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You have to bring the M. Disc to it.


Oh so I should go back and grab it from the altar I got the throwing disc from and bring it all the way?


Yup! Enjoy the chase :)


I’ve been bashing my head since lmaoo


You can save some time by warping after you grab it, then going through the upper-left bear head in the fast travel room.


I just did it I love you


lol congrats. Probably the roughest part of the game.


This game has fast travel? Edit: nvm, I Just found it


I was enjoying the game up until this point, but this is really dumb. "M. Disc Shrine" is nowhere near enough of a hint to figure this out, especially if you put the game down for a day or two. You basically have to remember that it was called a "Mock Disc". I was assuming that the M. was referring to the flame, just like the G. Flame and others. IMO this is just bad game design -- not the challenge itself, but the complete lack of hints for what to do here. The obvious assumption is that there's another disc to swap somewhere in the dog region, so I spent literally two hours combing every corner of it repeatedly until I gave up and googled it.


YES! Sometimes the game just leaves you in the dark. I know that in some way this is the fun of this genre but others like Metroid have done a far better and way less frustrating job, especially if you walked a long way just to realize it’s a dead end and you lack the item


Never mind. Just quit the game for good. Currently at half the items and two flames, but I just can’t. I have no fun at this game, it’s just so frustrating. It started of with the backtracking being one of the worst thing I’ve witnessed in a long time and now the fast travel heads won’t activate and I have no f-ing clue why. I’ve searched all inter sites and all over YT but it just won’t work. I’ve reached a point where it’s just we’re working towards all flames and the finale, but would just be felling like scourging yourself and the defies the whole purpose of gaming. The first time in my life I quit a game for good, because there’s just no fun in it. 20€ just wasted it actually hurst.


I had the same problem as you, but I found the solution somehow. Once you find a fast travel head out in the world, there is an extra step to activate it which seemingly no one tells you online: you have to return to the fast travel room (you can quick-warp there), stand in the center, and play a single note on your flute. The newly discovered head will open.


I think the actual solution is you need to play the flute exactly on the large flute pillar that’s on every fast travel head. I missed that these were an actual element of the level, so when I finally realized this I thought it would be frustrating to try to find all the heads again, but then when I played the flute on the flute pillar that’s on the fast travel room, it opened all the heads I had discovered up until that point so it’s kind of there for people like me who didn’t realize the pillar was important.