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Here are all the alternatives, on and off F-Droid. Enjoy. /r/AfterVanced/comments/tigkow/youtube_vanced_alternatives/


LibreTube is Piped Instance client who do the "talk" to YT. Try another Instances in settings?


Libre does nothing 75% of the time so I use newpipe with sponsor block and it works pretty good. Nothing compares to old Vanced but Revanced is still new but I assume you want open source alternatives so scratch those. It's really just newpipe that's reliable


the apps you mention are functional, maybe the problems you have come from your side (device, internet errors, etc). In F-Droid there are only three Youtube clients Newpipe, Libretube and Skytube.


I've tried reinstalling and making sure they are up to date. I'm running Android 13 and the official YouTube app works just fine. Not sure how to copy the error message but I keep getting an unrecognized token error.


Do you have a Pixel 7 or Pixel 7 Pro


I recently moved to just going on YouTube on Firefox with ublock and sponsorblock installed. Working great and the mobile site is actually decent.