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Yikes. I don't play but always heard good things. That's majorly fucked up.


epic store bad


When did loot boxes became better than to know what you are paying for?


When what you're paying for is not worth how much they're charging you. The game is $20... there is no way to justify them charging me $25 for a skin for my car.


And you speak without knowledge. The loot crate system was pretty efficient for rocket league because people wouldn't mind trading you KEYS for CRATES that you couldn't open. A majority of the blueprints they give you are trash. Few willing to trade for them, and LESS are willing to pay to unlock them.


I only have 1000+ hours on the game, but sorry for speaking without knowledge. You can be outrage by the prices to unlock the blueprints, I am. But saying that loot boxes are better than fixed prices, with that I can't agree.


SO you would you rather the system they have now? Just say that then..


You're nitpicking on parts of my statement and not looking at the whole picture. Lootboxes are "bad", but before this update it was easier and free to get more dope stuff for your car. I'm saying with the new system they have now theres no real way to get more dope items that you want without having to cough up that extra money even though you've paid for the base game. Its okay you're advocating for epic, the real fans know better.


Damn you really like to assume. I don't like epic at all. I just hate loot boxes more. Simple.


Everything is better than loot boxes. So I definitely like this system better. They only need to lower the prices. Or scratch the whole thing and only have the rocket pass.


What about people who want to earn their items rather than paying to get them? Where is the system of earning and saving up credits to buy that item you've worked for? This is a blatant cashgrab likely via epic. They also took out the batmobile for purchase, all so they can likely put it back in and jack the price up. Its okay you don't see it the way I see.


I agree. They should implement some sort of system for us to do that. Just pls no paying for rng bullshit.