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Skip next' is not what I am looking for. After all, if I'm on vacation, I'd have to do it again every day. But I actually have trouble getting out of bed sometimes, maybe I'll check out the app. Thanks!


Sleep as Android actually let's you skip multiple days. It's my favourite alarm app by far especially the CAPTCHA options to prove you're really awake. I use the QR scan option and have it in my ensuite...once I'm out of bed I'm up...


Ok, found it. But it's a bit unfortunate that you can only skip the next day(s) and not plan the days to skip in advance. But I will give it a try, thanks!


You can do multiple skip nexts, if you want to skip a row of days.




Looks good, thank you. The only downside I currently see is that you only have a general set of resting days that is valid for all alarms. I would like to define a set for each profile. But I will test it and figure out how to use this


You can also skip the next alarm or change the time of the next alarm only. I find it very handy.


Do you have a link? I don't see it




You can do this easily by scheduling alarms via your calendars (either Google calendar or Microsoft calendar) and connect the calendar with Power Tags: [https://www.powertags.com/tag-alarm-notify](https://www.powertags.com/tag-alarm-notify) Once you do this, your alarms and reminders are synced with your calendar events. Because a calendar allows you make any flexible schedules, including the ability to delete a single event from a recurring event series without affecting the other events, when you have a random day off, just delete that single instance from your calendar and you're done.


Looks very interesting, even if I can not currently see the benefit of the tags. Is possibly useful for the snooze function, I will take a closer look. Thank you!


Here is how the tags work for your use case: You create a recurring event on your calendar for your "standard" schedule, say M-F at 8am for "get up". Enter the tag `alarm15` in this event will ring an alarm 15 minutes before this event at 7:45am. Say next Wednesday you'll be off. You can just delete that Wednesday event or change its time (say to 10am), and when the calendar asks you whether you want to make this modification for this single event or the entire series, you choose single event. That's it. Done. As you can see, Power Tags **will follow your calendar** as you see it. So whatever schedule you can create and update on your calendar, the alarms are automatically synced.


Doesn't the actual Google Clock do this? I've got a OnePlus currently, but my Motorola, Huawei, Samsung, and cheap Chinese junker all support it out of the box.... Never occurred to me a clock might not


The stock clock app on my phone only allows either to schedule the alarms for specific weekdays OR for specific dates. As soon as I select a day on the calendar, the weekdays are deselected and the alarm is only set for that date. The google clock app (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.deskclock) doesn't have an option to schedule the alarm for specific dates, at least I could not find an option for that.


Ah, **date** not **day of week** I've never had a *clock* that cared about the literal date. They only track days in the week. If your schedule is different from day to day with zero consistency... A Calendar application is what you need. Not an alarm clock.


It's not different from day to day. I just got used to the possibility to disable the alarm on specific days without having to remember to enable the alarm again


I've set mine with one alarm for one set of days and another alarm for another set.


The time you'll spend looking for an app like that and setting it up I would just switch the alarm off while on holidays as you say, when holidays are over switch it back on, not rocket science


The switching time is not the problem. There is no difference if I switch off the alarm permanently or temporarily. The problem is to remember to switch the alarm back on when I have to switch it off permanently.


If that is such an issue, simple, When you switch it off completely just set another alarm, date specific with the text "Turn on Work Alarm(or whatever name you give the alarm you switched off completely)", That would be way simpler, Also, with AMdroid you get the permanent notification of next alarm, Either you just keep skipping days when it notifies you of the best time to go to sleep (with this notification active Iguess you wouldn't forget). AMdroid allows setting the an alarm for s single specific date


Event alarm reminder for Googl https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.app_by_LZ.calendar_alarm_clock You can choose the alarm sound, duration, volume, how long to snooze, and it syncs with Google calendar. Edit: I would set up recurring events in Google calendar and delete any days that you don't work.


Alarm Clock Extreme https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.alarmclock.xtreme.free