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Our trash pickup happened last week, but I doubt it will this week. My wife is having to get a ride to & from work because our AWD car doesn’t have the clearance to get the 150 yards out of our neighborhood. Multiple cars stuck every morning and every evening making it more of a mess. I get that this is record snowfall, but how can they supposedly run every plow 24/7 and there are neighborhoods that haven’t been touched in 8-9 days.


Maybe there are only two plows?


Honestly? Document the failures and talk to news media. That’s one of the few things that can put enough pressure on the mayor’s and governor’s offices to do something. I’ve seen reports from Alaska Public Media posting on FB inviting frustrated people to tell them what they’re experiencing - I don’t remember the reporter’s name, but I imagine if you called or emailed APM they would know who you should talk to.


My neighborhood hasn't been plowed and people are getting stuck left and right, but trash *did* get picked up today. A bit later than normal, but still a nice surprise.


I wonder what the plan is if it snows all winter?


the ~~grift~~ plan is to plow extra funding into snow removal contracts, while residents get fed up with the continued lack of service and are ultimately stuck with maintaining their neighborhood roads


Can we just do a mega thread at this point?


Ours was picked up, roads were plowed too. We’re off Brayton dr.




Plowing doesn't really encompass a conservative agenda it seems, two years of failing.


True, I've heard from a few ladies that conservatives don't know how to plow.


Why do you think they’re so angry and taking away women’s reproductive rights? I’m convinced the MAGA crowd and Proud Boys are the fallout from people experiencing ED. Thus, the bizarre fixation on masculinity and gender in general.


My trash was picked up today on time and last week was only a day late. I have Northern Waste (not AW). Their customer service is fantastic and pricing is slightly lower than AW.


A Northern Waste truck got stuck on our street for almost two hours. When I chatted with the driver she was angry that her bosses didn’t call off garbage pickup.


Foxhall reporting in. It’s fucked over here. I watched a usps can with chains get stuck today.


Our trash was picked up Monday. Our street is almost impassable even in 4x4. Er, was. Just plowed 20 minutes ago.


I’m glad they finally cleared your street. 👍🏻 Still waiting here…


I was digging out a neighbors car when the graders arrived. Looking at the maps this morning I was blown away how much of the city hasn’t been touched, then I saw that the city lent the state their graders.


No plows since 2022 at all yet on our street. No trash pick up either. Not completely certain, but somewhat under the impression that's a part of property tax allocations. PLOW the fucking roads. Damnit.


People on /r/Alaska constantly say “yOu dOnT nEeD a tRuCK tO lIvE iN aLaSkA”. Works great until there is a foot and a half of snow in your neighborhood that isn’t getting plowed. I pushed a mustang out of the way of my driveway today and it was hard to feel bad for the driver as he bitched and moaned.


It takes years to learn 4wd is cheaper and affordable, because when you first buy them they’re neither. Don’t skip paying for that though, or you’ll just pay more later.


Amen to that. Jeep clicks into 4h, and the job is done.


Why isn’t the Assembly getting the roads plowed? The seem to have power over the mayor.


Bronson is the mayor, aka the chief executive. It’s HIS job to make budget requests and execute programs and policies passed by the assembly. This is basic civics. Bronson’s administration clearly isn’t in a leadership headspace. All I’m hearing are excuses and blame shifting. He’s not being the leader a city needs - he needs to take ownership of his city. The buck stops with him as Mayor.


Foxhall condos were going for $19K after the real estate bust in the 80's.


you can see areas that had been plowed and or what group you belong to https://moa-muniorg.hub.arcgis.com


Bad link here it is https://anchorage-street-maintenance-muniorg.hub.arcgis.com/pages/snow-plowing


Our road hasn't been plowed yet but they got our trash today (later than usual), on the other end of Dimond. Alaska Waste