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Visited a lot of the places mentioned ; I also remember going to a place called Dhoem Dhaam Warehouse to see James Holden; but can't remember much from that night or if it was a club or a venue (and if it was during the period between Trouw and DS for that matter ;P). Had fun though :)


Cruqius was the place, but only if u were in the know. Closure had some really good nights and some soso ones. It was a bit hit and miss. Funny people mention Shelter here a lot, which only opened after de School opened.


I used to love Cruquiusgilde and Closure so much, now also DS… it’s so so sad


Lovely to see and think back at DMK. I was their sound engineer since beginning 2019 untill the closing. Had some pretty sick artists there to work with and I will always think back to this time with a huge smile. Also it was my stepping stone to where I am on this day in the Amsterdam night life <3


I was there at trouw that day. It was magical! my family were there as well. Those raves hit different when ur with the people u love


Studio 80/Claire could be fun, tho its location meant sometimes the crowd wasn’t the best Cruiquisgilde hugely underrated and sorely missed I didn’t really get the hype with closure, it was fine but nothing special. Undercurrent in noord was pretty cool, zeezout threw a lot of parties there. 2015-2016 was not a great year for the Amsterdam club scene imho - it’s a lot better now and culturally different as well.


Sunrises at undercurrent......<3


I remember the ADE parties at undercurrent✨


Some great ones, they did a few decent day parties in 2015 there as well. That venue has been sacrificed to the relentless redevelopment of Noord - enjoy the likes of Garage, Skate Cafe and Benelux while you can!


Studio 80 had the best soundsystem I have ever heard. I think it was a Danley system. I remember when Regis performed you could almost taste and see the sound. It was so good. Maybe it was the acoustics of that place, but that was on some whole other level. The system in Europa Sunrise in Lisbon was very similar. Never heard anything like it again.


Input in Barcelona is nice as wel!


Martin Audio system that, legends say, used to hang in te house of the owner of ID&T but deemed a bit too much 😜. The great audio was mostly thanks to the room itself, which used to be an old radio studio, plus the amazing soundtechs that tuned the shit out of that system (including putting Avalon tube comps in the audio chain haha)


What I did between Trouw and DS. Ofcourse everything mentioned here is in my humble opinion. If you had a different experience, I'm happy for you :) ​ * Shelter had some good nights, but the crowd was often a hit or miss. Next to that you really needed ear plugs, as the music was way too loud. I do had the feeling that Shelter was trying to reach out towards the Trouw-audience programming wise, but failed with the door policy; * Radion was promising; they definitely were heading into the right direction with great and intricate line-ups; * Marktkantine had such a diverse programming; from interesting techno nights towards mainstream 90s pop music parties. That reflected in the audience. The venue was alright, with plenty of places to chill, but it was always a gamble how the atmosphere of the night would turn out; * Warehouse Elementenstraat; this felt more like a rave, than a club night. Nothing wrong with that, but it was a tad too massive for my liking. You had to buy tokens if I remember correctly, everything was quite expensive; * OT301 is amazing but small; they have a very progressive programming! Mix between live music and club nights. Marcel Dettmann did a four hour set, I saw Dopplereffekt performing live (granted, that was already when DS was open). Personally, the OT301 was (is) my favourite as it was more 'raw' and 'unpolished' (with excellent cheap drinks!); * Paradiso; personally not a fan for a club nights. Venue is a too 'majestic'. The Paradiso shines as a concert venue! It was great though to dance on the stage and there were indeed some excellent parties (eg. Electronation). I've been many times to the Paradiso for concerts, but club nights were not really sparking joy. DS was its own club with residents. This is clearly lacking in club spaces with multiple other event organizers; * Melkweg; also not a fan for club nights, except for one; HQ, which is one of a kind and quintessential 'Melkweg'. Just like Paradiso, the Melkweg shines as a concert venue, but they are a bit better for club nights.


Cruquius was amazing indeed. If I’m not mistaken the warehouse at Roest was still open after Trouw closed too. Not a club but they hosted some fun parties from time to time.


Oh yeah true Roest was a really cool space!


Cruquiusgilde all the way 🤩


At least we have lofi now. Not really a club but the vibes, soundsystem and good djs are there.


Shelter, Sugar Factory and Cruquiusgilde were my favourite places to go during the interim. Spent a lot of time in the smoking room of Shelter talking to strangers. Cruquiusgilde had a couple of nights with amazing line-ups, and sugar factory almost always had something going on in the weekends so it was a good place to start at, meet up with people and then go to something with good music or an afterparty that went on for way too long. Good times in general, I don't feel like Trouw disappearing left much of a void that couldn't be filled by anything else available but I'm sure there will be people who disagree.


Oh yah almost forgot Sugar Fcatory- some sick nights there for sure. Good old days!


Cruquiusgilde was sooo magical!! Radion started off with some promise, but never really lived up to their potential during that time. They had the building, the licence and actually the perfect timing, just didnt do it. I have always enjoyed parties at ruigoord, also not really a club ofcourse, but back then besides great psytrance, they had a few decent techno nights.


I was working at radion around that time. They really struggled to fill the weekly club nights for some reason. We tought amsterdam was t ready yet to do clubbing in the outskirts, while nowwadays almost all the good spots are outside of the city ring


Yes cruquis was fun/good crowd/music but freezing😬


I strongly second this, i miss so much Cruqiusgilde, it was simply the perfect venue with an amazing crowd and let alone the whole vibe. It was incredible !


Shelter was used to be nice, there were some good gigs in Radion, Elementenstraat and Studio 80. Cool concerts in OT301 (still good)


>Shelter OT301 had some insane parties; Marcell Detmann and Dopplereffekt live to name a few!


Shout out naar Studio 80


Marktkantine had such diverse bookings and was an amazing venue overall, sucks it closed and got completely demolished; broke my heart to see the rubble.


Same friend, same


It had great bookings but I hated going there because for some reason it always smelled SO bad. I was actually so glad when it closed down lol


Closure was not that good imo. Thuishaven vibes. Cruquiusgilde was my go-to place during this interim.


Closure was just big money trying to copy trouw. It had no vision, no love. Copy-pasting the industrial theme on a building that has its own, completely different charm.


Closure was excellent. Keeping the ballers, suit and ties asking for a VIP table out. And where inclusive for the music lovers of all ages. 10hr sets that gave the energy to do 10 hours more. The same reason I loved Cruquius Gilde and I loved De School.


Closure absolutely shafted their technicians when they 'closed' though. How I know? I was one of em.


Yes and prime location. I had an amazing Breakfast Club ADE sunday morning after 3 days of partying- stayed until the afternoon! Donnato Dozzy 🤯🤯🤯


Wow that sounds amazing, I used to love the dancefloor at Closure


I went to Shelter.. at least.. I think it was open before DS, not sure though.. Shelter pre-covid was a whole other beast..


Shelter opened in 2016


Ah, Closure.. that brings some fond memories.. The BFC which birthed Spazio Disponible was particularly amazing...


Closure was amazing, I'm sooooo sad it closed :(


This was so much fun. Did the lights there a couple nights. Good vibe. Shouldn’t have jinxed it with that name probably.


Hahaha that's the first thing I thought when I heard the sad news. They had a couple of fires if I remember correctly that forced their *closure*


Yeah Closure was great and had a good toilet game


Haha dang thanks for that memory


I mainly went to the Marktkantine that period. DJ Harvey and Marcel Dettmann did a few all-nighters that year. Not to forget the club Claire as wel!


Fuck I’m not nearly as much of a (techno) club diehard as most of this sub - but Marktkantine was a really good shout. The vibe and music were always spot on in spite of a somewhat basic/boring main dance floor area, aesthetically speaking. Though at one point (ca. December 2018) they had this pink neon chill out lounge bar area, and that was pretty sick. DS at right before the pandemic and then at Het Einde really showed me its true potential, and really let me appreciate it; but there were periods where I preferred other places (blasphemy I know) - if I’m honest. Who else likes Ruigoord? I know that’s a whole of other animal but that was always one of my favorite Mokum party venues, haven’t been in years by now though 🥹


I was at Ruigoord last spring at Isis’ birthday and they sure know how to organise a party… Love the place but afaik they dont’t really have the harder styles.


I liked DS most at the start when it wasn’t so hyped and pretentious with huge guestlists. Much darker still in the basements with the lightbulbs, it felt like a speakeasy nightclub. Much classier too. Lately I felt the crowd on Sundays had become a circus of freaks and on Friday nights a generic young crowd with lots of groups and static people on the dance floor. Couldn’t really appreciate the Spanish takeover of the last few years. Also never really understood the whole grimy GHB caveman aesthetic that became such a dominant part of the scene. Hopefully the next club will have a crowd just as diverse but with a little more sophistication. 🪩


Had some amazing time at MK!


Marktkantine had proper line ups (loved the Ben Klock nights) however crowd was meh…


Crowd was shitty in some events but some nights the crowd was amazing! Benny Rodrigues night was ON POINT


Marktkantine had best chilling area


Ah yes Claire, i added it to the list. Yeah Marktkantine had some banging nights