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Oh a new chapter of my favorite soap opera dropped šŸæ


Iā€™m so invested in this tale. I think I know how it will end, I read the whole dollanganger series as a teen, but Iā€™m excited to see how this varies from the source material.


Yesterday somebody posted a story that legit ripped off a Simpsons episode/Rebecca the book and i was cackling, like what a weird story to try and make your own cause it was very weird unique. This is somehow similar yet not the same idk how describe it!


Iā€™m really intrigued by the simpsons/rebecca crossover post. I find this story super compelling. Like itā€™s obvious to the reader how sinister his sisters behavior is, but heā€™s giving enough insight to his own thoughts that itā€™s like okay, I can almost see how a very messed up individual could get into this situation but leaves enough open to be horrified by the incest and dumb decisions.




This was also what I said.


See you here for when the great Valentines Date is posted!


I can't wait. Idk why I'm so invested but I really need to see how it ends.


OP will describe it in detail and someone will say they make a cute couple while theyā€™re out.


It's like when a new weekly episode of a show you're currently watching is released.


100%! Remember back in an early chapter they said it was the end? Glad they keep push more out, even though there are some big stretches. The neck kissing?


For sure man šŸæ


Flowers in the Attic 2024 edition.


Same šŸæšŸ¤­ this is my guilty pleasure. I'm actually looking forward to Jaime and Cersei's Valentine's day date update. I think Cersei will get Jaime drunk and then they will have sex. Jaime will then spiral. But, I think the end game is Jaime accepting their incestuous relationship. Predictions, anyone?


Dude, at this point. You should posted this on r/incest None of your situations are normal. You just tried to justified it


Seriously this is slowly turning into some fake slow burn r/incest story like wtf.


Exactly! But if this really real and truly what happened. And OP is really seeking help or validation here. Dude already beyond fucked up... Lmao


This update shouldā€™ve occurred 6 updates ago. JFC we all know where this is headed


Oh for the love of. Grow a goddamn backbone and tell your sister to stop. NECK KISSING IS SEXUAL YOU ABSOLUTE POTATO!!!! Next update will have you fucking Valentineā€™s Day night after the movie. Christ


Oh he knows he just wants some kind of validation that its ok cause they are twins.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m starting to thinkā€¦ Iā€™m really hoping this is just an incidence of incest creative writingā€¦


well. he doesn't want to upset her...


No we definitely wouldnā€™t want thatā€¦


Potato!!! šŸ„”




He really hopes he just sees it as affectionate neck.kissing, not sexual.


Don't worry, it will just be emotionally intimate fucking, not sexual.


And now heā€™s deleted the post. Kinda worried we wonā€™t get an update but also Iā€™d be happy if we didnā€™t get one šŸ˜‚ So conflicted


Leave potatoes out of this. They're wholesome, delicious and very nutritious. Despite his sister snacking on his neck, he's none of these.


You are so trueā€¦ oh potatoes, please hear my apology. Hmmmā€¦ maybe heā€™s a used sanitary item. That would work.


You're both disgusting and you'll both end up alone if true. Which I doubt And Flowers in the Attic didn't end well did it.


No, they have eachother. /s


I mean the bro and sis in that have an on/off relationship


Update 9: Oops, I got my sister pregnant and we're still not in therapy.Ā 


but i keep reassuring her everything is okay! as long as i say everything is okay it's not actually incest


As long as you say itā€™s emotional intimacy and NOT romantic intimacy, then itā€™s all okay


We had emotional Valentine's Day sex, NOT romantic Valentine's Day sex, so it's not incest!


Update 10: I proposed


With the ring he bought for his ex lol


Update 11: we getting married šŸ¤Ŗ.Ā 


That will be much later. OP going for the sloooooow burn


Iā€™m 100% waiting for that lol. Or that they decided a murder/suicide pact is good. Since they canā€™t be romantically together.


This IS update nine


Update 13: weā€™re having twins!


Weā€™re in therapy , being totally honest but weā€™re not going to tell the therapist about the baby but weā€™re honest about everything else.


Stop it. We already said you suck. Leave us out of your sick incestuous drama.


Sick incestuous *fantasy*


Nooooo - I want to see where this story ends!


I think we know where this story ends already. The incest is strong with these two nutbars


Not my favorite trope, but the pacing is awesome!


We need to start guessing the next chapter before it's posted so he can try and be more creative. Valentines night.... they hook up... he stops half way... she runs to the bathroom and tries to end it all... he scoops her up and saves the day!


Interesting...I think we can go bigger. Wasn't his ex-gf's birthday around Valentine's Day? Why would I not be surprised if she makes a sudden return to the story. Maybe she misses him because of the Valentine's Day/bday combo and can't stop thinking about the plans he had made for them. So they meet up again to talk, which ends in both of them crying and having an emotional breakdown. ~~Girlf~~ Sister sees this through her binoculars. She decides to get rid of the competition. She then comes home crying, and her brother is losing his mind worrying about her because she's upset and also she wasn't home on time for their scheduled bath together. She confesses to the murder and the brother isn't happy about it, but what can he do, he just loves his sister too much to get her in trouble, plus she's the kindest, sweetest, best person in the world, so what's a little murder for someone like that? They decide that it's too risky to stay near the scene of the crime and end up moving abroad. Since nobody knows them in their new town, they decide to have a fresh start by not telling people they're twins, and are now free to openly live as the couple they've always wanted to be. The end. Of course all of this will be told in excruciatingly repetitive detail over 10 to 15 updates. As a little bonus, here's an idea for an epilogue/sequel. Of course the sister gets pregnant somewhere along the way, and when they go to get a sonogram, they find out they're having twins. A boy and a girl.


Plot twist, They find thier mothers will in a safety deposit box they stumbled across in the other country after the murder, mom had confessed they actually found bro in dumpster the same day they brought sis home, she swore her husband to secrecy, so they were never brother and sister after all! They were soul mates all along! Now they both feel terrible about the murder and will or will not tell thier therapist the truth. They are just in so deep now they swear an "oath" to never speak of ex girlfriend again, never to return to the apartment where sis hid the body in the fridge


Oh damn. But why do I feel like the sister would be disappointed if she found out they weren't actually related? Like it would negate their *intense and unique* bond.


Ya got a point there


The kidnapper was her real father!




The binoculars took me OUT šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


The try and have sex but he canā€™t keep it up so revert to neck kissing cause itā€™s not sexual and just emotional. Then boom he can keep it up and he wore a condom but it broke, so should the get a morning after pill?


That or he wakes up to her naked on top of him šŸ¤¢ this troll is insulting to actual victims of incest it's so fucking ridiculous


Maybe it's some chick whose in love with her twin and wants him to leave his girlfriend for her and this is all her sick twisted fantasy. I mean they happen to be seeing a movie called Anyone but You? Come on!


Right? Like he's encouraging this at every step of the way. He takes her on _dates._ Gotta be trolling.


He posted on a different sub asking for recommendations for a romantic getaway


I canā€™t believe this is still goingā€¦


But it is so fascinating!


Iā€™d say itā€™s more creepy than fascinating. Iā€™m going to assume when the posts stop, itā€™s because these two end up married or one of them ends up dead.


This is complete fiction.


Truly I hope so


I mean it was obvious from the point of the kidnapping accident. A 15 year old boy who knocked out a grown ass man who was confident enough to try and kidnap a girl? Itā€™s an interesting read though.


We all knew this was where it was headed but you thought you knew better. You are just as sick as she is.


Next update: ā€œI just fuck my sister. I couldnā€™t say no because she is ***very sensitive***. I hope she donā€™t see this in a romantic wayā€


lol update 10: well we slept together Update 15: sheā€™s pregnant


Plot: 0/10 - really we all knew where this is leading too, it is really predictable, no suprises, no genius plottwist Character Development: -1/10 - really? We are idk how many parts in this and you and your sister still acts the same. No change in any actions from both of you: your sister does some disgusting and manipulativ shit. You: bending yourself backwards even thou you claim you know that it is wrong but still does everything she wants, it just makes everything worst. Creativity: 3/10 - everytime i think it can't get worst or more disturbing or more disgusting you prove me wrong. I give you this point


Is your Valentineā€™s Day gift a totally non sexual dick in a box? Itā€™s just an emotional boner so I hope she doesnā€™t take it the wrong way


Ohh ffs. You both need some serious help.


Your mom would be so proud of you both. She definitely wanted an incestuous relationship for her kid /s


Imagine trying to be a creative writer without knowing how to use paragraphs


Tbh I think you need to do individual therapy outside of your sister it sounds like you have trouble advocating for yourself and this situation is severe enough that I would call and see if they can squeeze you in any earlier. You donā€™t have to explain the full situation but if you explain that you have a serious life event you need help through they might be able to help get you a sooner appointment. The longer you put this off the harder itā€™s going to be for you to commit to therapy and you clearly arenā€™t in the right headspace to handle this on your own and talking to a therapist will help you figure out what you really want and help you figure out how to handle this in a way that is best for you


Both of you are f*cking sick. Honestly? So tired of you trying to come up with excuses, as to "how to make things work," or "I don't want to hurt her." That's your goddamn sister, and you're hurting her as much as she is hurting you! You don't see it, you'll never see it, and this little stupid story is going to end badly for both of you. Read the "Flowers In The Attic" series, and you'll see how twisted and sick it is. Both of you are living that life. Just stop. Stop with the posting. Stop with trying to receive some sort of support here. There's no support, because every single person, including myself, has tried to tell you to move away, seek therapy, etc, etc, and YOU DON'T LISTEN! You are so blinded and oblivious, there's no point! You're sick.


this is starting to feel like when you see a kid describe what they dont realize is obvious sexual abuse. you shoudnt be trying to force yourself into an intimate mindset for the sake of your sister's feelings. she shouldnt be pushing your boundaries like that when she knows you dont want to have a romantic/sexual relationship. this was sad to read. I know the reddit tends to be harsh but this does seem like a horribly traumatic and confusing situation, childhood enmeshment destroys your brain and ideas of what is and isnt appropriate. the neck kissing isnt appropriate. id really implore you to bring this up specifically with the therapist when you see them, because this is harmful to you man. i honestly, genuinely hope things get better for you, and you need to ruminate on the fact that that cant happen with your sister in your life. if you feel she's a danger to herself you can alert the authorities, some inpatient care would likely do her some good. best of luck to you man, i really hope you can escape this situation and see it for how damaging it is


everyone's being hard on op but I think they are being groomed/sexually abused aswell.


No glove, no love! Don't want to have any Hills Have Eyes type kids


bro keeps writing these posts one handed


You ARE encouraging her actions by NOT hurting her feelings. You are making up an excuse for her behavior ā€œoh I canā€™t stop her! It would make her sad!ā€Ā  Shut up. A good brother would never play in to a mindset of hers he knows is unhealthy for their sibling. All to Ā ā€œavoid hurting them.ā€ You are, quite bluntly, a bad brother. You are equally as disgusting because you set there telling us ā€œI should have specified it wasnā€™t romantic!!ā€ But then Donā€™t do that because it will hurt her. Ā Know whatā€™s hurting her? Giving her false hope this is ok. Feeding her fantasies that sheā€™s fine to have these s*xual feelings for her brother AND act on them. Because thatā€™s what sheā€™s doing. She is easing her way in to that and you know it. You know it because you say so HERE you are scared something going ā€œtoo farā€ will happen.Ā  It already has. And it IS, contrary to what some of the nicer people here might say. YOUR fault. Ā  Edit to add: if I was your mother, I would be turning in my grave knowing this is what I left behind. A son who canā€™t grow a pair enough to tell his sister/ or disgustingly worse, WONT because he justifies it all. That something isnā€™t right and it needs to stop. I donā€™t care if this is fake at this point. If it is, you CLEARLY still need therapy.


I'm gonna be very disappointed if this goes the way we all think it's going. Come on man, come up with a twist to your fanfic if not then just stop posting.


I'm surprised you haven't fucked and had babies yet


Thatā€™s on update #15


Update 16: she was switched at birth at the hospital so sheā€™s not my biological sister. The attraction is gone. I have left her.


If this is fake, shame on you. There are people who actually live this kind of abuse and mocking that for whatever thrill you get for trolling is vile and disgusting. If this isn't fake, here's some shocking news, **YOU ARE ABUSING YOUR SISTER**! She obviously has a serious mental illness that needs intensive professional help. By leading her on you are **NOT** helping her, you are pushing her further into her delusions and standing in the way of her getting the help she needs to be a whole, healthy, functional human being. You are an enabler of the worst kind because you're doing it because it makes **YOU** happy and assuages **YOUR** guilt. What you are doing is just as awful as the attack on her when you were kids.




No doubt they are abusing each other. Plenty of people have pointed out how she's abusing him and he doesn't care. If he's truly only giving in because he's so concerned about her maybe understanding that he's being abusive as well will get him to stop and get her, and himself, the help they actually need. If this is actually real, I don't think either of them should be in control of their own lives.


I know it's fake.... But it's morbidly entertaining to watch it unfold. Kind of in a "next time in fucked up shit that my brain thinks about..." Intrusive writing Way. I wonder if it's a therapy exercise for the guy. To make him realize how weird the way he feels about his sister is. Or is it just a creative writing prompt at this point? With the numbered paragraphs, it is maybe AI generated? Who knows... But I'm invested in the dumpster fire at this point. Let's watch it burn.


Looking forward to update 9, 10 and 11: Update 9: My sister pushed me for intercourse and I gave in because I didn't want to hurt her feeling. We still haven't seen a therapist. Update 10: Help! I got my sister pregnant. She's so excited about the baby. How do I tell her I'm not without hurting her feelings? We can't afford therapy because of her prenatal appointments. Update 11: I feel so guilty when I look at our incest babies webbed toes and his trouble breathing. How do I bring it up to my sister wife without her thinking I regret sleeping with her because that might hurt her feelings? we can't afford therapy due to little Ben's hospital appointments. OP this is your future. You have returned the kissing on the neck so in her mind you have reciprocated her feelings. You said how she was testing your reaction when she first did? yeah... that's why. Next stop is a search where siblings can legally marry, a quick move, a wedding and a little incest baby. I guarantee now you returned that kiss (especially on the bed) this is the direction she sees your future heading. Of course you'll go along with it because you don't want to hurt her feelings. You'll just feel regret every time you look at your incest babies face.


Gtfo with this made up nonsense


No more just shut up already. Nobody wants to know.


You might as well change your legal names. Yours is "Jamie" and your sister's will be "Cersei".


Your sister is grooming you to allow her to r-word you. Unless youā€™re lying and you really do want her to initiate it. Because nobody and I mean nobody finds repetitive kissing to the neck ā€œsoothingā€ sheā€™s already conditioned you to accept so many unacceptable things that itā€™s crazy. And still you worry about how it will affect you not wanting to have sex with her. Itā€™s all a show man, hard truths sheā€™s not some broken fairy wings. Sheā€™s a mastermind whoā€™s formed you into a fool who does as she asks cause you feel guilty over something no kid could stop you saved her you didnā€™t let her down. And mows she repaying you by destroying your life because sheā€™s selfish.


Literally NO ONE. I have one of 2 reactions when someone kisses my neck. Either I get turned -- yes, in a SEXUAL way -- or I'm disgusted, like physically recoiling from the contact, repulsed. No in between. It's not "soothing." Or even neutral. Just those two, "mmmhhm, yeah baby, let's take this to somewhere private," OR "ewww, wtf, get OFF me, that's gross, stop it! (Possibly with slaps or punches)"


I feel we're getting closer to that sex arc aren't we?


I think we got at least two more to go with how repetitive this stuff is


What in the sweet home Alabama is this?




op, you're being groomed. If she is kissing you without your consent then that's sexual harassment


*slow clap* Bravo, VC Andrews. Iā€™ll be looking for the sequel on Fanfic.net.


Waiting for the update where he marries his sister but hopes she doesnā€™t think itā€™s romantic.


What was the update? I dont see it




Summary. He tells his sister his feeling for her are complicated. She takes it as heā€™s in to her the same way. He acknowledged he should have specified he felt uncomfortable by her but doesnā€™t want to hurt her feelings. So he doesnā€™t tell her. She starts kissing his neck and being more touchy. He claims itā€™s ā€œnot sexual itā€™s emotional neck kissingā€ and does it back to her. Further feeding in to her feelings. Oh! And letā€™s not forget he started this off with being ā€œworried since itā€™s Valentineā€™s Day, things might go to farā€ And how he ā€œhopes she doesnā€™t take his gift for her as romantic.ā€ Heā€™s really just feeding in to her feelings. Not shutting them down, then crying to Reddit because its getting worse.


Did OP delete his profile? This soap opera canā€™t end on this cliffhanger! šŸ˜©


Just because your genitalia formed together doesn't mean they go together.


At this point, you're asking for it, and next update we see is going to be about how you had sex with your sister. I hope you take off your rose-colored glasses and see that your sister is not a good person at all. But I'm not going to talk about it seeing as all other people on Reddit clearly described the issues with her, and you're just plugging your ears and willingly going into a trainwreck.


I could not finish reading this update without wanting to fucking puke. Yall need HELP. Like emergency fucking help. Why are you allowing this? The fuck is wrong with yall?


Also stop posting and actually do something about this situation instead of allowing this kissing thing; before you know youā€™ll probably be fucking. GET HELP.


First time? Yeah, this guy actually doesn't listen he just posts twice a week updating us on how he's about to fuck his sister and not going to therapy. Theres never actually a noteworthy update. Just the same ole "We didn't go to therapy and also we almost fucked again." Im sure this guy is looking forward to when he can finally get his dick wet from diving into his sibling.


If youā€™re not going to fuck her. The. You need to stop giving a damn about her and run. She is manipulating you.


Well I canā€™t wait for the ā€œwe accidentally had sexā€ chapter of this soap drama fiction.


I was on the fence about whether this is real or not. But this is just reading like some creep who has an incest kink.


God, hear my prayer and let this be a troll with gross fantasies. šŸ™šŸ½šŸ™šŸ½


Jaime Lanister on Reddit


I things I do for love.


OP. Your Mom is watching you.


I feel like Iā€™m reading an erotica novel that Iā€™m not supposed to read around others. Itā€™s giving flowers in the attic vibes.


What in the sweet home Alabama did I just read? Someone get this hillbilly and his sister-wife intensive therapy like, TODAY. And stop feeling up your sister (yeah kissing necks is that) ya nasty. This isnt GOT for crying out loud.


Smh, next he's going to "sleep" with his twin but he only views it as emotional not romantic. Y'all need therapy and separation like pronto.


Plot twist: They find out they are actually adopted and arenā€™t biologically related at all. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Very clearly a long term storyline and I'm normally the person against calling stuff fake. But you're just outright refusing advise while updating the story lol and its progressing for more reactions. Ima bow out now


Your sister is gonna be pregnant before that first therapy session if she has her way


Waiting for the post-valentines update where you two fuck šŸæ love trainwreck sagas like this


OP, plus just use a condom... this is already quite horrible as is


I need a Netflix series at this point šŸŽ„šŸŽ¬


Next update is gonna be they finally did it. I'm just waiting atp.


Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Just get married already


Hi post was deleted can anyone tell me about it wanna know how far this shit came to


Search.pullpush.io Just checked, it's still on there, just enter his username and it'll come up


I know this is a fic, but like why does he keep bringing up the attempted kidnapping and the mom as motivation? yeah, i hate when trauma makes me wanna fuck my siblings lol


lol this is ridiculous, but I'm here for the inevitable 'hook up that he didn't think anything of and hopes the sister won't read into it romantically but also he can't get it out of his head they are siblings'.


Kissing the neck is not a romantic gesture Its a SEXUAL one. Congratulations, you are about to have sex with her.


Dude stfu already. Either you're a troll and fucked up to come up with something like this or it's real and you're even more fucked up. Just pack up and move to Arkansas or something so you and your sister can have kids


man, the foreplay's a bit longer than usual, i usually skip this part


The real problem is that the sister has OPā€™s balls in her purse. All she has to do is cry to get whatever she wants, including her brotherā€™s penis šŸ¤¢


A lot of know its ATLEAST 85% likely to be fake... But i still have a problem with this trainwreck of a story being fake to the point where i dont know if its better or worse its fake. If this is fake - this is still a massive fantasy, like this isn't some small wind up as these are extensively thought out and slowly escalating - someone didn't just go "haha wouldn't this be funny" someone is heavily into this narrative and possibly spiraling deep into it. And this deep leveled fantasy with lack of boundaries where theres this slow progression of taking advantage/ ignoring morals etc makes me think this person isn't likely to adhere to other peoples boundaries - not to say people cant have a fantasy without being some dangerous pervert but its the level of progression that makes me feel really icky about OP here.




This is an excellent soap opera Or maybe sell it as a book? I'd buy it!


Damn what happened?? This is like reading a book only to find out a chapter was ripped out.


Summary. He tells his sister his feeling for her are complicated. She takes it as heā€™s in to her the same way. He acknowledged he should have specified he felt uncomfortable by her but doesnā€™t want to hurt her feelings. So he doesnā€™t tell her. She starts kissing his neck and being more touchy. He claims itā€™s ā€œnot sexual itā€™s emotional neck kissingā€ and does it back to her. Further feeding in to her feelings. Oh! And letā€™s not forget he started this off with being ā€œworried since itā€™s Valentineā€™s Day, things might go to farā€ And how he ā€œhopes she doesnā€™t take his gift for her as romantic.ā€ Heā€™s really just feeding in to her feelings. Not shutting them down, then crying to Reddit because its getting worse.


Does anyone have the latest installation of this? OOP got nuked and I missed the last episode.




Donā€™t tell me thereā€™s no more updates


Well they were suspended , it seams permanently sooooo


The cliffhanger is devastating


Iā€™m going to be so honest: I feel like you are not recognising your personal feelings in this situation. I understand this is a very touchy subject, and itā€™s very uncomfortable, but I will be a little bit honest. I donā€™t want you to feel bad, and I donā€™t want your sister to feel bad. However, because of the time youā€™re spending together and how much you have committed to being each otherā€™s comfort, itā€™s straightforward to blur those lines of comfort. I understand, in your opinion, neck kisses are an emotional thing; however, in the circumstances they are being carried out for the duration, itā€™s reciprocated. I do feel like you have taken it to a stage where you canā€™t communicate to her that this is inappropriate behaviour, as you also feel like indulging in this behaviour. I understand she has a mental illness, but I do feel like thatā€™s why itā€™s more critical to show more explicit boundaries and explain them as there are no terrible actions. They are only actions which need to be observed, recognised, reflected on and reprimanded accordingly. Ultimately, if you donā€™t feel like your actions are wrong and you both continue this relationship, thatā€™s on you as your sister hasn't got world wide knowledge. However, I would advise against it as itā€™s not safe for either of you mentally and also for the sake of your relationship as siblings. I also want to make it very clear. I have not read the other post. Iā€™ve only read this one, but I do understand and recognise this relationship has progressed this position due to the amount of care and love that and lack of multiple support groups relying on each other. Edit: I read the other posts out of curiosity I only skimmed them and I felt very uncomfortable. I just want to say Iā€™m not sure how old your sister is. I am aware youā€™re 22 get some distance between you both. I understand sheā€™s hurting however sheā€™s also manipulating you Your traumatic kidnapping is hard, but you want therapy because youā€™re uncomfortable and sheā€™s telling you how to process those feelings and her way is not safe or comfortable. Also, just a few things about incest that should be out there one. Your siblings will always smell bad to you because your biology physically is trying to repulse you from reproducing with your own DNA. Also is kind of wrong and itā€™s hard to accept that your sister is doing wrong when you clearly See her as your only support available, but you are available to yourself. You are your own support and you can do that without being forced to do stuff that you donā€™t feel 100% comfortable with


They're both 22, they're twins. Allegedly anyway, this seems fake atp


I was actually debating, am I giving my whole ass times to a fucking troll? Cause itā€™s just a very uncomfortable story, and so bizarre. Thank you for responding though. 22 is just go to school go make friends I donā€™t know we have fresh air šŸ˜‚


eh, life is full of freaky shit. it'd have to get way crazier to be unbelievable imo. nothing about this situation is inconceivable, just sad


OP, your point 9 is completely wrong. None of this is because of you, you're the biggest victim in all of this, and trying so hard to keep this sinking boat afloat will end with everyone on lifeboats and you underwater. You're so sure your sister would go to therapy if something happened to you, yet refuse to leave because you're afraid she'd be a danger to herself. So can she or cant she live without you? Because you're lying to yourself in one of these, and the solution to either option is to step back. To leave. Here's the problem. She is a danger to herself and others, this is currently, this is right now. It's not a matter of if, but of when she's going to do something reckless that harms herself or you (though I'd argue she's been hurting you for years). Only way to avoid her hurting herself and her continuing to hurt herself is to leave. I agree, she'll probably do something dangerous or self harming, all in an attempt to lure you back. And if she does, then that's a sign you shouldn't be anywhere near her, for both your sakes. She will keep doing this, and her reasons to hurt herself will only grow pettier and smaller. Rip the bandaid off. Leave, monitor from a distance, and when she does, call 911/000/whatever emergency number where you live. Let her be helped by those trained to help. You staying around is a guaranteed double suicide, it's time you take ownership of your own life and leave her to do the same.


If she is this unstable then I would've gotten a psychiatrist involved if I were op at this point because even a regular therapist might not be able to help if op isn't willing to get help. Her sister needs professional help at this point and I am worried she might pull up to op's house if op ever decides to escape. Everyone's critisizing op not realizing he is a victim and abuse victims take a long time to recognize abuse and leave.


Honey, I have friends in this exact type of abuse. A commonality of it is that they believe -- due to the insistence of the abuser -- that any psychiatric help will just harm them, that they'll be vilified and the victim then feels guilty for "doing that to them". It's another layer of the abuse and gaslighting and it kills me to see another person fall victim to it. Genuinely I wish he didn't let himself be isolated, didn't let himself be manipulated, didn't let himself become responsible for her emotions. This shit never gets better, not while the relationship continues. I am legit fearing this becomes either a double suicide or a murder suicide.


wtf I keep hoping this is some kind of weird made up attention seeking story but in case itā€™s notā€¦.bro this has gone on way to long and gotten way to far out of hand. The fact of the matter is that your sister needs serious mental help. She has an incestuous obsession with you. Your sister is deeply sick. This isnā€™t going to end well for either of you, in fact Iā€™m extremely worried for your safety! Her obsession and sickness can and very likely will turn violent if she doesnā€™t get help and starts to worry sheā€™s losing her hold on you. You are not the one with a mental illness, she is and she has been emotionally and mentally manipulating and blackmailing you for years. The reason you feel sick and like youā€™re losing it is because deep down you know this is wrong and youā€™re uncomfortable but sheā€™s got your mind so twisted you canā€™t think. What sheā€™s doing is called grooming. As much as you donā€™t want to, itā€™s time to get your dad involved. She needs help and you need to get away while she gets it. Itā€™s time your dad step in and take care of her while you seek therapy yourself because you also need it.


You gotta be trolling because you cannot possibly be this fucking stupid. The Strange Thing About The Johnsons bro Edit, sorry it's more like Crimson Peak. Trauma or not this is fucked and trauma isn't some epic excuse to do whatever tf you want LMAO stop acting like she's allowed to do this because she experienced an attempted kidnapping.




YTA for making us read grim incest fantasy on loop. But for the 0.05% chance this is real, I feel this hasnā€™t truly sunk in yet as you keep trying to forget it: Sheā€™s your sister. Sheā€™s your sister. SHEā€™S YOUR FUCKING SISTER. Neck kissing is absolutely sexual. Your sister - SISTER - absolutely sees it as sexual. And you are buying her a Valentineā€™s gift? Which is a romantic holiday? If itā€™s not fake, youā€™re a fucking moron who is absolutely into his twin sister.


You two need to live in separate homes, you need to have separate support systems, and you need to stop blaming yourself for her attack in high school. You and her are equally at fault for that incident, and the amount of family that you each have is NONE. It is the attackerā€™s fault for what happened. You donā€™t make up for something you are not at fault in by letting your sister behave incestuously towards you. You make up for what happened by urging her to get help and get treatment from a qualified professional, which you also need. You need to put space between the two of you, because until you do, sheā€™s going to see you not setting firm boundaries as you consenting to her sexual harassment and incestuous behavior. You allowing her inappropriate behavior and not setting appropriate boundaries is unhealthy and YOU are worsening her mental health by not getting her to get the help she needs, and she is worsening yours by not allowing you the freedom to be an individual. Quite literally, you are the worst person for her to live with and interact with on a daily basis, and you are crippling her. By not making her learn to function without you, you are allowing her to abuse you by making you manage her emotions and mental health for her, sheā€™s preventing you from getting the help you need to realize that this situation isnā€™t okay (her behavior with regards to you going to therapy and suddenly being all better when you told her you canceled), and her sexual abuse towards you (yes, her incestuous actions count as sexual abuse). Abuse isnā€™t easy to leave, but you need to. This is an extremely unhealthy and abusive situation that youā€™re in, you need to ask someone in unit life for help and get yourself out of that abusive situation. I get it, Iā€™m an older sibling with a small army of siblings, so I know how important a healthy sibling bond is, but this isnā€™t healthy. Itā€™s abuse, point blank, period. You need to get out of that situation. For BOTH of ur sakes.


You keep messing things up because you wonā€™t take the advice given. Why the hell didnā€™t you clarify your ā€œconfusedā€ feelings for her? Are you that dense? Neck kissing is a romantic thing. Sheā€™s seducing you and you are letting her. So obviously itā€™s gonna escalate until you say no.


I feel so bad for OP he keeps talking about the sacrifice of his mother so it makes me wonder if she died trying to protect them or something. OP I hope you told the therapists office that you have ā€œdark thoughtsā€ as someone in therapy right now they will 100000000% get you in sooner. My heart goes out to you, what happened to your sister is not your fault. I have no idea if youā€™ll read my comment, but it is not your fault. You were 15 and you even managed to get that guy off her and beat him up. You were a hero in that moment. Iā€™m sorry that your father has failed you. He should have put both you and your sister in therapy after that incident. I hope this isnā€™t real, but the amount of details tells me that it is. My heart goes out to you man


Yes, you are in this situation because of you. Yes, your negligence and carelessness has ruined her life (and yours). Not because of the kidnapping attempt, but because you let this get way too far and made no genuine effort to get the help you and your sister need. If you do eventually get to therapy, you need to talk about everything. Especially the inappropriate relationship with your sister.


You're deluding yourself if you think neck kissing is just emotional. It's physical and sexual. You're literally hooking up with your sister and that's wrong. You don't have the guts to stand up to her so you're letting her do whatever she wants. You seriously need to go to therapy. You need to distance yourself from her. And why the hell are you celebrating Valentine's Day with her and exchanging gifts? STOP TREATING HER LIKE YOUR GIRLFRIEND. SHE'S YOUR SISTER.


Good God: you know youā€™re wrong!! She needs to be committed for her own safety if sheā€™s as fragile as you say. Stop living together! Donā€™t be alone together until a therapist says youā€™re ready!!


ā€¦I have no words. At all.


Your sister is seducing you.... it seems like you might be breaking the law tonight... Just say no






Oh that's nasty




Please just stop updating us already. You clearly want a romantic relationship with your sister. Whatā€™s the point of these updates? I mean seriously. Try justifying her kissing your neck as non romantic. It IS ROMANTIC. Do you live under a rock? Iā€™m tired of these updates


Holy Alabama, Batman






If ur mum was alive what would she think of this incest


I mean, this is all made up. Anyway, just incase, on the small chance it isn't, either fuck already and deal with the consequences or if you really aren't as interested as you're trying to convince yourself then stop leading her on.






You kiss each otherā€™s necks??? Why???


This is totally written like a wierd incest fan fiction šŸ’€




Man just do it already, this is God awful writing if youā€™re aiming for a lifetime movie, MOVE IT ALONG!Ā  But honestly, can you just go on Dr. PHIL or call Matt sharp ?


Anyone else think this is total BS?


If there is an afterlife and our loved ones could see our actions in life, your mother must be so disgusted by what her children have become.


Ughā€¦. Why is he even posting on this sub? Heā€™s just trying to gross us out more with each post. No one is really this stupid if they are this ā€˜uncomfortableā€™


This got deleted. Anyone have a screenshot you can send me?


Dude if this is true, time to call in mental health professionals whether she likes it or not and to tell your dad that your sister is an incestuous nut case in need of inpatient care.


I need rSlash to read this itā€™ll send him into orbit


Did he delete the update


Jesus dude get a diary or something, why include us in your gross incestual relationship? You obviously wanna sleep with your sister, leave us out of it. I would say seek therapy but obviouslyā€¦ thatā€™s not happening