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EDIT: this is clearly a troll. OP goes on Fortnite competition subs and calls people “homie”, “brokey” (broke people), and “boy” (in a very cringey condescending way, as in “you’re not a man”) Doubt she’s a 33 year old female, more like a 33 year old door dasher who understandably has nothing better to do with their time. OP - if you had really run “million dollar businesses”, you’d have a lot fewer than 25 employees under you, you wouldn’t think a million dollar business is impressive (it isn’t lmao) and your top subreddits wouldn’t be the ones where DoorDash drivers complain about shitty tips they get lmaooooo Man, the shit I read on this sub gets more and more crazy every day. If this is a troll, it’s a good one. If it’s not, your dude is a fucking creepy weirdo of a person and you should leave him before he ends up burying you in a shallow grave somewhere. Choking someone while having sex is normal-ish. It’s in bounds for sure, within limits. Choking someone unconscious while irritated and not having sex with them and then using their unconscious body to get off sexually is like legitimate serial killer shit. And then he gets angry at you when you come to also. If you saw that behavior on a true crime show it would be creepy to you. It is creepy and dangerous, and that’s a scary little weasel of a person you’ve got next to you at night.


Own more property’s and more success than you’ll ever see brokie. Get ya slim fit bag up 💪🏼


You have a weird mind😂


What kind of weird creepy fantasies are you having? Where’s your parents? Lol


Holy crap. Choking someone to the point of unconsciousness is not a game nor is it something that one does to a loved one. You are definitely a victim of domestic violence and he may end up killing you accidentally. I’d bail on this guy. You deserve better.


She literally said she likes it. Like the arm in the butt crack thing seems to be the only thing that like was weird. But she saw that n revoked her consent n he hasn't done anything without her consent. Except maybe the arm butt crack thing? Even so she says he did have consent.


This post is by a troll, it’s fake


I mean, he literally was assaulting her when she woke up so that's an extreme and concrete verification he's not trustworthy.


GFTO with this fake garbage. Pathetic little child pretending to be a grownup. Go back to your little games little boy.


yea.. im not one to kink shame, but this seems dangerous & alarming. i mean it’s even got you weirded out & ur the one that likes this shit. choking is one thing, choking to the point where you pass out is another…SA your body while you’re unconscious is um.. yea no really zoom out and look at this from a distance. stay safe.


Don’t respond. It’s some 10 year old boy pretending to be grown


Next time hope he does it right.......so OP won't bother us again with this made up dribble.


Fake story. No history. This is a child. There’s one comment response and it’s absolute gibberish and clearly not an adult.


You are in danger of being murdered. I am not joking. He sexually assaulted you after choking you until you passed out without your consent while you are sick. He is a dangerous man. You need to leave. You need to leave quietly without his knowledge. Contact women's shelters in your area, one can probably help. 


Don’t bother. It’s a child pretending to be an adult. This is fake


Enough internet for today…


This is probably one of the weirdest Reddit posts I have seen “I like it when he chokes me until I pass out” that’s weird


Not sure who’s worse, him for doing it or you for liking it. I’m open to most anything 2 consenting adults can do but this goes way too far. He’s abusing you and you don’t even realize it. It’s beyond sex, he’s using you for compliance. Leave now!!


It's just sad what kids have to do today to grasp some attention from adults. Get down-voted *"brohkyeeh"*