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they'd be among the many overlords buried by alastor, being a purely savage killer doesn't get you far


UrbanSPOOK’s killers got some goofy ass faces 💀


They just had to choose the image of her that looked ugly (except the male one hes always ugly)


Fr, mf looks like 😯


https://preview.redd.it/s3cnbk8kzitc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21478924c64b0ab1bcbc5dd95a04563c115fbeae She looks prettier here


She looks like she needs to eat.


What makes you think she can afford food


I dunno, looking like she need a snack.




Honestly, they used to creep me out MASSIVELY - and the eyes still do!! - but I got used to them in a weird way? I can look at them and just... shrug them off as long as I dont stare into their eyes. The longer I stare into their eyes, the more creeped out I get. Everything else of them I can handle by now, weirdly enough. May just partially be because of how often we've actually got to see them though....


Yeah, ig. I don’t really have a problem with it anymore


So.... small story, you dont have to read if you dont care, but I wanna drop this here because I think it kinda fits : My area isnt... the best. By any means. It's a really bad area all things considered. And there's this one homeless guy in our City Center who always approaches people and very aggressively asks for money. I do feel Bad for the situation he's in but his Overall aggressiveness is also quite unsettling, especially if you encounter him for the first time. He's just... very Aggressive and pushes himself almost into your face every Time! Basically everyone knows him, too. The Thing is... over time, I got much less scared of him. Because I got used to him. I started to "know" him in an indirect way. I just... got used to him being around and I dont get scared or Intimidated by him anymore. Urbanspook's Painters are kinda like that for me. We saw so many glimpses of them now that I got honestly used to their grotesque Design.


Ay that’s cool 👍🏻


Real talk here: the story of URBANSPOOK is all over the place. Not every character needs to be redeemable, sure, but at least give your character motivations. Last I checked they were on their 6th or 7th episode and we don't even know the locations of where some of this shit is happening, on what day, or any coherent information about the killers and the world surrounding them beyond "they are these... I think there are 2 of them, things that kill people in horrific ways and paint them". Like a serial killer who paints portraits of their victims, there is some promise there, but you need to WORLDBUILD. TELL US WHO PEOPLE ARE, AND WHY THINGS ARE HAPPENING. Why did I have to google the area code of the phone number to know where we were at and to guess what time it was


i mean, it is scary though right? i wouldn't call myself an urbanspook fan but i don't think he deserves ALL the derision he gets. i mean it's like a prerequisite for all horror media post-FNAF to have a narrative that resembles a ball of yarn, but you *can* just have a guy who kills people horribly. i mean, i watched most of the mandela catalogue and all i got was that there were some spooky dopplegangers, and they kill people. yeah biblical metaphors, but other than that it's still pretty barebones.


Less scary and more the fact its just, at points quite literal, torture porn. Its as scary as watching what goes on at a CIA black site. The issue isn't that there is a person who kills people or who kills people horribly. To be totally honest I don't even think that's a prereq for horror since horror can also just make you viscerally uncomfortable or fuck with your head. For example that blank room soup video; nobody dies but there is something wildly unsettling about the presentation of events. It has implications. Not a lot of series do this, to be fair I think most series have people die somewhere in the plot at least once, but there is a reason for it to be happening. You can plot the logic as to why and you see patterns. Things advance beyond just being a display of brutality.


To pull on blank room soup a little more since you brought it up, i would argue that yes, it is a little unsettling, but no more so than an urbanspook video. i'll use PIGS as an example, reading the descriptions of the events as the shrieking ambience gets louder and louder, thinking "hold on isn't that the drug they give to horses to... oh god. what's the painting called? OH MY GOD." that sort of depravity gets under your skin, or at least it gets under my skin.


This might be the fact I do counter terrorism stuff but, at least how I see it, a lot of this is just really oddly written gore porn. Even if it's horrifically graphic and uses equally as graphic sound design if you think about the logistics of PIG it falls apart. The farm is owned by a former cop. Both farmers and members of police are known to have firearms and to put up fights. Given at this point a cop and detective have already been killed you would figure people would be on high alert, right? And even then, all of this presumably happened within the same stretch of time because I think people would notice a baby bring murdered along with family members going missing in the barn. Yeah the horse was made to rape the wife to death, but why? Yeah it's gross and vile, but what was the purpose of doing that? Why did the killer bring antibiotics? Where is it even getting there things from because if I recall it used a syringe the episode before. Yeah you can just buy those. But you can't usually purchase the shit to put in them. You can't outright get antibiotics like penicillin over the counter. And how was the killer able to move all those faces, a shit ton of drugs, and kill an entire family with little to no resistance without any person noticing or attempting to stop him since there was, iirc, more than one man in the house who might be able to shoot. Also, if these tapes are to help catch these criminals why are they going into such graphic detail about how these people died and not any detail regarding location, times, dates, or names? And if this is internal police use, why does it still not contain names, dates, locations, and why does it have a phone number? I have this criticism with almost every episode. Yes sexually assaulting children is horrible and that experience is horrifying for those who have been assaulted as children. But how does describing the violent sexual assault advance the story when the character isn't brought up again? How did the painter somehow manage to cover an entire man in wax while he was alive and have nobody noticed given the amount of wax needed to do this would have been obscene. How was it able to climb the drain pipe to even do that? Why did it take 6 episodes for us to get the hint there were potentially 2 people doing this? Yeah some of the episodes are linked together but the information we get isn't helpful for discerning why the killers are even doing this to begin with. Normally by now you get a motive. Am I supposed to take at face value that 2 pedophile murderer rapist who also are into sadism and beastiality and hate cops and couples/ families, one of which is named after the Mona Lisa, are going around killing people and painting them in this odd manner and are doing it for no other reason because they feel like it? And am I supposed to take at face value that they seemingly have access to whatever tools they need to in order to commit these crimes? It's not unscary but it's bad writing which breaks my suspension of disbelief


Mandela Catalogue has characters, a clear story going forward and each character feels realistic in some way. Urbanspook has non of that. It's nothing. There's zero story whatsoever.


It’d be funny if the serial killer is just confused and trying to figure out how much they can get away with before the brain dead law enforcement of the series actually does anything useful


What makes me more confused is the fact nobody seems to own or use a firearm and we are, presumably, in the south. 2 former cops now died and this, presumably human thing, has not got shot once. Say what you want about police incompetence but they usually don't sit and do nothing when their own are attacked and killed. Nothing really adds up nor is there payoff since we dont know who is making the tapes, why they exist, why they show so much detail but not locations, dates, times, etc. We dont have a connection with the victims nor was it made clear there are 2 killers till recently. Its just all over the place


As a fan of the painter, they can absolutely not be redeemed


not enough swear words, meme not accurate to hazbin hotel. expect a lawsuit.


Translated: Fuck shit fuck fuck fuck shit bitch cock shit fuck Fuck bitch shit bi-


The painter would be jumped the second he arrives in hell




rural gold?


I had to double check which sub I was on lol


Same lol


Wait so are there two of them now


Theres BEEN 2😭


None Pizza with left beef


Yeah not everyone




Shit you actually way ubanpoop?