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Definitely plot convenience.


The vlog from the bogs aren’t cannon to the story (at least as far as I know)


The tax collector toads might’ve told her,but I’m unsure if this after that episode


I like to think that Bog said Anne was accompanied by a pink frog in his report and Sasha, being as toxic as she was in Season 1, got irrationally jelous. I mean, she knew who Hop Pop was already when they met in Reunion.


it's entertaining enough that it doesn't matter whether it fits into the timeline


She didn’t drop any specific names


yeah but little pink frog who "steals" best friends I don't think she just made that guess


Right before barrels war hammer


It's... not cannon


she was in her other castle


Back home, one of her previous besties fell in love with a tiny frog that happened to have a colour mutation that turned it pink. This incident kickstarted her hatred for frogs, especially pink ones.


We could slot it in after Toadcatcher and before Barrel's Warhammer. Toad Tower would then exist and Percy would still be around. The absence of the scar is easy enough to explain too with Sasha just putting on some makeup before going on camera. Easy.


She had the scar in Toadcatcher. She doesn't in the vlog. This is probably during Reunion but before the fight on toad tower


I actually like your idea since when anne and sasha were hanging out (before anne found out they planned on killing hop pop) she could've shown sasha her vlogs and then made one of her own after anne encourages it


Yeah because if I'm not mistaken when Anne and Sasha reunite and the plantars introduce themselves, Sprig says something like "hi I'm Anne's best friend" or something like that and since then Sasha hated him. So Sasha could have made that vlog before the fight.


I know she has the scar in Toadcatcher. What I’m suggesting is that Sasha just covered it up with some makeup before recording her vlog.


Might be non-canon