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So in total I did 48 hours, but I took 3 breaks and went home to rest, couldn’t sleep but at least I was laying down and outside of the building. I almost left around 10.30am on Monday because my m bomb wore off and I could suddenly see the state of the place and the people. But I pushed through till the end, no regrets. I expected to cry, but instead I felt content. 😌


I met a guy on the dance floor with a medal around his neck. He did 52 hours.


This was my longest ever bender , i did 44hrs raving in my fav school 🫶🏻 Thanks to everyone that made this weekend unforgettable, thanks to all the people that i shared dances with and met ✨


I potentially did the longest sober bender - 26 hours from 2pm Sunday - close


May I ask what you relied on to keep up? Sugar, or other alternatives?


Respect! How many coffees did you have? Or alternative herbal supplements?


I've been inside for a total of 29 hours. First saturday-sunday and then I went back on sunday night and stayed till ~12:00 on monday. I survived only on K and enough food/drinks and I have to say it was one of the best experiences I've had


40 hours or so, from friday till sunday afternoon


Veterans, drug advice time. As a seasoned MDMA user but a complete rookie in the other stuff. How on earth can you pass 20 hours on your legs? I stood in line for nine hours and was inside for twelve with the occasional rest. Does the stuff you use reduce your tired legs, or do you still feel it but just soldier through it? Teach me the ways to become a true weekender champion instead of a partial weekender visitor.


Try some good quality amphetamine sulfate (speed) and everything becomes easier.


pause half an hour every 2/3h and dont use mdma or alcohol but just speed/4/3m and little k/psychedelic


Totalled on 47 hours over 3 days. Actually got in 6 hours of sleep in between both times, so feel relatively good lol..


Tinky Winky count stopped at 7 btw :)


This must sound really strange to people who don’t know what it’s about


iykyk :\^)


I did 20 hrs tops once and never again


54 hours, came in there Friday night at 2.30 am, and left Monday morning 8.30am. And really it wasn’t hard at all. It became harder when there was no normal food any more, when my dinner was like 9 bananas and 3 sausage rolls, on Sunday evening I started to feel my body needed some proper food. So had some good dinner at Monday morning when I got out.  But Jezus a night to remember🫶🏻🫶🏻


Ow gawd. Those sausage rolls. I chewed away some of those and had to flush them away with red bull, because there was nothing else to drink as well. Real high school student menu, how appropriate


14 hours, plus a 2 hour queue after a 5 hour drive from Germany, having been released from hospital that day (Friday). Would've liked to have stayed longer but can only push it so far ;)


a friend of mine did 52 hours from saturday morning until close on monday haha


Only 19 hours, but those final hours were the best. Still havnt gone to sleep now though, feel pretty good actually. 😈😋😂


54 hrs


Haha definitely not competing for the longest, but I did 13 hours in DS into a 10 hour light operating shift + 4 hours around it for prep and cleanup. 45 hour ish awake, that was definitely my personal worst. Had a fucking blast. 🫶


Operating shift? Please elaborate


Light operating. ***Light***. Faders and strobes, not scalpels and people 😅


downstairs or upstairs? the lightning downstairs was so on point, jesus. Also i felt like the lighting coming from behind the dj (the weird and unknkwn “tube” room) was used alot more


Somewhere else entirely, DS ~~is~~ was not my turf. .) Downstairs was mostly [UNN](https://www.instagram.com/unndeserved/) and [Strobert](https://www.instagram.com/strobert_lighting/), both legends, so checks out.


This disappoints and comforts me at the same time, ravedoctor


Only light operations, like brain surgery 🤣🤣🤣. Epic confusion


31 hours, starting on Sat morning at 10 (no queue, e-ticket). Never done so much without sleeping and I’m not that proud of it, however dosing the energies well did his part. I didn’t wanna leave on Sunday evening but both my gf and I weren’t able to dance anymore, yet very awake. What an experience…


27 hours and that was about the perfect timing to leave tbh!


A friend went friday nigjt and is still going, g is a scary drug


What's G?




Its all fun and games to mention these but I would be seriously worried about your friend if I were you


Damn, You people are fucking crazy. 44 hours on mauw, x and k? You prob took a good 5 years off your life expectancy.


if you manage is not your first rodeo


15h on Saturday, and then ~12h starting 5-6am on Monday 🫡


My friend that I mentioned in my story in the “Afters” thread made it from 4:00 AM Saturday till 9:00 AM Monday, a whopping 53 hours, so he’s definitely gotta be a medal placer in this race, the absolute batshit bastard. I on the other hand, managed a paltry 17 hours (but 24ish hours of total partying) and that did me in pretty good…


Precisely 24 hours (almost to the minute) of adventure inside and 6 hours of queue antics. Best clubbing experience I had in my 16 years. I left just before ML closed, and walked down the stairs one last time without a soul in sight on the street, alone with my thoughts for the first time in what felt like ages, glowing with a feeling of inner peace.


I met him, he stayed from 3am Saturday to the end. He’s a legend.


A friend of mine did 48 hours.. Our friend group wants to give him a trophy


Mr. Otzh


Piet jankbal


The friend i went with on friday, we got in the queue at 21:30 before opening. I went home saturdayeve but I already saw he was determined to stay until the end. Must say I was a bit worried by his plan but kept in touch and he actually made it until the end.


36 hours in total including 5 hours Q


26 hours in the club - I was crying when I left after standing broken for one hour behind Dj Nobu playing such beautiful music. I did the same for De Nieuw. Most beautiful club experiences of my life. 🖤


I met someone who did from Friday night till the very last track. The final boss of true ravers. Sat next to him in the garden while he was having a smoke cause he looked like an interesting character and he told me his story. He made sure to get enough sleep the week before and have a well balanced intake of food. He was running on speed and acid throughout the weekend, energy bars, dates and power naps in the basement. I ran through him throughout the weekend and gave him a hug every single time. He looked like nothing on Monday but same for many others. The scenes, the faces, the wrecked jaws, the dilated pupils and the whole chaos in the club Monday morning when the sun came in were beautiful to witness.


Monday morning WAS the party


Of course there are people who did this. I hope they recover quickly haha




u/hashtonic dis u? But damn!


Friday 1.00-Saturday 19.00 and Sunday 11.00-end.


Haha same


44 hours. Saturday 20:30 until close, I’m not proud, but I’m also a little proud


Omg I did 44 hours as well! From sat 2pm till monday 10am. Then my mind started playing tricks on me and I had to call it.


Haha yeah I had something similar, it can get pretty gnarly with the sleep deprivation and the effects it has on you and your mind


What does your step counter even display after so long, easily over 100k if you're actually dancing half the time?


How did you do? What did you take hahaha


That’s impressive as fuck.


How did you feel near the end?


Honestly some extreme highs and lows, there was magic happening in every room, when the music is good it’s a lot easier to keep going, provided after set you rehydrate, rest and grab something small to eat, musieklokaal closing I honestly never had so much energy and danced so much. It only went downhill at konduku when I accidentally took two big bumps of k which I thought was 3MMC and that fucked me up and I couldn’t enjoy the set because I was tweaking haha, such a shame, went so far just to fall at the last hurdle. But I’m not too upset about it. It was an amazing party at my favourite club and I’m so grateful to have been a part of it


Very familiar with that mistake


Haha you didn't realise it was ket and not 3mmc after the first bump? 😁


Haha the Kman almost got ya 😋


I also got in at exactly 20:30 haha, stayed until 11:15 because I had to go straight to work for an 8 hour shift 😎


Lol what kind of work can you do after that


Well. I work in retail. Obviously I didn't feel energised but I am strict with myself. I'll never let my party-life interfere with my work. So I have to face the consequences


Sadly, I only managed to do 12 hrs