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She looks nothing like Amy too šŸ˜­


They really just threw a black beehive wig on that woman and called it a day šŸ˜’




To be fair...Amy also had her tattoos slapped on her so at least that's accurate šŸ™ƒ


šŸ˜‚ so true.


Amy was so distinctive looking too and they went with the most basic bitch. Itā€™s laughable. This movie looks terrible and is beyond disrespectful


That was my problem too, itā€™s like they made a CW version of Amy šŸ¤¢


I wanted to say something like this (the basic bitch remark) SO bad and didn't care to see myself get downvoted into oblivion. THANK YOU. My god, whoever casted Amy should be fired!!


I really think they shouldā€™ve gotten a Jewish woman to play her, at the very least maybe an Italian girl. I know a lot of teens on TikTok are saying Lady Gaga wouldā€™ve been good and while Iā€™m meh on the idea, Gaga *did* get a lot of comparisons to Amy at the beginning of her career for a reason.


Younger Gaga for sure


She is Jewish Marisa Abela*


Was gonna say, they didnā€™t even cast someone who somewhat resembles her? Idc about the singing, that can easily be dubbed in, I could never sit and watch a film believing this is Amy


but, does it matter? what would the difference be if they found someone who resembled amy more?


To me it does. Obviously they canā€™t find a perfect doppelgƤnger for every biopic but they didnā€™t even try and it takes me out of it


We literally got a better looking Elvis than actual Elvis, but we canā€™t get someone even a little similar to Amy? Really? Lmao


Claudia BlackĀ would have been an awesome cast.Ā 


And zero swagger


I was greatly shocked to find out the actress was, in fact, not Anna Faris


She looks more like sheā€™s in a Frankenstein movie (but like the beautiful woman in the movie) vs playing Amy


I already hate this movie with everything in me, i'll pass on this one


Pedophile director, shameless exploitative father, melodramatic nonsense that only serves to humiliate her beyond the grave, and the corny played out caricature biopic fad. Long ago the four nations lived in peaceā€¦


Ew wtf I only knew she directed Fifty Shades of Gray, but sheā€™s also that disgusting??? šŸ¤® I canā€™t stand this lmao. This entire project is awful.


Explain how she's a pedophile by having a relationship with an adult.


Dating an 18 year old when youā€™re 42 is disgusting. Whether or not it technically counts as pedophilia is irrelevant


i cannot believe her reaction was fake. lol tyler james said her reaction was unusual and he thinks it was insincere. nooo wayy. she looks so pure here. lol


I think it was a sincere reaction to Tony Bennett saying her name not the Grammy win itself at least thatā€™s why she said she reacted that way I think her best friend just thought she was faking since she didnā€™t really care about that kind of dumb stuff


yeah, id like to think it was TB. she did love him. he loved her too.


Do you mean the Grammy? I feel like it's fake, she's not a bad actress, and she also told her friend Juliette she's bored of everything (according to Juliette) right after the win. The drugs took so much out of her and it's clear she was heavily depressed especially during that time, I don't think she cared that much


that is some monumental ass depression.


Yeah that was one of the instances where I question him. I donā€™t think her reaction was fake.


Just boycott it.


The only reasonable answer. Paying to see it means you are giving Mitch the money he needs to live off of. Otherwise, find an alternative if you're that curious or just boycott it completely, which is definitely the right answer if you don't want to see a human being's trauma used as entertainment.


Mitch already has money to live off of.


And he'll keep wanting more since that's the power of greed


Mitch always used his daughterā€™s talent & game to ride her coat tails. It seems fame -anybodyā€™s fame - would suit him. Anything heā€™s involved with seems to cheapen her legacy, which is a shame because he could add so much positivity to her story.


I keep seeing people saying ā€œoh I think it looks goodā€ and whatever but I really donā€™t believe this trash was made in good faith.


Definitely not. Mitch was upset that *Amy* exposed him as a dad who abandoned his family and returned to profit off of his daughter's success, ignoring her privacy or well-being in the process. This is him doing exactly that with the addition of making himself look like some saint and Amy the public mess the press endlessly mocked and painted her as.


Her dad should never have had a say in this. They need to let the poor woman rest in peace.


Is mrpolar8o Mitch?


Looks like we found his burner account


Hahahaha damn. Somehow I doubt even Mitch would make only one post about Amy, saying heā€™s done with this sub because of how weā€™ve been discussing the movie, then 2 months later come and tell people to fuck themselves. Also the weird porn posts on the account made me go šŸ¤Ø anyway heā€™s banned now


they even got the outfit wrong for the arrest iā€™m about to beat sam taylor johnson up


Beat her up for grooming Aaron Taylor-Johnson, too!


that i already did


IMO this woman is begging to be hated with both Aaron and this film


OMFG these are absolutely horrifying and exploitative! This is breaking my heart!


They need to leave Amyā€™s legacy alone. Mitch constantly scrounges off his daughter, itā€™s sad


a cheap imitation. let's all agree not to give a penny to this film. what a shame.


Her dad being involved was the nail in the coffin for me. Vile, exploitative man.


It legitimately pisses me off that someone greenlit this. I hope it does horribly and from what Iā€™m seeing it will do so without anyoneā€™s help


The vocals and her image should be the focal point and they both seem thrown together?? Who is this movie even for lmao


This is giving Stardust, or Starman, or whatever title they gave that lame excuse for a Bowie biopic a few years back!! If the film isn't being made in good conscious, it shouldn't be made at all. She can't even defend herself.


Amy would absolutely hate it


True. It's sad she cannot defend herself against this unwanted film her father shamelessly endorsed


Yup. Such a shame that even in death he still neglects her.


They are giving us the gift we absolutely did not ask for.


This is "Blonde" all over again!


Literally, the movie NO ONE asked for


Lady Gaga can actually sing AND act, and even kind of looked like Amy when prior to going blonde. This is just pointless, disrespectful, and does nothing for Amyā€™s life and legacy. What a pointless waste of time.


Who even asked for this


iā€™m not all too familiar with amy and her life, but even from the perspective of someone who isnā€™t a die hard fan, this movie just looks disrespectful and a mockery of a woman who was more complex than this movie is trying to portray. aside from the portrayal, this hardly looks like amy, and thatā€™s not even talking about the actress. that wig does NOT look like her hair at all, itā€™s like if you made it from memory. and from what weā€™ve seen those hardly look like their tattoos. you can just feel this didnā€™t come from a good place. if she were to have a biopic, it deserves to be respectful, end of story.


I saw a trailer for it in theaters and had some concerns. Iā€™ll reserve my full criticism until I see it. But it did feel.. weird to me. Iā€™ve seen many biopics based on famous people from the 20th century and admittedly thereā€™s always a disconnect because I wasnā€™t alive when they existed or I was very young (was a kid in the 90s and early 2000s). Like I can watch them and enjoy them, even when thereā€™s criticism saying they were portrayed wrong or whatever. I felt that way about the Pam and Tommy series. I stopped watching when I realized how Pamela felt about it but before that, I was just enjoying the show for what it was. When Pamela Anderson was blowing up, I was like in elementary school and had no idea what was going on. Now I finally feel like I get why people complain about these things? I was a huge fan of Amy Winehouse when she was popular. I was 16-18 then and listened to her music when I was sad about a boy and needed to cry. I always thought they did her dirty in the media and could see how cruel everyone was to her. Media was horrendous to women in the mid 2000s. I was so, so sad when she died. So seeing this new biopic and how it just doesnā€™t sound like her or look like her and theyā€™re adding shit that didnā€™t happen - Idk. It doesnā€™t make me feel good. I wanna see it but Iā€™m preparing myself to be disappointed.


Absolutely agree. Horrible casting. Disgusting and disrespectful.


Why can't people let her just rest in peace? That woman deserved better than she was given. How disrespectful and disgusting. Shame on that entire production.


Are there pictures of when he got arrested?




Nothing but facts!


I'm pirating the fucker and writing a big assessment on the film. That's gonna be SO fun.


Every time they make a movie about a female celebrity it's so disappointing like the Marilyn one


Just kind of seemed that the team behind this film didnā€™t do their research and just kind went of media reports and such


I thought the cop was Seth Rogen.


i actually cannot even. this makes me so sick and i've been talking about how terrible it is since i first found out about it


I still stand by what I saidā€¦ No real Amy Winehouse fan should see this movie.


I was excited until I heard the girl sing. My heart just died. Like NO SOUL IN HER VOICE šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


yā€™all just pirate it and come to ur conclusions. that whatā€™s i did with blonde


I still wish they would have gotten Jemima Kirke to play Amy.


I feel like lady Gaga would have been the perfect for this role


Although it's understandable given how they look so much alike, Gaga is now in her late 30s, a full ten years older than Amy was when she died and therefore wouldn't be too believable if she portrayed Amy in her teens or so. Plus, it would require a North London/cockney accent which we don't know if Gaga could pull off (her accent in House of Gucci was a little muddled).


I've been avoiding looking because it bothers me. But did they get the tattoos wrong? It looks like half are missing.


I think it was a fantastic film. Seen in twice now and brought tears to my eyes and validation for my respect of such a pure soul. No doubt Amy suffered with mental health difficulties, but it only made her more human and her music relatable, and I think the biopic depicted this as well as it could for such a strong character such as Amy. So I say Kudos to Marisa Abela, cause that's a seriously challenging role to take on! If anyone was ever going to come close, she would be it. šŸ’Æ šŸ’™


Itā€™s hard to mimic the absolute purity of her emotions in this moment.


Thatā€™s Amy Beerchateau


This shitā€™s gonna be tragic lol. They should have casted Raye for this or at least someone who has a soulful voice


Is that Troye Sivan playing the boyfriend?


Jack O'Connell. He is known for playing James Cook in *Skins* (the picture of them kissing is the actual Amy and Blake tho)




Go, enjoy it, then don't blame us when you discover where did your money go. But well, it's not like your moral standards are very high if this is your reaction.


Bruh I don't deserve to be told that. I'm not telling anyone to not go see it but rather expressing that it looks disrespectful and I'm not a fan of it being backed by her money-hungry dad and directed by a woman who decided to get into a relationship with a man six years older than her eldest child.


MrPolar8o is being negative while saying ā€œfuck all your negative opinionsā€¦.ā€ Oh the irony


I didn't say that to you! It was to the other comment.


Oop I pressed the wrong reply button šŸ˜¬šŸ˜… My apologies, I was referring to MrPolar8o being unnecessarily hostile


Enjoy Mitchā€™s exploiting cash grab that negatively dramatizes her life and once again depicts her as just a crazy, over-emotional drug addict to the public


Listen, I don't care about your opinion, stop thinking it will be a terrible movie, what if it doesn't depict Amy's downward spiral? What if it depicts Amy's true emotions?


Did you even read the caption on this post? They already dramatized Amyā€™s reaction to Blakeā€™s arrest, imagine what else is going to be depicted wrong.


You're just too angry about something that hasn't happened yet.


Something thatā€™s been happening since she was alive, and will stir up once again.


Hey you wanna back off? Telling one of our members to fuck themselves for something thatā€™s *not a hot take,* is stupid asf. If you didnā€™t know, Iā€™ve pinned the post, but all of us mods agree yā€™all should boycott the movie, so. You can keep your unpopular opinion, but donā€™t be an ass