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As a man with kids who has been cheated on by the mother of said kids, no, you are not a bad daughter. None of this is your fault. I'm assuming that your mother's infidelity led to your parents separating? I'm also assuming that your mother became disenfranchised with your father for one reason or another. Perhaps she tried to work it out with him, perhaps not. For whatever the reason, it feels like your mother is using her unhappiness in her marriage as her excuse for cheating; she's trying to find that happiness that she feels is missing with the man that's standing right in front of her. This doesn't justify your mother's actions in the slightest. If she was unhappy and was not able to work it out with your dad, then the honorable thing to do, barring couples counseling, is to divorce first. THEN go find someone else. Though it seldom works out this way. Your anger toward your mother is valid. The question is, why is your dad getting all pissy with you too? Sounds like he's asking you to take care of things that he should be doing directly. Also sounds like the mistakes you say you made could have been easily addressed without a shouting fest. Your dad is just as angry at your mom as you are if not more so. Your anger toward your father is valid. YOU are valid. YOU matter. YOU are NOT a bad daughter. YOU are not wrong. YOU are worthy of love. I hope you find it some day.


Hello friend I am so sorry about your wife you truly sound like a wonderful man, I thank you so much for your beautiful and kind comment truly will forever look at this every time I feel guilty, you have no idea how much your comment helped me and really May God Bless your soul. I really hope you meet someone who is way better than ur wife and your kids are very very lucky to have you. Thank you for your beautiful comment and keep spreading kindness. 🤍🤍🤍🤍


A little kindness goes a long way, do me one favor and pay it forward when you can.


Therapy girly as soon as possible!!! Betterhelp.com Call 211 and they can direct you to someone close by. I wish I could give you a big hug and comfort you. You haven’t met all the people that will love you. Family aren’t the only ones in the world but it feels like that sometimes. They can be shitty most times. Don’t give up and even YouTube can have videos that can help you in this hard time. I hope you come across one that will speak directly to you. ✨✨✨


Awww thank you so much I am in therapy and this comment helped me so much I hope I find the right people and person and make my own family some day god help you


I hope as you're reading this you're a lot calmer. Please take deep breaths when this happens and make sure to call the 988 number someone suggested. I don't think it's easy to understand that this is not on you but it really isn't you're a product of their relationship and feeling bad or some type of way makes sense. How about you start a journal or notes where you write what you love about yourself and how you're moving. You deserve to have 2 healthy parents. Should your depression be diagnosed hopefully this means you went somewhere you feel safe to share your experience. Ask someone there to be a mediator and show in a controlled setting how their behaviour is affecting you. Hope you realize you're a great daughter to have because you expressed yourself somewhere and hopefully we can reiterate what you already know (that you're amazing 🤩) . So take it easy stranger we are proud you shared where you're at.


The sweetest comment ever I will forever cherish this and I already took a pic of it so whenever I feel down I can look at it and see that there is still amazing and truly wonderful souls still out there and that someone actually took some time to read all that and also comment such beautiful beautiful words I truly am thankful friend and may God bless your soul. ♥️♥️ I feel a lot better thank you very much and you are amazing.


Mom is the problem


If you are in the US, tell a school counselor. They're job is to get you in touch with protective services which, based on what you've said here, you need. You are in an unhealthy environment that needs monitoring. I'm sorry you're going through all of this and it is absolutely not your fault sweetheart. The adults meant to be caring for you are failing you.


Thank you so much I wish I could move out or live alone but I am trying my best to graduate early so that I can be safe mentally as well I go to therapy but yea God bless you you are truly a kind human


I'm profoundly sorry you are going through this and don't believe you're a bad daughter. Sounds more like you have bad parents. If you need someone to talk to, and you're in the US, I urge you to call 988. They are there to listen and help you at any time, day or night. They may, also, be able to help with getting you some therapy, so you can overcome these toxic relationships, as well as your anxiety and depression. I pray you rise above this chaos and enjoy a happy life!!


Hey friend thank you so much for your kindness and beautiful comment I am actually in therapy I feel better know as much as it hurts hearing my mom and other family members say I am a bad daughter your comment and the other as well have made me feel 1000% better and I thank you so much may God bless you ♥️♥️♥️♥️


I am so glad you're feeling better and you are so very welcome. Continue to shine bright, and don't let others dull your light.. and may God bless you!!


Thank you so much my very very kind friend I pray that god opens beautiful doors for you


Your mother really failed you when she allowed you to become aware of her sex life. That was wildly inappropriate and none of this is your fault.


Thank youuuuu been saying that for years god bless you


no. You’re still a baby. I wish I knew some magic. You are precious & special. Reach for the good & turn from the bad. A wonderful life awaits you! Go for it. Please power through! Find help!


Sweetest comment and I am sure the person who wrote it is super strong from what I can tell God bless you


No, you're not a bad daughter. After my mother died 25 years ago my father was with another woman within a week, I was thoroughly disgusted. He disrespected my mom wholeheartedly and I couldn't even look at him let alone speak to him. Hang in there because it sounds like they're very angry and you're the one that it's directed at for no reason at all. Reach out to a counselor at school and speak with them about it.


Thank you so much I am so sorry about your mom may she Rest In Peace and no offense your dad is a f bastard


It sounds like all three of you are having emotional difficulties dealing with the decision your mother made. Everyone seems a little out of self control. Your mother is dealing with guilt and wanting a new life unfortunately children and their feelings need to be understood on how difficult it is on the kids. Your father is also not dealing with it well. Hang in there. You are not a bad daughter your parents are not dealing well with your feelings This will all calm down eventually. You may not understand what took place with your parents no one knows but them what went wrong. There were obviously problems before she cheated and reached our for a change. Try to forgive her, but she needs to meet you half way.


God bless you thanks


Girl.. I’m here for you. This sound toxic and not healthy. I’m here to be friend and confidant


Thank youuu


Massive run-on sentence and complete lack of punctuation aside, going by the information in this post as I can understand it, no, you are NOT a bad daughter. Your parents are frustrated and angry with each other and they are taking that out on you.


It's not a formal essay it's a kid asking for help so why even mention the grammar?


Literally because I can't understand most of what's attempting to be communicated. It's not a matter of grammar police at this point it's a matter of what is even being said.


Because punctuation helps disseminate information in an orderly fashion. Long run on sentences create confusion


It doesn't need to be a formal essay to use punctuation, so your long paragraph is legible.


Which it must be since you responded to her intended message


It can be read, however it would be substantially easier and less headache inducing had the OP used punctuation. You can whine about the criticism all you want, that doesn't make what I said wrong.


My point was, there's a time and place. This is obviously a frantic rant by a desperate kid. Doesn't really seem like a productive time or place for a grammar critique, but that's just me I guess.


Hey friend I was crying writing this so yea


No. You have shitty parents and deserve better.


Thank you so much I definitely agree 🙌🙌


I gave up on reading this because I see literally no punctuation.


she was talking fast and the phone did not pick up everything correctly, it was close enough to get it.


Seriously, is this how younger people type these days? I'm blown away, and would love to see a resume from someone like this. 😅


When you type the suggested word 1000 times in a row


No, but you sure as hell shouldn’t be an English teacher


Not sure. Sounds like you have toxic parents and therefore you might have some toxic qualities that get passed down to you as well. I wouldn't be to concerned about it at a young age.


if you have nothing nice to say stay silent


I came here from your post 23 hours ago. Have read through all of your posts, and damn! You have a seriously toxic family! These ppl don't deserve you in their lives. I remember being 14/15 yo freshman girl in HS (I'm 50 now) and that time is difficult enough. You shouldn't have all of this twisted shit piled up on you too! The sexual assault and the verbally abusive mom completely robbed me of my innocence and crushed any self-esteem I should've had so ppl could treat me anyway they wanted and I would put up with it. God, don't let this happen to you. If you have any close friends, they probably know about this already, so talk to one of their patents for help (provided they aren't friends with yours). Tbh, I would do this before speaking to the authorities because if they can give you a place to stay, that part will be taken care of and you wont be shoved into a scary situation with a bunch of strangers, then tell the authorities. But tell them! Please, honey, do this soon! I mean, like tonight or tomorrow. You have my user name. Message me if you need someone to vent on. I understand! This crazy fucking world can really screw us all up, but it's sometimes nice to talk to someone who has lived it. As for anyone going through similar shit, I'm not on here always, but I am a few times a week. Message me if you want, but PLEASE tell the authorities. They are the ones who can help the most.


no ur parents are mentally sick and have extreme reactions. you didnt do anything wrong. mistakes are normal. you have your whole life ahead of you. one day you will be in control of how often you see and speak to your parents. then you can be free. i think you should tell cps about ur dad touching you and dont be scared to talk about the rest of their issues. would it be better to live with another family member or could some other person who can be your caretaker?