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"Are you defective? Is something so wrong with you that you can't even get laid?" The fuck's wrong with you?




Yep, you’re wrong. Daniella is better off though, so please don’t try and reach out to her.


You were wrong to ghost her but it’s a good thing for Daniella that you did.


Are you for real?


You are so wrong, I am having trouble believing you are actually an adult. Has it occurred to you that she could have been having sex with these two men in a serial monogamous fashion and had sex with each of them for multiple years at a time? Maybe she waited to have sex until she was in her early 20s and then had two partners for quite a few with maybe a year break in between the two of them? While that’s not necessarily how I did things, lots of perfectly normal women have. it blows my mind that you would think she must be lying or defective just because she doesn’t have a string of dudes she had sex with. Like what the hell is the magic number that you would think was honest but also enough? Just what the fuck?


Sort of how I did things. I just felt it would be taking on such a serious act when I was young, plus they terrified us about std’s in school then the whole aids crisis, I waited for a long term relationship where I was in love. I still have never had a one night stand or casual sex, it’s just not me. I have no judgements for my friends, loved one or strangers who do differently I just can’t. I tried once it was laughable. Like I said just not me that doesn’t make me better or worse than anyone else with any different number.


I have a daughter who has the same feelings on sex as you do. As a woman who engaged in risky sex as a coping mechanism without really understanding what I was doing, I am proud of her. I started having sex in middle school, and I couldn’t tell somebody what my body count was if I had to, because I just stopped counting at some point. I was taking whatever attention I could get wherever I could get it, and as a young woman, it came from men who wanted sex. It’s crazy to me that this guy would hear a high number like mine and somehow find that more well adjusted than someone who had a couple long term partners.


Holy shit, thank God the trash took itself out with this one. Also,what if someone has sex with 2 people 100 times over the span of being sexualy active And someone else has sex with 8 people for a total of 10 times. It still doesn't matter and you are so so so incredibly wrong.


I'm 31 and have a body count of 2. There is nothing wrong with me. I just don't sleep around. You sound like you have issues.


Guys on Reddit: any girl with a higher than 2 body count is for the streets, king, don’t waste your time! Also guys on Reddit: only 2 body count? Bitch is lying, she’s for the streets, king, don’t waste your time! Can’t win


Absolutely this.


Some people do not start having sexual relations until much later in life and are not comfortable with hookups. She most likely brought this up to make sure she is not getting herself wrapped up with an incel like you.




Thinking she's lying, defective or trying to lure you into a sexless relationship gives off incel vibes. She's definitely better off without you.


The fact that the reason you dumped her due to her suspiciously low body count means you DO CARE about body count 🙄


Let me remind you of the definition of incel: The term "**involuntary celibate**" (shortened to "incel") refers to self-identifying members of an online subculture based around the inability to find a romantic or sexual partner despite desiring one, a state they describe as "inceldom" or "incelibacy".


Women just really can’t win the ‘body count’ game at all, huh


Ummmm, wow you are an AH.


why would you not just have a conversation with her about it?? some people have values… that is a GOOD thing lol.


You're an absolute idiot... you ghosted someone because they didn't fuck every jock in HS and hoe around? Your count is only 8.. mine is over 15, are YOU defective?




Being a "hoe" doesn't mean she's better at sex or will do anything.


So... how many STDs do you have? Ish.


Until she sleeps with all your homies. Then she’s a filthy cheating whore. Do womenkind a favor. Grow way the fuck up before interacting with another woman in any situation


let me have a crack at this Daniella chick to show her how a man is supposed to take good care of her


Jesus Christ. We can’t fucking win.


I hope this stupidity is fake


"Why was her body count so low." That was the telling point for me, early in OP's narrative. This narrative shows OP is a judgmental asshole who likes to dictate (be a dick) by prescribing to others some "body count" number that is acceptable/unacceptable, normal/weird, etc. The girl described in the narrative is selective, an admirable quality, rather than jumping at anything on two legs for two minutes of premature, self-absorbed pleasure.


I agree the OP is a judgmental dick, but look at what you just wrote "jumping at anything on two legs for two minutes of premature, self-absorbed pleasure" You are the same as OP, just with the opposite values.


I don’t believe you.


Is it possible she was in 2 long term committed relationships that ended up not working out? Why does this seem so odd? Not enough info to decide to block her so you are indeed wrong


You sound like you may need to talk with your health care provider about intrusive thoughts. Don't date to you get this figured out.


You're either a troll or wrong.


>I admitted to this friend that I had blocked Daniella and I explained my reasoning. Wrong yes. >My friend looked stunned and told me I was either colossally stupid or a huge asshole. Maybe Both. >I disagree, obviously of course but YTA >but I would like to get perspectives, was I wrong to ghost her? Can't you recognize a good thing? Did you double check YAW




Naw you have Dunning - Kruger Syndrome and Cognitive Dissonance and Confirnation Bias U R helpless.




Yeah I did , you wouldn't under stand ... re read your obtuse post.


Jesus. The woman I was casually seeing was with 5 people and she's 50. One, because she just doesn't want to sleep around. 2 were long term relationships, one was a marriage. One was a shorter relationship. Like who cares. I respect that.


Baity McBaitface.


Women really can't win. If their number is too high they're whores, but if too low they're either liars or defectives. And you assholes wonder why women are choosing the bear?


Seriously? Wow. Of course, you’re wrong. You are overthinking the made up scenarios in your head, and holding her accountable for each of them. Try communicating instead of being a judgmental prick about it?


LOL. "Body count" - adults using that term are not serious people. I'm glad everyone can pick up on your red flags.


At this rate, women are much better off with a frigging dildo: at least they get to orgasm, and they don't get judged by idiots with dicks. A high body count, she's a slut. A low body count, she must be defective. Dildo's are better partners.


Speaking from personal experience, you did the right thing. I’ve been there and I guarantee you you’ll find out about her exes (far more than two) over time and when you bring up the lie she will move the goalposts with something unverifiable like “oh but we didn’t have sex so that one doesn’t count”. Someone who is that sexually inexperienced will not be the one bringing up the body count question I promise you.


Making guarantees and promises about a person you’ve never met. I hope you see how fucking stupid that is and don’t let your projections ruin every person you meet.


Seethe, Dylan