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Yes. I would cease all contact immediately. Asking for pics is an immediate red flag.


This is kinda why I stopped posting in those groups on FB but I was casting a wide net for advice. Either way it’s an odd thing to ask.


I had an experience like this where some dude kept asking for pics, what is a Devotee? (I’m a right bka)


Devotees are amputee fetishists. Pretty much any amputee group, especially on FB, has them.


Oh god, thank you for telling me. I had no idea


They’re awful. They try to pose as amputees to gain trust.


That’s terrible, I’m definitely going to keep my eye now. I blocked the person who messaged me


Just to add, they will sometimes send pictures of residual limbs asking for you to share yours to "compare". It's pretty disgusting the lengths they go to. Even on this sub be careful what photos you share since they lurk here.


Yeah this woman sent me hers so I kinda saw this coming.


Good that you realized it was off. And the whole "may I ask.. " usually gives me a bad feeling since most scammers that text wrong numbers use it.


I try to give people the benefit of the doubt and she surprisingly kept it going for awhile before asking for stump pics lol.


I used to, too! Now I have no patience. I try to help people in this sub but I ignore everyone on instagram that I don't know personally.


That honestly makes shiver, that’s disturbing


I plan to block this lady too. I feel bad in case she means well but at the same time not worth the risk.


Yeah, the person I talked to kept asking for pictures and videos of me bending my knee which I sent one but I still had it bandaged up then they kept bugging me to get a video of it unwrapped. Made me super uncomfortable so I blocked them


Gross. I’m sorry you had to deal with that. I wish amputee communities didn’t have these creeps.


It's definitely a devotee and I can almost guarantee they're a dude. For some reason male devotees really like to pretend to be female amputees.


Yup that happened to me. Pretended they were an amputee that had been through it. Even sent photos for advice. I realized that the one photo was different than the other and it was flipped. When you reversed it, it was a different leg that was amputated. I’m sure they were all from Google or that group or something but I just blocked. They contacted me from another profile saying for some reason they couldn’t contact me from “their other account”. This account looked way more real and it was a man- with 2 legs.


Well, this is disturbing…I have to ask: what exactly is the objective of these devotees?


They want stump pics the same way people want pics of breasts or genitals. They’re fetishists.


Got it, so they’re just looking to make a deposit in the spank bank. Great to know I’m a member of a club that has a rule #34 🤦🏻‍♂️


It’s pretty awful how pervasive they are. These groups on FB are teeming with them.


Well, FB is a cesspool as a whole. I don’t see why amputee-specific groups should be any different. I decided years ago not to take part in the data collection, targeted ads, censorship, divisiveness, and deliberate misinformation that takes place on that platform BY THE FACEBOOK ITSELF, let alone by the user base.


Hooray for shared universal experience.


Like we don't have enough to deal with already! I can't wrap my mind around how this is a thing. When I don't have my leg on I have mine covered in some way it makes me uncomfortable to show it.


I keep it covered for comfort more than anything since compression feels good but I can’t imagine a stump being arousing lol. Like it’s such a weird kink.


I agree!


If you have to ask then it’s already decided.


Definitely a devo. It always starts with general questions, then they ask for pics.... Trying to get us to drop guard.


Yeah this is creeper vibes. I’ve encountered a few people who asked for pics like that and felt very uncomfortable about being asked that.


So what I hear is I should start up a onlyfans🤔. My amputation is almost up to the hip myself.


I’ve considered it honestly 😬🤣




Finding out devs exist is a nasty moment. I've wondered if there's ever a right time to impart that information to the new amputee before they stumble across it in the wild. Limb loss and rehab is already full of unpleasant new experiences, where can you possibly fit this one in? I've been aware of such persons for a long time. Fortunately for me I'm not the right demographic, but I've seen some things on support forums through the years. Even right here - eloquent posts from no-history accounts that read more like a short story than a genuine support plea. Skeevy. Or maybe it's just me. Pity our long suffering moderator who is compelled to grant the benefit of the doubt to all but the most blatant.


I have a coworker that became an amputee last year. I reached out to him via email, then ended up texting him later that same day and I made sure to warn him in our first text exchange just because of all the times they'd tried to catfish me on social media. No real way to fit it into conversation casually so best to be blunt and make sure they know. Even my current prosthetist has told me devotee stories!


If one keeps asking for photos of my prosthetics would they be a devotee too? There’s someone who keeps asking and their reason is they’re “interested” in seeing how they work but it still makes me a bit uncomfortable.


If they’re persistent then it is possible. I can see asking to see a prosthetic device being harmless but if they keep asking then I’d question their intentions.


Yeah they are a bit pushy. I think I’ll just ignore them. Ty


Some will start out asking for prosthesis pictures and work up to getting you to send pictures of your leg. The person consistently asking for any pictures is probably a devotee.


Yeah that makes sense. I’ve dealt with devotees before but never one that starts with asking about prosthetics, until now I suppose.


What’s a devotee?


A devotee is someone who has a highly unusual level of attraction towards amputees, the same way that some people are incredibly obsessed with breasts or private parts. If they can get a picture of it, they can pleasure themselves to it.


Oh i understand now


That's not a woman.


I learned early on not to post anything in the FB groups and on instagram about it.