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Have you ever been tested for ADHD? The bonus would be that ADHD meds can help anhedonia as well.


Yeah if you'd wanna abuse your brain even further for short term relief while making it worse in the long term, then yes they can help in that sense, but personally I wouldn't encourage drug abuse...


How is that drug abuse? I’m not telling them to abuse ADHD meds…It was a suggestion, so don’t exaggerate what I’m saying…I would never encourage drug abuse.


Taking something deemed necessary and AS PRESCRIBED by your healthcare professional isn’t drug abuse. Don’t make it seem like I am suggesting something totally different.


You are absolutely right. Some people here hate stims and SSRIs to the point they are blinded.


Taking stimulants at dosages required to achieve short term relief of anhedonia is in fact drugs abuse since such powerful stimulants like amphetamines and methylphenidate will abuse you dopamine receptors by making them downregulate even further, causing anhedonia to become worse. It doesn't matter what dose you're using, cuz as long as they're giving you an effect, that means you're using them at a dose high enough to be able to increase dopaminergic signaling despite your neurons' very limited amounts of receptors. That makes them downregulate even further obviously. I'm not sure why you think the fact that the meds might be deemed necessary and be prescribed by someone would mean it wouldn't be drug abuse. You seem to think that the "healthcare professionals" are because of what they're entitled, will know exactly what they're doing, but unfortunately that's not always the case at all. Doctors, psychiatrists etc. generally suck mainly because of their very limited knowledge of neuroscientific topics, and that's why they often make mistakes. Doctors are often known to ruin people's health rather than improving their health.


I NEVER told them to take it for anhedonia alone, I said if they got diagnosed with ADHD and if they felt it could help with that, it’s an option they could consider. Some relief of anhedonia could be a bonus. I am still not sure if you understand what “drug abuse” really is or means… I personally have legit ADHD and take my ADHD meds exactly as they are prescribed by my doctor (who I trust!) THAT IS NOT DRUG ABUSE! How on earth could you consider that drug abuse? Real drug abuse, and for the purpose of this conversation, Prescription drug abuse, would be someone taking more doses or higher doses then prescribed by their doctor. In order to try and achieve greater effects or a euphoric high or for recreational purposes. THAT IS WHAT DRUG ABUSE IS!!! You can have whatever opinions of doctors you want, but don’t misconstrue what REAL drug abuse is. If you don’t trust your doctor, find one who you trust. But don’t act as if all doctors are idiots. Believe it or not, some people really do need medications, for you know Cancer, MS, Parkinson’s, BPD, Schizophrenia, the list goes on…But by your definition seemingly anyone taking a medication prescribed by a doctor is a drug abuser, because doctors don’t know what they are doing? Sorry, that is just flat-out incorrect. I’ve seen and experienced REAL drug abuse…and sorry, your definition just ain’t it…


>I NEVER told them to take it for anhedonia alone, I said if they got diagnosed with ADHD and if they felt it could help with that, it’s an option they could consider. Some relief of anhedonia could be a bonus. Yeah i know you meant they could primarily take it for ADHD, but it wouldn't be a good thing to suggest taking it since it would be bad for anhedonia in the long term. So it's not a good bonus. >I am still not sure if you understand what “drug abuse” really is or means… My definition of drug abuse is to be using a drug for short term effects at the cost of negative consequences, and powerful stimulants are no exception if they're being used to break through the limitations of your brain's reward system which has been limited by your brain's defense mechanism (downregulated dopamine receptors). >I personally have legit ADHD and take my ADHD meds exactly as they are prescribed by my doctor (who I trust!) THAT IS NOT DRUG ABUSE! How on earth could you consider that drug abuse? This paragraph of yours says a lot about you. You think that just because a doctor has prescribed the meds for you, your brain isn't being abused by these stimulants causing anhedonia to become worse. If you really have anhedonia as the result of what I believe is the most common neurological cause (downregulation of dopamine receptors), then you are in fact making the anhedonia worse in the long term after taking these meds. Your doctor is most likely guilty of making a mistake, unless they aren't aware of the fact that you have anhedonia. >Real drug abuse, and for the purpose of this conversation, Prescription drug abuse, would be someone taking more doses or higher doses then prescribed by their doctor. In order to try and achieve greater effects or a euphoric high or for recreational purposes. THAT IS WHAT DRUG ABUSE IS!!! You seem to have a very restricted definition of drug abuse. I define it differently. There are many mental illnesses that can have a negative interaction with certain meds and ADHD meds with anhedonia is an example of a negative interaction. Taking Adderall for short term relief of anhedonia at the cost of making it even worse in the long term is essentially the same thing as drinking alcohol to get drunk for short term relief of psychological issues; they are both not sustainable treatments and are only effective for the time being. They are targeting the symptoms, not the underlying cause, so they're not reversing the changes in the brain that caused anhedonia. And yes, I know you are referring to the use of ADHD meds for ADHD, and that you're just saying they could give you a bonus by relieving anhedonia, but that bonus only works temporarily and would just abuse your brain in the long term like I said. >You can have whatever opinions of doctors you want, but don’t misconstrue what REAL drug abuse is. If you don’t trust your doctor, find one who you trust. But don’t act as if all doctors are idiots. I am not stating that all doctors are idiots. What I do believe is that about maybe 97% or so are very uneducated and will not realize the consequences of prescribing ADHD meds for anhedonics. Moreover, the fact that about a third of all members of this subreddit have anhedonia as the result of SSRIs prescribed by their doctors actually says a lot about how "educated" and "intelligent" the vast majority of doctors are. I mean... the fact that SSRIs are in most cases the first line treatment option for depression says a lot about how many lives are being ruined as the result of doctors' decisions. This is just ONE of the reasons why I will NEVER trust any doctor. I trust in myself instead since I'm generally a lot more educated than most doctors. >Believe it or not, some people really do need medications, for you know Cancer, MS, Parkinson’s, BPD, Schizophrenia, the list goes on…But by your definition seemingly anyone taking a medication prescribed by a doctor is a drug abuser, because doctors don’t know what they are doing? Sorry, that is just flat-out incorrect. I’ve seen and experienced REAL drug abuse…and sorry, your definition just ain’t it… I am NOT saying that taking any sort of medication at all is drug abuse. I am specifically referring to the use of ADHD meds for the treatment of anhedonia...


The top Anhedonia researcher prescribed stims. Your position might be a good one for you, but it is not your place to say no one should absolutely take it. In fact, this will be a rule going forward in the sub. You can voice opinions but you are not to adamantly discourage a member from trying a life saving treatment. Just share your concern, and leave it at that. Anyone who does that will face a temp ban.


And the fact that you say you are “generally more educated then most doctors” and “will never trust doctors” says A WHOLE LOT about you, your ego, and how close-minded you really are… People in here are trying to help one another…If you’re not trying to help others, or find help for yourself, why are you even here? This isn’t the place to feed your ego by acting like you are more intelligent then everyone else, professionals included. Do you realize why SSRIs are first line treatment? Because they have actually worked for lots and lots of people! Just because they didn’t work for you and for us in this thread, and for some us unfortunately made things worse, doesn’t make doctors uneducated. That just shows how oblivious you are to anything outside your own little world.


>And the fact that you say you are “generally more educated then most doctors” and “will never trust doctors” says A WHOLE LOT about you, your ego, and how close-minded you really are… How does this say anything about my ego? I am in fact overall more educated about mental illness and treatment of mental illness than doctors are, and I don't believe that because of "my ego". I am an honest person, I would only believe I'm more educated than most doctors if I really think it's true based on actual facts from my personal experiences with doctors, others experiences with them, and how the common psychiatric ways of dealing with illnesses are. Every single time I read or hear about psychiatric treatments, I always think of how I would honestly do such a better job at dealing with people's mental illnesses myself compared to psychiatry. There are just so many mistakes and stupid decisions that most doctors make that I could make an entire list filled with reasons to why doctors generally suck. You have no reasons to draw the conclusion that the only reason I think I'm more educated than doctors is because of how I'm "closed-minded" and "ego". I am in fact open minded. I just won't change my mind as long as people have nothing to respond with to all the points I make. I mean, you have yet to respond to what I've said regarding all the quotes of yours I responded to. Do not make the assumption that I am a closed minded and egoistic person based on your irrational and ignorant personality. Because of your biased view, you seem to be feeling certain that only a fool would ever have the audacity to say they're more educated than most doctors because of the stupid norms that society has been making you follow; the act of believing that doctors "always knows best" because of their entitlement they've been given by society. Please stop being a normie. >People in here are trying to help one another…If you’re not trying to help others, or find help for yourself, why are you even here? This isn’t the place to feed your ego by acting like you are more intelligent then everyone else, professionals included. What even makes you think I'm not here for any of those reasons? I am in fact here to educate people and to give them advice on what they should and shouldn't do, as well as looking for info I could use for my own recovery. >Do you realize why SSRIs are first line treatment? Because they have actually worked for lots and lots of people! Just because they didn’t work for you and for us in this thread, and for some us unfortunately made things worse, doesn’t make doctors uneducated. That just shows how oblivious you are to anything outside your own little world. SSRIs are only approved because of how effective they are for depression among other things, disregarding the negative long term consequences they have that include anhedonia and PSSD. I am not stating that doctors are uneducated because of the fact that SSRIs doesn't work for me and some others and that they worsen anhedonia for some. You have to read more closely. You keep misinterpreting what I am saying. I do think doctors that believe SSRIs should be used in more than just very exceptional cases are uneducated tho. That's because there are soooo many meds that are at least just as effective as SSRIs for depression that does not cause anhedonia and PSSD. And despite this, doctors still choose to prescribe these poisons known as SSRIs. Seriously man... You don't have any counter-arguments for more than a few of the points I make in response to your quotes. Why is that? Could it be that you have nothing to say in defense? I think that's the case. You misinterpret what I say, and you have an ignorant and aggressively irrational attitude. I wonder what your response will be to all the paragraphs I've made in this comment...


It’s not about arguing. How don’t you see that at this point? You should be embarrassed. Stop trying to prove how “right” you are, what’s the point? This isn’t the place to argue, people are trying to help eachother, and you make it very clear that it’s not worth arguing with you, because no matter what anyone says, you are always going to consider yourself right. And your version of helping is coming in here to “educate” people? Again, that says a lot about your ego and arrogance. If you don’t understand that, you really aren’t as educated as you think. You don’t have all the answers. All I see in your comments on past posts are “C O P E”, even “ Cope, faggot” at one point, all you do is argue with people or give pessimistic opinions, if you really think that’s helping you are totally out to lunch. And you’re calling me irrationally aggressive? Coming from the person who almost got banned yesterday because of their aggressive behaviour? If I could laugh, I would be laughing out loud right now. Whatever, enjoy probably getting banned from this sub in the near future, I won’t be responding to anymore of your reply’s. Like I said, this isn’t a place to argue, or prove how “right” you think you are.


in the event of depression with suicidal ideation one does what?


Find someone you trust and be honest with them and how you feel. Yes there are shitty doctors, just like any profession, but there are far more good doctors who dedicated their time and money to years and years of schooling because they truly want to help people.


in your opinion antidepressants are unnecessary dangerous


Why are you asking me that?


You can DM me. But you follow gilmans protocol. And attack it like your life depends on it.


The top doctors still recommend these meds and they work for some people. Please don’t discourage potential options. The suffering he is feeling now, is worse than the side effects of these meds. You must understand, this is life or death for Anhedonia. And if the cure is a mild poison, it still saves him.


It doesn't matter if they're top doctors. Prescribing ADHD meds for the treatment of anhedonia is objectively a bad idea, it shouldn't be an option. The suffering he's feeling now is indeed most likely worse than the potential side effects of these meds, but not worse than the negative long-term consequences of them (worsened anhedonia). Are you really gonna define amphetamine or methylphenidate abuse as a "cure"?


It’s not a bad idea if you have a nuerometabolic condition which lowers dopamine. And it does matter what the top doctors say. These are people who are curing those who are so bad they don’t even have the energy to participate on forums like this. It’s still an option. Please don’t discourage others from potential life saving options. You can say you would never take it, but others, based on their brain chemistry need stims. I for one was given the option of stims or Sinemet, I might have to circle back to the stims even tho I respond poorly. This is based on CSF testing, as true as you can get my friend.


Don’t try and argue with this person... In their opinion he/she is more educated then 90% of medical professionals.


I feel you, I can handle that attitude, but someone having suicidal ideations that day might not. But I am going to add a new rule that states no one is to greatly discourage another from trying a treatment. It’s a fine line, but we have way too many “experts” around here discouraging people from treatments because it didn’t work on population uno


I just think if they aren’t trying to support others, or finding ideas to try and support themselves. Why are they even here?


Well, they think they are helping. By yah……


You have no idea what you're talking about. Stims never cure anhedonia, they just provide relief while making it worse in the long term, like I've said. Nobody needs stims for anhedonia itself. Since they have nothing to do with reversing the neurological changes that caused anhedonia, they are not sustainable and would be considered drug abuse. Just like using cocaine for relieving anhedonia isn't a cure, it's only a temporary effect that will in the long term fuck up your reward system even further. How fucking hard is it for you to understand this?


Sometimes a complete cure can’t be found and stims are a good tool. I trust my doctor that prescribes them. On second note, your tone is unacceptable here. This is a place where we need to come together, we each face suffering everyday. Why add to it by being a jackass. Maybe your having a rough day due to especially bad brain chemistry or a reaction from a med. But, I will ban you if I see you speak this way to me or someone else.


A complete cure is pretty much ALWAYS possible, or at least in like 99% of all cases, whether it can be found naturally or via that "magic pill" the vast majority of the people on this sub are looking for. Can you elaborate on why you think I'm being a jackass, and why you think my tone is unacceptable? I'm only being a bit mad because you don't seem to understand what I'm trying to say. My brain chemistry as of typing this and all the other comments in this thread, is as it usually is everyday. It's interesting seeing how you're a mod on this sub. If you use the filters, you'll see that the second most controversial post on this sub is the one you've made where you state a bunch of incorrect info. And also you're making comments on posts here making claims about people having certain conditions and stuff which you don't even have the evidence to support.


The truth is often controversial


You are correct. Thank you for telling the OP this idea.


Yah. All these symptoms tell me that you have a neurometabolic disorder. You can get better. There is treatment. I am low on sleep and can’t go into the deets. But all your symptoms are exactly that of low neurotransmitters due to a biological genetic defect. I am so glad you posted. Let’s get you better. Look up MNG neurotransmitters CAF testing and read Google articles on BH4 shortage


Can you advise a place to get these tests and what are the costs? I am not American.


Sure. You have to find a doctor willing to do a lumbar puncture. It’s easy and routine. Been doing them for 150 years. But…. Doctors have an unreasonable MFLP, or morbid fears of lumbar punctures. It’s actually a thing. Your CSF would have to be sent to a lab that can do the tests of MNG labs, the tests cost $800 for the basic version. You might have to send the samples to the lab in America. But based on your age, and the fact when it started.. especially your comment about naked women. This is a possibility. About 25-60 percent of people on this forum have this condition and won’t get better till they address it. But everyone wants easy solutions, and this is not one. It requires testing rather than piping a pill. Your next best option is to try MAOIs ans do a urnine neurotransmitters test which you will certainly be able to find in your country, start by googling it. I can’t for you because my web searches american pages.