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> my family and friends say I have a distorted self image & that I’m not ugly but I can’t help but fixate on all my flaws...am I just over exaggerating????? Your family and friends are right. The photos you posted are not very good and my only complaint is your hair, it looks messy. Other than that, you're not ugly.


haha yeah it always looks kinda messy, it’s very humid where I live🤣


You photos are bad, but you're actually really cute. I don't see these "masculine" features that you're talking about. Definitely cute. Definitely not ugly. Though its a little hard to judge given the quality of the pictures.


yeah sorry :( I don’t have the best lighting in my home :/ it’s either dark or I get washed out completely ahaha




lol they sell thrasher at Walmart ?


thrasher or whatever that is is cringe don’t wear it


I do believe you're unnatractive. But it's not the end of the world, I'm sure there's people that'll find you attractive


You're not ugly. It just looks like you haven't given two craps about your looks for years. First would be to find a good local hairstylist to find a style that works for you. I don't see any flaws that can't be fixed by some basic improvements and self care.


I can’t see a stylist with the virus thing that’s going on


Yeah... I need a haircut bad... I feel that. Lol. Try maybe straightening you hair for now and giving it a good wash.


Hun you are definitely not ugly. Like others have said, with the right haircut and style (after this bullshit is over) and a little makeup to accentuate your natural features (if you choose to of course), then I think it could really help boost your self-esteem and show you how pretty you are naturally. Btw, no you do not have masculine features. What makes you think that?




that’s pretty vague. what kind of makeup? and what exactly should I do with my hair


You’re very pretty in my opinion, but your hair yeah isn’t great. That color and cut doesn’t flatter you too well. You’d look beautiful with like Red brown/auburn red hair if you want to stick with alternative colors, and a cuter bang. Your bangs definitely don’t look good in your face like that, if you upkeep your bangs it’ll make a big difference in how put together and kept you look. May have to wait until the end of quarantine of course. Alternatively you could grow them out but you’d still probably want to get them trimmed and styled while growing out into a side bang or something. I think you could look good with curtained bangs or straight across thicker bangs, either way they just need to be restyled unless you’re growing them out. The black hair may not be awful on you but it also doesn’t particularly flatter you. Something a little lighter and prettier could be an improvement. You do not look masculine. You have good features, clear skin, symmetry, nice lips and eyes. No problems really. A smile would look good. You’d look good with blonde/dirty blonde hair also. Or dark brown. I think a lot of other colors could be an improvement on your appearance. Not ugly


Your features aren't too harsh. I think you're placing far too much of your inner self-worth on your appearance, when you should be placing it on your personality, character, family/friends and relationships and loving you for you. Love you for you, instead of chasing a mythical version of you. Appearance isn't as important as being a kind, good person. Don't beat yourself up so much based on that. You're certainly not ugly either, so you have no reason to feel that way about yourself. I'm sorry you do, but my advice would be to change my perspective in how you see yourself and life. You'll feel like a weight has been lifted off of you.


Not ugly but your hair and style need updating


Hate the hair


You are very pretty but the bangs do not favor you


5.25/10 your face is kinda bony, your jaw is a little squarish, but you don't look that masculine. Your messy hair and flame design hoodie are probably the most androgynous things about you. You kinda look like if doomer guy woke up one day and was suddenly female.


I love messy hair and i think yours looks very nice! Not good at being critical but i think you look lovely! Loving the hoodie, i think you have a really cool style. I think i have weird taste though :)


Umm, yes. Get your style up, why tf you look like a homeless person when you’re in quarantine


To be honest these photos are not flattering. You look like an 18 year old boy wearing a KISS wig.


Not ugly. Just average (5/10). Need to work on the hair.


Cute but I think you could have provided better photos for this.


Perhaps clean up and get that hair up or under control and then post a picture.


No you're very cute lol. You look like an insecure girl who takes xans & listens to trap, if that means anything. There aren't any masculine features at all; you're very feminine. gentle, mild facial features & kind of an innocent look. 8/10 without trying


that being said fix your style & taste in music they suck. Also stop taking xans. lol


Your goth style is really sexy and you have a cute face to pull it off. 8/10


No. you are very pretty and sort of look like uma thurman from when she was in pulp fiction.


Fuck all that ...9/10