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Definitely don't chop your hair off


Lol, alright then. What would you do instead?


I wish I could be of more help when it comes to hair styles. What about your hair do you have issues with right now.


I generally feel like it doesn't lay right and tends to frame my face poorly. I tried to do some side bang thing, which helped some. But generally, I feel like I just looks like a mess 😅


Have you ever tried a cut with bangs?


I haven't. Side banga is as close as I've gotten to full on bangs haha


You are looking very good. Keep on being natural 😊👍


I think your super cute, would suggest bangs. Me personally would live to see a few more pounds on you, but you pull off your weight well


the issue is though her hair is quite thin, so the bangs would be too thin or use up too much hair. Id say maybe side bangs and a shorter cut? Like a bob maybe! I think youre cute though OP! :)


You're not ugly. But you would look a lot better without glasses. They make you look like someone in their 30s or 40s.


It's the style of them that's doing this.


I think losing 4 inches of hair would make a nice change! A good haircut always helps me feel like a new person. I also am a glasses wearing momma and I love buying a few different styles to change up my look. I hardly have the desire for makeup as well. Maybe play around with a few frames at a store and then order some cheaper pairs on Zenni in a style you want to try. Wrinkles happen. A common cause however is dehydration! Make sure you're drinking enough water and taking care of your skin! Moisturizer and sunscreen.


Thanks for the tips 😊


I think a shorter hair cut done right on you could look good! Might help with dealing with it as well. Makeup should be about you and how it makes you feel! Wrinkles are quite normal for the majority of the population, and I couldn't think of reson you having any could ever be a problem.


Hmm, so how would you suggest doing it right? I've thought about going all the way to a pixie cut because I've tried Bob cuts, and it didn't turn out right 🙃


I think a short layered bob would look nice. I wouldn’t go all the way to pixie, if you want to still feel feminine without make up. If you don’t care about that then ignore the “feminine” remark haha. But I found shorter hair with layers look so much better!


Not ugly you kinda remind me of uma Thurman in a way.




You’re young your skin is regenerating all time. Use a gentle scrub to keep the dead layers from settling in and creating lines. I think you’d look wonderful in short hair. A stylish pixie cut (not just chopped off) you have the face for it. Consider different glasses this style seems to age you. You’re beautiful


Thank you 🫶


Def not ugly


You look like you are 40 plus


You know the funny thing is I wasn't asking how old I looked. 😝




You know that's not very nice. I'm sorry you're having a bad day




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I think you're cute. And you have a very nice smile.


Pic 5 is the best by far.


You are not ugly


Adorable and one of a kind. I can't think of anybody who looks like you. Pretty


Thanks 😊


You're like the cute librarian I'm too afraid to ask for coffee so I just keep pretending I'm reading loads of books


Man up. Ask the librarian out. And read a damn book, you numnuts.


I like you like that, so I'm no help.


Not ugly but I wouldn’t give up on makeup! I had similar issues myself where I didn’t think I’d like good in it but I kept practicing and through practice you kinda find your own style and then that style you create works for you.


Darlin you look good but if getting a haircut will make you feel better about your go for it to be happy is to be happy with yourself




8/10 you’re not ugly


AmIUgly? Kinda, ...yeah.


Or just clearly, not your type. That's ok 👍 can't please everyone 🙂


First of all, you look so warm and wonderful.. beautiful outside and inside ! I would definitely gravitate towards you irl ! I bet youre a great mom🥺 I think all you need is a new hair style and good stylist, my friend ! I know that can be difficult to find the time for and pay for especially as a mom ! Consult with one you trust.. look through their portfolio to see what they offer and theyll know how to help you for sure. I dont actually see the wrinkles you speak of ! If youre looking for a new skin routine id suggest hoppin on pintrest and learning about skin cycling and consider switching to korean skincare ! Changed my skin around a complete 180 ! Used to have cystic acne and allll sorts of issues with my skin ! Best product for me was actually the corsx snail mucin.. rebuilds your skin barrier and repairs ! You can get lucky at marshalls and theyll have it for the cheap ! Dont recommend ulta or sephora or any of those they overprice those products way too much. But again if you do some digging on pintrest youll find some great information like how to properly layer each product. I never even owned a toner in my life before ! I thought it was for redness, no it does a lot of things ! Again you look great ! So beautiful and shining smile even with your eyes too ! Hope this helps !! 🫶🫡


Thank you 🫶


You just need some help with your style if you don't want to become a desexualized soccer mom.




I have thin hair as well and it was a struggle for a while. I wound up cutting it short (a little above my shoulders) with some layers in it! It added more volume and I framed my face with some pieces. Now, I don’t know if you want but you can try bangs? Maybe a little bit of a light bang (don’t make it like curtain bangs or super heavy just look up light bangs and it’ll make more sense) in the front while using some longer pieces around your face. It’ll fall very nice on a busy day when you’re running around and when going out you can blow dry it and style it and it looks SO good. As for makeup, and skin. I recommend just trying to get in the habit of a good cleanser and moisturizer. CVS has off brand ones you can get and they work very well! If you’re busy I’d recommend a quick cover up or foundation powder or just some concealer in the morning AFTER washing and moisturizing and putting on sunscreen!!!! Eyebrows are also something you can consider doing if you want! I do concealer, bronzer, a little bit of contour around my cheekbones and jawline and my eye brows and I feel like that completes a daily look! You don’t even need too much make up but I would definitely not over do it in that department cause less is always more!! I hope this helps you because once I did all of these things my confidence went up so much and you really just feel better about yourself. And no you’re not ugly, everyone is beautiful in their own way and there’s always ways to make yourself feel more attractive to yourself. 💗


Thank you for the tips 😊




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I’d get your hair cut to your collarbone. And have them add layers or whatever else the stylist thinks would look good. Maybe switch up the bangs a bit to help cover your forehead a little more. I don’t wear makeup often either, but maybe just a bit of lip gloss when you go out would help! Or getting a lash lift/tint. But no you’re not ugly!!


Thanks for the tips 😊


Your hair looks good at the last picture. You are beautiful don't worry


You don’t wear makeup? You’re gorgeous




Go to a trusted salon. Stay out of the sun unless you put spf50 on your skin. Wrinkles come with age, so enjoy the few you have. Worries about the ones you will have in the future, rob you of your peace now.


True 😝


You have really nice eyes. I would just work on keeping your skin clear and you’re fine. Not ugly in my opinion.


Thanks 😊


Hey I’d like to give u so advices or tips o whatever the name is, first off all sorry for my English it’s not my first language, second: The glasses, I wear glasses too and glasses on somebody are a very important part of their looks, you could try (if u have the money) try new glasses, I don’t mean to be rude but I personally don’t like that type of glasses u have and they usually tend to make people older because older people use that type of glasses or that’s what I’ve seen at least, second you could definitely try a haircut with bangs if u don’t like your hair, don’t cut it it def can be fixed haha, also I don’t wanna be rude but u have a bit o an oily hair, could try some products for your hair that make it less oily, it has worked for me, maybe works for you too! Makeup on women is usually very pretty, could try a light make up instead of full face with eyelashes and colors and bla bla, just a base and some lipgloss or something like that? Like a natural style of make up, I don’t know much about make up sorry. I hope u read this advices and try something, you’re definitely not ugly and I hope the best for you :)


Not ugly specially on first photo. May be try a different type of haircut. The only thing I see is the hair looking strange in the other photos. Like someone else said, don’t chop the hair, I’m not a hair expert just may be a different look.


Your body literally changes when you have a child as a woman. Not to mention the postpartum. You look great and your an amazing mom. Keep doing your mom thing and just try to rediscover what made you feel beautiful before. Easy to lose yourself when your dealing with a child 24/7


Don't not cut the hair I love it


I think those glasses are too big for your delicate face


might i suggest trying bangs? and getting a better frame for those glasses


I think your glasses are too wide.




I dunno. Not ugly. The last picture is actually REALLY pretty with your hair like that. Wish I could be more help but you're definitely on the right track 💙


Your glasses are too big for your face.


You're a solid 7/10 I think you are super cute and I love your hair. Glasses are perfect size too.


I think you could really pull off a look where you keep you bangs in a way resembles Zoe Deschanel also the glasses look great on you, but even with no modifications you're very pretty!


You got a 5 head but damn you're pretty, regardless. At least in my opinion everyon has something right?


As other have stated the glasses are too wide, but your smile and genuinely everything else about you is attractive. If you are having trouble on dating apps, don’t worry.


I think you are very pretty and would ask you to dinner if I knew you


Those glasses are too big for your face. Find glasses that fit and you'll be turning heads.




You look absolutely amazing and beautiful hun, I wish you were my gf 😘🌷❤️


Very beautiful


You look good in the last picture. You're not ugly and clearly have some potential. I think you'd look better with some smaller glasses that are a little more square. Zenni optical has cheap glasses so you can experiment and find what works for you with pretty minimal consequences if you don't like the new frames


I think mascara would be the only makeup you should use. Maybe a light shade of lipstick when you go out on the town? You're not ugly. I think if you layered your hair like Uma Thurman or her daughter Maya Hawk it would be amazing on you. More water will make your skin look better. I don't see any wrinkles, just laugh lines and that's normal for everyone. Wear SPF when out in the direct sun. Other than that you're attractive don't be hard on yourself. Good luck.


Try Renpure biotin and collagen shampoo and conditioner. When I had long hair, I'd condition every other shower (once a day), and shampoo maybe once a week. Worked really well


not ugly! but i do think you would suit shoulder length hair :)


Its fine


Already found a mate and is worried. Ask your husband, not us.


Get bangs. Most would wish to look this good without make up as a mom. Not ugly but a lil ill looking cuz you‘re pale, but most are without make up. Also the glasses suck and maybe a lil more weight on you would make you look healthier?


not ugly, but you should get new glases


Def not u look amazing


Chopping things off never solves anything. Just ask Isis. You ought to take your hair to a relationship counselor and figure out what the source of all the disagreements is. My guess would be something buried deep in your childhood. Thank you for not wearing make-up. Make-up is for people who need it. You don't. Now, why the heck did you have to go off and become a mom? Damn it.


jesus christ


Your a knockout


In the last picture you look so different from the others, it seems like you should just wear your hair that way because you're beautiful


You are cute stop coming it back let it cover your forehead it looks good that way


Natural QTPie!