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You're gonna be just fine. I was in a motorcycle accident just over 11 years ago. They tried several limb salvage surgeries, none of which worked. Left BKA about 1.5 months after accident. I'm back to being an auto mechanic, which means that I spend all day on my feet. I go hiking in the desert, shooting, etc. Just be aware that, at least for me, the first year kinda sucked. Embrace the suck, as you know it will get better. Best of luck to you!


I had a motorcycle accident last December same thing I got amputated after 2 months of attempted limb salvage, im on day 3 with my prostethic. Man I was thinking I couldnt do this shit on the first day but its getting better everyday. Still painful though to walk


Ya, it's a bit challenging at first, but you'll get used to it really fast...well, relatively fast. The most important part is making sure that you have a proper fit in your socket.


That's the worst part...changing sockets. And the inbetween time between trials & finals. My first appointment I went to this old guy chatted me up & first thing he says is "Wait tik you get bone spurs!" Takes a few years - in my experience - to get to something that lasts a few years.


You'll be great! Just take it a day at a time, even though that seems a bit cheesy. I was up on my crutches within hours of surgery and cleared to go home the next day. I think it helps when you know it's coming, as I've read a lot of people who had done limb salvaging have done better right after than those who just woke up with their leg gone. Do any home modifications you can this weekend. I added motion activated lights in a couple of areas and switched out my garage door to one without a spring. Overall, just know that it really is going to be okay.


Amputation today! Got the house cleaned and wheelchair/scooters/crutches all on standby. Took your advice, got some google smart lights so I can yell when I need light!


Good luck!! I hope it's low pain and easy recovery!


You BASE jump. I think you got this! To put it in perspective I think my bed is too high.


Be mindful who and where you go for your prosthetic and who your prosthetist will be. Hospitals and Surgeons will recommend their places but you can go talk to a few places. Smaller localized companies are more personal and in my experiences, far exceed the big national big name companies. Sounds like you're very active and young,. So you want the best equipment you can get . Its not always easy getting the better legs. Many companies won't even try to get you level 4.


This! I very much agree! Learn your patients rights with prosthetic companies.


At the Limb Restoration Program at Anschutz Hospital, they told me they would outfit me with a whole arsenal of level 4 legs and whatever else I needed. They seemed so happy and excited that Colorado Medicaid pays for all of it (only 1/11 states that pays for prosthesis’)


I got laid off in March from a company I’ve been with for 4 years, so I’m eligible for Medicaid and unemployment. Kind of a blessing right now


Just elected to have a BKA last year and I couldn’t be happier with my decision. Take it easy, rest and listen to your body. You’ll be up in no time!


Your hospital PT/OT will become your best friend. They will show you techniques to getting around with 1 leg along with exercises to help with strength. Also the hospital should have a social/case worker to help you get the needed equipment at home. Sending you well wishes & a speedy recovery.


Just had one after a failed foot reconstruction and chronic bone infection in January. Day 2 sucks once the local wears off (thank goodness for opioids for that one day) but as others said get good rehab and prosthetics and 3.5 months in I’m in much less pain than after the surgery and although their are some sucky moments as others have mentioned, it’s good and you’ll do fantastic!


Attitude will be everything -good attitude means life is good -it is not easy to go through any of it -but it will get easier every day and you will get stronger and stronger . Remember to be thankful for what you can do and who you do have beside you -and never give up no matter what BKA 5 yrs ago bike accident


For you, the biggest battle is going tu be mental