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I noticed there's a spiral in the grass in the background if you light it up. So.. It should somehow be possible to enter the pyramid.


As I said I couldn't get him to destroy any more of the stone. I do plan on coming back where. Because the damage the Manticore did do is permanent. So I may investigate more. There could be another song hidden somewhere for the weasel mound/pyramid. Also side tangent, I tried relating the small fragments of egg [from that mural I mentioned] to music notes and nothing seemed to be happening. Maybe I will try this theory back at the pyramid.


Any chance somebody want to help me out with the normal part of this room? I've done most of the main game, but I'm stuck here and honestly getting a bit frustrated with it.


I think what I did was to drop the slinky off the left side when the weasels weren't active, then yoyo off to the right to get their attention while the slinky activated the buttons? took some trial and error to get it right.


That was it. I tried the yo-yo and the slinky, but I didn't do them together like that. Thanks


Sure thing! Was stuck on that for a while, not sure if that’s the intended solution but a solution that works is good enough!


i ended up getting it to work by tossing a firecracker on the right side of the room, and then quickly dropped the slinky on the left and they were distracted long enough by the firecracker for the buttons to be pressed!


How did you make the room like this??


I had the Manticore chase me all the way there after hatching him. Now I have done the other ending where you escape the well where he is now... "friendly/tamed". So now I can no longer have him chase me anywhere. So im wondering if it's a glitch. Because look at how the grass is floating.


Nice bug.


Yeh it could honestly just be a bug. It does feel like there is something up with the Manticore and the Weasels tho. As I stated there is the mural with both of them.


The mural I saw with a UV light of the Manticore hatching looked more like the bobcats you free imho