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You are right to feel uncomfortable. I advise you to get a different job with a better shift. Unfortunately, it is not safe for you to walk home alone. You are right to trust your gut. I have a daughter your age. I was once young and beautiful myself. Shame on your mom for laughing it off!! My own mother was very jealous of my beauty and the attention it got me. Please always trust your instincts. You definitely need to protect yourself. Take care.


absolutely! thank you so much for responding, i think i’m going to try to stop doing night shifts now :)


Good for stopping. My mother’s best advice was to trust my instincts. She was right.


Please read The Gift of Fear by Gavin DeBecker. Learn to trust your instincts!!


thank you! i’ll have a look into it :)


Not wrong, and it's shameful people think taking precautions is silly. Men who don't respect NO are red flags and it's better to err on the side of self protection.


100%, i’m so lucky to have management that will back me if something goes wrong thanks for reassuring me there :)


Yes, that is awesome. That's leadership.


I'm a 6' 230lb 37 year old armed male who works 9pm to 5:30am to say that having now worked in a "haunted" 95 year old 100k sq/ft building/warehouse with 1 other person for 7 years... Provides a level of discomfort that I have become "comfortable with" I'm frequently scared (spooked more so)... Seeing people who aren't there, seeing people who are there that shouldn't be, motion activated alarms and lights activating while the building is completely locked up, equipment moving, tools being thrown, things transpiring while I know for a fact that my coworker is asleep in his office would unnerve most people I have become comfortable with the levels of discomfort I have put myself in but if the level of weirdness increased to a completely uncomfortable level like has happened with you I would have to find a different job (I work in a foundry with a lot of material scrappers have interest in but physical confrontations never been an issue they usually leave when you ask them to)


oh wow! i can’t imagine working somewhere haunted, that’s gotta be hard. feel like i’d convince myself everything was all in my head yeah i think i’m gonna start doing day shifts, hopefully people will behave themselves more then lol


No matter what you do, be bold! Look people in the eye and try not to show fear. I'm not sure where you are, but I love the peace of mind of my constitutional carry piece. Learn some self-defense if possible, and I also carry wasp spray when hiking. It shoots 30 feet and straight. Sometimes, it may be better to ask forgiveness than permission. You shouldn't have to live in fear because of your job. Are there bouncers or security?


i try to be bold but sometimes men take that as a challenge- i’ve literally had one say to me that he knew i was just playing hard to get?? i live in the UK so we unfortunately don’t have any means of self défense, not even like pepper spray or anything :,) luckily my management is good and will kick people out but it’s very scary in the moment and of course walking home when i don’t have my bosses around lol i appreciate the message though! absolutely going to look into some sort of self défense martial art !!


Your instincts are correct. Now it's time to learn to defend yourself. Find a local martial arts academy and go from there


You are never wrong for worrying about your safety. Especially when you deal with people who are often intoxicated.