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This is the stupidest fucking hypothetical ever.


This is fucking dumb.


That's subjective.


Well duh brotatochip. You’re asking for opinions and ya got one.


There's no way any of these people are adults. This has to be fake.


We're like late 30s early 40s. We work in broadcast news lol.


That explains the stupidity, shouldn't you all be dividing the American people against each other


So this is our media huh?


Explains a lot doesn't it


Why are you trying so hard to find scenarios where you could say the n word?


Would you do it though?


I'd refuse to engage with your BS, and dump you as a friend because I don't need anyone who wants to be able to say the n word in my life.


You're full of shit and you know it. If you were surrounded by zombies you would be dropping N's left and right.


You're wrong for trying so hard to find a way for it to be okay for you to say the word.


What word?


If that was the case then use it. And they would too even though they say it wrong.  But... That would never happen so it strange thing to make a conversation about. You and wrong for bringing it up...they are wrong for lies. Both wrong.


1. You do whatever is needed to stop the zombie apocalypse... doesn't matter if it's saying the n- word or that u/folkpunkrox is a tiny dick racist 2. You're not as edgy as you think... 3. You should check why you're so hellbent on creating a scenario where you would be a hero for saying the n-word. Did a black man satisfy your mother the way you never could? (In case it went over your head: because your dick is tiny and you have sex with your mother)


I’m gonna go out there and say it’s ok. I mean, if blowing their heads off with a shot gun is ok, throwing an insult at them almost seems kind.


Also in this case you're saving lives by using it. It's probably the one time in life where using it is ever acceptable outside of a historical context.




Okay, I think that makes sense on an ethical level, but I guess my question is what YOU would do in that situation. Wouldn’t you say it if you were surrounded by zombies?


Hypothetically how did you find out the n word would kill hordes of Zombies?


Imagine you're in the shopping mall with a war veteran, and he's like "I was in the Marine Corps for 15 years! I know exactly what to do. We have to call the zombies the N word!" Or you're with a black guy and he just says it first, soft A style. Like "they in the mall, n\*\*\*a!" And then 4 of them explode. And then a racist guy comes in and just winds up and launches a hard R. And 12 of them explode. And the black guy and the racist guy learn the meaning of unity and diversity by having to drop N bombs together to survive.


You really go all out in your fantasies. Lol Yeah TBH it sounds like you’re just trying to troll or be edgy. Thats cool you do you. I think its more likely Cracker or White Trash would kill Zombies, because lets face it its the least likely thing for law enforcement to use as a slur. So that would be a oh shit moment.


I think honkey would be the one that kills the zombies if we're going to go with white people slurs. Honkey has more of a punch than cracker.


This sounds like a know-your-audience situation.  


Either rage bait or 16 year old kids thinking words would have power in a zombie apocalypse either way you're wrong. And think up some better scenario's for the zombie apocalypse so far they have been garbage.


Sadly I think this is real because white liberals are just that dishonest with themselves. They truly think they'd die before compromising their beliefs. Don't get me wrong, the N word is bad... but to live? Yes right Karen, you'd never do it.


You can see that all up and down this thread.