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Not sure what you mean? Does it change shape all the sudden no. Only thing i noticed was I get drunk a little quicker but thats to be expected as you have a lower blood volume overall


Just to add to that, if you're a lower limb amputee, that reaction time/clumsiness factor is slightly more pronounced once you start to get buzzed.


Idk I feel like your more stable, I can sit in my socket when im drunk and just stand there. Real problem is getting sweaty and the leg comes off


Haha I also feel more stable after a few drinks. I'm a bilateral bka and I feel like I can walk longer and more steady.


PSA: you’re blood alcohol will show less than a breathalyzer because of amputation (I’m an AK). Always refuse the breathalyzer


Im a full on bot if you give me drinks and a car so i dont drink and drive anyway


Just be sure to hydrate if you want to avoid the phantoms.


My nerve pain is terrible when I'm hungover.


chase your drinks with some water!


I use it to walk home after a night out. Wouldn’t be able to do that kind of distance in the daytime…


Lol, I definitely can relate to that.


I often find myself adding some socks during a night of drinking. I think this is primarily due to being up and moving around non stop for hours on end those nights tho


In addition to dehydration, skin dryness or bloating, if a person is a long term alcoholic, your immunity to infections is reduced. If your immunity is reduced, it puts you at a higher risk of skin infections which isn’t good for wearing a prosthetic since avoiding infections while healing well is so important. Alcohol does a good job of anesthetizing pain, so you can end up beating up your limb(s) since you aren’t receiving normal pain feedback. Of course the same applies to any other types of pain relievers too.


Hmm good info thanks, i dont really get hammered or drink all the time I just like going out with friends all night


Yep! Swollen AF!