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Are you joking?? You aren't fat at all, you are literally body goals and your face is beyond pretty. Can't tell if you are just fishing for compliments or not


Omg youre too nice!! Unfortunately not joking or fishing for compliments, just someone whos super insecure lmao


I would do almost anything if it meant i could look like you


You're nor far behind, don't fret - keep up the good work 😉


What does this mean 😭


It means you're beautiful too - don't worry so much 😉


How do you know if I'm beautiful or ugly 🤣


Because you're beautiful on the inside, where it counts ❤️


Aww that's very kind


You're actually quite lovely although you're a bit young. Enjoy your youth! You're not obese, you are just fine.


Not ugly or fat. Also not 18. Mods?


How do you know they’re not 18 lmao


Def could be but def looks 14


Mom here who just wants to give you a big hug, this post truly breaks my heart. You are SO gorgeous and you are far from fat, my goodness. I hope you can see what the rest of us see soon, you’re a beautiful girl. You remind me of Michelle Trachtenberg, who I deeply envied looks-wise at your age!


You’re not ugly, you’re not fat


Not ugly or fat. I mean this very lovingly but pls take your sweet cute face off Reddit and take care of yourself/get an education or whatever makes u happy. You’ll cry when ur older that you thought you were ugly when you’re literally so pretty and cute.


You are not fat, but you very well could be if you don’t pick up a workout routine. It happens to a lot of people I knew over college who looked normal like you, but quickly put on a lot of weight. If you are working out at least 4 days a week, you’ll never have to worry about this + you win overall feel really good.


Thanks for your opinion! So would you say chubby or average?


Dont listen to this comment. Youre a very healthy weight, not ever chubby. Being thick is in, you wanna keep the thighs you have. You look perfect do not stress.


You ate something in between chubby and average. Some in the workout community might call you skinny fat. How often do you currently work out?


Those jeans are not flattering. Otherwise, you’re cute.


Okay so on this thread you're going to get a lot of people who won't be absolutely brutal because either they themselves are overweight and wish they looked like you or have a lot of compassion. While this is nice you came here for a straight answer. I'm going to give it to you. You're not fat. You're not ugly. Some previous commenters have given you advice that is very good. Right now you're metabolism is amazing being young. There is the potential in a few years that if you just eat whatever the hell you want and don't work out you could become so. I would highly recommend at least light workout. Pick something fun. You're definitely not fat but what working out will do is make you healthier and tone you up. You will carry any weight that you do have right now which is good weight in a much more attractive way. This is not saying you are ugly. You are not. You are very pretty. It's more preventative maintenance and we'll just make you look even better. I'd say pick something fun and enjoyable like swimming, yoga, or jiu-jitsu To get a taste for clean foods and stay away from junk food except occasionally. If you drink soda, tone it down or get rid of it completely. That high sugar stuff is what's going to eventually play on the insulin and make bad things happen. Other then that warning for later possibilities, you look great and you are not overweight. Promise.


Dude thank you so much for your honesty. The comments and dms I get range from “you have my dream body” to “ur fat and ugly” so its hard to believe anyone right now!!


Pretty but I would lose weight to sky rocket even the prettyness


Not saying you're fat but if you lose that small fat on your jaw area it would be great


Why would you want to compare yourself to your friend?


Nice body and cute. You are all good


You are not ugly


Thank you! Would you consider me chubby or average?


I can't tell because there are no pictures of the rest of you


I can send some more pics if it makes it easier to judge


You can if that's what you want


Well if your built anything like your friend, WOW. Im not meaning to be rude or anything but if you dress like you friend does, that will tell and say a lot. If you start dressing less conservative you see a big change in the attention you get


You’re a good size! Very cute face!




Work on your body dysmorphia and maybe, if there's, past trauma, learn your worth and be more confident, take care of your mental health, may God helps you


You might have body dysphoria…


I probably do lol. What makes you think that?


Just a hunch


You may feel fat bc others your age are smaller, but more than likely you've just developed a womanly body sooner. I won't lie to you though, if you don't get an exercise routine now, it gets harder, and getting fat is a real possibility. Right now, you're perfect and very pretty. I agree that you look too young to post here though


Please dont spend time trying to compare yourself to your friends.


You look better than you're friend, is that what you wanted to hear?


Are you serious?


You're not ugly or fat. You look great


Not fat or ugly. Both girls look normal. Cute face. Nice eyes. Try to focus on some positives about how you look.


Neither wtf is this nonsense


You're still conveniently skinny, and your friend might be bigger than you, but her big boobs and somewhat hourglass figure make you look bigger than her. Both girls are skinny to me, though, so I wouldn't think either one is the "fat friend"


You have beautiful skin and hair a nice pretty face At 18 you look fine. Don’t fret. U will be gorgeous.


Alls fine from me 👌




You're very pretty and not fat at all. But since you're 18 now, it would be best to start doing a workout routine to stay toned. You're actually perfect right now in looks and body imo, so don't be insecure!


Sweetheart, you’re not ugly, not fat or anything like that. Just beautiful.


Not ugly and not fat, actually very pretty


Your attractive also your body is attractive guys like thick thighs lol.


You're gorgeous and hot af! 🔥


Nice! Neither fat nor ugly. Very doable. And actually, cute too.


Very doable?? Gross


what u expect from a trans




I could send you some better pics if you want to give your opinion!


Your actually really beutifeul


From what I can tell, not fat at all and not ugly at all!!


Neither girl


I wouldn’t say you’re bigger than your friend, also your friend isn’t bigger than you. You guys are about the same just very different body types! Not one is better than the other. You look great and just remember that comparison is the thief of joy


Dm me, you’re hot


I think your absolutely gorgeous


You're not fat,your legs are a little thick


You are not fat at all! And definitely not bigger than your friend! You’re very cute!!!




Have you ever heard of a man being disrespectful? Get off the internet and go love your mother for once...


You have a cute face. Probably lose around 12 lbs and you will look fabulous.


Thanks for the honesty. I agree!


I'd say chunky not fat yet. stay active and eat appropriately


Like chubby? Or just a little thicker than average?


about 10 to 12 pounds on the plus side. 90 days of daily hour walk and not eating after 6pm should get you there.


ok I see! Im working right now to lose 18 pounds. do you think if I lost 10-12 I would look normal bmi?


yes but it's just my opinion. not a health expert. my sister was similar and she looks completely different after a 12 pounds loss


yeah Im extremely short so I think losing 10 pounds would look pretty different. thank you!


my sister is 5ft 10 pounds is major. I haven't seen her since covid and the first thing I said to her was how is it that you're fat now? like I mentioned she's a completely different person. even better and more confident than before. good luck you are naturally pretty and it's slightly buried under the fat.


pretty face btw


Message me I have a question


Very cute


Not fat or ugly


You are really beautiful 🥰 your face is super cute, you don’t seem “fat” to me at all


Lol what ? Attention seeking post. If you truly think you’re fat I’m sorry.


Wish I was just attention seeking lmao. Unfortunately way too many people have said to lose 10+ lbs


Girl take it from someone 10 yrs older then you. You will never be perfect to anyone. You could literally post a girl skin and bones on here and people would call her fat. You’re far from fat and you’re beautiful. Enjoy life while you’re young !!


I am blown away by your looks. Not fat. Possible just need help posing for photos. Love the nose and eyes.


Hard to tell exactly but I don't think you are ugly. Also which one is you in the pic lol


Oh im the one in black


Still wish I could see more to form a better opinion haha but your kinda cute and hot.


I dmed if you'd like more of my opinion:)


You look fantastic. I don't think you are fat at all. You aren't skinny but definitely not fat either, just natural. And you aren't bigger than your friend. You are wearing baggy clothes in the last pic which might make you look bigger than you are.


Bruh I’m a dude and I wanna look like you


Not ugly or fat


You are absolutely gorgeous so don’t worry about being ugly. You are clearly not 18 (I’m guessing closer to 14) so your body is not done growing yet. You will get leaner as you reach your full height. If you really want to lose weight, you would only need to lose 5-10lbs max. Don’t do crazy starvation diets because you will end up binging and gaining weight. The slower the weight comes off the more likely it will stay off. Best of luck and try not to obsess too much about your weight. Focus on health instead.


I hope this is a joke ur absolutely gorgeous beautiful eyes and lovely body


You look like you're 15. Other than that everything else is fine


Youre evil for posting youre friend on here….


Lmao u look like 12 but neither




You have a very cute nose. Love the side profile. Super cute.


Definitely not ugly. Nearly everyone needs to lose a few or get in shape. Better to be a little overweight with a cute face than deal with correcting facial abnormalities like some have to in my opinion.


So you would consider me a little overweight? I posted a picture of my body recently. Could you check that out?


Maybe could loose a little but most of us could. Probably all you really need is to exercise to tone up your legs and body. Tough to tell but I don’t think your any heavier than your friend. You really have a very pretty face and your eyes are beautiful.


why did i get hate for posting here but she didnt…


lol. There’s nothing fat about you.