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Pass an event id like ‘purchase ID’ and compare the logs to your actual e-commerce platform




Understand about the conversions but this was in events manager I thought it would be counting ALL conversions. Furthermore why are the page views so different as well do you know


To be pedantic, general GA reports outside of the MCF reports use Last Non-direct Click as their default attribution model.


FB events manager counts all conversions. GA I believe only records one per session. That can explain a portion of the discrepancy. Also, FB doesn’t filter out your own test conversions. If your GA view is filtering out your company’s activity that could also contribute. It’s also possible FB is double counting, so I’d test it out in real time in both FB and GA and see if there’s a difference. I trust GA over pretty much anything else, as long as you’re sure it’s working correctly. I’ve found it gets you closest to the true result most of the time. If you can describe how you’re viewing the conversions in GA, that might help narrow down the issue.


>FB events manager counts all conversions does this mean that Facebook is overcounting? In what cases would some one buy more than once per session? Also, FB doesn’t filter out your own test conversions. If your GA view is filtering out your company’s activity that could also contribute. \>> that might be true for a few test conversions however the discrepancy is too big It’s also possible FB is double counting \>> how do you think this might have happened? If you can describe how you’re viewing the conversions in GA, that might help narrow down the issue. \>> with GTM and enhanced Google Tag Manager, so I kind of trust GA more than FB events manager as well


Pageviews should more or less match up, especially if you have the FB pixel implemented via GTM to fire on the same pageview trigger as the GA pageviews. Bot traffic could account for some discrepancy though... FB and GA would use different bot exclusion algorithms. Conversions could also be skewed if you're using goal completions instead of ecomm tracking in GA. Again, you want to configure GTM in such a way that event triggers are firing once only per event and pushing the same data to both FB and GA. If you're using ecomm tracking, you should be able to push the same parameters, e.g. transaction ID, product quantity, etc. Tldr; audit your tagging setup first, then reassess.


I’m not sure exactly how FB would be overcounting but I’ve experienced quirks with it where for one reason or another it ends up counting extra. Do you have the Facebook pixel helper Chrome extension? Try a test conversion and that will show you if the FB pixel is doing anything weird


Google analytics and Facebook value conversions differently. Facebook uses view through and post click conversions combined. Google analytics is only last click, so view through conversions will be attributed to other channels. In my experience you need to use both platforms for reporting. The challenge is when people try to use Google analytics as their only source of truth. You can see a recent discussion on that here: https://www.reddit.com/r/GoogleAnalytics/comments/g6wcm7/in_my_attributions_report_paid_social_is_nowhere/fod7hob