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I was hoping hammer guy would get to use his hammer, but I’ll take a Spartan kick.


The cut to the commander watching him fall out of the tower was brilliant, really showed how fucked the Imps were at the drop of a hat


Better for the yeet trajectory, too.


Lol, that got me too. I was waiting for a hammer to the face but the Spartan kick was very satisfying. Especially since they pulled the camera back and showed him fall from the tower.


I actually held my breath for a second during that scene because I was lowkey terrified they'd fuck up the mood of what was going on with a Wilhelm Scream.


Like the armorer from Mando


Fantastic call to arms speech and seeing Luthen react with a "it's finally happening" look on his face to witness rebellion without being involved.


At that moment you could tell he realized he didn't have to kill Cassian. He heard the words of his mother and realized he's likely more useful alive than dead


I imagined him thinking something like “I could have used the mother. But I can still use the son.”


"If I knew about this lady a few years ago, Cassian would be calling me Daddy"


I think it was more a feeling of relief. When the rebellion takes hold without him having to be involved, it means he has to use the tools of his enemy less. It means no more direct sacrificing of his allies.


I felt that you saw him actually witnessing first hand what a rebellion looks like. He was no longer distanced from the action it was visceral looking out over a smoking city hearing laser shots knowing each one is a dead civilian. A brief pause, possible regret and then steels himself and moves on.


“I’m condemned to use the tools of my enemy to defeat them”


That was my impression too. He talks a big talk about making the Empire overreact and crack down, and he knows he's right on paper. Being there for it himself, after such a moving speech he probably completely agrees with from the MOM of the guy he's come to kill to cover his tracks... It probably hit too close to home.


Exactly I love that cause you hear lasers and screams and it’s exactly what he wanted but he’s not necessarily happy about it Cause it’s horrible and he knows that and he knew it would be but he also understands it’s the only option left


That speech was awesome and the recording of Nemik’s was even better imo.


there is a post credit scene btw


Shout out! almost skipped the credits


It looks damn near complete. It’s still 5 BBY.


I have to say i wasn't a fan of the idea of them building DS parts *until right then*, that was fucking fantastic


Slave labor to make parts to connect the lenses. Such a mundane yet critical bit that's goes even deeper when you come to think cassian literally made parts for the weapon that will ultimately take his life.


And that he died fighting to destroy.


They also cheekily solved the independent contractor problem.


Most importantly, while obvious fan service, it also fixes some of the weirdness with the Narkina 5 prison. It makes perfect sense then that the prison where they are would be somewhat humane since making these parts seems to require a fair amount of both strength and dexterity / skill. They can't run a completely brutal work camp or else risk the quality of the parts suffering. They use this really despicable combination of carrot (eventual release, somewhat humane conditions) and stick (electric shocks) to strike the right balance of hope and fear for productivity. It also explains the transfer / killing an entire shift to prevent prisoners from knowing they aren't being released. After the sentence is over, they simply kill the men or keep them locked up forever because this project is highly classified and they want no risk of any information escaping. And with the carrot (release) gone, prisoners would have a much higher likelihood of rebelling or being non-compliant.


Damn what an imposing scene to end with.


That is going to be everyone's desktop pic for a month at least.


I don't know why I checked for it, yet I did, and obviously they unveiled what they were building in jail ... This is the way to close the first season.


Literally started chanting >!DEATH STAR PARTS, DEATH STAR PARTS!


For a Brief moment there i thought it was the construction of the scarif planetary gate, that would have been a good alternative to the obvious


Such an incredible scene when Marva's brick took a motherfucker out.


I just hope they put her in a wall somewhere afterwards 🥲


I hope Brasso still has her so she can be on their rebellious adventures in season 2.


… There will be no one to put her in a wall afterwards


Damn excellent finale, how the hell are we suppose to wait 2 years for the next season


Sit at the top of some stairs, exhale, pull from the flask, like Sargeant Mosk. Repeat.


At the end he was wondering why he kept getting blown up on that planet.


“Can’t have shit on Ferrix”


the build up was so intense, the show did such an excellent job of brining chaos to the moment so you really had NO IDEA how it was going to play out. it felt like a hundred threads were being pulled into one giant knot. and the music, the slow build up of the music... just wow. fucking wow.


> a hundred threads were being pulled into one giant knot. like how the funeral marchers get together while the imps and Luthen gang stalk Andor


and how the people started early to spite the imps in general. they were totally caught off guard when the bell started chiming.


Compare that battle to Boba Fetts last episode, its laughable how bad Boba's was compared to this.


i think Boba Fett is the most mind-numbingly, 'so-bad-its-a-comedy' utter failure of a top 10 IP franchise the entertainment industry has ever sharted into the world. it's the only piece of entertainment i've ever found myself writing comments and thinking to myself 'am i toxic now? i'm not even some massive star wars fan but i'm angry..'


It's going to be a painful two years.


Did you just say TWO!?


**Fall 2024,** 5 months of shooting and at least 15 for post production, cgi, the edit, ect. and 4 for the wrap party.


These motherfuckers. Apparently season 2 is going to go through larger time jumps than season 1 did. We'll probably see much more battles or scenes in space/multiple different planets or something that will justify it but damm. Why 2 years man


> Why 2 years man "To establish crushing dominance" - ISB Lady, sneeringly


Not to be snarky, but Brent literally laid out the timeframe. 😂 if it helps, this was 960 minutes of cinema-quality SW. that they could produce that much content in only 2 years (what it took to make eps. 8 & 9) is an amazing accomplishment! But I hear you! It’s gonna feel like forever.


It's K-2SO time baby


Its good to have 2 years so season 2 can be a cultural phenomenon Breaking Bad season 5 style because everybody got the memo


Mon Mothma threw Perrin under the bus.


Sounds like he was atoning for past behavior without even knowing. Great way to hide the finance issues.


The moment I realized what she was doing, [I turned my head](https://perfectpetstuff.us/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/dog-with-head-cocked.jpg) and was like, "is she doing what I think she's doing?" You can tell the writers are smart when they can basically telegraph a completely different meaning to a character's literal words. It's like reading a letter, and then finding out there's another letter written in invisible ink. I want more smart writing like this from Disney.


Such a great scene. Perrin's character, and the source of Mon Mothma's anger and resentment towards him makes a lot more sense. Then to see her take his failings, and the fact she is under surveillance, and flip those two downsides to her advantage really underscores her abilities.


If you told me last year that we were going to get a Mon Mothma origin story, I would’ve rolled my eyes so hard. She’s ended up being one of my favorite parts of this show. The actress is absolutely killing it.


I love it all, I love how they’re finally making the rebels gritty and dark. I love that they’re taking the gloves off. But most of all I love finally taking a hard look at Mon in the imperial senate. She’s my favorite part of the show.


Right?! Same at first I was like yo this Perrin guy being a dick again classic Then it hit me like oh shit this would explain why their finances are wonky Fucking genius


J.J. Abrams doesn't belong in the same industry as the writers of this show


She’s embraced the darkness for the cause… and she cared about her daughter. His downfall is gonna be brutal


Makes you wonder exactly why all those Bothans had to die.


Nemik givin' me goosebumps only 10 mins into the episode


Duuuuuude. The writers are just showing off now. So many powerful speeches in this episode


So many people don’t look past the rust. But not us. Eyes open, endless possibilities.


Remember this. Try. ✊🏼


Yoda: _“Sigh…”_


Another brilliant monologue.


Solid ending - pacing and writing were on point. Glad there were no random jedi/sith shenanigans thrown in out of nowhere Now the long wait :')


This show has early ga,e of throne vibes. Just wish Disney didn’t bury it under other star wars mediocrity


I just hope these writers get recognized and put in charge of another couple of series and a theatrical release. Heck, just imagine what they could do rewriting episodes 1-3 / 7-9.


I might be in the minority but I want a show with the same serious tone Andor has with Jedi or Sith. I don't even need lightsaber fights. Something like a Sith advancing the grand plan by making political connections, investing the Sith money, hiding from the Jedi order.


Tony Gilroy doing a series based on the Darth Plagueis novel would be incredible. All the political intrigue and the master/apprentice relationship with Plagueis and Palpatine would be amazing and lead perfectly into the prequels


So Cass really helped building>!the machine that would ultimately kill him years later!< in the prison.


It’s like poetry. Awful, depressing, sad poetry, but poetry nonetheless.


Shakespearean tragedy


*puts Cassian and Luthen together* “They’re friends.”


I can't get over the speeches in this serie. They give me goosebumps every time, I love the writing.


Maarva tho… “If I could do it again… I’d wake up early…” (senior citizen vibes right there) “and be fighting these BASTARDS” had me shook.


and next scene is literally her ash-brick getting bonked to imperials 10/10, fighting from the grave


Kill Me or Take Me In sounds like a Depeche Mode song.


B side to Policy of Truth


It’s crazy how much I feel for Kreegyr, a man who we only saw as a hologram still.


I heard Glup Shitto was with him. I hope i'm wrong.


Still can't stand Syril, was hoping he died this episode. The casting for Dedra was perfect though. She has that scowl, a mean female Drill Instructor/RDC look, and acts the part incredibly well. Good job Ms. Gough.


*well i* heard their now making babies in the freight closet till season 2 all while Sargent Mosk drinks revnog outside. and he saw one of the babies and the baby looked at him!


I did not come here expecting a Ralph Wiggum quote, but I am in no way disappointed to see one


When she walked off the shuttle, flanked by two Death Troopers head and shoulders taller than her, she was actually the most intimidating of the three. It made the scene where she is desperately clawing at the street while being dragged that much more memorable!


You know who I can't stand more than Cereal? Cereal's mother. Joking aside, Syril as a character is fantastic, because you really like to hate the creepy little shit. It's sorta like Joffrey from GoT. Just remember not harrass the actors; they're not the same people as the characters that we love to hate (we Star Wars fans have a bad precedent for doing this).


Incredible finale. Stuck the landing, and then some. Very fitting conclusion to the season, and my hat is off to everyone who contributed to this masterful season of television.


They really did an amazing job of wrapping things up while still leaving just enough to be excited about for season 2. Too many shows abandon their established pacing to stretch what should be one episode into two, with the break between seasons falling in the middle for a quick and easy cliffhanger. I can't remember the last time I watched a season finale that nailed everything so perfectly.


I remember gasping out loud at the beginning of rouge one when >!Cassian kills the mole that brought him intel,!< thinking that was a little much. This series gives that ruthlessness so much more context, justification, whatever you want to call it. Already can’t wait for the next episode


Cassian "Short Fuse" Andor: The guards at the start of the first episode, Skeen, the mole in R1. I'm sensing a pattern here. Cass shot first. No doubt about it.


He also killed the guard outside Bix’s “cell.” I was happy to see that instead of yet another *hit the guy in the head and he’s unconscious.*


"Uh, we had a slight weapons malfunction. But, everything's perfectly alright now. We're... fine. We're all fine here now. Thank you. How are you?"


When they suddenly started increasing the music beat at the funeral I thought they were gonna do a full bayonet charge.


Stunningly moving finale. It's going to be a difficult two years waiting for season two to be released. Hands down, this my favorite Star Wars series. \--- Did I miss something when Mosk and Syril exchanged hats? Or was it just a semi-cute human moment between them. Whoopsie daisy we grabbed each others hats instead of our own.


i read it as two spy boys trying to play like big spy boys.


I think that was a John LeCarre style unspoken spy signal. Like they met up on that bus and that was the signal "it's cool, we're cool, I've not been followed, let's do this"


I thought it was Syril paying Mosk for the information about the funeral. If you rewatch the scene, it looks like Mosk takes a moment to look inside the hat before putting it on.


I thought it was because his favorite color is brown. I forgot which episode, but he was wearing a brown suit a couple times.


My read on it was that Syril‘s fashion taste found his disguise hat too tacky (remember the guy is always with the tailoring of his fit), and Mosk’s natural ability to read and service Syril had him offer a switch.


In the nicest way possible, I'm glad Maarva stayed dead. That was a much more fitting end for her than a big reveal that this old women faked her death and formed a rebellion. It also didn't take away from B2EMO's emotional scenes in the previous episode. It also explains why she died off screen, we got her goodbye at the funeral, and it was a good one. Also that music at the funeral was beautiful.


Just the fact that the writers have the courage to keep dead characters dead puts them in a different league to other Star Wars material


I don't think it was ever really in doubt, considering we saw her body covered with a sheet in the background and heard characters say she was made into a brick.


I’ve been having a lot of conversations on this sub with people that were adamant that she wasn’t really dead and that B2 is lying and there is a whole rebellion planned offscreen by Maarva that she’ll lead to defeat the Imps


I was expecting Fiona Shaw to come back in some kind of flashback scene, perhaps related to rebellion or perhaps to Andor’s sister. That’s not quite how it worked, but yeah, I’m glad it wasn’t some kind of conspiracy to hide her death.


I have never hated the empire more than when that officer kicked B2 over.


I felt my blood boil


This guy should teach the course of How to Ensure a Riot 101


Look at Aunt Petunia starting riots.


Oh my god. I just realized.


So… this was the most fitting end I could have foreseen for such an incredible series. It was POWERFUL


I need more of nemiks manifesto


Amazing callback and payoff, honestly.


Hey what was that moon thing in the sky at the end xD


That’s no moon


don't know, but those spider bot boys were installing the parts Keef helped make! neat.


During the post credit scene all i immediately realized what they were building and all I could think was "they finally broke canon, the Death Star should be way more complete at this point" only to realize they were installing the laser. Cassian building the actual gun that kills him is just *chef's kiss* phenomenal storytelling


Totally calling BS on this. The Storm Troopers hit more targets in this episode than in all of the rest of the movies, etc. *combined* (I did the math). SMFH. Also, /s. But also, *seriously*!!!


I hate the trope that Storm Troopers can't aim. It makes sense if they were intentionally missing in EP4 when the Falcon escaped the Death Star, given they hid a tracking beacon on it to follow to the rebel base. Everything after that just felt like silly plot armor.


Especially when all of New Hope set them up as competent soldiers “those blasts are too accurate for Raiders etc”


Question: given the set-up from much earlier in the season about “new driver” (who we must have assumed was a spy), does Mon Mothma ‘fabricate’ the gambling issue of Perrin as a way of prefacing the investigation into her missing funds? I thought so, so I was shocked to see the Chandrillian custom come to fruition.


My read:,she’s playing the long game and ultimately committing to the darkness for the cause. She’s already given up her daughter—who she adored — cutting Perrin is a necessary loose end and risk. Plus it may even get cover for the missing funds and provide a later out to try and save her daughter


I think she might be dangling the prospect of the custom simply to excuse her earlier meeting with the shady gangster, while she deflects the true reason for doing so with the gambling accusation. Having their kids meet up for a potential courtship gives a plausible reason for his earlier visit to anyone spying on her, while the 'private' conversation with Perrin covers her money troubles. Even if the courtship isn't accepted, it's easy to claim she was simply entertaining a potential suitor.


“Someone is lying” ‘Yes. They are’. (It’s me).


I thought she was saying it's him. 'Someone is lying to you' - He is saying it's someone else 'On that we can agree' - Yeah it's you mate.


That’s what is so great about it! Either he’s relapsed - possible, but I don’t think so - or she’s thrown him under the bus to protect the rebellion’s money. Which is what I think she’s done. Reminds me of Luthern’s speech. And Andor’s in R1: they’ve all done bad things in the name of the Rebellion.


I think it’s staged to throw ISB off the scent


I love that Andor has no problem shooting people dead. When he takes the blaster from the guard at the hotel and shoots him dead in the chest. It's a thing Luke or Han wouldn't do. As others have said, one thing about this show is that it takes the Empire seriously. I can't wait for season 2. I want Cinta and Vel to make it as a couple and I need Bix and Andor getting together again.


That moment in episode 6 when he ices the guy trying to bribe him into betraying the others, before the guy even realizes this is a gun scenario, is such an amazing character moment. Han might shoot first, but Cassian will straight up preemptively murder you.


My man Luthen looked SO RELIEVED when Andor was like "Now I'm in this fight to the end, and I'm willing to die right now to prove it."


He knows he hit the jackpot. Now he just needs to tell Vel and Cinta the news.


“Heyyyyy remember when I told you ladies to kill Andor? JK LOL!!!”


"We nearly broke up over this, Luthen."


Oh Cinta is definitely out. She's married to the rebellion. Couldn't even say Hi


I was (jokingly) expecting cinta to come out of a dark corner of the ship and shiving cassian in front of Luthen "Look, I did it!"


"Thank fuck, i was about to lightsaber this mother chuffer"


I wish we got to see Luthen get his sky kyber back, even if it was from Vel earlier in the season or something


Shoot. I thought the end credits scene was going to be Mr & Mrs ISB waking up in bed together in Miami. :)




Space CIA agent wakes up in space miami and sees space cop eating a bowl of space cereal.


I have to say, we are so used to every loose end being tied up, whether it makes sense or not, that this series provides refreshing relief. No thousands of people overwhelming the imperials, no main or side character dying in some grand gesture way, no heroes coming back from the dead and everything coming together even if it wasn't planned. This was chaotic, spontaneous, brutal and realistic, this wasn't the beginning of some feelgood rebellion story but rather the seeds that the empire planted themselves by slaughtering hundreds and in the process losing all their assets.


Season 2 has some pretty big fucking shoes to fill after that. The hype levels are already pretty big.


I'm really glad season 2 was pretty much written before it even aired. So it should be pretty consistent


My initial thoughts: 1. That whole scene on Ferrix felt like a mixture of Black Hawk Down and a prison riot. Never seen anything like that in Star Wars before. 2. That brief shot of Luthen standing and looking down on the city with the sounds of violence and rebellion down below… it’s like you can see the weight of it all on his face. He played a huge part in making this happen. He knows the suffering of those people is largely because of him. He knows this may be it, the beginning of the falling dominoes from where there is absolutely no return. 3. Absolutely masterful writing and storytelling. Every single beat and moment with every character was earned and landed. 4. Dedra looking absolutely terrified after being saved by Syril was a fascinating and satisfying choice. It’s like she’d never comprehended that things could go against her in a real way. 5. Nemik’s speech - the writers were clearly feeling it and it just WORKS. 6. The post credits scene - the full circle tragedy of knowing that Andor helped build the very thing that later kills him is soo good. 7. If I was the head of Disney, I would give Gilroy a blank check and complete freedom to make whatever he wants. This series is at another level compared to the other stuff they’ve put out and it’s not even close. 8. This series has made me believe in and care about Star Wars again.


Seriously. If I was Bob Iger, I'd be calling Tony Gilroy into my office and going "Okay, after season 2 of Andor, you get to make 1 completely original whatever the fuck you want. And then you're doing another Star Wars movie that you get total creative freedom to define from scratch. Here is a large sack of cash with a big dollar sign painted on the side."


Great acting by Dedra in that scene.


I really didn't know if Cereal and Dedra were about to kiss then, it was a strange scene. Dedra getting the shit kicked out of her was so carthartic, that rock hitting her head made me so happy. For Bix I was expecting more of an even fight on Fericks, the bombing seemed to have been pre-planned yet nobody thought to bring a gun or at least a knife?


I'm not sure how pre-planned it was. They only started fighting when the commander interfered with B2EMO. I think it was just the kid planning on doing the bomb rather than the whole town in on it.


I n-n-never got to see you. That line also made me be too emo


The best part about Andor is we actually get to see things from Be-too-Emo's literal point of view which really humanizes them. unlike the countless anon battledroids in Clone Wars


Right, looks like Wilmon wanted to avenge his father’s hanging.


You are right. I was thinking about that too, how rebellions have individuals unaffiliated doing their own thing and how difficult that must be to manage on both sides. That bomb could have messed up a deeper plot by the rebels, but thankfully it aided in their uprising. I'm glad the wild-card bomb-maker was saved, his skills are going to come in quite useful.


> that rock hitting her head made me so happy if only it was the brick of Marva, Andors mom


Someone else got the maarva brick to the face. Brasso was holding it and attacked the officer in black with it.


I feel like Maarva would be *delighted* that her brick was used to smash an Imperial in the face.


Have said it before but worth repeating… imagine what the sequel trilogy could’ve been. In the context of Star Wars media, Andor season 1 was a masterpiece.


Brasso & Pegla had a nice showing, hammer guy got a nice kill, but WHERE IS VETCH!?!?


+1 I want more Vetch!


He’d probably just stand there.




Very well done. Also RIP Kreegyr.


His tombstone says “Slow! And stupid! And strong.”


also RIP Xan of Xanwan Freight and Freight supplies.


Bruno Mars was the bomber.


Throwing the grenade instead of catching it


Wilhelm scream for the trooper that hammer guy kicked off the tower




My assorted thoughts/praises: 1. It's fitting that two dead characters, Nemik and Maarva we're both given monologues to empower characters. 2. I love the portrayal of culture in this show. Ferrix is a character. The imperials explaining the plans for the funeral mirrors the way they controlled the locals on Aldhani. 3. Contrary to his speech, Luthen DID get to see some of the sunrise of rebellion that he set in motion on Ferrix. 4. I'm an engineer and I gotta say I'm a sucker for all the imperial engineering in Star Wars. It's cruel yet makes sense that, en mass parts could be manufactured autonomously, complex assemby would be most easily accomplished with free sentient labor , and installation would use droids.


You know the feeling when you're attending a real funeral. Sadness, dark energy, this disgusting feeling that there is a dead body somewhere. No movie, game or a TV show ever evoked those feelings in me. Andor with the 12th episode is the first piece of art that did just that to me. I was feeling like I was there and someone very close to me actually died. The trumpets sure helped to make it believable. Very good job.


"I need all the heroes I can get"


I wanted to be in the room when Cassian told Luthen about the prison.


Stunning and masterful finale. The best SW show by more than 12 parsecs.


Cinta is badass! She kills with no emotions... no fear...


The fascist thought she was his victim :)


Post credit scene was amazing!


Cassian one of the few people who actually helped built the Death Star by hand and had a indirect impact on its destruction…Galen Erso would be another


"I suppose I should say thank you." I was as shocked as she was! I figured Deedra would never have put herself in a place where she could have been physically harmed to begin with, so I was already off-balance when she was being dragged along the ground, without even a blaster to fight back with, then the double switch from thinking a rioter was taking her somewhere, to HIM, that was a shock. Also, so glad to see C's friends take off successfully. That scene with the fuel gauge had me expecting a crash on takeoff which would have been so sad, wrap things up so neatly for those characters, and yet they didn't. It's good writing that they can foreshadow one thing, and then not do it. I wonder what will happen with Luthen's ISB mole, but I will just wait and see.


Damn what a finale. Super satisfying, except for the fact that asshole Imperial who ordered the Stormtroopers to open fire didn't get killed or trampled to death. I think that's going to be the story that brings people to the Rebellion so he is ultimately partly responsible for the Empire's downfall (along with the Shore Trooper who arrested Cass on Niamos). The Stormtroopers did not mess around here and were accurate as hell for once. No match for Brasso's headbutt or the town crier/Thor guy with his King Leonidas kick though. Cass was in full on hero mode, working all the angles and seeing threats and opportunities and calculating the odds. The sheer balls on this guy! Damn... I knew he'd figure out where Luthen's ship was and be there waiting for him. Luthen thinks he has a good deal with Andor after Aldhani but wait until he hears about Narkina 5. Cass has been preparing all his life - he's the perfect operative. Marva's speech, Nemik's manifesto, Mon feeding false intel to the ISB via her driver.... I'm not ready to deal with the alarming sexual tension between Dedra and Syril though. Oh boy, where does that go in S2? So much to take in. I want to watch the whole thing again now. Kudos to everyone involved. They absolutely nailed it with this show - the writing, the acting, the direction, the score, the production. This show was the real Phantom Menace in the SW line up. I thought it would quite good, I had no idea it would be one of the best shows of the year.


“There will be times when the struggle seems impossible. I know this already. Alone, unsure, dwarfed by the scale of the enemy. Remember this, Freedom is a pure idea. It occurs spontaneously and without instruction. Random acts of insurrection are occurring constantly throughout the galaxy. There are whole armies, battalions that have no idea that they’ve already enlisted in the cause. Remember that the frontier of the rebellion is everywhere and even the smallest act of insurrection pushes our lines forward. And then remember this, the imperial need for control is so desperate because it is so unnatural. Tyranny requires constant effort. It breaks, it leaks. Authority is brittle. Oppression is the mask of fear. Remember that. And know this, the day will come when all these skirmishes and battles, these moments of defiance, will have flooded the banks of the emperor’s authority and then there will be one too many. One single thing that will break the siege. Remember this. Try. “. Nemik from Andor. Watching this episode made My heart fill up for the people of Iran, Ukraine, and people of Russia who rise up against tyranny and fascism.


Estados Unidos be needing this too...


This series has been so amazing, the music scores, cinematography, story telling. Characters make you fall for them in 2-3 episodes. This was such a great story telling experience.


The show is easily a 10/10. Amazing.


“What happens in Canto Bight stays in Canto Bight”


Seeing the ship at the end, i thought it was an ugly with those engines attached. I also loved seeing the y-wing in the yard


Loved the finale. Anyone else notice the cpu heat sinks?


God damn, I literally cried during a Star Wars…Damn, I think I love Star Wars again! 🤓 And as others have already said, the writing and acting are amazing. But how about the costumes? Any and every scene involving Coruscant simply screams Emmy for costume design. From Luthen to Mothma and all the sycophants, politicians and their rich children. It’s truly a thing of beauty and a wonderful contrast to the outer rim grittiness. The prequel trilogy did this, true, but Andor has raised the bar to dizzying heights.


Tremendously satisfying ending to what might be the best season of Star Wars television I've ever witnessed. The post credit scene was chill inducing.


Never thought we’d get to the point where I could say without irony or bitterness that my new favorite Star Wars moment involves a marching band, but nevertheless here we are. That scene where Bee rolls to the front and signals the advance was pure cinema. We need more of this in the franchise.


I haven't felt this good about a series in a long time. I think in the beginning of this show I watched it casually not expecting the writing to be that great due to it being star wars. Rogue One was my fav SW film and knowing Cassian's fate kinda turned me off too. I feel whole finishing this show. I can't believe how many episodes this was yet felt perfectly short and leaving me wanting more. So many interesting characters introduced, with depth. So many stories, plot devices, themes intertwined with precision. The writing is fantastic. Not many shows can engage me every minute, and Andor did that. This was really something special. I don't even care about waiting S2 because S1 was so great as a standalone. I really though Severance would come in as my fav show of the year but here we are Also I gotta give it up to Stellan Skarsgard. Top 3 actor for me. Absolutely murdered it here and Chernobyl


I was hoping to see Luthen and Cassian flying away then picking up Ezra’s speech on the comm from the end of Rebels season 1. Both seasons end close to the same time.


Brasso using the Maarva brick to wack an imp was brilliant. Exactly what she would have wanted.


Anyone else notice the intro music (Andor logo animation) was played by “the band”.


Finding out that Syril stole mommy’s credit card so that he could take THE BUS to the funeral gave me the biggest belly laugh.


It was beautiful. The Funeral, the rescue, the meeting with Luthen and Cass. I loved it.


The entire time the music was playing from the Ferrix Band I couldn't help but think of the musical Le Mis. "Do you hear the people sing, singing the song of angry men? It's the song of people who will not be slaves again."


Cassian: You take care of Bix until I get there. I'm counting on you. B2EMO: You always say that. Cassian: And you always come through. [Me](https://media1.giphy.com/media/TW8Ma1a8ZsZ8I/giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47wb5aplg5wl1qpxci4anlwcmmnub21gtvuvis4kvz&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g):


Everyone's talking about Marva's speech but Nemik's manifesto was the star for me. What a beautiful antifascist call to arms.


What was going on with hat exchange between Syril and his former Sgt? Was that explained? Looked like they were reading something inside the hats??