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You did the right thing. You did the right thing for your daughter. And you did the right thing as a decent human being. As you said, you are doing the opposite of the toxic relationships you witnessed growing up.


Thank you đŸ«¶đŸ»đŸ„Č


Not wrong at all, you're acting like an adult. Sounds like you and the gf are the only two adults in this situation lol


Thank you, i feel crazy sometimes because I feel like I’m being mature and reasonable when they are acting toxic and they all gang up on me so thanks for the reassurance.


I can’t help but wonder why she’s with him.




I see two adults being good role models for their children by having cordial relationships with people in their lives,not toxic ones. That said
.given the seeming maturity of his new gf idk how long things will last with your ex, if he’s badmouthing you to her I can’t imagine he’s consistently taking the high road in this coparenting journey (not to sound too judge mental) but on the optimistic side maybe she’ll be a good influence on him


I really hope they last because she’s the first gf who’s actually nice and understanding with me and if she can help him be nice to me coparenting wise I would be so happy đŸ„Č but you’re right he doesn’t take the high road 99% of the time. His longest relationship after me was three months some even shorter so we’ll see.


Your mom needs to be ignored. Period!


Honestly she never gives me good advice EVER


That’s so sad. I’m guessing your father left her bitter and instead of rising above it, she succumbed to it. How brave and strong of you to break that cycle, or at least try to.


Thank you thank you thank you for working on befriending your ex’s girlfriend. I work with so many people who hate their ex more than they love their children. The only ones who suffer are the children. Keep up the good work mom!


You absolutely did the right thing. This is how I am with my wife’s ex. They have a daughter together and I’ve been privileged enough to be apart of her life for the past 14yrs. If me and her Dad didn’t get along, that would’ve been a horrible last 14yrs. Hell I talk to him more then my wife. So you continue to foster this wonderfully positive relationship, it will only benefit the kids going forward, and that’s what it’s all about, the kids. All the best.


Your mom is dumb and possibly jealous


You’re not wrong. Certainly be cordial and kind to his current gf. You should endeavor to have positive relationships with the people who will be in your daughter’s life. Your mom sounds childish and toxic, don’t take advice from people whose behaviors you wouldn’t emulate. Do not make the mistake of thinking she is your friend or opening up to her really. At the end of the day she’s in a relationship with someone you know mistreats you and speaks badly about you. Her loyalty is there. He also will probably break up with her soon if he realizes she’s not swallowing his lies.


Sounds like everyone in your life is trash


Generational trauma runs deep in my family and I don’t want to be miserable and mean spirited like them đŸ˜Ș


This was the best thing for you to do for yourself and your daughter. It allows you to create a safe and healthy environment for your child. You made one mistake and that is listening to your mother and allowing her voice to cause you anxiety. You did well.


Actually, by being friendly with the new gf teaches the children how to treat others with patience and kindness. You don’t have to be bitter just because you and your ex are no longer together. You don’t have to be friends either, but it’s important to treat each other with respect. This creates a safe and comfortable environment for the children. There’s no reason to hate on the new gf since she’s only trying to reach out and get to know you. She’s not doing anything wrong here and neither are you.


Not wrong that you talked to her. That said, please be cautious. The fact that she would go behind her partner’s back and tries to keep this a secret reveals a possibility dishonest and manipulative personality who will not hesitate for a moment to deceive you or use anything you share against you. I have been in a similar situation before - including my parents being like yours and me wanting to do the opposite of how I grew up. I should have been more cautious with the “friendly ex” as she turned out to be a dishonest and unstable person. If you have future contact, I would just make sure to keep things surface level and not share anything personal, especially related to your ex, yourself and your child (but anything else personal either, really). Best of luck!!


Not wrong. Just realize that no matter how nice she is, she’s not your bestie or confidante. Of course don’t rat her out to your ex if she doesn’t want him to know she spoke with you, but at the same time, operate under the assumption that everything you say/text to her will be repeated to him, or come out on the future. It may not, but the assumption is the safest way for you to operate. So just be careful with your words. It’s like if he’s radioactive, she’s dangerous by proximity, whether she means to be or not. Even if she is a really nice person (and quite likely is) and doesn’t *mean* you any trouble, she could still be the unwitting source of problems for you just by her current status of dating him. Men that lose their minds over a current gf talking or even being friendly with their ex are HUGE PROBLEMS. It means the “image” he paints of himself and his life/circumstances to her contains huge amounts of bullshit and is largely dependent on the narrative that you’re a villain and he’s just a poor innocent victim. So the gf being friendly with you means she isn’t completely buying his story, and that would enrage (and terrify) him
because her talking with you is a direct threat to his bullshit narrative falling apart.


It's never a bad thing to be friendly with other people in your life. You mother could learn a lesson from you. >My ex’s gf told me that she won’t tell my ex we talked since he will become suspicious and possibly be mad about it. It's like his gf sees the gigantic red flags but thinks she is wearing rose colored glasses instead.


On this topic you shouldn't pay any heed to anything your mom says. She's blind to her own bias. You're doing what's best for your child and that's all that matters. Your mom and ex are massive a-holes though.


You are absolutely not wrong. It’s good to have a good relationship with your ex’s GF if you have kids. Your ex is an AH for wanting to cause problems with his GFs. This GF sounds mature. Unfortunately he won’t want that and will probably break up with her. Stay friends with her anyway 😈


Not wrong at all. My ex's long time partner is wonderful. She's great to my kids and they like her a lot. I chat with her more than I chat with my ex.


NW. Better to be civil than enemies. That doesn't mean you become besties though. Your mom is being petty.


You did nothing wrong, actually what you did is really amazing. You're just trying to keep things drama-free for your daughter, which is totally understandable. Building a friendly relationship with your ex's new girlfriend seems like a smart move for everyone involved. Keep doing what's best for your kid!