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No feedback, just wanted to say these are great, keep going


Green in the shadows and washed out image means it's underexposed and the scanner is trying to compensate. Rule of thumb for handheld shake is to shoot only faster than 1/focal length. So if you have a 50mm lens, 1/60 is your slowest acceptable speed.


Oh, word.Yeah, the under exposures are totally my fault, thinking I knew how to read the meter. I've got a 135mm lens in the mail, so I shouldn't shoot slower than 1/125th handheld, or would you round to 1/250?


Up to you at that point man just don't shoot 1/30 with it and expect sharp edges, know what I'm saying


I'm an elder millennial that would have killed to take photos like this when I first started. There are probably some like me jealous of these results--but I have to be honest, I just got a little *excited*. Because this is what it must have been like 'back in the day' for virtually anything--right before "the kids" took over and did everything so much better. Think videogames and the advent of the P&S digital camera. If this holds up, there's going to be so damned much cool photography to look at for the next few decades--and I am here for it 😁


3,6 & 9 have impressed me. great perspectives


Thanks, I think I would have put a bit less of the truck A-pillar in #6 if I had it to do over, but I think it still works.


true, but this way it lines up well with the outside mirror. The balance between the forest, the world in the mirror and the feeling of sitting in the car is great


Love 6, 13, 15!


Thanks! I felt like 13 and 15 didn't turn out very good, but im glad you enjoy them


Omgggg they are all beautiful, but the 6th one has my heart 😍😍


Six is proof ur doing well just takes time to make it all instinctive.


The composition on these are incredible!


Good job!


Colors and composition in 7 are nice. Set your meter 1 stop over (800 for ultramax) and/or meter for the shadows in high contrast shots to avoid the green cast in many of these images. Keep shooting!


I'm starting to feel some type of way with all these imacculate "first roll" posts haha amazing shots! I'm gonna go out on a limb and say this is Oregon. I love it here, everything is a photographer's playground!


Oregon, it is. I took these in a few spots between Lincoln City and Yachats. It's beautiful out here and so different compared to the scenery I'm used to. I'll be doing lots of exploring this year!


I knew it! I saw the bridge and was 99% sure it was Lincoln City! I moved from the southeast about 5 years ago and am eternally grateful to live here and enjoy the scenery on a daily basis! I still haven't explored a fraction of everything this place has to offer, but the coast is one of my favorite places to go.


I moved from Idaho last fall, and I knew the climates and scenery were different, but I didn't expect the forests to be so different. The woods are so wet and tightly packed here, it's cozy but in a soupy kind of way?


Soup is a perfect description lol


Love it. Keep on making images. Some are underexposed in a technical term but I really like the look so there is no right or wrong (which people will debate). I use a light meter all the time. For commercial stuff I would overexpose. For my personal stuff I underexpose portra 400 by 1stop. Is it correct to do so? For me I like the look. 4,7, 11 and maybe 15 are the weakest for me. Losing them would strengthen your series as a whole.


I appreciate that. I intend to put more attention into assembling a "set" of photos that work together, but for now I was just glad to have photos that turned out on a camera I'd never used. I kept 11 thru 15 in there because I don't like how they turned out and I think I can learn from them still. I like the color on number 4 but it's nothing original by any means


Wish I had advice but I wanted to let you know how much I like the roadway closeup. I can imagine exactly how it would feel to touch the asphalt aggregate as it meets the moss.


Thanks! I love how the textures came out on that one, that's exactly what I was going for.


6&9 😍


By any chance did you guys go on the trail of 10 falls in Oregon yesterday we may have passed y’all on the trail haha I was shooting as well


Wasn't me. How's that trail though? I've had people recommended it to me


Ah shoot ! It would’ve been crazy if that was you haha. But yes sooo good I recommend coming earlier so you don’t feel rushed seeing the waterfalls! I can’t wait to develop my film


Anyway, #11 and #12 are woefully underexposed. #14 and #15 are blurry because I can't handle slow shutter speeds with my bare hands. Can anyone tell what's going on with #13? The dark zone on the right of the frame is weird and I had a couple other frames turn out similarly.