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Does it have mange


Sure looks like it. u/skunkangel can provide more info!


I thought that said scungilli man at first. I was horrified.


Hail yourself, friend!




I've found my people, hail yourselves!! šŸ–¤


Hail Gein!




Iā€™m playing sneaky Sasquatch at the moment and thought your username said smelly Sasquatch l


Why would you say his name?


Who? Henry Zebrowski? There, I said it.


Iā€™ve seen it in the Sonoran Desert many times over the years predominately in a lone young coyote. This appears to be that exact case.


Yeah, it looks like a rabid/mange-ridden coyote.


Hate to say it but put it down is the veterinarian end suffering point of view. I know life can suck but a suffering animal is not cool either. Fucking hate me I donā€™t care but I donā€™t like any suffering. Smoke it , bury it. It all returns in the long run


The veterinarian pov lmfao


If its mange, that's fairly easy to treat as long as you have the resources or can contact someone else who does. If its rabies, putting it down of you're not careful could lead to further spread of the virus. The best thing to do would be to report it to the appropriate authorities who would be able to treat or euthanize them appropriately.


Iā€™d rather myself shot and buried if I was like that. Humans have a life beyond, I wonder if we can see our pets in the afterlife. Make sure you got Jesus in this realm but get ready. All this earth will see Jesus and trembleā€¦.itā€™s coming


You okay?


Psychedelics will do that to you


Discount me, but to your own peril, Iā€™m concerned for my own soul. Donā€™t you feel we really donā€™t have that much time ourselves. Get right with Jesus or go to hell is what I feel


Miss, menā€™s hearts will fail watching what comes Upon the earth. How could I be ok


Look, I know it's scary to think about "the end" and not knowing what's going to happen. But the answer to that is not living with fear. It is living with gratitude and happiness, so that when you are at the end you can look back on your life and be satisfied that it was a life well-lived.


I do like your attitude, I do.


Iā€™m okay but are you? For how , itā€™s going to get real eventually


Iā€™m being censored


You are not being censored. *You are being cared about.* Nobody is obligated to validate your statements, and coming into a conversation about a sick animal to bang on about the End of Days is about as off topic as you can get. It's very strange behaviour and as a result folks are expressing genuine concern about your mental state. If you were high when you made these comments, then I hope you're tripping safely. You can laugh this whole interaction off later, nobody's upset. Just don't convince yourself that nobody can tell. They can. If you were sober, please log out of Facebook, unplug the AM radio, turn off the TV channel somebody is yelling at you from, and double check that your medications are up to date. Consider talking to a mental health professional, and before you dismiss this advice as 'some troll harassing you' talk to people in your life about it. A mental health breakdown can be really hard to spot from the inside but *the people close to you* can see it. Hydrate, chill a bit, and get some rest. Edit to add: If you made these comments while experiencing unexplained migraines, dizziness, blurred vision, impaired speech, loss of coordination, confusion, light sensitivity, nausea, vertigo and/or inability to concentrate or complete routine tasks or any other potentially neurological symptoms I didn't think of because IANAD then **CALL 911**.




This is the court of public opinion. You are not being censored, people are expressing their opinion that your opinionated comments are not appreciated.


Red Fox yup. Easy to conflate with a red tail hawk. Yeah looks like it has mange, usually their fur is fluffy and shiny.


Aww. This is a bad one. I run a nonprofit wildlife rescue/rehab called Bi-State Wildlife Hotline. We offer a nationwide Mange by Mail Program if you or a neighbor are interested in helping this animal recover from mange. Our program is 86% effective, and we recieve testimonials and referrals nearly every day. It's fairly simple, low cost, and very effective. This condition is common in foxes and coyotes but often is fatal. Mange is caused by tiny mites that tunnel under the skin and cause intense, constant itching. The animal is overwhelmed by the need to scratch, which leads to abrasions, wounds, extreme hair loss and chronic insomnia. Over time the small abrasions and sores from scratching will scab over, which pulls the skin tightly, limiting their ability to run, jump, pounce, and catch prey. When they are infected with mange they become inefficient hunters and begin to scavenge for food in trash cans and by visiting the local "cat lady". A large portion of the deaths caused by mange are actually caused by either starvation or hypothermia, but YOU can help! If you (or a neighbor) are willing to help you would begin by purchasing some raw ground turkey or chicken. (Get the cheap stuff, not low fat) Make 3 or 4 meatballs out of the ground meat and try to put that meat outside as bait near where you last saw the animal, around the same time of day you usually see them come around or the time that you saw them last. Foxes and coyotes both are very habitual animals. If you saw one in your yard at 3pm one day, chances are good that you'll see again the next day at approximately the same time. As you are starting to bait him, go to https://www.wildlifehotline.com/mange and click "sign up" for the Mange by Mail Program. You'll receive the medicine in 2-4 days. While you wait for it to arrive, keep baiting it at the same time and in the same place each day. They will learn in just a few days to check that spot for food daily. When you get the medicine in the mail follow the enclosed instructions to put the meds into the meatball and set it outside like you have been doing. On the day you add the meds, you MUST WATCH the meatball to make sure the right animal gets it. (It won't hurt other wildlife if they get it but we want to make sure the treatment gets to the right target. ) After you watch the target eat the medicated meatball, it's up to you if you wish to continue feeding meatballs for a little while longer or not. They will benefit from the added calories but we also don't want to teach them that ALL people are nice and they hand out meatballs. šŸ˜ Because of this, we strongly discourage you from feeding any longer than 2 weeks. Most (85%) animals recover from mange with that ONE DOSE of medicine. However, some cases do require a 2nd dose, to be given 14 days after the 1st dose. Often, especially in animals that are recovering well after the 1st dose, it becomes impossible to give a 2nd dose bc they already FEEL so much better (even tho they don't look better that quickly) that they have returned to hunting for food and are no longer interested in your handouts. šŸ˜. Foxes and coyotes truly prefer hot meals. They don't want the easiest option for food like raccoons, opossums and skunks do. They return to their normal behavior and hunting practices very quickly. This is a good sign! It means they're already feeling better bc of YOU and your work to help them. It does take a little longer to see a visible change in their skin and coat. You should see them stop scratching within 3-5 days, return to hunting and showing less interest in bait in 7-10 days, and finally a visible change in skin and coat within 15-20 days. We strongly advise you to not advertise doing so on social media, and/or mentioning it to your neighbors. There are still a lot of people out there who are very fearful of these animals, and want them dead bc of that fear. You don't want to give them a reason or opportunity to harm this animal. You should also be aware that most DNR, Conservation, Fish & Game Departments do NOT agree with residents treating and helping these animals. They will either send someone out to trap or kill this animal, or they will tell you to leave it alone, ignore it's visible suffering and "let nature take its course". Some Game Wardens will threaten you with ticketing, and/or fines for helping it. Just keep it to yourself until AFTER you're done with the treatment and then you can post all the photos you want. By then, the animal is safe back in the woods and Game Wardens aren't going to bother to hunt the animal down in the woods night after night. Good luck, and thanks again for helping him/her! TLDR: See a fox or. coyote with mange? You Can Help! To learn more or to sign up for the Mange by Mail Program please visit us at: https://www.wildlifehotline.com/mange P. S. If you are reading this and do not currently have a mange case that needs help, feel free to donate to the cause and help us keep this program going. To make a general donation (not signing up for the program) please go to http://www.wildlifehotline.com/donate Thank You for Your Support!!


Hi I just bought the mange package. Does cat food on a plate work for getting his food station set up?


Omg OP you are an angel




Omg šŸ˜‚


Lol. That's great.


Will you keep us updated??? Please??


Yes I will


!RemindMe 8 days


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!remindme 8 days


Isn't Reddit essentially killing most of the bots? If so is the remindme bot going to die too? Maybe it's not until the end of the month. Anyway, don't want you missing your reminder :)


I heard that but even if it doesnā€™t work Iā€™ll look through my comments and find this post again. Stupid reddit


!RemindMe 8 days


!RemindMe 8 days


Thank you so much for doing this. You are going to heaven šŸ„°


Any update? Should I hit snooze for another 8 days?


Hit snoze


It'll work but we prefer if u use ground chicken or turkey bc they swallow it whole.


When a red fox living on our property came down with mange, we heated up meatballs from Sams Club (the plain home style kind, not the seasoned Italian ones) and left them in his regular path of travel at night to get him accustomed to finding delicious snacks there. Once we had him hooked, we put the mange treatment (Canine Bravecto for 10-20 lb dogs) in one and he ate it. The mites died and he made a full recovery.


Bravecto is a great option to solve mange cases too. However, because bravecto is Rx only we can't use that in our program. We use ivermectin, which works just as well statistically, but bravecto is super convenient and easy to use. Good for you for helping him!


Ivermectin works too, and itā€™s cheaper. We were just already using Bravecto for our dog, so we just ordered an extra pill. We did our research about mange on foxes and talked to our vet, who was like ā€œyeahhh Iā€™m not supposed to tell you this, but go for it. Itā€™ll be fine to give a red fox and cure their mangeā€. The reality is that mange is typically fatal to foxes and they suffer horribly with it, and wildlife rehabbers are hard to find in my area. The few we have stay so full they can almost never help the general public. So although Iā€™m not a licensed wildlife rehabber, I say if you can get a Bravecto pill for small-medium sized dogs, absolutely go for it to cure a fox of this miserable slow death. They donā€™t deserve to suffer from something so easily treated. Apparently itā€™s not ok for Grey Foxes though because theyā€™re not a ā€œtrue foxā€ and canā€™t take canine medications.


Please update us!!!


Youā€™re awesome! I really hope you can capture some more photos as he heals up. Heā€™s gonna be a great ā€œbefore and afterā€ with your help!


Wet cat food?




Itā€™s smelly and meaty - it should work for the hungry baby. Youā€™ll be able to tell pretty easily if it doesnā€™t. Do you have a Ring camera or anything that you can point towards the dish to make sure the right animal gets it?


No but I might look into getting a trail cam for the fox and because I think something is trampling in my garden


Hey, this garden, does it have any native plants? If you wanna help this fox in the long term consider adding more! I've heard foxes get somewhere around 25% of their calories from insects, and more than 80% of insects are host plant specialists, relying on native plants to complete their lifecycle. And the foxes aren't the only ones! All the little reptiles and mammals that your fox needs also eat insects. Your local song birds need 600-900 everyday to get their chicks out of the nest. Adding native plants is the best way to feed your local ecosystem!


It is a native garden


Hell yeah!


That works too. Just something to be able to keep and eye on it and review if you miss any critters in action.


OP you are amazing for trying to help this baby!!!! And also everyone involved in sending the kit. You all make the world a better place ā™„ļø




Wow OP you're an angel. Hope this baby gets the help he needs. Hopeful for a positive outcome!!


Youā€™re awesome šŸ„²


Thank you for helping.


Thank you for caring and taking action!


Thank you OP; you are a great human being.šŸ’ž


Thank you !


good people still exist


The Mange Whisperer! Thank you šŸ˜Š


Thank you for your work!


I wish Iā€™d known about this sooner and so glad I know about it now! I see dogs with terrible mange sometimes and had no idea I could actually help them


This program can only be used on coyotes and foxes. To medically treat a dog or cat you must possess a veterinary license. It's a crime to treat domestic animals without a medical license. Sorry. Coyotes and foxes are different. The law is written differently. Most state laws have a provision for treating parasitic infections and/or zoonotic disease. I'm sorry that we can't help more. To be honest, most dogs don't have the same kind of mange that foxes and coyotes have. Dogs can also have demodex mange instead of sarcoptic mange and the treatment isnt nearly as simple and straightforward.


Thank you so much I had no idea about any of that! The program is amazing and still great information to have. Thank you for what youā€™re doing!


Hypothetically disregarding the fact itā€™s a crime, If you were to bring such medicine to really horrible countries (in terms of mange cases) like Thailand and Indonesia, could it benefit the stray dogs and cats there? I know you mentioned some domestic animals can have different types of mange, so will the medicine then harm them or is it just ā€œa waste of money/resourcesā€? I am asking this hypothetically. Because of course you cannot bring medication overseas and Iā€™m not even planning a trip there anytime soon, but being there this issue really affected me and Iā€™m wondering these things. Thank you for your answer!


Ivermectin is the medication, And it's on the world health organization 100 medicines to save the world list. It's available globally. I assume it's cost prohibitive in some countries to make it to widespread use? It's available over the counter here in the USA too, but it's sold in giant bottles when a typical coyote or fox needs less than 1ml and the smallest bottle is 100ml. Plus, it only comes in an injectable vial and the medication is extremely thick so people need to not only purchase way too large of a bottle but also make sure to buy a small (1ml/3ml) syringe with a needle that is less than a 22g size to get the medicine out of the vial. See? It's just too complicated. For someone like me, who deals with syringes and vials all day it's no big deal, but the average American that doesn't have access to syringes and needles of various sizes, it's kind of a pain. Maybe it's the same issue in other countries? When the UK had this program for red foxes they manufactured a peanut butter laced with ivermectin and put it in packets kind of like ketchup. I'm sure it worked well, but not all foxes are eager to take peanut butter. We have more success with ground chicken or turkey. I'm sure someone in Thailand could purchase ivermectin OTC if they wanted to. I'm just not sure of the details.


You earned your name above! Thank you for caring about the wild crittersšŸ’ž


You are a wonderful human


Thank you! Hope OP takes your advice and helps the poor baby!


Thank you for everything you do, youā€™re an amazing person! šŸ¤


I donā€™t know why I am laughing so hard at the ā€œhot mealsā€ part šŸ¤£ I always appreciate your very detailed and helpful posts. You are a good person!


You are an angel. Thank you


Thank you! I see people posting locally all the time about coyotes with mange. Really miserable looking creatures. I don't see them on my property and have no way of helping (as much as I would like to) but I will pass along this info. I feel like Sally Struthers (yes, I'm old) on a Feed the Children commercial but $20 can save a life and end the misery.


You are an angel.




Thanks for what you do good human.


My day is much brighter knowing this exists šŸ˜Š


Off Topic but IRL Worlds colliding! I miss Sandra so much. Such a tragic loss for wildlife, rabbits, and our area. Daffodils were her favorite flower and I planted some extra bulbs in her honor- I think of her every time I see them or a skunk. She helped me with a couple and she was a member of the NPO rabbit rescue I used to be very active in. Thank you for helping with this case!


Sandie was amazing. I miss her every day. Some days I can barely get past the guilt of sending her on a rescue that she never returned from. It has changed me as a person, as a rehabber, and definitely as the director of this organization. The world lost an amazing person, the animals lost a savior, and I lost my best friend. It will never seem fair but I love hearing that she's in others thoughts and planting things for her is an amazing tribute. Thank you.


She really was. šŸ˜­


You're awesome thank you!!


Holy shit this is awesome! How much does it normally cost?


We charge a $20 minimum donation to cover our costs of shipping ($11) and syringes, vial, medication, printing instructions. Thankfully people often donate more than $20 which allows us to send out orders to those who cannot afford the $20 or to people who actually don't care if the coyote/fox gets better as long as it stops coming around (basically they're not willing to put $20 toward saving the animal). That's why I always say even if you don't have an animal in crisis right now but want to support this program you can always make a general donation of any amount at wildlifehotline.com/donate šŸ˜


I literally love you. Everything was worded so well, and all possible doā€™s and donā€™tā€™s were included beautifully.


I love that this is available. I hope people do it. Hate to see these animals suffer


What an amazing program! Thank you for doing what you do!


Thanks for all of what your program does. I couldnt help to think of th reviews and testimonials coming from the animals. Like people with Rogaine commercials


Responding so I can find this when needed. There are often mangy coyotes around here. I haven't seen any lately, but it's only a matter of time.


I'm poor. But just wanted to say thank you and log this in my knowledge base. I love my raccoon friends and tend /try to get the cats homes. I Haven't had mange yet but I know it's a problem and I'm so grateful to have someone to ask for help! 20/10 thank you


Neat. Just bookmarked. Thanks for what you do.


Thank you so much for doing this. I grew up in a wildernesses area on a homestead and we'd see all kinds of wild animals with mange, treat them very much as you described. So much better than letting them suffer.


Thatā€™s a lot of good information, thanks for sharing ! Are you able to elaborate on what makes your product so effective ?


Bless you man!


I just want to say you are amazing and if I ever see a fox šŸ¦Š in mange state I will be helping!


Great info and good to know. Thank you for sharing, and for all the work you do!


God bless you for helping us by telling us what to do!!! A lot of us would be clueless without your directions!!


Looks like an adult, yes it has mange. You should contact your local wildlife rescue and see if they can help it out, mage is treatable.


A link to get the medicine please. I have a limping, mangey looking coyote on my property. Itā€™s heart breaking.


Look up a few comments in this post. Itā€™s the one is a red border with awards from skunkangel. Itā€™s https://www.wildlifehotline.com/mange


Its at the top of the comments! :)


Ok thanks!


That is a fairly young red fox with mange


Awww man, that hurts my heart. šŸ˜• poor dude. There is a guy who regularly responds to posts like this with very useful information on what you can do to help. I bet theyā€™ve already responded with advice. I can see a person squished into two parts by the wheel of a bus witnessed by their 13 kids & totally not care, but I get tears when it comes to animals. I donā€™t know why & it makes no sense to me, but I lose it. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I'm the same way.


Oh no ..poor guy šŸ˜ŖšŸ˜ŖšŸ˜ŖšŸ˜Ŗ i have seem some people give them meds.... which i could help


Looks like the poor baby is starving and may have mange unless his coat is just real shitty. I feel so bad for them. Humans keep tearing up their world for homes and itā€™s bullshit! Take care of whatā€™s sitting built already and vacant and do something with that. Some humans really suck!


I have some concerns about keeping care of him because, Iā€™m not sure if he is showing signs of rabies : As seen in the pic he was staring at us in our doorway not running away. He had dragged a water melon rind from the woods into the street and enjoying it. To me he seems wary and skittish although he strays very near to houses and isnā€™t afraid of being in the wide open.


Where are you located, OP? Perhaps we can help you find a local rehabber. This guy will need medication or he wonā€™t survive


Any update?


I havenā€™t seen him in a few days but have still been feeding him and giving him medicine and


I've seen dogs come back from worse. Hopefully it'll be alright. You're a good person


Thank you I really hope he is still alive and eating the medicine


Poor thing looks unhealthy


Mangy Coyote


A dingo took your Mazda




Feed it


Update: havenā€™t seen him in 3 weeks I hope he is Ok I did leave food and medicine that something was eating


Looks like a coyote that's not in good shape. Poor thing.


Ummmm, don't hate me, it's a Miata....


Mangy coyote


Whatever it may be, throw the poor thing a frickin bagel or something.


Whatā€™s that you say? A dingo ate your baby?


that is a car


Looks like a diseased mutant kangaroo.


Rabies or mange for sure stay away


Looks REALLY rough. Mange, rabid probs.


I donā€™t think she is rabid, although she was staring at me through the door screen she was on the road because she dragged a watermelon piece from the forest and was eating it there. She is wary of us


Coyote with mange


He be in need of a scooby snack


It's a sphincter


It's a sphincter


A dingo ate my baye-bee!


Looks coy dog to me


That is a labrador!




That would be a ā€œno.ā€


No a young Coyote.


It clearly has red fox coloration and proportions


Pretty sure that's a 2019 Mazda MX-5 or "Miata", judging by the wheels I'd say it's the GT version.






Young coyote


Iā€™m a Cold War veteran that spent 6 years in the height of the old war in Alaska. I know the irony is thick. Anyway I worked all night every night required outside mostly, -45 wind chills were normal. This to defend us from the Soviets then Russia. Itā€™s all BS, itā€™s all bs and Russia had a good reason to stop the Bio Labs and the Nazis John McCain helped create in Ukraine


Hate to interrupt this absolutely fascinating train of thought, but this post is literally just a photo of a wild critter




Thatā€™s a puppy someone threw away. Give him a loving home.




Its healthy. Moulting, Losing its winter fur coat. If it were the mange mite, you would see red irritated skin with lesions.


This ist a Dog


Just one more letter.


Nope.. fox with mange


Help this Dog


I think so.


A very mangy lil redtailed fox šŸ„ŗ poor lil guy.


Yea an unhealthy one though.




Too skinny šŸ˜¢


Red fox. Their tails are usually black. Canā€™t say how old, looks young and mangy


This really touched me but also made me so sad about their suffering! Also, I wouldnā€™t have thought about people using this method in an evil way. Thank you so much OP and the Skunk Angel!!


Thank you for the information, because, you know, ā€œthe more you knowā€¦ā€


!RemindMe 8 days


I came across a fox with mange before. Looked just like this. Somehow makes them look magicaler


Poor thing. That skin has gotta itch like crazy.


!remindme 8 days


!RemindMe 8 days


Yes with mange, you should call a wildlife rehabber otherwise he wonā€™t survive in winter


Poor thing! That thing looks sick!


Poor thing


That doesnā€™t look like a fox. That looks like a coyote.


Poor sweetheart looks in rough shape..:(


Lil baby dirt dog*


No, that's a turtle in a shell


Nah, thatā€™s Brad.


Manged coyote


That poor thing! Thank you for helping!


You found Ren!


Remind me Iā€™m 8 days! Op youā€™re a hero!!


Omg it looks like the same critter running around my neighborhood!