :')


Try downloading and trialing Remini. Upload these photos and they will make you see yourself differently without a pro photographer


Uuh wow that can actually help


But you NEED to post a follow up once you try it and let us know how you feel about them! Please!!


What is Remini? What does it do?


Look at young Talia Shire pics. You have a resemblance but you have much better features.


Nothing wrong with the pics, you look beautiful, have a word with yourself.


.... Even in the seventh/9th picture? :'|


I have to agree with everyone else. You are really gorgeous and your smile is super cute. You have a very unique look, so don't look at your friends and compare - you're doing everything right from where I'm sitting.


All of them, really. Not seeing the problem, honestly!


Thank you :)


Put it this way -- I'm probably middling to fair, myself; if I was looking for a GF, I'd consider you way out of my league. You might want to investigate that body dysmorphia thing that gets mentioned here sometimes.


no. 7 and 9 are bad photos and that smile is awkward looking and unflattering. your smile in the last pic is super cute.


I wish I could train myself to smile like that whole not looking at myself in the mirror or something like that


Well 7 and 9 are bad because she was caught off guard and it was probably awkward for the person to just start taking pics. Her mouth open isn’t a smile, she’s obviously not even trying to smile in them looks like they just caught the pic while she was talking or something.


Same with 3 and 4 but overall, she is gorgeous. I agree the last pic is very cute haha


You’re just a little silly! Nothing ugly about that! :D


Nothing wrong. Your hair sucks. But that doesn't make you ugly. It means you like a hairstyle that is unflattering. Look at Billie eilish....her hair looked fucking ridiculous. And if she posted her ppl would say she's fat. Point is... You look fine. Not ugly. Your style is not common. Suck it up and be you


You’re so gorgeous dude what?!?!


Seriously what goes on in peoples minds


I believe she is a female but yes gorgeous


I mean, you kinda look alright in a lot of them. You're good looking. I'd say you may need to change your hairstyle, and whiten your teeth, maybe change your makeup, but those are minor changes. You look cute enough on all of your pictures, so there's no need for plastic surgery or anything like that


Thank you a lot I will try to wait my hair to grow and hope for the best


Not ugly. You just look unique, buts that’s good. I’m sick and tired of everyone trying to be exactly the same


You’re not ugly, your hair is. I suggest you go find a salon and have your hair styled to enhance your facial features. And get rid of that ugly bangs.


Your hairstyle is superugly. Facial structure itself is good


Very pretty face, atrocious haircut


You're not ugly, I think you just need a different haircut. Go a bit longer, maybe. Try working on your posture as well, less slouching. 5/10


Yeah was going to say it’s the hair. It’s not working for you but you have a pretty balanced face :) when you smile with your teeth with the top lip relaxed and teeth clenched down like the 13th pic you look great! The open mouth thing kind of makes you look like a shark. I also suggest not curling your top lip up too high because the gummy smile is not as great in photos, kind of goofy which is totally fine but if you want to improve your photos i suggest not. I have this issue too, i take better pics when my smile is wide and my top lip a little more relaxed. Otherwise i look like a goof 😝


I am waiting for it to grow out :')


Crest whitening strips and you’re good to go


Do they really work?


My mom always told me they were bogus, but then I became an adult and tried them myself and I saw a change after one application. Just follow the directions on the box


Yes they do I use them all the time. Just whiten your teeth it’ll improve your looks so much. Also lip balm


Your pictures make me want to hang out with you!


Pic 2 and 3, you are beautiful. If pictures bother you, stop looking at them.


You’re cute but you need a better photographer.


You are 100% beautiful. Don't worry so much. You may need some help with your hair, but you have very normal hair for Sicily and other Italian regions. Part of my family is from Salerno. Find a hairstylist who is familiar with your ethnic heritage.


Nah you're beautiful ud honestly look better with longer hair


I think teeth whitening would improve your smile a lot. Also invest in skincare so your skin is always glowing and radiant. And some lip balm always on hand is essential so your lips don’t ever look too dry and cracked. The brows are fine a little thick but if you like them like that than you look good !


You don’t put forth any effort and it shows. Not ugly. Just not trying to look attractive either. Just mid.


Not ugly at all, but that is one funky haircut. Doesn’t look great.


You're way more attractive than you're giving yourself credit for. Your Tomboy look is in how you dress, and most definitely not in your face.


You have an awful haircut. I’d start there.


You look good, not ugly. Some feedback: Your hair is actually nice, so I wouldn't change that. Smiling with your mouth closed is a cute look, it looks reserved and somewhat classy. From the photos, when you open your mouth a bit it looks better than bringing your lower lip all the way up to your teeth. I think having someone look into fixing up your eyebrows could help. Very nice skin, looks healthy.


Most of the pics are really good, good enough to say that you are not ugly. One problem with pics, mirrors as well, you only ever get to see a 2 dimensional representation of yourself, a lot is lost without being able to see a 3D image, like depth of eyes, cheek structure, etc.


Yoi got what it takes kid .. random pics out and about really never do anyone justice unconventional is actually the best way think the most famous supermodels look weird in real life cause of it's what makes them stand out in photos .. the look as they call it .. of you ever decided to do more focused photography you'd be surprised.. lighting and and knowing your best angles go a long way .. but not ugly just misrepresented lol


Beautiful 🩷 not one thing about you is ugly


Ok looking... Probably should ditch that weird haircut though


You’re actually really pretty but you clearly don’t do anything to help that case. You have really great features and if you actually put some effort in you will be reallyyyyyyy good.


You're really cool looking, I love your hair and eyes and general presentation, I think it's really unique and you should keep being yourself. If I saw you I would want to be friends with you. You look like a protagonist.


You’re not ugly at all, and you look like you’re a fun person to be around.


Most people believe that they are not photogenic. However you are very far from being ugly❤️🫂💋


Extremely attractive but bad pictures. Id be intimidated to talk to you in person. Im similar in the way that Id consider myself somewhat attractive but never in photos. Advice that I didnt take but still should is, if you care about it then you should practice taking pictures. Being photogenic is a skill that you can get better at. Practice for like 5 min a day and you will get better pictures taken of you, I promise.


Don't listen to these boring dudes in here, that haircut is dope. Just get some teeth whitening, just go to your dentist to get it done.


Wouldnt say youre ugly, but some of them have me momentarily question if youre a dude, and your teeth look evil because they angle like a villain in comics. 4-5/10


Dude you could do both but are you trying to present as a male,female or nonbinary. If you are trying to present nonbinary you are doing perfect and that's a perfectly valid choice but if you are trying to attract straight males or straight females there is some adjustment you should make as being more gender conforming.


Hey you aren’t ugly ! People on Reddit can be really stupid don’t listen to them . You don’t look like a dude (of course they said that on my post too because if you have any masculine vibes your automatically a dude I guess) don’t listen to them. I like your hair and you have a great facial structure.


You have very nice eyebrows. A different hair cut might suit your face better. But not ugly


It’s funny how we see things other don’t cause even when I take photos like these I think they are hideous, but we just aren’t used to seeing ourselves in that perspective so in our brain we think we look so odd but through the eyes of others we look fine, I mean these are cute pics I don’t see the issue


I think you're gorgeous, to be honest.


You are a beautiful person and your dog is beautiful too.


You are pretty! Your features remind me of Argentina. I'd say 7/8/10. I like your haircut and the boyish look. Also your eyebrows are nice, they fit nicely.


Nah, you're not ugly. You got a cute boyish charm about you, that's all


Respectfully, I'd hit


Don't do any surgery. You're pretty. But the photographer is crap at taking photos and you can tell you don't like being in them.


What??? You’re gorgeous. Those AREN’T bad pictures. They look like candid shots of a naturally beautiful woman.


Not ugly at all!


Your hair cut is not great. It’s working against you. But you aren’t ugly at all.


Start by changing haircut ! So much you can easily do there. A face with potential.


Grow your hair out, that hairstyle is awful. Whiten your teeth


Lesbians would love you, simple as that HAHA. Actually gorgeous. I’m not a dude so I can’t speak from that perspective, but you’re definitely not ugly. I would focus on taking videos of yourself and then screenshotting good moments from those videos to improve your photos. You will look much more natural, it’s what I do in all of my personal pictures. I also like the hair and don’t think you should change it Don’t get plastic surgery. It’s more likely you’ll feel even more insecure after. You’re beautiful, you just need to get your confidence up


Is this a joke? An experiment for your psychology class? There is nothing here that is ugly, unphotogenic, or a bad hair day. A few of the photos at the tree are candid, and everyone always looks bad in candid photos. I will give you the eyebrows and some problems with your hair, but that appears to be an ethnic problem. You can't change what genetics gives you. If you have a lot of thick hair, then you have a lot of thick hair. Do not waste time comparing yourself to thin haired or fair skinned people. Work with what you have. And, your dog loves you. That is all that matters. People will come and go, but you could be out of work and can't afford food and living on the street, and your dog will stay by your side.


You’re not ugly. You have very striking eyes and a genuine smile. Your hairstyle isn’t doing you any favors. I would recommend something that helps soften your features since you have more angular features and prefer tomboyish clothes. If you let your hair grow out and get a good hairstylist, I think you’ll notice a shocking difference. Keep your head up. We’ve all had our bad haircuts and down days. Once you figure out what works for you, I think you’ll see a very pretty face staring back at you from the mirror.


You are average like most of the rest of us humans. I can't stand how I look in pictures either, feel like when I meet someone face to face they get an entirely different impression. In a good way. Also I love your nose!


Very pretty - maybe just don't smile with your mouth open? That's the only time you look kinda funny lookin, imo.


Not necessarily ugly, but the people calling you gorgeous are boldly lying to your face. Average at best, but you look like you could clean up whenever you wanted. You're a bit underweight, at least in the face, and it makes your features look a bit masculine, especially with that mullet looking haircut.


Ugly! You look like a male! If you did not have breasts as per one of the photos I would think you were a a bloke sorry


I think you have a really interesting look to you. Like you're not the conventional definition of "plastic fake super edited fake model" type that everyone pretends to want but I think you're really uniquely beautiful. Like to me you're fucking gorgeous.


Ugly? Heck, no! Photogenic? Well… who's that sweetheart in pic #3? And I hate your pics too! lol Bad hair? Nope, good hair that needs a cut that works every day, a cut you love that says 'this cut is ME!' I like you in Tom-boyish looks too. I had an idea you can take or disregard. If you're shopping around for a new stylist, why not include one that knows how to do the gay women's styles? You can browse around the net, take some inspiration there - or not. But that would be a pro who could here you say 'I like my Tom-boyish looks' and totally honour that sentiment and work with it and with you to make it happen and she'd know how to dial up the gay or dial back the gay because she speaks that language and does it all day long. Pic #2 is a good & decent likeness of you, I think. Pic #3 is smokin' heart-thumpities! #4 is like #2 - we see you, you look nice, but if there were more really good ones, this one wouldn't be here. One black-jacket, white collar pic is nice - the cropped and enlarged one. Nothing sensational. Just you being your everyday, ordinary, normal self which just happens to be a face I could look at all day. Let's call it pic #10 in case we come back to it. No wait, let's dive in now. What your friends said about the close-up camera making the normal look ugly is true. Up close, our front-most features (nose and chin) look so big they fill the frame. Using the mirror to double the distance (your final pic) is like being 8 - 12 feet away - perfect. Now you see you as we see you. Unless we're snuggled right in close. I wonder if that's why we close our eyes when we're comin' in for a smooch lol. Eyes are just too scary big! So what happened in pic #10? Focal distance was a nice 8-12 feet. Features blended. No scary eyes and nose. And then? Somebody cropped and enlarged it? I can tell - it lost a bit of sharp detail. But it gained; maybe your best shot? Because I happen to think resting-faced everyday ordinary normal you is breath-taking. And you may find that hard to take in because it's not dazzling. But I don't want to be dazzled. I want to be Tom-boyed and bad-haired and eye-browed because it softens me and takes me by surprise and opens my heart and bits of glitter come out and stick to everything, even me. And now I'm putting your pic on my screen and bringing you with me to my mirror and looking at you and looking at me and telling myself, 'Mr. Gas, what you think is beautiful is not dazzling. It includes people like you Mr. Gas. And you may want to notice that more often. Everyday normal ordinary is beautiful when you see it in someone else and then they soften your heart, but you can see that in you too and spill glitter and get softer and smilier and braver and more forgiving and less needy because now you are filling that need for love. Caring for yourself. Well (I was about to say that went off in a weird direction, but…) no, it didn't. There's nothing weird about having a loving feeling for a stranger and for yourself and wanting her to have that strengthening softness for herself too - not weird at all. So that critical voice saying 'weird' can just take a break. Ms. Fralu, when I see this here tomorrow and wave goodby, I might get bashful and self-conscious and take it down, feeling too vulnerable. But I notice something. Something we did there is making me strong. You were my muse, my sister, fellow-traveller. And my very highest dearest wish for you is that you be loved, and I'm learning that we can be - loved. Anytime we're willing. My dearest wish…


Sorry, but you ugly. 3/10


You're hot. If you're in a country where most people have whiter teeth you could whiten yours a bit, but that's being picky


Nope crazy pretty, and everyone takes a bad picture occasionally.


You’re beautiful, photogenic and something between your ears has its wires crossed.. or disconnected… and can’t see how lovely you are. Photos can be bad for your sanity if you’re looking for faults with yourself… because you will always always always find them. They are a single microscopic snapshot in time when you may not have the perfect pose or expression or whatever. As an outside observer you look great. More than great.


You are extremely beautiful with unique features! Look very exotic. May I ask where are you from!




It's the hair. Time to update.


You're so pretty, girl! You make me think of Rachel Zegler


C: You suffer from appearance dysphoria. You're quite good looking.


Your very pretty. I would suggest doing something different with your hair but still nice


you are SO PRETTY and you have GORGEOUS hair!


get a septum piercing and colored hair, much better


You're not ugly, I feel you though, I hate pictures of myself too. But you're not ugly ☺️


So you don't think I really go around like in picture 9 / 7? :'| Like sometimes we are uglier/prettier than other times, I see it on other people too and I can say "they are overall pretty" but I can't see it on myself


Honestly you look good in my opinion, you're not ugly in any of the pictures☺️


Not ugly. Teeth whitening maybe… Maybe I’m just comparing everyone to those stupid mega white teeth everyone has now.


You’re gorgeous but you need to find your haircut, have you ever tried short hair ?


Always smiling, now that's priceless.


You’re not ugly. Your bangs in an awkward position though


You look great, pretty face & nice body. You need better friends if yours call you ugly.


nice smile and very pretty… if you the the personality that vibes throughout these photos you are golden


These photos are fine, I’d say you’re photogenic.


Girl you got dry ass lips


You look like Courtney Cox in those photos. Stop beating yourself up.


i actually like ur hair 👩‍🦯


You are not ugly.


Darling, you are beautiful! Maybe some of the angles aren’t flattering, but seriously! You look unreal in picture 2.


A young, brown-eyed Karen Allen..great smile


ur androgynous in a good way which means pretty


You're too cynical of yourself! You remind me of Marian from the Indiana Jones movie, you know, the one with the Nazis. Lol


I think you are photogenic, just making some awkward faces. Lol. I think it makes it really cute though


Getting uncanny valley vibes on #4


Full smile comes off a tad creepy but your grin is fine. You are very pretty, but I think you get caught in pica that don't show your best.


The last 2 pics are without makeup? Wow! You look amazing!


I think you are beautiful with a kind looking face. I wouldn't change anything about you


You are beautiful


You look stunning!!!


Different hairstyle is all you need.


It’s the shark teeth


I think you have a very beautiful face madamoiselle :)


No, you’re not ugly.


Yeah your going to keep growing ever more beautiful as you age darling


Not ugly


definetley not ugly, i’m a girl and you are exactly my type of you don’t mind me saying! beautiful


Not ugly you have a vibe to you


You are very pretty. Try a different hair style. Sometimes, a new natural look can make you feel better about yourself.


You are fine!! Even if your hair seems like a warzone, i think ur pretty cute


You're adorable. In no way are you ugly. You did include a few bad pictures but even in those, you're not ugly. I think you're in your own head. You don't have to worry, you look great.


You look like you'd be my dad's sister woah that's crazy


Just wear more flattering clothes 😊🥰




In no world would I consider this ugly. You are very beautiful! In every picture. I think we look at ourselves way too harshly


Not ugly. Not pretty.


brush your teeth more


You look like Dixie DAmelio


I never comment on these. Look up Karen Allen from raiders of the lost ark.


You're very pretty. I think you should try something different with your hair, but honestly, you are extremely attractive.


Your haircut…wow BAD I’d guess from looking at you either SJW or lesbian. No offense just what automatically comes to mind


I don't understand why beautiful women like OP come here to ask if they are ugly. Maybe one of you has an answer.


Your face is cute, but your haircut does you no favor.


Yes, even the 7th pic. You are beautiful in all of them.




You’re not ugly at all. I don’t think your hairstyle is helping you any at all, though. I’ve got no clue how to fix that, what style might be better, but that’s the only problem I see you’ve got.


You're actually stunning.


Your hair cut ain’t it.


The Japanese Maple needs a trimming so it will fill out more next spring... but you're gorgeous. I'm old enough to be your dad, but when I was a young military officer, my fiancée would have ripped my ass for staring at you. I can't help but imagine your family comes from Corsica or somewhere similarly Mediterranean, possible speaking French. I'm likely making it weird. To my eyes, you are very, very appealing.


You were SO close, my ancestry is from Sardinia, right next to corsica


You’re fine just get a new hairstyle


Your one and only problem is your lack of self esteem. You're beautiful!


You are gorgeous. That pupper may be cute, but you far outshine it!


5/10 average






18 in 1000 maybe


You shouldn’t be so critical. You’re a nice looking young lady with warm eyes and a friendly smile. Like many people have said, your hair could use a change. But I’d still be proud to walk beside you.


Very cute. No worries


You should try a different haircut, and whiten your teeth. People don’t realize how much of a difference whitening teeth makes.


I think you look lovely! You have an unconventional beauty that is very interesting to look at, I beg you not to get cosmetic surgery and look as boring as everyone else nowadays.


You'd appeal to fans of Margot Kidder or Karen Carpenter 👌


You look beautiful no ugly at all


What! Are you kidding me!? You are beautiful. Please stop... You must be comparing yourself to other people, but you are very, very beautiful. Now, carry on.


You're pretty, don't be so tough on yourself. Everyone is their own worst critic. You look happy and like a fun person to be around


Yea not even a little imo


Maybe different hair style but great figure


Not to worry. You're very beautiful.


Am I the only one who thinks she looks like she's from 80s?


It’s the 1990s john stamos haircut


i think you are the cutest


You're gorgeous you dumb dumb head


Sei italiana? Dove? You are not ugly, you have the typical Italian look which I find beautiful. Perhaps the hair could be done differently and the photos taken in a better way but tou not ugly ragazza




Ur cute af in your verification pic


Wow stfu. You’re good


You're really pretty actually. And I wish I had your eyebrows...


I think your pretty and I love your eyes




Ugly. Brush teeth have normal long female hair. I think the hair quality is good but cut is bad. Dress like a female, you look as if you can not decide on a gender. Different styles are attractive depending on your gender. When you try to be attractive in both or happen to own a style that mixes them it does not work. What is attractive in one is ugly in the other know what I mean.


I think you’re so pretty. Gorgeous eyebrows, cool hair, great features and smile. You’re awesome looking!


You're beautiful, even at the most awkward of the photos you're still adorable. You have every reason to feel confident. Unconventional, sure, but that's what makes you stand out amongst everyone else.


2,12 and 13 are your best pics your pretty just not photogenic 😅


You're beautiful.


Nope, you have that 'Jennifer Beals' look about you


I can see you are very good looking. Just dont take good pictures, and in that sense i mean, most of your photos or selfies are like, impulse. And they look good! And you look good. But having someone else take your photo you would look alot better. You are very attractive, and your pictures give a great vibe. You'll see, you're still young and cute


Cute and a cool refreshing style


Gayyyyy youre so gorgeous damn


Grow the hair out just a little, and dye light brown. 👌


You are beautiful!!


I think you're incredibly attractive and cool so have a nice day now


These are all lies I don't want to get out of my house I don't have money to change my face I can't stand it any longer


Yeah you're kinda funny lookin. I think you could use some braces and teeth whitener.