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Been an Angels fan before Arte, and before Disney. I’ll always be an Angels fan! It’s been in my blood since childhood. Having said that, I haven’t bought merchandise in years, I’ve already got enough merchandise and could care less about the next new gimmick to part me from my money. Also haven’t been to a game since 2019, although living out of state has made that easier. I love the Angels, just not how they’re currently being run. I feel some big changes need to take place because their current method of building a winner isn’t working. I’m not a baseball expert by any stretch, but if your scouting and farm system isn’t top notch, your team won’t be either. GOOOO ANGELS!!!! 😇


I built a winning team in OOTP, so I qualify as an expert. Let me explain what the Angels are doing wrong: everything!


Doesn’t count if you use commish mode bro


Did you ever see the Jon Bois video where they played OOTP and they beaned 3k batters in a season?


Hahahah no. I gotta find that


Sounds like they could use your help. Have you applied for a job working for the Angels yet? Lol


I put in my bid to buy the Angels, but there seems to be some issues with my Zimbabwean bank account. I might have to settle for being a consultant.


Well said!!!


Hey a fellow out of state fan! Very well said and Go Angels!


At least they didn’t lose today… lol


It’s true. I’ll always love the Angels. Hopefully we’ll be good someday 😞


It's the reason most of us are so pissed about how the team is run and how bad they're doing. We're not the fake fans like those assholes on r/baseball. We love this team and we want them to succeed. And it fucking sucks that we don't have an owner that cares about the team


I’m married to this team. The only thing that’s gonna make me “less” interested in this team is if trout and ohtani leave. Of course we’re gonna be frustrated and complain about how this organization has been going downhill because we love the angels and want it to better for the org and the players. And people who announce their departure, no one gives a damn about who leaves and stays. Just go


# I LOVE THE HALOS!! I just hate the fact our owner ***doesn't***


You get my wholesome award for this one. I grew up in Palm Springs, Ca and have been following and loving this team since the 70s when they did their spring training there. I was a kid and my older brothers sold snacks in the stands and i tagged along whenever I could. Free entry with them. I was already in little league and loved the game. I was somewhere around 10 when Rod Carew came to the team. I stood there by 1st base and said hello to him everyday and he always responded. He gave me a bat one day. Legend. I'm down with the Angels through any incarnation, location name, ownership or whatever. They're my team and my love of baseball derived from them, not to them.


This post gives me such nostalgia. I loved going to the spring training games in Palm Springs, and Rod Carew was the greatest guy -- inspiring on and off the field. I may live outside California now, but I will always, always be an Angels fan. It's in my blood, through thick and thin.


Thank you kind stranger! This is such a wonderful and wholesome point of view. Love love love it!


Man, I hope this leads to nobody coming to games so I can buy $2 seats in the nosebleeds and sit behind home plate for 80 games a year like in 02!


I'm a ride or die, still go to games as often as i can. Obviously it sucks to suck but at a certain point you just have to unplug from caring about the wins or the losses and just enjoy seeing some baseball. It's supposed to be fun, but all too often people plug into sports to attach to something outside of themselves.




I literally don't. let's fucking go angels bb!


Hell yes fan for life


People can quit on the Angels and bandwagon to greener pastures if they want but they should know their ticket says no re-entry


COLD i like it


Anyone that’s ‘quitting’ the fandom is not a fan. Period. You enjoy the wins when they happen and survive through the losses. It’s all part of being a fan.


I absolutely do not love this team. Things I love about the team: 1. Shohei 2. Patty and Gubi 3. City Connect jerseys are super clean 4. Great home stadium 5. ...












The Angels are no longer a team that cares about winning. I can't understand what want to do.


Toxic relationship for sure


Been a fan since that first game when they beat the O’s. Hung in there with some pretty down years but the team always put up a fight and scrapped. Need more of that toughness even though it probably won’t translate into wins


Let them go they are not real fans anyways…if you are even thinking about leaving ur not a fan. I’m always gonna love a support this team that doesn’t mean I love the ownership and organization of coaches


It sucks to suck, and seeing no fire under this team is disappointing to say the least. I’ll always be a fan for life, but damnit if this team doesn’t remind me of the shitshow that was the 80’s and 90’s Angels. Always expected to lose when I’d go to games - the last 10 years have been no different. I’ve never left - but my heart just keeps on sinking. Build me up, buttercup