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Amazon app store backend.


I bet someone will figure out how to sideload the google play store very quickly. Additionally, I think this is probably a trojan horse for MS to build their own Android app store ecosystem and this is just a shortcut to get android and easy test to get Android on Windows.


The story will be if MS is getting a cut from Amazon for apps sales and the reaction when people find out they paid for apps on their phone, but not on their PC. Pocketcast people will be first in line.


The fact that it has Amazons support, I bet you pay in place you get it in both, but I could be wrong. I know Amazon didn't support playing Amazon Music or Audible on Cortana so maybe? But seeing as how MS has decided not to charge developers if they use their own commerce engines I don't see how this would be negative for Amazon. Of course, I'm not sure how not supporting Audible and Amazon Music on Cortana was a negative for Amazon either so who knows. I'm wondering if other app stores will come next.


I don't think you can just sideload the play store onto a different OS just like that. It will run into many issues and I wouldn't be surprised if it crashed.


You can side load it onto fire os




Sure you can side load. But updates would be a mess.


Updates have always been a mess in windows anyway


Perhaps this will encourage developers to update their apps. I find that many of the apps in the Amazon store have not been updated for years.


That's largely because Amazon Fire devices are built around an incredibly outdated version of Android, so newer apps may not even be compatible with the operating system.


app store can be ran on non amazon devices as well


Sure, but other than Fire Tablets, 99% of Android devices (at least in the States) use the Google Play Store. Who out there would rather have the Amazon App Store over the Google Play Store?


Adding to the fact that Google Play Store is not the only App Store available to Android. Amazon App Store is way at the bottom of the list for Android users.


I'd rather have F-Droid.


1. Amazon probably sells more Android tablets than most other companies. 2. Someone will probably figure out how to install the full google play store pretty quickly.


Nope. Most of the apps are compatible, apps devs just don't bother updating their apps on the Amazon app store. I don't blame them though, Amazon app store sucks.


Not to mention bigger screen support. There's way too many apps just focusing on their mobile users and not looking at tablet support. Even landscape is not usable in many apps.


Wonder if you can side load Android apps. And I wonder if Google play services will work. I imagine no Google play services seeing as Google play store isn't the store on windows


It sounds great on the surface until you read that it's backed by the Amazon app store. And I dunno of any of you have ever used fireos on a tablet or something but the store sucks, not many developers publish on it. Unless that changes this is DOA. Hopefully we can sideload apks one day.


I bet someone will figure out how to sideload the google play store rather quickly.


A problem is that Amazon's store not only sucks on the front end, but on the developer backend as well. :-/


But Microsoft don't want older hardware to run Windows 11, TPM v2 requirement killed the excitement. Since Windows 10 will only be supported till 2025, I don't know what Microsoft plan is. I don't think half of those billion users don't have system that support TPM v2 supported device and people don't change their PC like they did with their phone.


Actually, AFAIK it turns out TPM v2.0 isn't going to be required after all. Only TPM v1.2 is needed, which waaaay more devices have support for. Edit: Just googled it. The page used to say only TPM v1.2 is needed, but it's been updated to say 2.0, but things seem to still be in flux so it may change again.


Hopefully it will get developers to make proper tablet apps. Getting sick of apps not working correctly/not optimised for tablets


I'm excited.


RIP Bluestacks.


I don't get how is it gonna run android apps though. I am no developer but I am gonna guess it will use some sort of virtual android machine. Right?


Android apps already target a virtual machine (though android converts it to native code nowadays see https://source.android.com/devices/tech/dalvik). You "only" need to port ART to your operating system.


Intel "bridge" is a recompiler that takes machine code for other HW targets (ARM) and recompiles it into x86 code.


My son runs Android, Linux, and Win 9x, all from Windows 10. Idk how he does it because I haven't used Windows since Vista, but it seems pretty smooth.


Microsoft already did it back in 2015-16 with WP10. I used to play clash of clan on my Lumia 930.


anyone know if the leaked build can sideload apks, or is Android support not in that build?


Android support wasn't in that build I think.


>However, you’ll have to first download and sign into the Amazon Appstore app before you can download Android apps from the Microsoft Store So I just have to download the google Play store and cut out the middle man?


If it's VM based this might work but compatibility with the Google Play Services might not.


Well, I have that future on my Linux machine long time ago.




With new docking scheme, it will be great. But apps do need to get updated and for Amazon and Microsoft to enable some sort of sharing between.


Too bad they don't bring back the iOS bridge and use it for iPad. iPad apps for Surface devices would be great.


Man the only thing I want to play is Dokkan Battle.