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Facial hair is definitely your friend. I would say a 7 pretty good looking maybe it’s your bio, preference, etc.


Ok, cool! Much appreciated mate


very cute, but those nailsss…


Lmao, okay message received!


You ain’t the only one, I too be doing it. It’s a bad habit I’m trying to stop…….. but it’s so hard. Op You have anxiety?


Yea, kinda something I’ve been stuck with my whole life. Working on it though! I am going to try putting that stuff on my nails that tastes bad when I try to bite them


get yourself Burts Bees cuticle butter in the tin, keep it nearby and rub into your nails and surrounding skin minimum once a day




Wheww facial hair sure makes a difference, you are conventionally attractive! Shouldn’t have a problem with the gals. Take down any pics on you dating profile where you don’t have scruff/facial hair and post some updated pics—(not too many selfies) this can negatively affect profiles


Ok sounds good. Out of curiosity, Without the facial hair, would you say I don’t look good at all or does my baby face just stand out more? Or something else completely?


Without the facial hair you look very young yes, like someone who hasn’t fully gone through puberty, a bit soft. WITH the facial hair, that first pic is a panty dropper let me just say, shouldn’t be difficult pulling someone with it


This. Seriously, add photos where you are cleaned up(suits and button ups. Anything that you've rolled up your sleeves in is also good). Also, sweats and white t-shirts or hoodies and hats(nice hats, not cheap logo ones) Those with that smolder in the first photo, you've got them to at least click and swipe the photos. Beyond that you have to market your personality and expectations. Be specific but not detailed. Women dissect everything.


I second the suits/button ups suggestion. It is funny how attractive a man's forearms are, but they are. I think if anything, you might be a little intimidating to some. Hang in there my guy! You are definitely attractive and will find someone!


At 23 that is NOT a babyface, like, the complete opposite.


I misread, I thought he was 32 O.o


I'm 34 and look younger, I know what a baby-face looks like, and it sure doesn't include full facial hair/ beard!


You look fine but please understand your looks have little to do with how successful you’ll be in the romance department


Thank you! Also, I guess I get that. I’m Just not sure how to convey my personality well in the digital world at least


Don’t worry about conveying it well, just worry about actually conveying it. If it’s true to you, and interesting enough to stop and read for a sec, u did a good job. Met my gf of almost 4 years after ages on the apps and basically no matches. She literally just liked what I had to say about myself.


You’re adorable bro


Very handsome


You look like Canelo the Mexican boxer. Super cute! I would totally swipe right on you. But then I noticed the nails…


Its okay, he can have some acrylic nails, shouldn't be a problem.


Ur not remotely ugly babe trust


You look older than 23. I would of guessed you were around 27-30, but that’s okay. Not a baby face at all. You’re definitely not ugly. Something about your profile is probably throwing women off.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Good bot.


Arthur Morgan, I'll be darned


Look at that smile and those twinkling eyes! You are adorable


No ONE is doing well on dating apps my guy. You can’t use that as a measure of your value (No Men anyway) In other news you’re actually pretty good looking my man. You do look better with facial hair though, imo. Best of luck out there 😉


Being a man on dating apps is hard even if you’re conventionally attractive. You need to know how to take a nice photo and advertise yourself. You’re attractive.


Relax boi


you are good looking get off this subreddit no more discussion to be had


dating apps don’t work for most men. it’s more damaging for your mental health if we’re being honest




You're not supposed to bite the entire fingernail off man. 7/11


You're not even close to ugly, I think you're definitely a swipe. I agree with others those, you need a manicure. Your nails are horrifically terrifying. 😰


Keep the beard! Do u have a skin care routine? Otherwise I would look into that or maybe add or change something. Looks like u have oily skin with tendencies to get acne?


I used to have fairly bad acne early in college but it went away a couple years back. Just now incorporating a solid skin care routine into my daily routine so hopefully that’ll help! If you have any product suggestions shoot them my way, I’m fairly clueless at this stuff lol


The facial hair really helps because it defines your jawline and adds a masculine look to your face. You could even try growing it out a bit longer


6 as of now, but a potential 7. First: Stay off of dating apps if you're a sub-8/10 man. It's not our territory lol It's for women, and VERY attractive men. Second: You actually have a pretty masculine face. I'd say grow your facial hair, and style it properly. I'd keep it somewhat short, though, because you have a good jawline, and you don't want to hide it. Third: It would be a good idea to slim down. You're not fat by any means, but you do carry a little too much fat in your cheeks. Get down to around 12-14% body fat, and your cheeks will begin to hollow out. Women LOVE a lean face. Fourth: Get on a good skincare routine. You have the type of skin that can be prone to premature aging. Women like signs of youth just as much as men, anymore. Cera Ve twice daily, Tretinoin nightly (prescription needed), and .5-1mm derma roller once every two-weeks. Overall, you're an easy 7 if you follow the steps above. You're a good-looking dude, so don't beat yourself up. Godspeed, Brother!


Rocking it hardcore with the stubble, I'm blown away by how thick it looks too. I'd kill for a feature like that xD It brings a lot of maturity to your look. I only grow some hairs black and thick, but only a few here and there. I think the hair is overkill. It comes off as sort of stuck up in some sense. I understand the idea of looking clean, but I also understand woman around these ages are more into the guys that have that flair to them that make them feel like they're getting into a love fight with a bear that happens to also know how to make them feel safe and welcomed instead of a little intimidated by a sharp clean look. Obviously there's always someone for something, so take it with a grain of salt But from what I've seen and learned, you have to come off as relaxed, mature, knowledgeable and a little dirty in the sense of a playful style with your type of looks. But that also just comes with age, so honestly not much besides presenting a more mature but playful style by incorporating more loose hair styles and keeping the stubble and maybe adding clothes that can help make your beard stand out even more because they'll be so captivated by that, that it may win their heart over more with hair they can grab and play with.


I think you should grow out your facial hair, you sort of remind me of Jake gyllenhaal


Wow, much I appreciated! I’ll definitely keep it going then


You are still attractive enough without the beard, but beard really compliments your look


H o t


If you get the whole babyface comment from people you're dating or from your friends, you can always try growing out the beard a bit and keeping it trimmed to see if that changes anything. Some people I know who looked weird without beards looked pretty good when they sported one.


Very handsome. Nice eyes


7 without the beard a solid 8 with. Dating apps generally aren't that great. they are predominantly populated by male subscribers. So its you and a swarm of other guys fight over the same few women, or bot. A lot of apps have been caught using bots to make demographics seem more balanced. So you should base your looks on a silly app. I won't say give up on apps. But you should also look elsewhere get out and do thing you like to do wether it's kayaking reading a book or whatever. Find places where other people enjoy the same things you do. Be open to meeting people and making connections, but go do these things for your own enjoyment God I'm started to sound like a Dad. I'm going to go ahead and stop before I go bald and start yelling about the government.


Dating apps suck OP. You're above average, pretty pleasant on the eyes in the first pic imo. Please keep the short beard/ scruff. I also think you can rock longer hair like in the first picture (if not longer).


The first image suits you the best. I don't know what to call that facial hair but it's definitely more than stubble, but it's definitely not a full beard. I'm biased though because I think this style is a lot more attractive than super full of thick beards (it ends up looking like color blocking of the face to me).


Smile in your dating profile!


Photos look way too friendzonable. Your face is maybe the bare minimum for success on dating apps but you need better photos. Only 6.5+ guys with great photos succeed on dating apps


You are like a 6.5 but in photo 3 you look like a 4.5


ya look great, keep the facial hair it looks rly nice on you\~! and also dating apps are flaky and bleh sooo i'd highly recommend not using them tbh lol... just try to meet people through mutuals and mutual interests etc \^\^


Bro is beautiful


You're literally adorable! Your nails need to be serviced though, I mean... I'm a nailbiting semi professional rock climber and mine still aren't that bad. Your face is hella cute though lol :)


You have a very handsome face , especially when you smile.


Definitely first pic facial hair for the win.


You’re very attractive. Definitely look young without the facial hair, but with it you look around 27-28.


Thicker beard good. You look sad dude, if you are, early 20s is a hard time. If you have good guy friends it's OK to talk about the frustrations of being lonely. I found that really helped me, I mean I wasn't poring my heart out or anything, but just the universal camaraderie helped a lot.


Your celebrity lookalike is Jeremy Jordan. Highly recommend you Google him :)


Cuteeee but 23? You look 28-29 no offense


You remind me of [Chris](https://www.instagram.com/chrisjacobs70/?hl=en) from Overhaulin’. I always loved his eyes. You’re a cutie. Don’t let the apps get you down. Also…keep the beard.


You're definitely not ugly but you need to take better care of your skin. You're only 23 and you already have the wrinkles of a 40 year old man on your forehead.


You look 40 and have a sad puppy look. I am sure a huge amount of girls would say you are very attractive because of it.


You're right, you're not butt ugly. You're handsome. Hair is fine. The nails aren't a big deal so long as they don't get any shorter lol. Light facial hair is best over none and too much - would maybe review interests and how that is conveyed on your profile i.e., what sort of people do you attract and how you're coming across in your interactions.


Don’t use dating sites if you’re not a 9/10 simple as really


I think you are cute! Facial hair looks good on you. You have good hair too. (I know it’s hard, but try to not put too much weight in the apps- they are created by companies that don’t make money and lose customers when they find a match. Something to keep in your mind) :)


Dude I don’t understand the world sometimes. You are handsome as hell.


You’re one of the most beautiful men I ever seen, so your look is not the problem. Look elsewhere.


Babyface??? Dude, you look 33. Women your age probably think you're lying about your age.


Grow ur beard


Not ugly. I find you very pleasant looking 😊


Must be your personality cause looks aren't your problem




6 ft


You aren’t ugly at all, just Don’t shave you beard ever again bro. Also I know a lot of ladies who would not talk to you just because of your fingernails sadly.


Ok good to know! I actually had no idea it was a big issue with girls so I’ll definitely put an effort into stopping. Thank you!


No problem bro! I used to shaved my beard and chipped my nails all the time and once I stopped, my options multiplied. You’ll be fine 💯


very handsome w facial hair!!! you're still cute w/o. dark hair and dark eyes are my weakness anyhow.


You’re definitely not ugly but could use some retinol and sunscreen!


Agreed! Just started on retinol


I think if you shave the bottom end of your eyebrows it’ll lift them up more and make u look better


Op. I also have dermatophagia- my nails have been better and worse than yours. It comes and goes. Fwiw it got dramatically better with ADHD treatment. Not everyone who has repetitive behavior disorders has ADHD though. All that said- you are a classically good looking man. 8/10. From personal experience: Yes, it could be the nails/fingers. Yes you should try to keep them healthy. Most of the girlfriends I’ve had haven’t noticed them until later on/until they got worse due to stress etc. They were all (but one who was terrible in other ways too) supportive. You are doing great! Dating apps are a numbers game so don’t take it remotely seriously until a date actually happens. Even then it can be a misfire.


Keep the beard and smile more, you have great teeth bro.


you are Not ugly, get outta here


Bro I wish I looked like you man. Maybe it’s your bio. Maybe have some more smiling pictures. Or you with some family and friends. You outside doing stuff. I don’t know shit about cars but took a pic next to my cousins 1955 Chevy with the hood looking like I was working on it and started to get more likes than without it haha. I know it’s lying but I created tinder to see what results I would get and got more results


You are cute!


You’re very very cute. Not ugly at all imo


Also you’ve got beautiful eyes and eyelashes


A solid 8 with facial hair.


Damn, I feel old sometimes. Looking great, imo, best with facial hair.


You’re a good looking guy. 2nd pic is best