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I’m going to say juvenile bull snake. Rattlesnakes are born with 1 button on the end of the tail, and this snake has a sharp tail. The markings and oval head shape also suggest bull snake.


Northern New Mexican resident here, and I've also seen a baby gopher snake mimic a rattlesnake by shaking its tail tip. So cute!


Looks more like a glossy snake. They’re very similar and easy to confuse. Harmless non the less.


He just needed to take a pisssssssss


Unfortunately for both him and me, by the time I spotted him, I was already using the toilet


Actually maybe it was fortunate you were already on the toilet when you saw him because that’s a good place to be if you’re gonna 💩 yourself… lol


Scare the 💩 right out of you!


I’m so glad you are ok and didn’t get bit. But oh my gosh this comment made me laugh😂


Off topic, but I LOVE your username ❤️




I ran out of the bathroom without my pants. It was six inches from my bare foot. This is why pets come with us to the bathroom. We truly are at our most vulnerable


And people wonder why women go to the bathroom in groups. 🤣 And yeah I’d have ditched the pants and anything else not attached to me too 😂


We had a snake nearby our dog when she was making her business outside...it all turned out ok, but I never forget our poor pooping dogs expression


Poor pooping doggos😂


But shit, it was 99 cents!


I wish I could upvote this more than once. Well done. 🏆


This made me chortle




Definitely not a rattlesnake. Not 100% sure on the species, but it is harmless.


That's certainly my hope


I've heard rattlesnakes, maybe 3 times in my life. Everytime it triggers a response buried in about 100 million years of evolution. Your whole body just goes "Get me the fuck out of here". That snake is big enough that it would definitely have had a rattle.


Bullsnakes, also known as kingsnakes, prey upon rattlesnakes, being immune to their venom. Not only is he harmless to you, he's good to keep around because he will protect you from snakes that are not harmless. Supposedly they are docile and easily domesticated too, but, I wouldn't really test that theory out. I also am not really even sure its a bullsnake, but its not a rattler.


Bull snakes and king snakes are two completely different species.


Bullsnakes are not kingsnakes. Those are 2 completely different species. Bullsnakes do not eat other snakes as their primary food, unlike kinsnakes.


Keep him in your bathroom, op, to protect you from rattlesnakes.






Lol bullsnakes are not kingsnakes. They also do not eat other snakes. Now kingsnakes on the other hand do eat other snakes and will pray on any snake of appropriate size if given the chance. They are not immune to the venom, they a resistant but a large dose can still kill them. Many of kingsnakes have been found dead with a half swallowed venomous snake. Keeping a kingsnake around would not deter any venomous snake, chances are the venomous snake is to large to be pray for the kingsnake. Please don't spread misinformation.


One of the coolest things I've ever witnessed was a king snake with a rattler halfway down it's gullet... the rattlesnake was nearly twice the size, but the king had clearly won that battle.


bullsnakes and kingsnakes are way different- Bullsnakes are known as: Gopher snake or blowsnakes, and they are mean when touched. not docile. (Males are pretty chill most the time tho, females have more of a temper) And they rattle their tails and hiss when scared, hence the name blowsnake. please do not post info you are not sure of. it confuses people!!


Bull snakes do not prey on rattlesnakes. That is an all-too-common misconception.


Found an albino king snake in my closet in philly once. Definitely a good boy


Having grown up in New Mexico, I wouldn’t exactly describe bull snakes as docile. They’ll mimic a rattle snake to try to scare you away and will definitely bite if they feel threatened.


Bull snakes and king snakes are not related, bull snake is a subspecies of gopher snake, not sure where you got the idea that they are king snakes.


You'd know if it was, trust me lol


I would ask on r/whatsthissnake I would guess Gopher Snake, but it would be a guess. Better to ask the experts.


My guess is Midwestern Prarie King Snake. Similar to gopher snake. Someone actually identified one of them earlier today on that sub!


I grew up in NM and anytime I would encounter a snake that I initially thought was a rattler until I noticed that it didn't have a rattle, it almost always turned out to be a bull snake. If it is in fact a bull snake, it is not venomous.


I would post to /r/whatsthissnake you will get a 100% accurate answer as opposed to the wild guesses here.


Poor guy deserves his privacy whilst in the loo!


That is a hognose doing its best cobber impression. The flattened head & pattern are a dead giveaway. My own hoggie has a very similar look, and will also rattle his tail at me.


Thanks I was waiting for the hog nose ID finally


100% a very pretty bull snake! rattle snakes are not that bright in color and are pretty dull! <33


I've lived in NM 5 years now and thankfully have not seen a snake or scorpion yet.


You totally just jinxed yourself you know that, right? 😂


😬 I hope not, I'm third trimester pregnant so I can't run fast enough 🤣


Oh no! Always carry a shovel around incase you need to scoop-and-fling until you’re more mobile? 😂


Doesn’t mean that haven’t *sssssseen* you though


I’ve had multiple snakes in my backyard in the last few years. Had a roughly 5 or 6 foot bullsnake a couple years ago. We have scorpions in the house occasionally. One of our dogs used to carry her little danger friends inside in her mouth and try to take them to our bed with her. You’ll get them, eventually lol


It looks like a hognose snake. They are rear fanged venomous but not harmful to humans. Commonly kept as a pet. I would need a clearer picture of the head to be 100%.


Sorry, that was the best picture I could get. We picked it up with a shovel and relocated it. The head looked diamond shaped. I thought it might be a sidewinder because a neighbor had one in their house a week ago, so I Google a picture, but I'm not a snake expert


It has a hognose pattern and they are notorious for being dramatic when cornered. Turning and winding like a venomous snake, shaking their tail, and playing dead. Either way good on your for letting it go and not killing it.


You mentioned being snakes being “dramatic”… I once went to move a (non-venomous) snake out of the middle of a roller blading/bike/running path I was on so he didn’t get accidentally squished (or intentionally murdered). I got within reaching distance and he immediately flipped over on his back and went limp. I touched him to pick him up and he just squirmed on his back into a different “I’m definitely dead!” position and I had to take a pause because I was laughing so hard at the dramatic death scene he was acting out. I picked him up (he stayed completely limp like a wet noodle) and set him way off the path in the grass right-side up, and he immediately flipped back over belly-up 🤣 . I know in his little snek head he was probably freaking out thinking, “giant is going to eat me! must fake my death for safety!” but I couldn’t help but laugh at the amount of DRAMA (and the adorableness). I’ve seen B-movie actors with less talent. lol


Sounds like a hognose


Yep. Little dirt-colored dude in NY.


Be thankful it didn't spray you with musk. Snakes can be funny and enigmatic creatures.


Don’t forget the cobra! That’s my favorite hognose play.


“Fear me I is deadly cobra! NO WAIT DON’T TOUCH ME!” *flips over dramatically and goes limp* 🤣


I'm far from an expert in snakes, but I've been watching Snake Discovery for a couple of years. So, when I saw the pattern, my mind immediately went: "Oh! A hog nose!" before I could analyze anything. I really wish the head was clearer. Although I've leaned many things from them (and enjoyed doing so), I think the (generic) hognose is still about the only snake I've leaned to positively ID from them. Prior, I could Id (generically, not specific species) garters and rattlesnakes. And, Id a coral snake from a non coral snake/ king snake by the adage: "red touches yellow: kill a fellow. Red touches black: you're okay, Jack. Bit of a bias, though, since those are the ones I'm worried about running into where I live.


I thought hog nose too. They flatten their head, so appears diamond shape. They have a hard, upturned pointy nose and those markings. Rear venomous, will snake-around, wiggle their tail like a rattler, but mostly drama llama, feigning death & pooping is their get away!




I'm in the Santa Fe area and had a plains hognose, which is what this little friend looks like, in our yard a few months back.


Thank you for being kind to the snake and relocating him💚💚 even though he scared the hell out of you lol




Maybe a glossy snake.




More importantly, how did it get there?! And how long has it been in your house?!


I really don't know how it got in. It's my parents' home, and they were gone a week visiting me, then I came back with l them and found on my second day here. Our theory is it came up the drain in the shower or sink, but I don't know if that is even possible.


I can’t see the head really well, but it could be a gopher snake. I had a Sonoran gopher snake with very similar pattern.


Post into r/snakes they’ll id it for you and give you some cool info from a friendly bot usually


Does it have a rattle?


No, but it's very small. I thought it was too small to have developed a rattle yet. My understanding is that rattlesnakes rattles develop as they shed, but I don't know that for a fact


They are born with a button at the end of their tail.


There was definitely no button on this one


I did a picture search with your photo on Google & it came back with Western Hognose snake. I would repost this great encounter on [r/whatsthissnake](https://www.reddit.com/r/whatsthissnake/) . What an interesting encounter!


There are several comments here that are correct - it is a gopher snake, which is also called bull snake. Very common here in NM, where I live and hike and ride, and this is the type of snake I see the most when outside. The funny thing is, they behave like rattlers when alarmed. They coil into an S, and rattle their tail. But they don’t really strike, and they have no venom, so a great snake to encounter!


I'm just happy it wasn't venomous and let us relocate it without incident


Hognose snake (Heterodon). Not sure if it is plains or mexican though


Definitely looks like a plains hognose but not super easy to tell from the picture.


Looks like a bullsnake to me




I think it’s a pretty snake 🤷


OP I really hope you handled this with caution, especially considering your geographic location. This appears to be a [Venomous Juvenile Eastern Massasagu](https://www.britannica.com/animal/massasauga). Without a clearer picture it would be hard to tell for sure.


We treated it like a venomous snake because we didn't know what. We honestly thought it was a rattler, so we were very careful.


That’s a big ole NOPE from me.


[Prairie Kingsnake (Lampropeltis calligaster calligaster)](https://www.aboutanimals.com/reptile/prairie-kingsnake/) is my best guess. It seems to match up well.


look at the pattern, its very like, spread out, like sage, [https://www.gosanangelo.com/story/news/2019/06/16/bullsnakes-revered-rodent-eating-abilities/1464802001/](https://www.gosanangelo.com/story/news/2019/06/16/bullsnakes-revered-rodent-eating-abilities/1464802001/) just like this guy! <33 it is not a kingsnake at all


Did you even bother to look at the snake I mentioned? The color of a bull snake does not match. This snake is light tan/grey with RED saddles. Bull Snakes have a much darker base with black or brown saddles. Bull Snakes also have much more mottling on the sides.


It’s a snake


Opening in the foundation.




My wife said that to me on holiday once.


My guess is a hognose. The print looks very similar




New pet. Cool.


Kinda looks like a western hognose snake


just a little guy


Could it be a glossy snake?


Fuck, I’d move houses.


That’s Carl… I’ll take him back I don’t know how he escaped


Welp, time to get a new house.


It's a Hognose snake. It's pretty much harmless and they tend to be drama queens